raannt plays 20 Questions…Behind the Scenes with Vicki St. James

Recently, after talking about all of the interesting people we have met in Indy who contribute to the fluid, social vibe that we encounter, we decided we would dedicate a weekly interview to “local celebs” who contribute to this vibe, and really try to understand the person behind the image. After this week, we will let our readers decide, based on a poll, the personality for the weekly profile. Voting will end on Tuesday of every week! This week, we decided to interview Vicki St. James, a local entertainer and female impersonator, who is a headlining performer at Talbott Street. Vicki has held the titles of Miss Gay Indiana 1995, Miss Bloomington, Miss Indiana Continental 1997 and 2003, Miss Terre Haute and Miss Iowa Continental 2007. She was given an Honorary Miss Gay IU and Emeritus MGIU. Besides performing, she also has a background as a veterinary assistant, optician and photographer. Family, including her mother and two adopted sons, are a vital part of her private life.

1. What is your name? Vicki St. James/Victoria Geiger
2. Favorite Place in Indy to eat? Shapiro’s
3. The SEXIEST place in the world? My imagination
4. Three television shows you watch consistently? I watch a lot of History Channel, National Geographic Channel and The Golden Girls.
5. What books, if any, are you currently reading? I am currently reading two books by the same author. “The Other Queen” and “The White Queen” by Phillipa Gregory.
6. What is the last book that you read? The last book I finished was about the Donner Party Pioneers. Ironically I found it between the children’s section and the cooking section at Half Price Books.
7. What was the last movie you saw? In a theater-Ice Age;The Meltdown…On DVD; The Tudors.
8. What was a movie that profoundly impacted your life? Pay it Forward.
9. The SEXIEST place in Indy? Well Talbott Street of course. I get to see all of the eye-candy and pyt’s!
10. If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life? A compilation with Patti Labelle, Shirley Bassey, Amy Winehouse. Phyllis Hyman would have to be foremost, I feel a great connection to her music, lyrics, voice and sadness.
11. Last song you listened to? Margaritaville
12. Most interesting local celebrity? Brenda Williams. I love her. She and I have worked together both on and off stage. I love the warmth that comes from her and she loves the gay community and supports it all while sharing her gifts with us.
13. If you received $1 Million, but had to spend it all on yourself in one week, how would you spend it? Just me? I would buy back my great-grandmother’s farm in Mulberry, Indiana and start a nursery. I would rebuild the house and make it big enough that my mother and a “few chosen family members” always had a place to live and be cared for.
14. What is a song you want played at your funeral? Now you’re making me cry. Helen Reddy’s “You and Me Against the World.” It is significant to me and I and reminds me of my childhood. Not standard issue funeral music.
15. Three things you don’t leave home without? My purse, my keys and my courage to face the world as a woman, knowing I was born a man.
16. Favorite drink? Good ole Pepsi Cola, although now I drink a lot of water.
17. Recurring dream? We lived in a house on Purdue Street in Lafayette. I was in kindergarten and everyday my mother walked me to school and we sang and she was young, happy and vibrant. I walked with my hands along some bushes. I still remember how those bushes felt on my hands.
18. Do you ever want to quit what you’re doing and do something else? At times, yes. Outside influences have taken some of the joy out of it for me at this point. However, I’m stubborn and refuse to give up easily. I think I would go back into the veterinary field, animals are a lot more caring than people and I think their bite hurts less.
19.What is your proudest moment? Right now! My mother has bone cancer and lives with me. It gives me great pleasure to be with her everyday and know she is safe and loved. We have always been close even if she didn’t always understand the transgendered thing. I am happy to have time to spend with her and am proud to have her as a mother. DON’T BE JEALOUS Y’ALL!
20. Long or short showers? LONG AND HOT BABY! The steamier the better!

Thanks Vicki, we appreciate you contributing to our great city, always being a 1st class citizen and being a strong and classy lady!

Vicki St. James can be seen Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights at Talbott Street. For more information, click here!

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

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