We were huge fans of The Face even before it aired on Oxygen exactly a month ago today. Imagine our immense bliss when we discovered the coaches were three of our all time favorite supermodels; Naomi Campbell, Coco Rocha and Karolina Kurkova! We were even more excited when we found out that Nigel Barker, famed photographer and judge on America’s Next Model, was the host. It also didn’t hurt that two of the contestants were girls we already knew quite well. We had recently named Ebony Smith as the Sexiest Woman in 2012 in Indianapolis on our annual Sexy List and Brittany Mason had been a long-time friend who also officiated our wedding less than two years ago in Las Vegas! Needless to say, we were ready for the show to begin!
Since that first night, we have loved watching the coaches develop relationships with their girls and give them great advice, whether they win or lose. And although we had some favorites before the show began, we’ve each found favorites of our own as the show has progressed! The raw vulnerability of both the contestants and the coaches has made us instant fans! Find out what the girls had to say below about their experiences on the show, who they thought was their stiffest competition and who was the toughest judge!

Aleksandra Dubrovskaya

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
I would be the girl from the country who wouldn’t back down. That’s who I really am.
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
I won a local beauty pageant in my home town and the prize was a contract with a big agency in Moscow.
3. How do you define sexy?
Sexy is not only physical and how someone looks on the outside its also about feeling good inside confident and having positive energy.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
Margaux had a great unique look and was very focused I thought she would be hard to beat.
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
Naomi was probably the toughest judge because she was intimidating and demanding. I learned that with hard work and determination I can be successful in this industry.
Jocelyn Chew

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
The honest girl that loves sharks.
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
Since I was around 11 years old I had a dream of modeling. I just went after my dream myself!
3. How do you define sexy?
I think there’s a lot of different ways to define sexy, and a lot of ways to show sexy. To me, the most important part is your confidence in yourself. I think self-confidence is really sexy.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
I don’t want to compare myself to 11 other girls that are nothing like me. I think the biggest challenge will be within myself… living with 11 other girls while maintaining my sanity… keeping my composure, and not forgetting to keep my eye on the prize!
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
The toughest judge on the panel for me was Naomi Campbell. Not just because Naomi was my coach but because she has tough love. Also, I didn’t spend much time with the other judges. Naomi really understands me as a person, and knows that she needs to be a little hard on me to help me reach my full potential. She’s amazing!
Madeline Armstrong

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
The Girl Who Dared To Dream (So corny haha)
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
I was scouted when I was 15, whilst I was shopping with my mum. I had just returned from a school camp and was tired and wearing sweatpants, definitely not looking my best! When the lady asked if I was a model, I laughed in her face!
3. How do you define sexy?
Sexy is being confident. As cliche as it sounds, it’s an absolute necessity. But there is a huge difference between being sure of yourself and being a show pony. I think you need to find what it is about yourself that makes you special, whether it’s a skill or being a goofball (which is a skill in my books!) and own it.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
I am really not a competitive person, (which I know seems crazy considering I’m on a competitive show) but I always try to focus on myself and what I could do better, as opposed to what someone else did or didn’t do. I find it’s less negative and hindering to yourself as a person, which ultimately will get you further. Not the juiciest answer I know, but it’s true!
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
I’m sure everyone would be expecting this answer to be Naomi, and don’t get me wrong, she is a tough cookie! But Coco surprised me (in a good way) by how tough she was. She taught me that it’s ok to have your own beliefs, your morals that you won’t budge on no matter who wants you to, and still be successful. Our industry is not always the kindest or most accepting, so I really admire that in her, and will make sure to remember and apply it to my own career.
Margaux Snell

