Kaskade & Steve Aoki Break The VIP at The Snake Pit 2015!

Snakepit 2015 with A-trak, Steve Aoki, Kaskade, and Milk and Cookies
Snake Pit 2015 with A-trak, Steve Aoki, Kaskade, and Milk and Cookies

Almost 100 years old, the Indy 500 has created a pretty killer list of epic stories and out of control experiences for race fans across the world! The last couple of years, the new and improved Snake Pit has brought in unreal talent and incredible music. So what happens when 4 legendary musicians take over the Snake Pit? The VIP stage breaks!!! The music was incredible, the energy was wild and the React Presents team threw down one hell of a party! The Snake Pit gates open at 7am and the party was well on its way (parties were raging as early as 4am in the lots surrounding the Indianapolis Motor Speed Way).

Indy 500 Snake Pit
Indy 500 Snake Pit

Sinclair Wheeler, local DJ and a personal friend, took over the stage and elevated the energy to its raging levels. A-trak followed with some incredible beats and dirty sounds, making him one of the crowds favorite. Steve Aoki took the stage next… man on man did he put on a killer show. Cakes were thrown and bodies surfed the crowd, all while the Indy 500 racers geared up and lined up for the 99th race. Kaskade followed the green flagged and took us well into the race. Though, honestly we just watched Kaskade thump the VIP stage into a close crash. Thanks to Miller Lite VIPs were able to enjoy the music with complimentary drinks, to make up for the stage inability to rage up. Dynamic duo Milk N Cookies closed the Snake Pit down with their dirty bass and party sound. Check out our personal experience and if you there… tell us who you loved the most!!


Check out our reviews of other music festivals

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Indy 500 – The Big Finish After Party


Indy is mainly known for three things… The Pacers (Let’s Beat the Heat!), the Indianapolis Colts (Big Blue!!!) and the Indy 500… which is almost here! Every May, the circle city dresses up in black and white to welcome celebrities from all over the world and celebrate the world known event! After the race, Crush entertainment throws a killer rager that can’t be missed!!! Hosted by Justin Wilson, Marco Andretti, Scott Dixon, Josef Newgarden and music by DJ’s Indiana Jones, Lockstar, Gabby Love and Cadillac Gerald all at the Region’s Bank Building fifth floor Rooftop (1 Indiana Square/Downtown). Visit bigfinish5.eventbrite.com for more info, tickets & VIP packages!

Please follow us for all the action!

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Response from an 18 Year Old, Catholic College Girl on the Gay Ban on Marriage


We have literally received hundreds of messages and e-mails from around the world offering support and understanding about the letter we wrote in regards to HJR-3, the gay ban on marriage, in Indiana.  Tons of couples, just like ourselves, have offered their stories as a sign of camaraderie, and we have felt the support through their numerous stories, friend requests on Facebook, follows on Twitter and in small ways, which have helped us realize that with one step at a time we can change the direction of our country.  We even received an email from my father who stated, “Pete; I shared your blog post with our attorney and legislative liaison.  She was so impressed she forwarded it to a lobbyist who is working against the bill.  See one person can make a difference.” 

Probably one of the most profound messages we’ve received is from the mother of a 7 year old boy who attached a picture of him holding up a sign that simply stated, “I Support You”.  But the most overwhelming responses we have received have been from heterosexual Christians who have told us, over and over again, that we have changed their perspective on gay marriage, simply by reading the letter. 

Several days ago, we received a lengthy letter from a young girl who identified herself as “straight, Catholic, 18 year old, college girl”.  The letter was so heartfelt and so wise above it’s years that we insisted on posting it, realizing that our youth are really the ones driving the future of our country.  We had asked for people to share their stories with us and so we’re going to share her story with you! We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Dear Peter,

In regards to your letter to your friend, Annie, I salute you for your honesty, but I also apologize for the fact that our state has forgotten the constitutional properties in which our country was founded. “Separation of church and state” is a tried and true statement and I’m not sure what has changed that has kept this from ringing true.

