The Devil’s Rejects…

We are incredibly excited about this one folks!!! On Friday night, Bianka Krausch(of Model Store fame) and her crew are putting on The Devil’s Night Fashion Manifestation at TRU Nightclub in Broad Ripple! The event starts at 10pm and admission is $5 at the door. There will be free Bacardi samples, goodie bags, giveaways, models, …

Sorry iParty…

It’s been a long time planning…and now it is finally here! The Sorry iParty, developed by promoters Jacob Stahler and Scott McCorkle, will be “the largest electronic music party this region has seen in 10 years”. 9 DJ’s, including David Glaude, Steve Smooth, JJ Flores, Slater Hogan, John Larner, DJ Deanne, Jackola, Stewbot, DJ Z …

raannt plays 20 Questions…Behind the Scenes with Vicki St. James

Recently, after talking about all of the interesting people we have met in Indy who contribute to the fluid, social vibe that we encounter, we decided we would dedicate a weekly interview to “local celebs” who contribute to this vibe, and really try to understand the person behind the image. After this week, we will …

Bill’s Blu Bash…

Last night, after partying it up with our friend’s Molly, CoCo, Smalls and Ruby, playing a few rounds of “What the Fuck?”, we headed over to the Blu Martini for their 6th Anniversary Party. When we pulled up, we could barely find a parking place because it was so incredibly packed. Inside, the music exploded …

The SEXY List…

When we are out…people constantly ask us our opinion about restaurants, books, music, movies…just about anything pop culture related…So we decided we would have a weekly SEXY LIST which identifies what we think are the most blazing and blistering pieces of what’s currently out there! We hope you enjoy the premier of this column and …