E!’s Escape Club Cast Plays Screw, Marry, Kill!

Escape Club E! cast E_raannt

Let the drama begin! The masterminds at E! have whisked away 12 strangers to a remote paradise, Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, to escape from their real lives at a price they didn’t bargain for. An incredibly addicting and over-the-top dramatic cast gets to know each other’s secrets and personalities as we sit tightly at the edge of our seats! Get a quick look at the Escape Club cast and get ready for a E! original series that will add heat to our summer!!!! Escape Club premiers Sunday, June 8 at 10/9c only on E!

Whitney Coulas

Escape Club - Season: 1

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I’m a computer nerd.

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

Caddy ass drama.

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Andrew
Marry: No one
Kill: I’ll give up my marry card and kill off two people, Elly & Megan.

Why did you join the Escape Club?

Love any opportunity to travel and experience new things.

Define sexy:

Confidant and secure, aka ME!

Stephen Bamber Jr

Escape Club - Season: 1

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I can have a temper

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

E! fans should expect to be entertained. Partying/crying/yelling/fighting/loving/ leaving/ surprises / chaos/ paradise/ hook ups/ lies and sexy people

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Pre show all the girls. Post show Lisa Tursini
Marry: Lisa Tursini
Kill: No one

Why did you join the Escape Club?

I joined the escape club to take a vacation away from the rut I was in. Jobless and at home with the parents I needed a getaway to escape the current situation.

Define sexy:

Sexy is sexually interesting or exciting. Radiating sexuality. Risqué.


Jesse Blum

Escape Club - Season 1

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

My family is the most important thing to me.

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

When you think you have things figured out guess again. The calmer it looks the stormy it’s going to get. People think they have friends…guess again! The bigger and better prize comes with a larger consequence.

Why did you join the Escape Club?

Working different jobs as a Nursing assistant, personal trainer, and webcam model has me a bit lost in life. It took me a while to admit that I didn’t have everything planned out. Taking a chance right now with a new direction can’t hurt. Joining the escape club should give me a chance to figure out who I am and find a path in life. Most important I need to find motivation in life again. Motivation is huge for me and would be really meaningful to find. Finding that one job and getting a place I can call home would mean the world to me!

Define sexy.

Sexy is looking hot and cute at the same time. Not many people can pull this off. Sexy is about being the amazing person on the inside and not even knowing how great you look on the outside. Being sexy of course can be when you walk into a room everyone stairs and wonders who the hell is that. What I really look for in sexiness is a woman who can turn heads with whatever she has on, has those beautiful curves everywhere and most important once they open their mouth people can’t get enough of them. I see a ton of sexy people but damn once they start talking it’s all about them and I really don’t care how HOT they are if they can’t simply just have a conversation.

Meagan Reedy

Escape Club - Season: 1

What’s one word that best describes you?

Free Spirit

What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I’m a tomboy at heart. I would rather be in blue jeans all day than put on makeup and dress. It’s fun every now and then to get nice that’s part of being a girl!

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

Fans should expect a lot of DRAMA for sure. Also I believe a lot of the viewers will be able to relate with most of the cast members. I know me personally have been through a lot with men in my life. I think that women will relate to my situation.

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Lisa B’s Boobs
Marry: Ellie’s soul
Kill: make love not war (no one)

Why did you join the Escape Club?

I joined the Escape Club because I needed a break from the real world to clear my head and really figure out me. I have always ran from everything in my life and I was so sick of it. When arriving to the Escape Club I was a little out of control. It wasn’t until a reality check I realized I really had some issues and ALOT to change in my life. I was in deep hole that I wasn’t getting out of. It wasn’t until the whole experience was over that it all hit me. I did a lot of things in that house that I regret but they were all mistakes I have made in the past my real life that I needed to LEARN from. I am a firm believer in the saying “Everything Happens For a Reason” I just needed this experience to confirm that!

Define sexy:

Sexy is being yourself and ok in your own skin. Knowing that you are who you are and believing in yourself. The sexiest woman is the one who walks with her head high knowing that she can do anything that she puts your mind too.


Lisa Baldassarre

Escape Club - Season 2014-

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I’m an old soul/very intuitive

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

Drama drama drama!

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Dre
Marry: Donny
Kill: No one

Why did you join the Escape Club?
I want to Change my life

Define sexy:

Sexy is confidence without arrogance


Elly Kho

Escape Club - Season 1

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I’m very philosophical. And a gourmet chef, an owner of a python snake and a lover of high adrenalin activities.

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

Betrayal, foolishness, twists, turns and a gorgeous funny Persian girl who is a spitfire!

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Myself
Mary: Meagan. She would brighten up any day!
Kill: I don’t care enough about the haters. But if a couple dropped dead, I wouldn’t blink.

Why did you join the Escape Club?

I wanted to get out of the monotony of daily life and to feel the way I did when I traveled the world by myself. That sense of wonder, enlightenment and self-exploration is what made me grow so much as a person and as you get older, responsibilities can kill your creativity. I needed a fresh new perspective to solidify my decision to switch careers and how to take on my 30’s by the balls!