I am a straight, Catholic, 18 year old college girl. From first glance, it would not appear that we have much in common other than the fact that the media seems to think we are premium ”bff” material, but I think our similarities go deeper than that.  Parts of who we are have been mangled into these massive stereotypes neither of us wanted. In my opinion, that should be illegal before a law that prohibits someone’s emotional security.

I may be Catholic, but I don’t see it to be my duty to preach a belief set that makes others feel inadequate or to accuse people different than me as being sinners. I’ve gone to mass every Sunday since I was born and have never been told that being nasty and judgmental are Christian qualities. I’m not the final judge in any of this, but I have a very hard time believing the people yelling homosexual slurs at you and your partner are closer to Heaven than people like me who pass no judgment. I’m not gay, so of course I don’t understand how someone could be attracted to someone of the same sex. You have a male partner so you probably have a hard time imagining the attractive qualities of heterosexual relationship. I feel like this gray area is a normal thing. I feel like its okay that I don’t completely understand. I can’t knock something I don’t know, so I won’t. I don’t know how God feels about it, but frankly no one knows how God feels about anything. I could quote the bible as many do and say that that is why homosexual relationships are bad, but that doesn’t explain why they are illegal in the state of Indiana.

In my personal belief set, I feel abortion is bad, but that is legal. However, many other people think abortion is fine and the procedure happens every day. I don’t judge those women or the doctors that perform those procedures because, again, my opinion makes no impact on where they spend their afterlife. If I thought gay marriage is a harmful act, which I don’t, I could use the same argument, except, as you obviously know, the difference is that it is illegal.  This seems backwards to me. Abortion and gay marriage are obviously very different things, but they are both things Catholics and many other Christian groups like to oppose and only one is legal.  Last I checked, the government is not a Christian entity. I chose to be Catholic on my confirmation day. I made a choice, as did you when you formed your own belief set. What I don’t understand is why the government thinks they can make one of the most fundamental choices for you, and drag my religion and your sexual orientation through the mud with them? Frankly, the government and media make my precious religious beliefs out to be a storm of judgmental extremists and people of your sexual orientation out to be a bunch of flamboyant rebellions. It sickens me that they still have this power when the Pope himself refuses to pass judgment upon people like you and your partner and where “going against the system” when used with homosexuals can somehow mean “wanting the same rights the system already has.”

If this is published or a large group of people get to read this letter, I’m sure it will be criticized, but I’m okay with that.  In regards to your original letter, I’m glad the world has matured enough to only verbally insult you and your partner occasionally. Obviously, it is not ideal and I’m sorry there are still people like that in our world, but hopefully, this letter can be treated with the same “kindness” if it is read. The main reason I wrote this to you is so you know that the majority is not what you see on television. My religion is not the unforgiving blockade it is made out to be. Generally, it is composed of tolerant and mature individuals, like you and your partner seem to be.  I truly hope that you and your partner can someday have the legal luxuries heterosexual couples have. Just because I don’t understand all aspects of homosexuality doesn’t make me anymore ignorant than it makes the practice itself “bad”. People fear what they don’t know, but I don’t think fear is a valid excuse for manipulating the constitution. People make choices and decide what they believe. With that being said, I don’t think everyone has to think your sexual orientation is okay, but that shouldn’t constitute for a law to be written to decide for you either. I hope that you and your partner find security in your relationship, regardless of whether or not the state provides it for you. Indiana needs more producing and caring citizens like you and your partner, so I hope this doesn’t drive you away. I promise not to judge you because I know that media and government intentions make things skewed and I hope you grant my religion and I the same courtesy.

So here’s to things getting better. I think we are all good people at heart. I’m hoping someday the world decides to advertise that instead of the rigid stereotypes of today. We obviously all need a reality check.

Yours truly,


Much love! Please share your story and continue to contact us! We love it! We would also love if you would share this and keep the discussion going!

