But come on… We can’t over look the fact that TomorrowWorld was a good time. Look, remember when you were jumping to the thump of your favorite DJ? When you and your friends were snapping your favorite song, or when you were meeting new people? Or what about the excitement you felt all throughout your TomorrowWorld adventure… There was a lot of good there.
This is your life, make every second legendary!
Saturday night was horrible for many people. For thousands of people, but the entire weekend was incredible for all… really. TomorrowWorld has apologized & outlined its refund policy for everyone affected:
Official TomorrowWorld Apology and Refund Policy
We were going to write about the injustice and the lack of organization and even highlight the craziness that was Saturday, 9/27, night; but then, we got the notes from our intern, Juan Carlos Paredes, and realized that TomorrowWorld isn’t about what they didn’t give us, it’s not about what we missed out on, or how the negative took over… It’s about happiness, it’s about togetherness, it’s about music, love… TomorrowWorld gave us the key to happiness and it is up to us to use it and make sure that we make it fit in every situation, good or bad.
Sunday: We’re on our way back home from Atlanta. They closed out TW for the general public except for the dj’s and the people staying in Dreamville. I was pretty upset when I heard the news especially because I was really excited to close out the weekend with a bang and get a chance to meet the chainsmokers. But you have to play the cards your dealt and I’m glad I at least had the chance to experience two of the three days. I want to do this again every year for as long as I can. TW has definitely affected me in a positive way even though they’re probably going through the worst PR nightmare imaginable. I feel a lot closer to my brother and Peter and I’m so grateful they allowed me to come with them. While driving home we’re listening to live set of other festivals and I’m already feeling the anxiety of not being able to experience them live. It’s going to be hard to transition back into real life again after living what most never get to experience. I already know that as soon as I get back to Muncie, IN I will be the biggest snob/nuisance to all my friends since I got to go. As of right now I’m not feeling any physical pain but I’m sure the weekend will catch up at some point soon. Apparently at the end of TW the TW world guy at the main stage says a really cool closing line that I won’t be hearing but I’m sure it would’ve gotten me emotional.Mentally recapping this weekend is what’s going to keep my spirits up this week. The fireworks in sync with the music, the wild and colorful decorations, the plethora of people, the shuffling, the dancing, the outfits, the booty, the feeling of one-ness, being able to help my brother, and the feeling of self expression will forever be my lasting impression of TW.
I will return and until then peace out ✌
Alex and Juan at TomorrowWorld 2015
Thank you Juan for reminding us what TomororwWorld really is about and Thank you TomorrowWorld for providing an experience we will never forget!
Rain & mud everywhere! This is going to be interesting!
3:45pm: after much needed rest we head to TomorrowWorld for our interview with MaRLo.
4:50pm: NO! BIG! DEAL! Ansolo, aka: Ansel Elgort aka: they guy from The Fault in Our Stars hanging out in the press area!
Ansolo – Angel Elgort
5pm: Interview with MaRLo.
5:45pm: New ATL killed the ATL stage. They bring an incredible blend of hard core hip hop and electro beats with the right amount of microphone talk.
6:15pm: Kidnap Kip rocked the Pete Tong Stage with some deep techno and high energy.
6:35pm: Shiba San… O!M!G! Literally one of our favorites. Incredible! His ability to get the crowed hipped (I mean on top of the TomorrowWorld hype) makes you wish you had the energy to never stop. Literally! Awesome! Off to the Artist Mansion to chat with Seven Lions.
7:45pm: interview with Seven Lions
8:15pm: Ran into New ATL at the artists mansion. Great cats and they’re ready to go oh your! Check them out:
9:15pm: Pete Tong at the Pete Tong Stage. Man this guys is not only an original to the monumental Electronic Music movement, he is also able to stay current with every bit of classic sounds! The beats are sexy and the atmosphere is euphoric.
9:45pm: This year we made it a point to try new music and DJs, check out day one – it’s full of people we’ve never heard of or check out before – so We parked our butts at the Mythical Frames Stage for some new music! Starting with Gramatik! This cat really knows how to throw some sick beats! He blends current hard sounds with classic tracks and creates unbelievable music! We’re totally hooked!
10-11:15pm: We sat for a while. Two days of straight dancing and raging on top of walking and working really beats your body! So we took this time to watch, talk, hang, and really take in the experience of what TomorrowWorld meant to us… Not to mention that it was an awesome bonding experience!
