The 2013 Zac Efron! Sexiest Man of the Day! Sexiest Video Ever!

zac efron sexy body 2013_raannt

Until last year, we would have said that Zac Efron was a cute guy…cute be the most appropriate word.  But with projects such as his commercial for John John Denim and his pivotal role in The Paperboy, Zac Efron has proven he is no longer a cute boy…he is a sexy man! We loved watching him strut around in his underwear in The Paperboy as well as sport some tears and show his true acting skills in a risky, emotional film.  This guy is definitely going places and not just into the realm of safe comedies either.  Check out his commercial for John John Denim below!



Who do you think is the Sexiest Man of the Day? Check back tomorrow to find out our pick!

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