Changing Things Up With Thomas Gold – An Interview

Thomas Gold is known for his killer live house beats, incredible shows, and super awesome tunes… But what we know him for (thanks to the interview below) is that Gold is evolving and creating music that connects with us on every level. The ‘Magic’ of it all is that he can take the feeling of a great show and slow it down into a track that exudes greatness. Check out our chat with Thomas Gold and make sure you download ‘Magic’!!

Introduce yourself only using 5 words or less.
DJ, Producer, Berlin, House Music, Passion.

New single, tell us about it and what inspirited the new track?
It’s called ‘Magic’ , release date is September 30th. And it is the second single from my upcoming debut album (beginning 2017). This track is completely different from my previous releases, as it is very slow 105bpm, normally I used to do 128 bpm, and it is not a club track but rather a radio song. It features a beautiful vocal (from Jillian Edwards) and for me and my, musical work, it marks an exciting change in style.

A photo posted by Thomas Gold (@thomasgold) on

We’re excited for your tour, Magic, what’s something new you’re bringing to this show?
I will bring a lot of new music to the show, including reworks of my own releases from the past years plus my latest track ‘Saints and Sinners’ – and of course ‘Magic’! People can expect a very energetic and uplifting DJ set!

Do you have a pre-show ritual to get you ready? If so, what is it?
Not really. The only thing I do is take a breath for a couple of minutes right before I go on stage. I might sip a drink but there is no real ‘ritual’ 🙂


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What’s your favorite and must-have thing you need backstage before and after you show?
I love to have a green room where i can hang and listen to what the DJ before me is playing, this is a good opportunity to catch the vibe of the crowd.

What’s your favorite thing about touring?
To get to see so many places in the world and to meet so many new people. This is definitely something very special and I am grateful to have the chance to do this.

We’re known for defining SEXY… How does Thomas Gold define sexy?
I’d say if something really catches your attention, but in a very exciting and positive way – and if it makes you go like ‘wow, this is sexy!’…:)

A photo posted by Thomas Gold (@thomasgold) on

If you could work with any musician, dead or alive, which three would you want to work with and why?
Prince because he had such a special and sexy style; Adele because of her incredible voice; Red Hot Chili Peppers because this could be very interesting…

What’s next for you?
I will be in at my studio in Berlin, working on my album for the next weeks. In between I will do a bunch of shows, in the US, South America, Europe and Asia.

What are your three simple luxuries?
Time with friends, sleep, healthy food.

Everyone! Check out Thomas Gold show if you get a chance! Find out more about where he’ll be here.

For more interviews click here!

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