Carrie Underwood…Sexiest Woman of the Day! Blown Away Tour LIVE DVD Trailer!

carrie underwood

As lovers of American Idol and avid country music fans, we’ve been in love with Carrie Underwood for quite some time! But let’s visit our definition of SEXY for a moment so our readers don’t get confused and think our qualifiers for The Sexy List are a body and face and voice as perfectly balanced as Carrie.

1. a genuine mix of physical beauty, confidence, attraction, humility, compassion, star quality, character and authenticity.
used in a sentence: “I made the sexy list!”(As seen on our tee shirts!)

So you can see, if you’re a fan of Carrie Underwood, that she not only has the voice of an angel, the lyricism of a poet, the body of a model and the face of an icon…she also embraces the heart, humility and compassion of an amazing woman.  The sexiest of her kind!

Check her out below in the Official Blown Away Tour LIVE DVD Trailer!


Check back in tomorrow to see who the next lucky lady is to make it in our Sexiest Woman List!

If you’re interested in purchasing a Sexy List Tee and repping The Sexy Life go HERE!

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