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
If I were a movie my title would be “The Unexpected Girl”. At first glance people think I’m very down to earth, quiet, kind of shy, and I am all of those things. I mostly keep to myself and only speak when spoken to at jobs, at least until I’m really comfortable around people, but the second I get in front of the camera that all changes. I feel free when I model. I like to move around, create a lot of expressions, and do quirky poses. I guess I like to “play” when I model. There is definitely a whole other side of me that people only get to see when I’m working. I guess I’m just really passionate about what I do, and I kind of have to be since I’ve been doing it for almost nine years.
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
My mom heard an ad on the radio when we lived in Georgia, for agency looking for “child models”. Growing up people had always told her I should model, so she took me in. They loved me and I started working right away. She would drive me to castings an hour away from home to Atlanta and I would do photo shoots for Target, JCPenney, and Neiman Marcus when I was only 9 years old.
3. How do you define sexy?
I think “sexy” is confidence. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing seven layers of clothing or absolutely nothing, as long as you’re confident it will show, and I think that is extremely sexy! I myself have had times where I’m still a little nervous when I model but it has nothing to do with how I look or what I’m wearing. I’m usually more affected by the people around me on set and the “vibe” they are giving off. If I have a good, respectful, fun crew it makes the job 100 percent easier and more enjoyable because I can feel comfortable about just being myself.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
Hmmm… that’s a good question. I would have to say Zi Lin and Devyn. They’re both stunning, obviously, all the girls in the house are, but it’s mostly because they are so TALL! They tower over me! Also, Devyn can be very strong which is intimidating at times and Zilin’s walk is like nothing I’ve ever seen!
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
Well none of the women are “judges”, they’re called “coaches”, and the toughest out of all of them is Naomi Campbell by far. She knows what she wants, and what it takes to make it in this industry, but I think she also just really wants to win, and wants her team to do well. At times I think she lashes out at the contestants and other coaches only because she is SUPER competitive, not just for the sake of being mean.
Sandra Woodley

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
The movie would be about my life. How I started from the bottom making my way to the top.
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
Started out doing fashion shows within my community.
3. How do you define sexy?
Being confident in your own skin.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
I was my biggest competition. Being hard on myself sometimes I feel like I’m my worst critic.
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
I would say Naomi Campbell, but I take it as constructive criticism..Naomi has a lot of experience in the industry so I definitely trust and believe everything she told me.
Luo Zi Lin

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
The girl who believes Life is a Choice.
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
It is always something I wanted to do.
3. How do you define sexy?
Personality, heart and body need to be charming! Independent and work hard.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
Myself! I’m quiet shy, sometimes I’m feeling lonely and I don’t trust myself can do well.
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
Hehe, Naomi of course! Sometimes I will feel so afraid to talk to her! I look up to her but I really can learn a lot from her! Especially I knew how hard working she did!
Stephanie Lalanne

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
Little Fish, High-Fashion Pond.
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
Trying out for The Face was my first venture into the world of modeling. Other than that I’ve always been a fan of fashion, models, and magazines!
3. How do you define sexy?
Confidence is sexy (cliche, I know but really). You don’t necessarily have to show skin to be sexy. To me it’s about leaving a little bit to the imagination.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
Pretty much every girl is my biggest competition! I’m just trying to survive out here and hopefully get to a point where I thrive. Not easy going up against so many talented ladies!
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
I would say Naomi is definitely a tough judge. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and she definitely doesn’t like to see weakness. I learned there’s no room for nonsense if you want to go far. Be impervious to what people say and keep moving!
Marlee Nichols

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
Where There Is No Struggle, There Is No Strength.
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a model, but didn’t get into modeling until much later on. My mom was very adamant that education was my top priority.
3. How do you define sexy?
I think that confidence and intelligence are sexy.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
I definitely felt that Zi Lin was my biggest competition. She has years of experience and one of the most incredible catwalks I’ve ever seen.
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
Naomi was the toughest judge in my opinion. She is very blunt and straight to the point. If she feels a certain way, she will let it be known. I learned that you can’t take things personally; you have to listen to what the judges say and use it as constructive criticism.
Brittany Mason

