Meet Bianca Espada! The new cast member of #RichKids of Beverly Hills! Sundays at 10pm on E!
Check it out peeps! Today we had the pleasure to chat with the new kid on the #RichBlock and oh boy was it sexy. New comer Bianca Espada dished a little about E!’s hit show #RichKids of Beverly Hills and a tiny bit about the cast. To be honest, we wanted to get to know her and who she was.
The sexy Latina shares about the drama, the cast and how the new season will take us on a fun journey, not to mention that she describes each member (And even Roxy) with just one word. Importantly, we talked about her personal passion and project: her blog. Bianca shares what inspires her and how excited she is to what is to come. Check out our chat with her bellow and let us know what you think!!!
Bianca, loved loved loved talking to you and for real… lets hang out!
You may know her from Bravo TV’s hit show Vanderpump Rules or, lets be honest, from our season one interview with her and the rest of the cast. But this time, we chat with Katie about her life, blog – Pucker & Pout -, wedding planning and really diving into the Katie Maloney her friends love and play with.
Pucker & Pout Katie Maloney
Katie Maloney is fun, sweet, knows what she wants and really a joy to chat with. Not to mention that she’s passionate about, Vanderpump Rules and her friends. Check out our one-on-one with the reality TV star and let us know what you think (Specially about how she describes some of cast-mates).
Oh yes! Oh yes!! Check-in time to the American Horror Story – Hotel is so close we can taste it! So, why not tease our American Horror Story hunger with an incredibly sexy, yet creepy – best kind ever – introduction to the cast?! In true AHS fashion, the trailer displays clarity on some of our favorite cast members while leaving us questioning about others, and also introducing us to new love affairs… Like Lady Gaga, duh!!!! Also, will the track on the trailer be the new theme intro song? We hope not! Or will there be a Hotel theme adaptation to the original one, like they did for AMH – Circus? Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think!!!
We literally, CAN’T. WAIT!! Don’t forget to catch the premier Wednesday, October 7th on FX! And!!!! If you missed Season 4, AMH – Circus, catch it on Netflix starting Tuesday, October 6th!
An Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’ Gina Liano Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
Gina Liano is back! After getting to know parts of Liano’s life during the first season, we were very excited to see that she came back. Not that we doubt it, it’s just that we really enjoyed her personality, not to mention her sense of style! The housewife veteran chats with us about the other ladies, her experience thus far, and some of the things she would change! Check out what Gina Liano has to say and don’t forget to catch her every Thursday on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET):
Introduce Gina Liano using 5 words or less:
Entertaining, Flamboyant, Fearless.
What makes you a Real Housewife?
I am a real housewife because I have an obvious look about me, I have strong opinions and I have a good sense of humour.
An Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’ Gina Liano Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
What has been your favorite part of this experience?
My favorite part of this experience has been the audience reaction, I have loved that they have been so loving and supportive.
What should Bravo fans expect from Melbourne season 2?
Bravo fans should expect from Melbourne season two a faster paced show with two new girls, a lot of comedy, and a roller coaster ride.
‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’ Cast. Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
Describe the other Melbourne ladies using just one word: Pettifleur Berenger – arrogant Gamble Breaux – comedy Jackie Gillies – psycho / psychic? Chyka Keebaugh – placid Janet Roach – gossip Lydia Schiavello – redemption
How do you define sexy?
Sexy is more than appearance it’s based on confidence and energy.
What’s the sexiest City? Hotel? Fashion Designer? Accessory? City: New York; Hotel: villa d”este lake Como; Fashion Designer: Tom ford; Fashion Accessory: lingerie
An Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’ Gina Liano Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
Out of this group of ladies, who do you get along with the best and why?
Gamble because she’s hilarious and she doesn’t take herself too seriously.
Is there anything you regret or wish you could do different from this season? If so, what and why?
I would have spent more time with PF (Pettifleur Berenger) at the beginning because we probably would have got along better.
What are your three simple luxuries?
My three simple luxuries are having a massage / sleeping in / eating chocolate.
An Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’ Gina Liano Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
An Exclusive Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’, Gamble Breaux Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
The Real Housewives of Melbourne have come back and have come back with new faces! And we don’t mean a facelift… The beautiful Gamble Breaux joins season 2 and immediately grabs our attention. She has the look, the sass, the jokes, and of course the fashion! After the initial introduction to Breaux on the first t 2 episodes, we had to learn more. We arranged a time to get to know more about this blonde bombshell and her experience with the Melbourne ladies. Check out our chat with Gamble Breaux and don’t forget to watch her work her way into the dynamics of The Real Housewives of Melbourne Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET):
Introduce Gamble Breaux using 5 words or less:
Flamboyant art consultant with tenacity
What makes you a Real Housewife?
I see myself as a Stepford Wife, who has lost her circuitry. Triumphs and failure are part of who I am. I enjoy the comedy of everyday life with the gift of age to not sweat the small stuff.
What has been your favorite part of this experience?
Having people listen to me, the kids and the dogs don’t. Getting dressed up for events and working with the girls.
An Exclusive Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’, Gamble Breaux Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
What should Bravo fans expect from Melbourne season 2?
Bad behavior on my part, on at least one momentous occasion. The fly on the wall experience listening to women gossip. Amazing locations in both Melbourne and Sydney. A little scandal, a lot of love and resolution.
An Exclusive Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’, Gamble Breaux Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
Describe the other Melbourne ladies using just one word:
Pettifleur Berenger: Arrogant
Gina Liano: Dignified
Jackie Gillies: Holistic
Chyka Keebaugh: Cheeky
Janet Roach: Bitchy
Lydia Schiavello: Strategic
How do you define sexy?
All of the RHOM have sexy qualities. In a man I love a gentle and dignified disposition.
What’s the sexiest City? Hotel? Fashion Designer? Accessory?
City: New York;
Hotel: I love staying at The Langham in Sydney;
Fashion Designer: Alin Le Kal for a sexy cocktail dress (watch the nipple coverage); Accessory: Sue Sensi bracelets when you are beachside.
An Exclusive Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’, Gamble Breaux Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
Out of this group of ladies, who do you get along with the best and why?
Gina, because she has qualities I admire. She is strong, feminine and measured.
Is there anything you regret or wish you could do different from this season? If so, what and why?
I wish I hadn’t lost my temper at the fashion parade and called Janet names. I also would rethink my golf outfit.
What are your three simple luxuries?
Pinot Noir, living by the sea, taking a long bath.
An Exclusive Interview with ‘The Real Housewives of Melbourne’, Gamble Breaux Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)
Merritt Patterson as Ophelia on ‘The Royals’ Sundays at 10pm ET on E!
We’ve been counting down the days till the premier of ‘The Royals’ and it’s finally here… well tomorrow… but it’s finally here! During our wait, we stole Merritt Patterson from set to chat about the new E! scripted series. We wanted to talk the show, the scandals, the sex, and the cast! Not to mention the fact it’s premiering on Sunday March 15th after ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ and a month ago it was picked up for a second season! OH MY, right?! As we dish with the incredibly beautiful Merritt Patterson, we learn about her, her likes, the excitement about ‘The Royals’ and most importantly, what we all should expect from the new series! So, buckle up and get ready for an unreal extravagant ride Sundays on E! (10-11 p.m. ET)!
How does it feel to be on a show that has been picked up for a second season before the 1st season premiers?
Being picked up before the 1st season premiere (March 15th at 10pm) is INCREDIBLE! It shows how confident E! and Lionsgate are in the show! Since day one everyone involved has been really invested and excited about the project. It’s unlike anything out there. Feels very special and I feel so fortunate to be a part of it!
Merritt Patterson Press tour for ‘The Royals’ Sundays on E!
Introduce us to Ophelia:
Ophelia is the American “commoner” among British royalty. Her father is the King’s head of security. They live in the working quarters of the palace. She catches the eye of the Prince and finds herself quickly involved, much to the dismay of the Queen. Not one to shy away from things, Ophelia, voices her opinions and pushes back, which often leads to uncomfortable situations… Confident, curious and out of her element basically sums her up!
Cast of ‘The Royals’
Describe your cast members/creator using one word:
Elizabeth Hurley –Fabulous
William Moseley – Passionate
Alexandra Park –Spirited
Mark Schwahn –Clever
Jake Maskall –Charming
Sophie Colquhoun –Effervescent
How do you define sexy? How would Ophelia define sexy?