Peter can be contacted directly at peter@raannt.com and found on Facebook and Twitter

Alex can be contacted directly at alex@raannt.com and found on Facebook and Twitter

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A 7 Year Old Supports Gay Marriage in Indiana; Our Gift Today

0181 As many of you know by now, yesterday I wrote a piece called Dear Annie, This is How Indian’s Gay Marriage Ban Will Affect Me.  I woke up, expected to receive 30-40 views.  The last time we looked, it had passed the 200,000 mark and was growing minute by minute.  We are extremely touched and honored that my little piece about our small lives affected so many people.  We have received hundreds of emails, messages, phone calls and texts from people across the country in support of our marriage.  We are trying to respond to each message so each person knows how much you warmed our hearts.  One message specifically affected us on a deeper level. We are going to make a video about all of the ways we’re affected by the ban on gay marriage, things one might not even think about, but I wanted to share personally, to thank the mother of this amazing child, the message she sent me.  She is an excellent example of a mother in today’s times and I feel honored that she shared her story with us.  Please watch the video! Thanks again for all of your amazing support! It has been surreal!   Please follow us and support us folks! xo

Dear Annie, This is How Indiana’s Gay Marriage Ban Will Affect Me


Dear Annie,

While trying to fall asleep tonight, my husband Alex already fast asleep next to me, our dog at our feet, I scanned my feed on Facebook.  After reading several news updates about the 4-5 fatal shootings today in Indianapolis, I found post after post about how Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma, in a last ditch effort to save his agenda, moved the proposed ban to another committee, where it will be heard on Wednesday.  Interestingly enough, you sent me a message earlier in the day stating, “Peter, I need your help!  I am on the list to possibly testify in front of a house committee for HJR-3.  They haven’t picked me yet, but they are going to ask about any stories I know of people who are married or what not…stories of discrimination or loss they may feel.  I was just wondering if you have anything you want to tell me.”  Well, Annie, since you asked, and I’m happy that you did, this is how I feel.

Before starting, let me explain a typical day in my life.  My husband Alex wakes up and takes the dogs out before leaving for work.  He always wakes me up and kisses me goodbye.  This is something we started long ago, always kissing as we say goodbye, because we never know if it will be the last time we see each other.  We don’t have the same luxuries as some couples.  He goes to work and I usually go back to sleep for a few hours.  I get up, clean the kitchen and get ready for work.  Alex and I run a business together, outside of our “normal” jobs, so by the time I wake up, he has usually already emailed me or texted me several tasks needing completion.  After doing these things, I leave for work, always stopping by Starbucks on the way.  The barista I usually see at Starbucks typically asks me “how are you guys”.  I go to work and meet with my clients.  In discussing relationship problems, I share similar issues Alex and I have had and how we have worked through these relationship issues.  None of my clients have any difficulty comparing their heterosexual marriages to the same details of my marriage.  It is all the same. After work, I call Alex and we either meet for dinner or I attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, having been sober for 19 years.  Sometimes, like tonight, he goes to his mother’s house for dinner and I go out to eat with friends.  Sometimes we go see a movie or catch up on our television shows. Most nights at home are the same; we get ready for bed, turn on the fan and humidifier, set the alarms and show each other funny things we find on our phones, forever addicted to social media.  Tonight we discussed an upcoming trip to Miami and Alex’s haircut.  We discussed what he had for dinner and planned a date for this weekend.  He gave me a kiss goodnight and he turned off his light  This is a typical day in our lives Monday through Friday.

You ask in what ways do I feel I am being discriminated against or in what ways do I feel loss.  When you compare my day to any other husband or wife in the state of Indiana, I would say I don’t deal with much daily discrimination for being gay, other than the random faggot comment at the gas station.  But it sure does feel different when you ask me how I feel about 13 committee members making a decision for my life who have never even met me.  It feels a little bit like a jury vote on a murder trial and I didn’t even commit a crime.  I’m not going to sit and discuss politics and the process of election because that’s not what you asked.  You asked me how I feel discriminated against.

