Yes Man Watches…Sexiest Item of the Day! Again!

yes man watches 2014_raannt

Earlier in the year we posted Yes Man Watches as the Sexiest Item of the Day when they were raising money through a Kickstarter campaign.  Well the watches are up and live and now they’re making sunglasses as well! We love these watches and sunglasses so much, and the mission behind the funds, that we’ve continued to post about them.  Last week Nathan, the owner and creator of Yes Man Watches sent us one of the watches as thanks and we were ecstatic when we opened it! The thick band and face are absolutely beautiful and the watch goes with everything.  Even though we’re both fighting over wearing it, both of us have received tons of questions about where we got the watch so we thought we would post about them one last time…until they come up with something new(Hopefully backpacks!)

Go check out their website and order one of these affordable and gorgeous watches today! We love ours!

Check out all of the other items on our Sexiest Item of the Day list!

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