THE #SocialMedia List 5-25-12

Its time again for our weekly #SocialMedia List! Last week we highlighted 6 of the best from our favorite profiles and accounts on all of our social media sites.  This week, we dug deep and looked really hard at who we think have been the best of the week.  Trust us…if you follow these people, you won’t be disappointed!

1. Twitter

Mikeyy Whiskeyhands(@MikeyyyMayhem)

Juan Paredes(thejparade)

Social media sites started with the kids…and they continue to reign.  (If you hadn’t noticed, they’re the ones who are Tumblr famous, dictating music trends and really running things in this country…from the curb on a skateboard or in line buying concert tickets!) Although these teenagers don’t always have 10’s of thousands of followers, their tweets are raw, vulnerable and hilarious.  They are the voice of this generation and the sound of our future.  We started following several teenagers the moment we got on Twitter and what we found was that they had the pulse of everything from style, trends, angst, music, political issues and humor, in the tight grasp of their fist.  Kids are way overlooked this day but we better take them seriously, very seriously…after all…look where Mark Zuckerberg’s need for social acceptance took him! This week we’ve highlighted 2 of our all time faves.  @MikeyyyMayhem tweets are so raw and vulnerability that we are sometimes can’t believe this is actually a real person…it seems more like a character in a movie.  But his Tweets signify an entire generation of anger, angst and awareness.  “i’m too wrapped up in my life to even put an effort in school” or “the words that fall out your mouth are untrue, i’ve wasted all this time suffering from you” or “i’m crying because i’m not used to being happy, you’re changing me”.  We love his mix of honesty and music lyrics and hope someday we get to meet this kid and tell him thanks in person for reminding us to stay forever young! @thejparade is absolutely hilarious, yet also telling as well.  “It’s weird when I hear people use the word “naughty” the appropriate way.” or “Unconditional love for everyone.” or “I want to fart but I just..I just can’t.” But his social commentary, from everything like Rocky movies to the new Avengers movies, X-Games beauty Leticia Bufoni to new music genres, displays these youth controlling what is or isn’t…truly, hot! Listen to these kids…they’re our future yo!


Toad Hall

Being Maxwell

First of all, we love Tumblr.  Well, love is probably the wrong word…we’re slightly obsessed! Toad Hall is a men’s fashion blog run by Jason Sebacher.  Her does not post one thing that we don’t absolutely love.  He has an incredible eye for sensational men’s style and he is constantly giving us new ideas.  Being Maxwell contains daily journal posts from Maxwell Earts, a 20 year old student in the UK.  His sentiment is honest and sincere, highlighted with pictures of himself.  “Some days, you just carry on and don’t complain.”  We look forward every daily to reading and looking at their new posts.  Also follow them on twitter Toad Hall(@jasonsebacher) and Being Maxwell(@MaxwellEarts).

3. Facebook


Two weeks ago, Shane Bitney Crone posted his viral YouTube video It Could Happen to You. If you haven’t already seen this video go to the link and watch it.  The Facebook page is dedicated to his boyfriend Tom Bridegroom and defines itself as ” all the ways to fight for equality and to find out how to legally prepare for the unexpected”.  It has tons of links to equality websites and support dedicated to equality for all.  Also visit Shane’s Facebook Page Here and his Twitter account Here.

4. Pinterest

Cindy Wall

This organizer of the Lexus Nashville Fashion Week has the most incredible Pinterest wall.  Her interests range from books she loves to car chase scenes…and of course fashion! We love watching what she pins and following her may interests! Also follow her on Twitter Cindy Wall(@cewall).

5. Instagram

He Wears The Pants

Men’s Fashion & Style Advice from a Woman’s point of view.  OMG! We love, love, love her Instagram! All of her pictures are amazing and we love her perspective on men’s fashion.  You have to check it out! She also has a women’s fashion Instagram page called Stylesoftmrw which is just as incredible.  Also follow her on Twitter at He Wears the Pants(hewearsthepants).

6. YouTube

Jenna Marbles

Davey Wavey

Ok, both Jenna and Davey have a huge following already, so if you know them you probably love them.  If you don’t know them…start watching them NOW! Both are absolutely hilarious and entertaining.  Jenna rightfully deserves her own television show.  She’s so funny we can hardly make it through an entire video without losing it. Davey’s videos combine humor and activism and make him the perfect face, not to mention body, for the gay community.  But even if you aren’t gay(27% of his demographic is female!) you’ll love him; he’s adorable, honest, refreshing and hilarious!(And not afraid to talk about sex…thank God!) Follow them on Twitter Jenna Mourey/Marbles(@Jenna_Marbles) and Davey Wavey(@thedaveywavey).


Ok…that’s it for this week! We’ll be picking our faves and the best every Friday! If you want us to consider you…make sure you let us know about your profile by following us or letting us know.  So follow us, Tweet us, Facebook us…Tumble us…Subscribe to Us…All of it!!!

Check out previous weeks of THE #SocialMedia List

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Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!







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