Shut Your Face…

Now, a few comments regarding our blog and how it is interpreted, just to make sure everyone is clear…First of all, and this is not an exaggeration, we have hundreds of readers and the majority are extremely supportive and tell us that what we are writing is the truth. Well, just to be clear as we have SO many times before…it is just our opinion. So to one local gossip columnist, we got our facts straight and our napkin is in our lap; is yours? By the way, at least some people that work for you weren’t afraid to contact us directly. You’re losing a great guy in that one!
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Next, we do not nor have we ever, proclaimed to represent the gay community nor proclaimed to be gay role models; but thank you to several writers who apparently, negatively, feel as if we deserve that title. No thanks. And…we would just like to say to a certain, gossip “diva”, so to speak, thank you for reading our blog. We read yours as well from time to time and while we don’t necessarily agree with nor endorse your stance, we do appreciate your gusto. And thank you for welcoming us back…we didn’t realize we had gone anywhere, but it was considerate nonetheless…We’re not fighting a battle but we do appreciate your support, so here’s another honorable mention girl! We are not attempting to be in the middle of some drag “divism” that is apparently going on; we just like a good show! (On a side note, we would like to address Asia’s performances at Talbott since it has apparently gotten alot of attention lately. We don’t care how well she knows the words, etc…she gives a good damn show and people love to watch her. Not all drag is about how much someone looks like a girl, etc, although we prefer that kind…As Vicki wrote to us, these girls have a tough job and we should all support their endeavors…Just maybe another a different Lady GaGa song from time to time would be nice…but we think you’re great nonetheless.) We just want good times, funny how so many people take so seriously what we wrote. ITS JUST A BLOG AND IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT DON’T READ IT! But thank you for referring to us a “nice” nonetheless.
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One more thing, with our blog, “Out of the Closet”, we apparently started something we hadn’t intended or brought more attention to an ongoing battle between Talbott Street and several members of the gay community. We would like to publically state that besides the readers who have come up to us and told us our views were refreshing and honest, members of the Talbott Street staff and Vivian herself have been the ONLY people who have addressed us in person about what we wrote. And we appreciate that. So thank you, because if nothing else, it showed us that you had the balls to come up to us as and talk out our differences. So if we’re being used, as someone commented, who cares, we still enjoy going there and the animosity seems to be gone. Completely. And for the record, we never apologized or took back what we wrote, just how it was interpreted.


So if you don’t like what is going on, or you have an opinion…Blog about it! We do!
Have a blast, live deep, love long, eat great food, dance your ass off, take naps everyday… and take lots and lots and lots of pictures!

Eyes open, we’re watching!

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