To me sexy is being confident, kind and positive. Having a strong sense of self while being considerate to others and open-minded. I think Ophelia would agree. Although the Prince is struggling to know who he is and what he wants…
What is the sexiest:
Country-I’ve never been but the Maldives look incredibly sexy!
Royal scandal-Not very familiar with the real-life Royal family…
Celebrity-Brigitte Bardot circa 1960’s.
Merritt Patterson on ‘The Royals’ Premier Red-carpet Event
What should E! fans expect from the network’s first scripted series?
Lots of scandal, attitude and complications! The Royals is the perfect fit for E! What’s more enticing then watching royalty squander unlimited resources and abuse unlimited access?! The show also has a lot of heart. I think the audience will be thoroughly entertained and also be able to relate to the characters and situations.
Will there be an appearance from true British royalty?
Dame Joan Collins makes a grand entrance!
Though Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, isn’t American, are there any similarities between her and Ophelia?
Well I don’t know the Duchess of Cambridge personally but from my understanding she grew up in a regular family, experiencing normal everyday things like public school or grocery shopping. Ophelia comes from that world and see’s the Royals and their extravagance from an outsider’s perspective. I’m sure they could relate on some level.
What are your three simple luxuries?
Spending time with my family. Great coffee. Sunshine.
Mother monster has join the ultimate monster house. Today Lady Gaga announced that she will be joining the cast of the iconic American Horror Story. ‘American Horror Story – Hotel’ starts production in July and premiers in October… and that’s all we know so far folks! Except:
Elizabeth Hurley as “Queen Helena” in E!’s THE ROYALS premiering March 2015
E! gives viewers an all access pass behind the velvet rope of the original celebrity family when “The Royals” premiering in March 2015. The Royals marks as E!’s first scripted original series bringing in a killer cast. For ten-episodes we’ll watch Elizabeth Hurley, Vincent Regan, William Moseley, Alexandra Park, Merritt Patterson, Jake Maskall, Ukweli Roach, Tom Austen, Sophie Colquhoun, and Oliver Milburn bring to life of fictional royalty to life.
Introducing Sophie Colquhoun as “Gemma,” who is “Prince Liam’s” sexy and snobbish ex-lover in E!’s THE ROYALS premiering March 2015
Official synopsis: The price of power has never been higher, especially when your family is under a perpetual media microscope. Welcome to the life of a Royal – a family the world adores but a lifestyle that is forced upon few. The Royal family is helmed by the noble and ethical King Simon (Regan) who struggles to keep peace amongst his family while having the weight of the world on his shoulders. Standing statuesque and elegantly by his side is Queen Helena (Hurley) who has her own motives and intentions when it comes to the power she has married into. Simon and Helena have three children including the beloved Prince Robert, the free-spirited Prince Liam (Moseley), and the controversial and rebellious Princess Eleanor (Park). The cynical and mischievous Cyrus (Maskall), brother of King Simon, lurks throughout the illustrious palace awaiting a chance to take a seat on the throne. Entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the family’s safety and secrets, but sometimes adding to them, are Eleanor’s new bodyguard Jasper (Austen), Prince Liam’s bodyguard Marcus (Roach), and Ted (Milburn), who is head of the Royal security detail. Ted has attempted to maneuver his career to keep his professional and personal life separate, however when Liam falls for Ted’s daughter Ophelia (Patterson), the lines between love and duty get blurred. Relationships become even more complicated when a blast from the past saunters through the Beefeaters’ posts in the form of the sexy and snobbish socialite Gemma (Colquhoun), Liam’s ex-lover. In a world of opulence driven by power, your next of kin may be your next worst enemy. All is fair in love and royalty.
In E!’s THE ROYALS, Alexandra Park stars as wild child “Princess Eleanor” who describes herself as “I’m just a bitch with money and power. But I sure do make it look good.”
The Royals will premiere on E! in March 2015.
Photos provided by E!
Merritt Patterson stars as American girl “Ophelia” and William Moseley stars as “Prince Liam” in E!’s first scripted drama series THE ROYALS premiering in March 2015.Bringing anarchy to the monarchy, Poppy Corby-Tuech as “Prudence” and Jake Maskall as the cynical “Cyrus” brother of King Simon, in E!’s THE ROYALS premiering March 2015.Isn’t love a bitch? Merritt Patterson as “Ophelia,” Sophie Colquhoun as “Gemma” and William Moseley as “Prince Liam” in E!’s THE ROYALS premiering March 2015.
