One Week…

Recently we’ve had a lot of people ask us for more and more suggestions for what they should do throughout the entire week based on what we do and where we have the most fun. While it probably often seems like we write about some of the same places over and over again, because we do obviously have favorites, there are so many options for a great social week, assuming that for one week you might go out every night. If that were the case…here is what we would suggest.

Monday…is definitely, without a doubt, dinner night. Honestly, we both have Monday’s off, so we typically sleep in and then lay out at the pool depending on the weather. We go out to eat so often that it’s hard to make a great suggestion, because we honestly go to some of the same staples, such as Cheesecake Factory and P.F. Changs, on a regular basis. But if we had to list our number one summer suggestion…it would be Bazbeaux Pizza in Carmel followed by ice cream at Bub’s across the street. While there is also a Bazbeaux in Broadripple and downtown, recently, we’ve really enjoyed going and sitting outside at the location in Carmel. The city of Carmel has done so much work renovating the “artist’s district” that it is finally, after many years, enjoyable. All of the old favorites are offered at Bazbeaux, although we suggest greek salads, garlic bread, and plain cheese pizza. For an amazing sandwich try the Popeye. The location downtown is still great fun, but the one in Broadripple always seems to have thousands of kids running around. No thanks.

Across the street is Bub’s Burger’s and Ice Cream. Ok, honestly, this place is amazing. Inside it looks like something you might find in upstate Michigan on the lake or in some small coast town on the East. We haven’t tried the burgers, but they have this huge hamburger and if you can accomplish eating it, they take your picture and put it on the wall. The ice cream parlor is even more fun, and the ice cream is some of the best we’ve EVER had. Try the cinnamon coffee cake. Unbelievable.


And then if you aren’t too full…you can always rent a movie and go crash in bed watching it. New favorites we’ve loved so far are Push and Madea Goes to Jail…Ohhhhh…and Coraline comes out this week. For old, summer favorites…try Jaws 2 or Stand by Me…

Ok…this is getting lengthy…

Tuesday…We’ve tried Tantric Tuesday at Blu and after talking to the promoter, we’re willing to give it another try…also, it’s been suggested that we attend Subterra…Apparently there is no cover, drinks and bottles are half off and it’s House music all night…we can’t wait as we get somewhat anxious on Tuesdays trying to find something fun to do…

Wednesday…Well…we’ve been planning to write about Wednesday’s for quite some time and we plan to this week. There are so many options on Wednesday’s but so far, we’ve found only a few that are still fun. By far, Champps on the northside next to the Fashion Mall, is the best option. The place is always, always packed…even if it rains. People usually start filling the place after 8 and stay until about 12, when they start heading over to either LuLu’s or the Vogue. While we love the Vogue as venue, we could care less for Retro Rewind, or whatever it’s being called these days. How about rewind to a new night. (Although we’ve heard through the proverbial grapevine that the Vogue is revamping Sunday’s alternative night…and we are VERY excited…Indy has needed a Sunday spot for some time now.) Retro rewind seems to pack in the younger, crowd and crowd is the definitive word, but not in a good way. Champps is packed, but everyone is friendly and chill. Afterwards, head across the street to LuLu’s or down the street to Manhattan. We haven’t been to Manhattan yet but are planning a surprise visit one of these nights. LuLu’s is a lot of fun…right Gabriella? (The last time we went we didn’t spend a cent and closed it down…thanks too the friendly guys we met defending our girl’s honors…Ahhhhh Nneka, the new social queen! Remember…you NEVER touch a girl’s ass unless asked!)


For a completely different kind of Wednesday night, try Mo’s Irish Pub. We’ve been going there for some time now and we always have a great time, although the atmosphere can be a little Cougarish from time to time…but as one of us nears 40, who are we to pass judgement. Wednesday’s at Mo’s are karaoke nights with some of the most hilarious and heartfelt singing you have ever encountered. No, we do not grace the stages, except for one grand performance of Summer Nights from Grease…it won’t happen again…


Thursdays…Well, we discussed Scholar’s Inn in our previous blog, so we won’t revisit it, but it was interesting how we received some comments stating that they had not been treated very well in the past by the staff at Scholar’s, but were willing to give it another try. They all said they loved Nick. Come on guys, if we’re gonna endorse you, work out the problems, we want you to stay around! 45 Degrees also has half-price martini’s on Thursdays. Ok…now one suggestion. 45 Degrees? Beautiful environment…great music…friendly staff(sometimes)…half-price martini’s on the same night as Scholar’s?? Either extremely competitive or not very creative. Have a theme night on Thursday nights, market the shit out of it…we’ll even help and get everyone in there. We have some ideas if you’re interested…

Down the street between Meridian and Pennsylvania on 10th Street is The Ten. Now mind you, this is a lesbian bar, but all kinds of people are there. The cover is $4 and all drinks are half off…THE PLACE IS ALWAYS PACKED!!!(Just a side note…you will get “wanded” down at the door.) They play great hip hop music and the environment is crazy. You’ll probably encounter at least one fight while you’re there and they’re usually trying to sell Glamour Shot/High School Photo ops in the back corner. Ok folks, we’re not gonna sell this place on being classy, because it isn’t…but it’s a total blast. And it stays crazy right up until it closes and flows right out into the parking lot. The bartenders bust their asses and also smile and grunt at the same time…Try it!

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For a little Indy secret…try The Jazz Kitchen…Thursday’s are the Latino Dance Night and the music is all latino. Don’t be intimidated if you don’t know the dances; free classes start at 9pm before the main dance floor opens. The ambiance is sexy and everyone’s sweaty and chill…Probably one of the best places in Indy. Also a restaurant, we’ve heard they just revamped their menu and are even more diverse than before. Also every night, they have live jazz…We have never been disappointed and absolutely love this place.


Friday…who care’s right? It’s Friday…same goes for Saturday as well…although we would definitely suggest again that you trek out to Indiana Live! Casino and try Mosaic. As everyone knows…we’re typically at Talbott Street, usually after a very long nap…just because we love it and always have such a great time…(and funny that some of the same people that gave us shit about going there or blogging in Talbott’s favor, because of other unmentionables, are typically there too. Just be honest and admit you have fun!) Actually, as we’re typing this, we’re getting ready to head out to Talbott, so hopefully we’ll see you there!

Sundays…are usually Rehab at The Palms at Bella Vita, followed by a nap and dinner and a movie…We would recommend Bruno, The Hangover and Up…

Honorable mentions to some great places to eat after going out…Red Eye or Steak and Shake at 75th and Binford…If you go to Steak and Shake, treat Constance well…she works the world’s worst hours…

Also…restaurants we’ve enjoyed recently and would recommend…Wolfsies in Noblesville, Miyagi’s sushi at 96th and Keystone, The Nickel Plate in Fishers, Stir Crazy at Castleton…and of course, our all time favorite, Bella Vita at Geist! (We recently tried our old favorite Acapulco Joe’s downtown after going to the zoo, and I’m still not sure why we had to squirt salsa onto the chips because they didn’t give us a bowl…absolutely the last time we’ll go back!)

Anyway, this might sound like a crazy week and honestly, four nights out of the week, we are typically in, with the dogs, watching tv and movies like the rest of you…


We’ve been given some great suggestions of places to go and review and we’re excited about trying some new places…while sticking with the old. So, try a few of our suggestions and see what you think…but hands down…go to The Ten!

Eye’s Open…We’re Watching!

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