Well Annie, it amazes me that the barista at Starbucks has more courtesy than most of the people sitting on these committees to actually ask me how “we’re” doing.  It amazes me that after 19 years, clean and sober, positively contributing to the community of Indianapolis and as an addictions counselor having helped save the lives of the children of several prominent families in Indianapolis, that I am treated less than some 18 year old, meth addicted, girl who has addicted children and lives off of financial assistance, but I am a poorer role model to the community because I want to marry the “person” I love.  She has the legal right to get married, but I do not.  That’s pretty degrading.  That doesn’t sound like I’m wanted very much in the state of Indiana, does it?

How does it feel? While I’m reading this article about this person Bosma, who I don’t even know, who’s making decision about MY life, it feels like I’m hundreds and hundreds of miles away and I have no affect on the outcome.  Do you know why we kiss before we say goodbye?  Because we know that if we’re hospitalized we don’t have visiting rights unless our families allow it.  We don’t have funeral rights or financial rights.

We have no rights as a couple.


And the really sad part is that all I want to do, is protect the person I love the most.  After all, isn’t that what love is all about?  I just want to grow old with the person I love and know that we can protect each other and our home for the rest of our lives.  But apparently, that’s terrifying to some of these people.

Do you realize that we can’t get a family gym membership together.  Or both be family members at most animal hospitals for our pets.  We don’t file taxes together and we can’t be on the same mortgage except as co-borrowers.  We can’t travel together as family members.  We can’t build credit together as a couple.  We can’t share a last name unless we go through rigorous legal action.  These are just a few examples, but to us, they make a difference.

Interestingly enough, Crate & Barrel, Target and Macy’s had no problem allowing us to register for our wedding.

And as far as this committee hearing, well, they’re going to do what they want anyway, right? Reading comments from me about how I love my husband and that they should respect my feelings  isn’t going to change anything.  But the times they are a’ changin, and they can either change with them or become obsolete. They might possibly be signing their resignations without even realizing it.

I haven’t met these people.  And I don’t care to meet these people.  I don’t want to know their politics and I don’t want to know their religion.  Quite frankly, I don’t want to know anyone who will look back on their life and have one of their proudest, resounding moments being their passing a ban to keep a loving couple apart.  That’s not discrimination; that’s sick.  And why are we more concerned with stopping the marriage of two men or two women than preventing the plethora of daily shootings in our state? What is wrong with this picture. 

We were married August 25th, 2011.  After getting married, we got a lot of flack from people in the gay community that we weren’t willing to wait for a state ruling on same-sex marriage.  This is exactly why we refused to wait.  Because, to us, anyone can have a wedding, but not everyone can have a marriage.

We have a marriage. 

Of all of the times in my entire life that I have been called names, beaten and degraded, and there are have been thousands,  justifying my right for marriage is the most degrading and discriminating thing that has ever happened in my life. The state of Indiana should be ashamed for not being part of the upward movement in our country.  This is a proud moment for not only the United States, but the world.  Indiana can be with it, or against it.

When I was younger, and called derogatory names, my mother would tell me, “When you walk down the street, hold your head up high and refuse to be a victim of their oppression”. Today I hold my head up high.  And so, after all, I haven’t lost anything.  It is the State of Indiana that will have lost.  Time will roll on and gay marriage will be accepted in every state in this nation; of that I am sure.  Any historian will tell you that history repeats itself and we are on the precipice of one of the biggest civil and human rights moments in history.  What have we learned from our past? The question is simply do you want to drive against the grain or float with the river.

I think I’ll choose to hang out on the raft with my husband.



It would mean the world to us if you could share our story! Thank you…

Peter can be contacted directly at peter@raannt.com and found on Facebook and Twitter

Alex can be contacted directly at alex@raannt.com and found on Facebook and Twitter

*Also check out my post about my experience being bullied!