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
The Girl Who Defied All Odds
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
I remember looking at all of my moms magazines when I was a little girl. Especially Victoria’s Secret, I would look at the magazines over and over again just daydreaming of possibilities. I thought the girls in the magazine embodied the kind of woman I wanted to become someday. I also fell in love with fashion and the artistic side of photography. (I’ve always been an artist, drawing, painting, writing, etc) I realized a career in modeling could be my ticket to leave my small hometown and live the life I wanted. I was clueless on how to start modeling and I didn’t know anything or anyone in the industry. But at a young age, I had a lot of passion, and determination. I developed an entrepreneur mind and all I knew was if I wanted to model I would need photos and experience in front of the camera. I began to do a lot of homework and research. At 15 I was working my first job at an old restaurant called Penguin Point in my hometown for $5.15 an hour. I was named employee of the year and a photographer had to take my picture for the restaurant. I took the opportunity to ask him to take more photos of me. I then began contacting local wedding photographers and asked them to do the same, gaining more experience in front of the camera, trying to build a portfolio. I also took a makeup and photography class to give gain more of an advantage. At 16 I signed with my first agency and that’s when I ventured off to NYC to turn my dream on becoming a fashion model in to a reality!
3. How do you define sexy?
Sexy to me is all about confidence. Confidence in who you, the way you look, and your presence. If you have something “odd”, “unique”, or maybe even something you feel is your weakness…turn it in to a strength and use it. You have to be comfortable in your own skin and own what God has given you. When you do that you naturally embody and project a sexiness that is captivating and cannot be ignored.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
That is hard to say who is the “biggest” competition. There is a lot of competition in the house and we are all different types of models with very different looks that are appealing to different clients. I do have to say I absolutely love my team and I couldn’t have picked a better group of girls. But, this is a competition and when you lose you have to make sure you are the best on your team so you are not the one sent in the elimination room. It really is an interesting dynamic because you are working together as a team but still competing against one another. So if I have to choose anyone it would be someone from my team. Aside from myself I think Margaux is the strongest model from Team Coco.
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
The toughest judge hands down is Naomi! They are all critical because the stakes are high but Naomi is one of the most competitive and passionate people I have ever met. I mean come on, we are talking about the legendary Naomi Campbell here! She wants to win! I learned a lot from my entire experience on the show. I have an immense amount of respect for Naomi and all of the things she has accomplished in her life. I feel a new found strength within myself after working with her. I am so grateful and feel humbled that I was handpicked to be part of this show and to be working with three major icons that I have always admired. I hope to make Indiana proud!
Ebony Smith

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
So my guy nicknamed me babycakes because I’m obsessed with my bum so it would be “babycakes tackles the world”.
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
I was actually introduced through dancing. I started at an early age modeling for a dance wear magazine.
3. How do you define sexy?
Sexy definitely has to come from your inner confidence. By that I mean knowing that you are amazing but not always throwing it in the air. When you are confident people automatically associate that with sex appeal. Well I do anyway.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
I have two; Margaux and Devyn. Both of them are fierce and aren’t going to just settle for second best.
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
I’d have to say Naomi was the most intimidating. All of the coaches are tough. But all in all I learned to have thick skin!
Devyn Abdullah

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
“The life of a perfect imperfection”
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
I was introduced to the modeling world by the lovely woman that scouted me; my personal friend and mentor, casting director Karen Lee.
3. How do you define sexy?
Sexy to me are people that are both humble and original. It’s something that I’ve always been attracted to. There’s nothing more sexy then someone that is so humble and secure with themselves that they don’t give a damn what anyone thinks, making being original look so easy.
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
So far I think Zi Lin and Ebony are biggest competition in the house for me. Seriously look at Zi Lin she freakin gorgeous lol….and on top of that she’s one of the only girls in the house that is closest to my height. She’s the second tallest girl in the house with me being the first. Its like she seems to already be programmed for it, having so much experience in pageants. And With Ebony I know the power of being a mother and how much determination and motivation it puts in you. Ebony has to be a strong and willing woman for her to be raising two children on her own. It’s something that I can relate to with her but, knowing this I also know I need to look out for her.
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
I would say Naomi Campbell is the hardest coach on the panel. She plays the role of the tough mommy. She wants to see you succeed and be the best you can be so she gives you that tough love if you don’t.
I’ve learned that being a model is more then being a pretty face and taking pretty pictures. It’s something that you have to study, you must study you angles what looked best on you face and your proportions, you must always be presentable, and most of all you must know learn and network in the modeling industry. It’s not just about booking the jobs you must study the photographer who’s shooting the gig. what his style of shooting is? Get an idea of what type of vibe you need to latch on to during the shoot. Or if you book a fashion show research the designer know what he or she looks like so you can introduce yourself and build a business relationship with them and etc.
Christy Nelson

1. If you were a movie, what would be your title?
“The Ambassador of Kickyourassador”
2. How were your introduced to the world of modeling?
I was 13 and a shop owner came up and asked me to model dresses for her shop. I also used to black out the teeth of the models in the JC Penny catalog with a marker. That’s the earliest reference I have.
3. How do you define sexy?
Drummer in a rock band?
4. Who is your biggest competition in the house and why?
Zi Lin. She is literally the biggest – like 6’2″ or something….
5. Who was the toughest judge on the panel? What is something important you learned from them?
The toughest judge was Naomi. She doesn’t sugar coat anything and will tell you exactly what she thinks. She’s an honest person and I respect her so much for it. She taught me to be more confident in myself and my abilities.
Thanks Girls!
Make sure to tune into The Face Tuesdays 9/8c on Oxygen!
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