Make sure to check back for more TV sneak peaks and reviews here!
O! M! S! G! (One More Season of Gossip Girl!) What is about to happen!!!
Yep, the final season of GG is here and we couldn’t be happier to see the premier but also sad that it’s the last season! Which PS! CW!!! Why are you making this final season only a 10 episode one?! Hmm?! We would like to have a full season, but whatever… we’ll take what we can get… at least we’re getting a final season; some shows didn’t even get a conclusion!
So here’s the general idea of the season premier:
Serena has been missing and as the Upper East Side starts to wonder where the IT girl is so do her friends. All across the board we play catch up. Dan comes back with Georgina and they continue to work on his tell all book. Chuck and Blair are back together but not really… what else is new! And Nate is still set on taking down GG while Serena is falling in love or toying with the emotions of some rich sexy guy. 6 seasons later and we’re still on the same story line? As much as we love the show, I guess we understand why this is the last season. The writers have lost creativity!
Which reminds us O! M! F! G! Rufus is hooking up with a super sexy gal pal that was pretty hated last season… Ivy Dickens!!! Aagghh!!!
Check the season premier tonight, October 8th at 9/8C.
Were you guys crying, like we were, tonight as Latrice gave her sashay speech to RuPaul? “Thank you for seeing something special in me.” It was clear it was time for Latrice to go but she was so damn endearing, even up to the very last minute, that we didn’t want to see her go. Couldn’t we just keep it those final four forever?
If you didn’t watch tonight’s episode we’ll break it down for you. The audience is pulled even further into the show by four absolutely adorable dogs, especially the one Chad Michaels assigns to himself, and we get to see the other girls poke fun at Phi Phi again as she gets slobbered over by her enormous dog. They have to present several outfits…Daytime Party Realness. Party with a Pooch in your Purse or something and Pooch Couture?? It didn’t really matter. All three of Latrice’s outfits looked similar. Chad Michaels looked the most daytime housewife in the park. Her party outfit was dead up on Kim Kardashian, as noted by RuPaul…but her couture outfit was more of a one piece deal…we were confused. Phi Phi looked great in all of her outifts, especially her daytime realness which was actually something more out of a Japanese Anime book; but she looked incredible…and we greatly appreciated her custom made, pink glittered poop scooper. (Can we buy one please?) Sharon, our fave, of course looked great in all three outfits. Her daytime realness looked incredible, but her rock star, party outfit complete with house arrest bracelet proved she is much more a bad girl. The poodle boots she wore at the end were absolutely incredible and she looked like she was on the cover of a 1960’s French Vogue.
Ok, so here’s the problem. Although we love Sharon Needles…we would really be happy if any of the top three won. Chad Michaels is so incredibly polished and amazing that she definitely deserves to win for those reasons alone. Phi Phi, besides being the only really cute boy on the show(don’t laugh, you know its true), has really come a long way. But she’s such a bitch. Funny…she’s a lot like us, but instead we find ourselves rooting for Sharon?? Actually what we want is for Sharon and Phi Phi to become friends, something it appears Sharon wants and attempts on every show. In fact, although she wouldn’t admit it, she’s a little attention seeking from Phi Phi. Damn Phi Phi…you all talk about how hard your lives have been and how people haven’t treated you nice…THAT was what Sharon was talking about on the runway!!! Be friends dammit and show the world that even bitches can get along!
We believe RuPaul’s Drag Race really teaches us about the inner trenches of ourselves. Here you have a bunch of drag queens, probably some of the most misunderstood people in the world, and they’ve created their own little microcosm of the world, where jealousy, fear, wisdom and bullying are just as prevalent as they are in the real world. We believe we tend to favor Sharon because she represents that pain in a way that reminds of that part of ourselves that wants to be true and real, but also dreams for the acceptance from others. Isn’t that what being gay is all about?
The show even got better afterwards on RuPaul’s Drag Race Untucked. Did they really make THEDita Von Teese wait…and then she left? Seriously?
Oh…and Chad Michaels is 280 in dog years, not 170!
Good Luck bitches!
Check out our interviews of this seasons RuPaul’s Drag Race cast…and read our other reviews in our RaanntTV section!
Be Yourself. Be Unafraid. Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!