Dollar Shave Club…Sexiest Item of the Day and Our New Best Friend!

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We had been hearing about the Dollar Shave Club for over a year but still hadn’t tried it yet, when we reached out to them and asked if they’d be willing to send us some samples in exchange for a review.  Samples? Uhhh…they sent us an entire box of all of their products.  These were no samples, they were the real thing.  We put the actual picture of what they sent us above so you can see how you get your shave supplies in the mail.

We were so excited we wanted to start, uhh, shaving right away! No, really! Their products are so incredible.  We were absolutely not disappointed and the Dollar Shave Club really does live up to all of the hype.  Their blades are so smooth and actually seem to last quite a while.  The Shave Butter and Post Shave Moisturizer are incredible and after a few days, seem like a necessity.

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But…not literally, our favorite thing was the package of One Wipe Charlies! We hadn’t been expecting them to send us a package of “buttwipes”, their word, not ours! Who cares, right, we all need them and they are so perfectly masculine and durable! We love them!

If you haven’t tried the Dollar Shave Club yet or are hesitant, trust us, we’re going to only use them in the future! We absolutely love them and they’re the best thing on the market!

Check out their website HERE!

And check out all of our Sexiest Items of the Day HERE and check back to see our next pick tomorrow!

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