11:35pm: Bassnectar! Many, many, many of you have seen him before and love his music. Me? Not so much… until Saturday night. His stage presences is magnetic and man on man can he put on a show!!! The crowd goes crazy. The Mythical Frames area is crazy packed and people are intuned with anything he drops! Small glow sticks fly in the air every time a killer beat drops.
12:15am: We make our way back to the main stage, figure to catch a bit of Hardwell before we head to our tent to catch the last bus of the night…. Oh Hardwell… You’re literally a force to be reckoned with! I wanted to show Juan the power of Hardwell and thought it might be a hard sale after Bassnectar… but nope! He loved him! Maybe not as much as I do, but it was a killer show!
Hardwell Closing Saturday Night at TomorrowWorld
12:50am: This is where things start to go south for TomorrowWorld. We walk back our normal way to our tent and we feel the “hurry-up” energy from the security team. So we moved quickly, mainly because we don’t want to keep anyone waiting. Our experience has been that everything moves on time and smoothly. We gather our things and make our way to the shuttle. As we drive down chaos starts to brew… literally people running everywhere, wondering which shuttle to take, TomorrowWorld staff screaming at each other because they’re being told different things from different people, traffic directors screaming at festival goers, press, and artist companions to not move or to get out of the way with no form of understanding where to send them or where they should be at. Luckily, we get on our shuttle and got back to our hotel by 3am… That wasn’t the story for many tonight…
“It’s 1:54 and Alex and I are at a local diner fueling up for today. Last night was pretty wild. Tiesto closed TW and I was so exhausted that I could barely summon the energy to move around. I still had a good time but a valuable lesson was learned. Don’t go hard af during the day so we can rage at night. Rookie mistake. At one point we sat on the wet ass ground for about an hour cuz of how exhausted we were. But a couple beers later lifted the spirits back to raging mode. Today we’re showing up a little later and I’m not upset about it. Leaving the hotel I’m amazed to see how many TW-ers are in full costume. Especially the ladies. Let’s see what today has in store. 8:46 pm and we’re currently at the artist mansion waiting on the last interview. Today has been more work than anything. I don’t mind tho because it gives my body and soul a chance to recover. However, I wish I was still out there since it is my first music festival and who knows when I’m gonna come back. I definitely want to continue making this kinds of trips, hopefully I’ll have a job that pays me well enough to make that happen.
This is your life, make every second legendary!
I also found a new dj that I fucking loved. Their name is New ATL and they were incredible. They literally had everything I love about in music all into one incredible performance. Not only that but I had a chance to meet them and get there picture. Their cool ass dudes.
Juan Carlos Paredes & New ATL at TomorrowWorld 2015
It’s Saturday and I can easily say that there was the most amount of people in one place I’ve ever seen in my life. A literal sea of people. And I wish I was a part if it currently. But I can’t really complain because I was fortunate enough to get a ticket. Beggars can’t be choosers but I’d prefer to choose to be out there loosing my mind. I’ve also met some pretty cool people while helping out Alex with the PR and press for raannt. Bassnectar performs tonight and I’ll be upset with myself if I didn’t get a chance to see him perform. Alejandro, Stringfield and Trev have been the only one of my friends to ask me how this experience has been which is no big deal because I understand human nature and the apathy to ask a simple question like that but it’d be nice to hear from more people about how I’m doing. Maybe that should be a learning lesson for me. Anyways we just found out that the dj won’t be able to make so we’re about to make the best of the rest of tonight!!!!”
TomorrowWorld 2015, in Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia.
Here we go! This year we’re doing it a bit different. We’ve brought along our new college intern, Juan Carlos Paredes, who happens to be a virgin at the music festival life style-experience. That’s right PLUR girls, this young buck is ready to learn anything you have to teach him! So, we’re blending our professional opinion with the one of a first timer. So… here we go:
1:15pm: Gates open! Dreamvillers patiently, tho incredibly excited, wait for their full madness access to all the stages! Word of advice, if you want to buy merchandise… Make that your first stop!
Dreamvillers make their way into the TomorrowWorld grounds
1:45pm: The beautiful ladies of Duelle killed the It’s A Trap stage!
2pm: Stages start to fill up. The energy is crazy and the people are in full race character!
3pm: Jacob van Hage closes the 1st hour of the Full On tent with the best energy.
3:25pm: Arches kills the Potion boat with some incredible deep house!!!