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Indy Sexy List 2013…The All Stars!

indy sexy list all stars 2013_raannt

1. a genuine mix of physical beauty, confidence, attraction, humility, compassion, star quality, character and authenticity.
used in a sentence: “I made the sexy list!”

This is our 4th year posting our Indy Sexy List and this year we believe it is better than ever! This year we’ve combined our favorites from the past four years with people of prominent sexiness in our city, making this…the Indy Sexy All Star List! When we made our very first list, we didn’t even know most of the people we placed on the list.  Over the last four years, we been privileged to meet some amazingly sexy people in Indianapolis and are constantly on the lookout for new faces.  This year, we’ve combined the old with the new and we believe, it truly encompasses the sexiest of the sexiest!

So here you have it…The Indy Sexy List 2013…The All Stars!

mekayla diehl miss indiana usa sexy_raanntpat mcafee_raannttyler armstrong_raanntebony olivia smith_raanntmark bayles_raanntmelissa elrod bryan schmidt_raanntgreg allen mattie rowe_raanntrachel bogle jeff long_raanntdaniel samons_raanntbritney gordon_raannttawny jenkins_raanntchris xanders_raanntrachel rubenstein_raanntyana botsman_raanntpatricia vitto_raanntcassie elrod_raanntbronte tagliani_raanntzach reeder_raanntmegan meadors_raanntbridget reid schieler_raanntmilena tinoco telemundo sexy_raanntandrew luck colts_raanntdanny granger pacers_raanntdesiree crowe pacemate_raanntallegra colts cheerleader sexy_raanntzach young_raanntanna bortion_raanntgabby love_raanntrich hardesty_raanntjohn green_raannt


Sexiest Woman of the Year 2013: Mekayla Diehl

Sexiest Man of the Year 2013: Pat McAfee

Sexiest Gay: Tyler Armstrong

Sexiest Mom: Ebony Olivia Smith-Wallace

Sexiest Dad: Mark Bayles

Sexiest Married Couple: Bryan Schmidt and Melissa Elrod-Schmidt

Sexiest Engaged Couple: Greg Allen and Mattie Rowe

Sexiest Dating Couple: Jeff Long and Rachel Bogle

Sexiest Bachelor: Dan Samons

Sexiest Bachelorette: Britney Gordon

Sexiest Body/Woman: Tawny Jenkins

Sexiest Body/Man: Chris Xanders

Sexiest Sense of Humor: Rachel Rubenstein

Sexist Flirt: Yana Botsman

Sexiest Foreigner: Patricia Vitto

Sexiest Newcomer: Cassie Elrod

Sexiest Style/Woman: Bronte Tagliani

Sexiest Style/Man: Zach Reeder

Sexiest Philanthropist: Megan Meadors

Sexiest Entrepreneur: Bridget Reid-Schieler

Sexiest Media Personality: Milena Tinoco

Sexiest Colt: Andrew Luck

Sexiest Pacer: Danny Granger

Sexiest Pacemate: Desiree Crowe

Sexiest Colt’s Cheerleader: Allegra

Sexiest Dancer: Zach Young

Sexiest Drag Queen: Anna Bortion

Sexiest DJ: Gabby Love

Sexiest Musician: Rich Hardesty

Sexiest Writer: John Green


Check out The Sexy List 2012!

Stay tuned in 2014 when we will post weekly sexy lists with accompanying videos on our YouTube channel!

Until Next Year…Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!


Peter and Alex


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ciroc the new years party 2014_raannt


*Photos borrowed from each person’s website or social media site.  Photos will be removed or replaced by request. 

Fashion’s Night Out: Indianapolis…A Success!

The success of last week’s Fashion’s Night Out/Indianapolis events can personally be described as revolutionary.  The night was filled with fashion related events throughout the evening and allowed fashion lovers to really express themselves.   The magical minds behind Pattern Indy and SocialClub19 put a team together to jump from hot spot to hot spot to experience the evening as a whole, witness each highlight of the night’s events and share with the world what Indianapolis has to offer with its very first official Fashion’s Night Out.

