We get asked all of the time, “How do you guys get so many followers and readers of your website raannt? What is your trick?” Trick? You want to know our tricks and our secrets? Ok…here’s one…(we don’t have so many followers or subscribers. Sometimes we wished we did, so we felt better about ourselves, but we don’t. We have a good following, and it’s building…but it’s not a million!)
But we can teach you how to get a million or more followers on Twitter, or likes on Facebook or subscribers on YouTube…it’s simple! Just follow these 4 easy steps!
1. Ask yourself: Why do I want more followers? If your answer is because you’re trying to promote your business and you’ve been reading every article on the internet about buying followers and building your marketing strategies, you’re way off. If you’re just someone who wants to feel better about themselves by having lots of followers…you still have a chance. The internet is saturated with these bullshit marketers who will sell you on ways to build your marketing schemes and get more followers thus building a better business. They smog Twitter and Facebook with constant links of articles on these subjects. Delete them and stop following them. Are you just in business to make money? You have to have something worthwhile to market in the first place or no marketing scheme in the world will sell it. Good products and good talent sells itself. Period. Scrap that old business plan, re-evaluate your life and prepare for your resignation. What have you always wanted to do? Write a book? Be a movie star? Charter a boat in the Caribbean? Start dreaming again and put to rest words like “better blogging content” and “search engine optimization“. Figure out who you are and set your destiny.
2. Begin Your New Life! Once you’ve decided on your passion and have begun working on your real life…writing, singing, making videos, being a comedian, whatever…start working on it! Dreams don’t happen by sitting on your ass. Three years ago we started a blog as a joke and now on our website raannt we get to interview A-List celebrities and review all kinds of pop culture events…and we’re having a blast doing it! Our cardinal rule was that when it stopped being fun, we wouldn’t do it anymore. We’re still having fun…lots of fun. And although we’re not an overnight success, we’re growing and so are our opportunities…but we are committed to only doing things we enjoy. Life is too short to become consumed with numbers and success. True success is measured by the happiness you feel at the end of the day.

3. Begin to get real followers. Once you’ve decided you’re no longer going to sit at a cubicle or behind your computer at home and build your marketing strategies, it’s time to build your real business. The business of your heart. Your passion! Start following those people with like interests. If you like to sing…follow singers. If you like to write…follow writers. If you’re gay…follow other gay people. If you’re a stay at home mom…follow other stay at home moms. If you’re a dog(like our dog Peeps McGee @mrppmcgee)…follow other dogs. Why are you following bore-ass people who don’t interest you just so you can find more links that aren’t helping you. Follow your soul. Retweet things that really interest you and start talking to the people you follow and your followers. Only watch videos that interest you on YouTube and leave comments. Only put real stuff on Facebook. It’s just Facebook! The more real you are, the more real followers you’ll get. You can buy a million followers who are fake, but they aren’t real so you might as well plan a convention, book a thousand fake people and stand at the podium by yourself. It means nothing…to you or anyone else!
4. Start to feel human again! Life is not about the amount of followers you have or about having the best blogging content. Life is measured by the passion you feel pumping through your veins. When Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird, she didn’t believe it would ever sell. Now, 30 million copies later, it is sometimes considered The Great American Novel. Comedian and YouTube superstar Jenna Marbles became famous after her video How To Trick People Into Thinking You’re Good Looking went viral! She had uploaded videos before that but continuing to do what she loved paid off! She now has almost 3 million subscribers and has had over 500 million video views! Same story with Chris Crocker. He made one video that went viral and now he’s considered a YouTube dynasty and just starred in a documentary about his life!
We interviewed novelist Charlaine Harris, writer of the Sookie Stackhouse books which inspired the HBO series True Blood, on our website raannt. She’s written tons of books and several series, but those books just happened to be the ones made into a television show…and they’re not even her favorites that she’s written. All of these people followed their passion and it paid off. They’re living…really living! If you asked them, they’d probably say they don’t care how many followers they have or how many subscribers they have. Hell…Jenna Marbles must be so swamped with e-mails because we can’t even get her to respond to our request for an interview! But we continue to watch because we love her and what she does!
Tumblr is filled with thousands of teenagers who have a fan base of thousands. They aren’t doing anything but being themselves and posting pictures and quotes of things that define themselves. Twitter and YouTube are filled with people who have tons of followers but do videos of random stuff or tweet about macaroni and cheese. As YouTube sensation Johnnyboyxo recently told us in an interview, “Real knows real”.
Do what you love and the followers will follow. If they don’t, you’re still doing what you want and who cares. We’re entering a new renaissance where anything creative is possible. We believe in the next 5-10 years if you have no talent or worthy product, just a highly developed marketing strategy…you’ll be bankrupt; emotionally, financially…and personally! The days of the Paris Hiltons are over. Too many people are trying to optimize their lack of talent and improve their brand without really having one. Fuck what people tell you…find your passion, do it because you love it…and let the rest happen naturally!
And if you don’t know how to find this passion or restructure your business to accomplish your dreams…contact us at info@raannt.com and we’ll help you…after all, we’re the dream makers!
Be Yourself. Be Fearless. Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!
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