4:03pm: We have got to become friends with Mattn… She’s is our definition of sexy!!!!!!!
4:10pm: the traveling limbo squad hits the mystical frames. How long can you go?
They literally were at every stage limboing with the crowed! so much fun!
4:21pm: Colombia took over the TomorroWorld groups!!! You guys were everywhere!!!! Is it because everyone is watching Narcos on Netflix?
4:26: The It’s A Trap stage… Best day stage! Killer beats and packed.
It’s A Trap Stage
8:08: Main stage time! Showtek, Steve Angello, Kaskade & Tiësto!
9:15: Steve Angelo killed TomorrowWorld! Honestly, we think he should of closed day 1!
10:35: Kaskade. There is no beat this man can turn into magic. Every original, any remix, every deep soul sound and every stage production is an emotional ride! So, NEVER miss Kaskade while at a festival… It’s an emotional experience.
2:15 am: finally back in our hotel, ready to decompress and rest for day 2!
Now, this is what TomorrowWorld looks like to someone that’s never been:
“As soon as we got to TomorrowWorld, the feeling of uneasiness immediately hit me. I was so unsure about the things that were going to happen and how they would happen. We were among the first to get there and we had the opportunity to check out the whole grounds before anyone. The way that TomorrowWorld decorated the grounds was incredible. Life size mushrooms everywhere, lights on anything you could see, stages forty feet tall, an abundance of convenience stores, lasers flashing constantly, and colorful decal sprinkled around made it seem as if you were walking into a dream. As if you were exiting through the rabbit hole. Since everywhere was basically empty, I almost felt disappointed and unimpressed. That quickly changed. As soon as the first wave of people came thru, and they came thru hard, I was star struck. The outfits everyone had one were incredible. It was like a blend of a Halloween party and a college homecoming tailgate mixed together. The DJ’s started doing their thing and the crowd went all out right off the whistle. I couldn’t help but feel like a kid in a candy store. After several hours of traversing the land and dancing like a high school cheerleader we had to make our way back to the media tent and work. After that was said and done we had the rest of the day to do whatever. Being media had a lot of perks, a lot. Food, drinks, wifi, and access to certain VIP areas. Of course we took advantage and capture as much of TomorrowWorld as possible.
TomorrowWorld 2015 Main Stage During Steve Angello
Once the sun went down the real fun happened. TomorrowWorld transformed from music festival to a dream world. It felt as if the darkness amplified the music, brightened the light show, and got people to go more wild. Watching the DJ’s perform while having the lights synced with their music and the stage showing off its visual prowess was impressive. The stage dwarfed the DJ’s but made them seem God-like. In the elevated VIP areas there were people that just stood around and bumped their heads to the beat nonchalantly but there were others, like us, that jumped, danced, and raged just as hard as the crowd down in the pits and main areas. They were the best, their energy was contagious. The main stage stole the show at night. It was so large and loud that it was hard to leave. That’s why we wended up staying there for the last three DJ’s. Also, I’ve never seen so many beautiful girls wearing skimpy outfits in my life. If heaven is real then all the girls would look and dress that way… well hopefully not but you get what I mean.
Oh yes! Oh yes!! Check-in time to the American Horror Story – Hotel is so close we can taste it! So, why not tease our American Horror Story hunger with an incredibly sexy, yet creepy – best kind ever – introduction to the cast?! In true AHS fashion, the trailer displays clarity on some of our favorite cast members while leaving us questioning about others, and also introducing us to new love affairs… Like Lady Gaga, duh!!!! Also, will the track on the trailer be the new theme intro song? We hope not! Or will there be a Hotel theme adaptation to the original one, like they did for AMH – Circus? Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think!!!
We literally, CAN’T. WAIT!! Don’t forget to catch the premier Wednesday, October 7th on FX! And!!!! If you missed Season 4, AMH – Circus, catch it on Netflix starting Tuesday, October 6th!
