

Wow…we didn’t expect to NEARLY get the responses we did! And as many as we received! Apparently some people liked what we’ve said and others, well let’s just say, we’ve heard your warnings. Nonetheless, before we go on, let us make this clear…This is not intended to be more “Gay Drama” as one reader so eloquently wrote. Nope, sorry folks. We could really care less. Just writing about what people bring us and our views. We said from the beginning this was intended to make Indy a BETTER social scene; and that is our purpose. I think what was seen as our judging of certain establishments was mistaken; obviously if you see us at the same place every weekend it probably means we enjoy those establishments. We are just trying to spotlight those places that continue to raise the bar and hopefully offer some social diversity to Indy’s scene. We just want it to constantly be better and better! We will NEVER write anything negatively which will harm others, hopefully, and if so, inform us and we will take it down. We only hope to come together and make Indy better! If we criticize, it’s really only to offer suggestions…and if we praise, well it’s because we need more of that, right?

This will be witnessed this week as we write reviews on Rehab at Bella Vita’s The Palms(Amazing!), as well as Tantric Tuesdays at Blu. We will also highlight Britney Mason, Miss Indiana USA 2008 who is attempting to positively rev up Indy’s social scene by hosting several events this summer(she already hosted the kick off of Rehab and The Fantasy 500 Party) as well as local, small town folk who contribute to our great city.

No guys, sorry. No real drama here at all. Just trying to make our city a better place. But please, continue with your comments…

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