We started the night at the Indianapolis Artsgarden in downtown Indy for a pre -reception where we were introduced to many fashion bloggers, photographers, venders, sponsors, and designers eager to showcase their work and style.  Pattern Indy couldn’t have picked a better place for the start of the night.  The energy, fueled by the commotion of the city, really set the vibe for the night.

Nightlights TV captured the action, not only at the Artsgarden, but throughout the whole night.  We’ve included their videos to help capture the experience.  (Special thanks to Jason Jolliff of Nightlights TV who made the night especially entertaining!)

Video From The Indianapolis Artsgarden:

From downtown we drove to the Fashion Mall in a stretch Hummer limo, courtesy of A Class Act Limo!

First we stopped at Saks Fifth Avenue, one of our personal faves, watched a fashion show, and chatted with blogger and Indy columnist Leslie Bailey who hosted a blogger/media lounge.

Next, we literally shuffled our butts down to the Nordstrom wing,  where you could really feel the energy of people and vendors celebrating the night.  Tiffany’s and Co. had a photobooth, a DJ and the chicest set up of the night! The beautiful people representing the new luxury development City Way taught us all about what’s new to come downtown, including shops, restaurants and The Alexander, A Dolce Hotel.

From the Fashion mall we went to our second to last stop; the international Indianapolis Airport.  The idea of having a FNO event at the airport really peaked our interest.  The airport relatively  young, huge, open, modern, and in the past has hosted incredible parties.  Needless to say we were excited to see what they had in store for us.  Although it wasn’t what we were expecting, the efforts were definitely showcased.   The problem, for us, was the size of the pop up shops they were showcasing.  Although it was an interesting concept, we think it was probably lost in the planning.  An ongoing fashion show would have been amazing and would have garnered more attention as some people walking by seemed rather confused about the gathering.  It was also a long distance to drive to see several designers who’s work we’ve seen showcased several times before. But…they were extremely friendly and worked hard even late into the night!

The Video From the Airport:

The night wrapped at Blu, where we sat around with our fellow Fashion’s Night Out-ers for the official after party.    We shared our thoughts, opinions, ideas, and future concepts for next years round of Fashion’s Night Out.

Video From the Blu After Party:

Wait…you didn’t REALLY think you were going to get off that easy were you…NOT from the boys of raannt! Hahahahaha…here’s our real thoughts!

Although they would never identify themselves as the real organizers of Fashion’s Night Out, it was obvious to us that Jeremiah Williams of Social Club 19 and photographer Polina Osherov of Pattern obviously had tons to do with making this event a success.  What impressed us most, was that we thanked them several times, and on every occasion they assured us Fashion’s Night Out was a collaborative effort to further the fashion industry in Indianapolis.  Never once did they take full, or really any, ownership of the event.   We found this extremely refreshing because it has been our experience in the past that ownership of fashion events has appeared very important to some people…just saying.  Anyway, you both did an incredible job and deserve a round of applause!

We’d also like to extend a special thanks to our limo buddies who made the night a complete blast! In no particular order…you know who you are! Also, a special thanks to Indiana Vodka who made the end of the night in the limo a more than pleasant ride.  As one young lady mentioned, as she passed the bottle after taking a swig, “It’s so smooth and pure. Where can we buy it?”…It was literally the perfect advertisement! Only classy bitches swig Indiana Vodka! All jokes aside, we made some great friends that night and look forward to many more nights with those folks! Special thanks go out to Dedee Johnson of Forefront Indy! She was so completely endearing and genuine that we couldn’t help but find ourselves intrigued and delighted with her! She completely made our night! Hope you enjoyed your pajamas from Sweet Revenge! (By the way, the corsets designed by Sweet Revenge owner and designer Catherine Fritsch are so incredibly hot, if we were women, we’d wear them every day! Check them out HERE and Catherine..if you begin designing menswear, please let us know!)