Tiësto & The Chainsmokers “Split (Only U)” Out on Musical Freedom
Ok remember Ashanti’s crazy sexy hit Only U? Well, we do… and we remember thinking that dirty musically made this song crazy sexy. Add Tiësto and The Chainsmokers to the mix and you get an unreal track, that will make you rage the night… weekend away! The trio played up the original ‘Only U’ hip-hop beats while adding current and grimy electro energy. We can’t wait to catch these beasts at TomororwWorld while both Tiësto & The Chainsmokers hit the main stage… and if not there, for sure at one of their shows! Check out the entire track below:
Kygo Teams Up With Ella Henderson To Release ‘Here For You’
Here we go, a sexy new track from Tropical House king Kygo, just in time for all the Memorial Day festivities! Kygo teams up with British beauty, Ella Henderson, on ‘Here For You’ for his third official single this year. Every since our introduction to Kygo, last year at TomorrowWorld, we’ve watched the fandom of his tropical beats take over playlists all across the world. ‘Here For You’ continues with Kygo’s signature tropical sound while adding sensuality with Ella Henderson’s vocals. Check out the track bellow and make sure you tell us what you think!
TomorrowWorld 2015 Official 2015 Trailer + All 9 Stage Images
Oh my gooooooooddddd!!! We’re officially only 25 days, 24 if you’re camping (which we’re not), from one of the best weekends of 2015!!! TomororwWorld 2015 is just around the corner and we’ve been wondering what the magical grounds will look like. Well, the wait is almost over. Today our TW friends dropped some pix of what the stages will look like, which to be honest from our experience, they’re so much more incredible in person. Check out the 9 Stages and the official 2015 trailer. Let the magic begin friends!
The Key To Happiness
TomorrowWorld's 2015 Main Stage
Mythical Frames
Back this year, the Mythical Frames stage offer higher VIP viewing areas, a bar, and killer fireworks! The frames thump to the beats of each DJ and create a world TomorrowWorld is known for!
In the heart of the Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia... TomororwWorld creates a Forest like stage. This tent is perfect for getting straight into the dark side of electronic music in the middle of the day!
House of Books
New to TomorrowWorld, the House of Books stage will bring alive the magical stories of TomorrowWorld and each DJ that hits its decks! We're for sure checking this one out!
Literally a boat! Also new this year. Try not to get in the water... it's gross!
The 2nd tent of TomorrowWorld. Huge and perfect to cool off during the hot day!
Grand Theatre
One of our favorites. This stage maybe small, but the party is killer and it goes late!!!
The Gathering
This stage kicks off the TomorrowWorld experience. The grounds open Thursday September 24th to all the campers. That night, TomorrowWorld offers a night that will set the tone for the rest of the weekend! The party will kick off in style, so if you're a camper, get ready for a good time!
Icon Stage
The TomorrowWorld Icon stage is set right in the heart of TomorroWorld. Changing every day into a different theme and genre of music. This stage offers the best photo-op for every single TomorrowWorld attendee!
Official 2015 trailer:
If you’re going out to TomorrowWorld, drop us a line, we would love to meet and rage with our readers!
Still looking for tickets? Click here before they run out!
It’s no secret, we love KASKADE! So, it’s not surprise that we are really digging he’s AUTOMATIC sound. The three tracks already released, Never Sleep Alone, Disarm You, and We Don’t Stop, are generating incredible attention and keeping all ears on what’s to come from KASKADE.
KASKADE recording vocals for ‘We Don’t Stop’
What’s so special about ‘We Don’t Stop’ is hearing KASKADE himself in the track. True to his musical imprint, the DJ uses emotional vocals to connect and inspire. Though, this time, some of the vocals are his. Check out ‘We Don’t Stop’ bellow and tell us what you think. Also, don’t forget to preorder AUTOMATIC or Tickets for the fall tour!
This past march we raged the grounds of Ultra Music Festival in Miami while our favorite DJs drop killer tracks, classic tracks and brand new tracks! Dirty South, a personal fave of ours, dropped an ID track that had, not just us, but the entire crowed hypnotized! Well friends, the wait is finally over, “Find A Way” dropped today and we couldn’t be more excited.The lyrics by Rudy are incredibly inspirational, specially with the powerful thump Dirty South drops with every track he produces! As festival season comes to a close, this track for sure will make, or at least we think it should, the sets of our favorite DJs… Making every minute of our summer memorable and one for the books!!!
Literally obsessed with this remix. Sure, the pop track is great and there are about a million girls making it their summer anthem… but really, the remix is out-of-this-world-sexy! The right vocals highlight the right tones and bass and Hammid Fire drops some sick combinations that make the remix, personally, way better then the original. What do you guys think?
If you like it as much as we do… Make sure you download it and keep it on repeat!! Do you guys have favorite pop remix? Tell us and if we like it, we’ll feature it!!