I have always always done the sensible thing. Go to school, get a good job, save money, start a family, act like a lady, etc. My dad taught me to work hard…all the time. Even when I traveled to Australia, Europe and Hawaii it was always for school. When I traveled to NYC or the Bahamas it was for work. I have never dropped everything and took off on a trip especially when I had so much going on in my life. I gave up a prestigious high-paying position and payed $15,000 to learn cosmetology only to find I’m in class with people who don’t have the same opportunities and education as me. Also planning a wedding is hard to be excited about when my career is doing a 180. All the doubts get to me and I truly feel like I need to get away from myself to gain insight and create specific goals and stop questioning my decision! The end of my 20’s is not as fun as I thought it would be. All my friends are dropping off, getting married, broke or plain boring. When did life become all about responsibilities???!! Ew.

Define sexy:

I’m extremely picky. I think someone who is a bit shy, mysterious, entrepreneurial, driven, intellectual, a little sarcastic, disciplined, generous, chiseled, funny, sweet and well groomed is sexy. James Bond type minus any douche. I can’t stand arrogant men. Yuck!


Donny Ghilardi

Escape Club - Season 1

What’s one word that best describes you?

Passionate, I put forth my full effort when I am passionate about something and there is nothing that will stop me once I put my mind to it.

What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

Well I get prejudged a lot because I am a big guy and people automatically think I am an arrogant tough guy. In reality I am an educated individual with a big heart that loves to laugh.

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

Man, this show has it all. One minute you think you know someone and then everything changes. It is going to be very entertaining. This show is absolutely crazy. Sit back and enjoy.

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Lisa B, little dark haired Italian just my style.
Marry: Lisa T, she is the sweetest girl and doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. I can see myself coming home from work with my dinner made and laundry folded.
Kill: Elly, this girl just doesn’t get it. She has no filter, doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut, and doesn’t learn from her mistakes.

Why did you join the Escape Club?

I joined in order to get away from my life. I wanted time to live stress free and really concentrate on myself and what I want to do with my life. I wanted a chance away from my job, friends, family to really reflect on Donny. Boy was I wrong, the stress just came in a different form.

Define sexy:

I think sexy is far more than looks. Sexy is when a girl is confident in herself and can portray that to others. Everyone has flaws, but someone who is proud of who they are and not afraid to let their flaws show.


Petra Davis

Escape Club - Season: 1

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I’m sensitive

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

E! Fans should expect the unexpected at all times. You never know what you’ll get from the bunch!

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Aundre
Marry: nobody
Kill: nobody

Why did you join the Escape Club?

I joined escape club to get away from the chaos in my everyday life. I’m thinking maybe escape club would allow me to unwind and be a stress reliever. I’m hoping it’d help get some closure with my career and help me come to a conclusion about everything.

Define sexy:

Sexy is a turn on. Sexy is being confident at what you do. Sexy is being attractive. Sexy is seductive and stimulating


Aundre Dean

Escape Club - Season 1

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I’m very sensitive.

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

A whole lot of everything. Like a pot of gumbo it’s good but it is a mixture of all kinds of stuff put together and stirred up.

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Peezy
Marry: None
Kill: Nobody I’m too nice for that.

Why did you join the Escape Club?

I needed to get away from life and really figure out what I wanted to do, and how I wanted to do it.

Define sexy:

Pretty smile, nice body with all kinda curves.


Lisa Tursini

Escape Club - Season 1

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

On 6 separate occasions, I have consumed a whole, double extra large pizza, crust and all, just to win a t-shirt each time!

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

In paradise, it is everything you would never think it would be.

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Matt
Marry: Stephen
Kill: Violence doesn’t solve anything.

Why did you join the Escape Club?

To escape my reality of unemployment, stress, and need of a direction; and to take a risk on an unknown journey that may lend some insight into my unforeseen future.

Define Sexy:

Sexy is confidence. Sexy is feeling beautiful in your own skin and being proud of who you are. Sexy is a smile and a glance. Sexy is in the eye of the beholder. Sexy is his look, his taste, his sound, his smell, and his touch…only to leave you wanting more.


Andrew Dean

Escape Club - Season 1

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I was home-schooled my whole life.

What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

Big personalities, jaw dropping twists, and betrayals

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: nobody
Marry: nobody
Kill: Elly

Why did you join the Escape Club?

I joined the escape club because in at a crossroads in my life where I have a law degree I don’t want to use yet have a fairly lucrative job dancing that I can only continue for so long, so it’s time to reevaluate my life and what I want to do pursue as a career.

Define sexy:

Sexy is confidence carefully balanced with humility.

Matt Heagy

matt heagy escape club_raannt

What’s one word that best describes you?


What is something about you we wouldn’t know by looking at you?


What should E! fans expect from Escape Club?

AWESOMENESS with a dash of crazy

Let’s play screw, marry, kill: Out of the 11 other cast members who would you:

Screw: Lisa Ballsaresorry
Marry: Donny Swartzenegger
Kill: The only thing i kill is ‘IT’ I always kill it

Why did you join the Escape Club?

For all the wrong reasons

Define Sexy:

matt heagy escape club 1_raannt












Check out the premiere of E!’s Escape Club Sunday, June 8 at 10/9c

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