And most importantly…who got Best Dressed in Indianapolis for Fashion’s Night Out??? Well, it didn’t take us long to come up with a name.  While we were watching the fashion show we ran into our good friend Laura Greenspan of Louis Vuitton, who was leaving work and catching the tail end of the fashion show at Saks.  She is also a friend of Reka from 100.9 RadioNOW, who was also in the limo with us, and she encouraged Laura to come along with us for the ride around town.  When we stepped outside, we found Laura waiting for us, completely redressed from some clothes she found in her car.  We were amazed! She always looks absolutely incredible, but this night especially, she looked like a columnist for Italian Vogue.  Do you speak Italian Laura…Oh, well…congrats anyway! Definitely look for yourself on our Best of Indy List in December…NOT to mention our annual Sexy List!  Reka and her friend Victoria also looked pretty badass…especially the shoes!

It was also great running into designer Ian Stikeleather, Zoe Renee Ashley Huse, Charles Letbetter, Leslie Bailey and Maggie Conner(of the Haute Hoosier) and her gorgeous sister! By the way Maggie, we totally agree with you on worst dressed: that boy band dressed in the white 1980’s Miami rejects was horrific! Who…would actually wear that crap???

Until next year

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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The BEST Local Super Bowl Party…Fantasy Bowl!

Hyped as “the BEST Local Super Bowl Party“…for the locals, this is a non-stop party, open day and night! Before the tent was open to the public we walked through and checked it out.  Located directly across from the Slippery Noodle this place is amazing with performers Snoop Dogg, DJ Pauly D(of Jersey Shore fame) and many more.  The people behind this amazing party told us they were excited about all of the fans from out of town and definitely hoped they would enjoy their party but in planning the event they were really thinking about all of the local fans and people who made Indianapolis such an amazing city.  For this reason, they’ve offered an unbelievable ticket price, starting at only $250, to be more welcoming to locals who can expect to pay upwards of $1000 a ticket for the Maxim party or other parties.  Although we’ll be all over, we’ve definitely decided to make this our Super Bowl home and hope you guys will too! For more information check out their Facebook Page for Fantasy Bowl Party-Super Bowl XLVI!

Don’t forget to follow us for minute by minute updates on Facebook and Twitter!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

Your Super Bowl Party Hosts…

After three hours walking around last night, visiting Super Bowl Village, talking to all of our friends who are working different events and taking tons of photos and video clips we are finally ready! Not for the Super Bowl…duh, for the Super Bowl Parties.  It was hilarious how many people last night acted like they didn’t want to go to the parties or had been to better parties.  We won’t even act…we’ve been waiting for this ALL year which is exactly why we’re the perfect hosts to all of the events happening in Indianapolis this weekend.

For starters, we’re going to most of the events, including the Fantasy Bowl, The DirectTV Party, Leather and Lace, private parties(did we hear a few houses in Zionsville and Geist and pretty star-studded this weekend? Shhh…)as well as maybe the Playboy Party, Maxim and on and on…

If you want to know whats REALLY going on in Indianapolis this weekend for  up to the minute details of all of the things we’re doing and who we’re hanging out with then follow us!

Twitter: @theboysofraannt



Facebook: raannt

And a special welcome home to Indy’s First Lady of Style Brittany Mason!

Be yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!


*Photo by Ryan Skeeter Ford from Facebook.


12 Days Til Super Bowl XLVI…The Super Bowl Rematch! Patriots and Giants!

Indianapolis, Indiana.

Its four years later and the Giants and the Patriots will host what might possibly be the best rematch in Super Bowl history.  As we count down the days for you here in Indy, we’ll be sure to fill you in on all of the planning, parties and celeb craziness that will occur outside of the football field and behind the red carpet.

Stay tuned to see if there really is more than just corn in Indiana.

Be Unafraid.  Be Yourself.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury.