90210’s Shenae Grimes-Beech & Husband Josh Beech Tell Us About their New Two Halves Blog

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From the pages of our magazines and the flat screens of our televisions Josh Beech and Shenae Grimes-Beech have won our hearts, peaked our interests, and inspired our sense of style and music.  So it only make sense that these two super sexy love birds would create, run, and take full charge of the newest adventure: Two Halves – a blog that highlights their sense of being, their marriage, and personal projects.  We had the pleasure to chat with the awesome couple about their lives today, tomorrow, and on the web.

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1. Introduce yourselves in 5 words or less.

S: Hey, I’m Shenae Grimes-Beech?

J: Alright?

2. How did you guys meet?

S: Through mutual friends in New York City, in a random string of events that led to meeting my match in an instant and being undeniably drawn to each other not long after that. The rest was a whirlwind love affair like out of a movie.

J: I met Shenae the same way that she met me.

3. What is something about marriage that you didn’t expect?

S: You really come to this place where you just know you’re never going to feel alone again. It’s pretty incredible to have your moments of overthinking things and feelings down like we all do but instead now, you can still breathe and calmly smile because you know nothing is ever really going to be that bad because your partner will be right there beside you hugging you and making you laugh.

J: All the cleaning.

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4. What’s your favorite thing about each other?

S: Cheesy but literally every inch of his heart, soul and head-to-toe.  Don’t know how I got so lucky but I try to never take a single inch or moment for granted and soak it all up because I love it all.

J: Her face. I love her face. So pretty and smiley. And I love how smart, passionate and hard-working she is.

5. Introduce twohalvesblog.com in 5 words or less.

S: Edgy, Style, Music, Unapologetically us.

J:  Fucking awesome blog by us.

6. What inspired twohalvesblog.com and how did you come up with the title?

S: I’ve wanted to re-launch a blog under my own control for a while and I like spending my time with and creatively thriving off of my hubby!  Josh and I have so many different ideas and interests but still such similar passions and taste so I knew something like this would only benefit from having both of us behind its essence. He’s my other half. In every way. And our two halves really do make a whole, which readers and viewers will learn over time.

J: I feel the exact same way and it’s a great platform for us to be able to showcase the things we love.

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7. Do you keep each of your careers separate from your blog or do you incorporate them into the blog?

S: It’s all a mish mosh of everything right now.  Josh’s upcoming record is separate in many ways but it’s part of him so we’re doing a video touring his studio and will likely post more videos when we’re away on trips for his press and touring.  My career at the moment is kind of exactly what we’re working on but as an individual entity so I’m sure there will be plenty of crossover with that in the future as well!

8. As the blog has grown, what subjects do you find most enjoyable to write about and why?

S: I like sharing my outfit picks, etc. because fans are always inquiring about my looks and my closet so I feel like I’m giving ’em what they want. As superficial as it seems to some, clothing is my passion and means of personal expression a lot of the time so I enjoy sharing that with the kids who support me.  I’m also enjoying the original video content we’re working on, producing and creating excites me the most by far!

J: I’m a big music lover so I like to share the bands and music that I’ve stumbled across with fans of the blog.  A lot of kids have always asked me over the years what designers I wear etc. so it’s nice to be able to share that as well.

9. Josh, tell us about your clothing line Cut & Run London.  What inspired this adventure?

J: I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy and would always struggle to find clothes that I really liked so one day I just thought “Fuck it, I’ll make my own”. So I printed up some tees for myself and my friends and people started to like it so I made them available to the public. I’m really excited for the next collection “Hollywood Misfit” to come out. We’re releasing our first jacket.

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10. How do you define sexy?

S: Confidence, personal style, not having to show skin to be sexy (I hate trashy girls) and not trying too hard to be something you’re not (biggest pet peeve!).

J: Being yourself.

11. If you had to recommend a book to a stranger, which one would it be and why (each)?

S: Riders on the Storm, a great autobiography of the drummer from The Doors and sadly the last book I read back to front…years ago.

J: Again, I’m not a big reader but I love Roald Dahl books. As a kid The Enormous Crocodile was my absolute favorite.

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12. What’s next for you guys?

S: More blogging and vlogging and all that weird interweb technology I’m just learning and hopefully people will be seeing me on their TVs again as myself and not someone else I’m pretending to play!

J: Focusing a lot on Two Halves Blog, the new Cut and Run collection and my debut album.

13. What are your three simple luxuries (each)?

S: Good food, riding around LA in our convertibles (a Smart Car and PT Cruiser) with the sun beaming down on our faces, and waking up smiling wrapped in my best friend’s limbs every day.

J: Shenae’s smile in the morning, Lucky Charms for breakfast and our health.


Check out Josh and Shenae’s Two Halves Blog and make sure to watch all of their videos!

Also check out Josh’s designs at Cut & Run London! We love all of his stuff so you can expect to see it here on our website!

Check back daily for more celebrity interviews in our Interview section!

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*Images from Two Halves Blog

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