In our attempt to focus on the truly positive assets Indianapolis has as a thriving, social metropolis, we are often intrigued by the way the bigger city living of Indy mixes so appropriately with a small town colloquial charm. No better example of this is the friendly interactions between the employees of the bars and clubs lining the southern end of Meridian. For the first time in many years, those bars and clubs are all working together, realizing their strengths while trying to enable each others’ success not impede on their strengths and challenge one another. (Well…maybe one or two bars are standing in their way, let’s be honest here.) And at the core of this success are the servers, doormen, security, bartenders and managers that are running these establishments. Most of them have known each other for quite some time; grown up together in this club arena. And they are friends. Most nights when we are out, we’ll see Dustin Worrell walk across from Blu to SENSU just to visit and say hi. Brandon Slate, the manager of Bartini’s and Cadillac Ranch can often be found walking down to Blu or SENSU to check in on his friends. But who’s respnsible for this pivotal turning of events where all of these bars are helping each other instead of challenging each other? Who is so wise and deliciously smart that they realize the power in appreciating differences and getting along as a business endeavor to further their own success. Who? A very, unlikely “Odd Couple” so to speak…Katelin Reeves, general manager of Blu and Hyde, and Molly Brickel, general manager of SENSU. Not only are these two, strong women literally running the downtown club scene only steps across Meridian from one another, but they are also old roommates…and most importantly, dear friends. So, we thought it would be interesting to interview the Dynamic Duo, but have them answer the questions for their counterpart. The first part of our interview will be Katelin answering for Molly. Damn girls…ain’t it great to share an empire!! We love these young women and admire their strength, their wisdom and their take no shit attitude…They’re good…and they know they’re good. They own it with humility and sexiness…and for that they deserve to be standing at the top! Together!

1. How long have you known each other and how did you meet?
We met a little after Blu opened in 2006. I was a bartender, she was a server…it was love!
2. Do you have nicknames for each other?
Molly has lots of nicknames, Mo, Mimi…but she’s always Molls to me.
3. What is one (safe)secret you know about the other person?
Haha. I already know which one she’ll spill of mine. Molly is a creepy dog person, with clothes, full conversations (where she does both her and their voice), and the like, but I’m equally creepy with my cat, so I find it acceptable. We are also both secret nerds for sure.
4. What is one trait that made them a horrible roommate but makes them an amazing bar manager? And vice versa?
Molly gets an idea in her head, and makes it happen. I’d want to go out; she’d be reorganizing her craft collection. I’d want to sleep; she’d be on a cleaning spree. But that focus is needed in positions like ours- the day gets away from you so quickly without focus. I’d say for both of us the vice versa is our dedication. We would do anything for anyone, and sometimes you get taken advantage of as a result. But as a roommate, it’s a great quality.

5. Five words that would describe the other person.
Fun, spontaneous, sexy, eclectic, loyal
6. What is your favorite moment you spent with the other person?
How do I choose? I love holidays with Molly. She’s from a huge family, and I was an only child, so it’s fun to share our different traditions. We had a blast decorating our Christmas tree last year when we got home from a night out at 2am.
7. How does it work to your advantage to be friends with each other and have bars directly across from each other?
Our clubs are very different, but really, at the core, every bar is the same. Just knowing you have support from the other, that they literally are across the street, is a great thing. We have bitch sessions that keep us healthy. We have great nights and bad nights. But we do experience very similar things day-to-day.
8. Do your husbands/boyfriends get along?
Yes. They love each other even though they are almost polar opposites. We are all family.
9. What is the next event you are promoting at your club?
Why, “A Night Fit for a Queen” with RadioNOW and the boys of Raannt, of course! The after party to Pride Day on June 11th with tons of giveaways each equaling $250 and special guest appearances!
10. In Indianapolis…What is the sexiest Bar? Hotel? Place to Kiss? Restaurant? Person? Couple?
Bar: I know I should say mine, but it’s way too much like being at home for me, though it is a sexy spot 🙂 I’d have to say Nicky Blaine’s…my husband, Matt, and I have had a lot of really amazing talks down there.
Hotel: I still haven’t been to the JW, but have heard great things. That aside, I love the Omni. It’s got Olives, one of my favorite spots in the city for a drink, and we had our honeymoon suite there. The view was incredible, and we really got taken care of.
Place to Kiss: Monument Circle. You’re in the very middle of the city!
Restaurant: Mo’s. It’s elegant and the food is fantastic. My husband and I had our post-wedding meal there, so I’m definitely partial. The chef did a special 4-course meal for the two of us, Jeremiah and Lisa made sure our names were printed on the menu, and we had the best seat in the house. Very sexy.
Person: My dude Matt Bourbeau! Any man that will put up with me is beyond sexy, and he’s been doing it for years.
Couple: Peyton and Ashley Manning. I’ve been their private bartender for a while, and they are so down-to-earth, so involved with charities, and so selfless with their time, it’s unbelievable. I was so happy to learn about their new additions; they’ll be amazing parents. Plus, she is absolutely GORGEOUS!

11. Your mantra to running a successful bar?
Don’t get caught up in the nightclub craziness. It can be very competitive, with long hours, and take over your life if you let it. Be yourself, be honest, treat people well, and take time off.
12. Give us three insider secrets?
You don’t really have to spend a lot of money to get the VIP treatment in most clubs. All you need to do is be nice, patient, frequent the bar, learn the who’s who of the staff, and tip well.
Don’t be intimidated by anyone who works at the bar. Everyone has their persona that they put on when they come to work, but most of us are very real people that are very different outside of our jobs.
Ladies, if you have a cute group of girls and you don’t want to pay cover, just call in advance. If it’s not super busy, you’ve probably got the in. Sorry guys!
13. Where will the other person be in their career in five years?
Molly will either be a mom or running a nightclub in Vegas. And I know that she’ll not only love, but be great at, either one.
14. What is the other person’s drink of choice?
Dirty Belvedere martini on the rocks, in a pint glass.
15. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all? (Answer what you think the other person would say and why?)
Molly and I are both boxer-brief kind of girls, and that’s what I’m going with! Love you Molls!
Stay tuned for Molly’s responses about Katelin! Til then…
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!