American Horror Story: Hotel – Full Cast

american horror story hotel full cast lady gaga raanntOh yes! Oh yes!! Check-in time to the American Horror Story – Hotel is so close we can taste it! So, why not tease our American Horror Story hunger with an incredibly sexy, yet creepy – best kind ever – introduction to the cast?! In true AHS fashion, the trailer displays clarity on some of our favorite cast members while leaving us questioning about others, and also introducing us to new love affairs… Like Lady Gaga, duh!!!! Also, will the track on the trailer be the new theme intro song? We hope not! Or will there be a Hotel theme adaptation to the original one, like they did for AMH – Circus? Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think!!!

We literally, CAN’T. WAIT!! Don’t forget to catch the premier Wednesday, October 7th on FX! And!!!! If you missed Season 4, AMH – Circus, catch it on Netflix starting Tuesday, October 6th!

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