Cab Fare, Lipstick and Condoms…A Night Out with the Delectable Jackie Beat!

On the official Jackie Beat website she identifies herself as a “drag superstar” and that is by no means an understatement. More like drag super-funktafied-fabulosity-b-b-b-beat-mastress-dominatrastar! And we love every inch of her! We originally saw her in the documentary “Wigstock” as she and close friend, Alexis Arquette, traipsed along the streets of Manhattan before her performance in the park. After stalking her videos on YouTube and seeing her in a recent stand-up comedy show, we had to know more about this sensational character who seemed almost too fantastic to be real. Having started her career as a female impersonator years ago, Jackie has now graced her presence in several movies, including “Flawless” with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robert DeNiro and the documentary “Wigstock”, chronicling her participation in the annual, drag event in New York City hosted by the phenomenal Lady Bunny. Jackie has also had several television appearances including MTV’s “My Super Sweet 16” and was most recently a leading comedienne in the LOGO stand up comedy special “Dragtastic”. Along with several other creative projects, including being in the internationally famous band Dirty Sanchez, Jackie performs annually in a traveling Christmas show to sold-out crowds. Singer, writer, television and movie star…drag empress…Jackie can beat down our door any day!

1. Where was Jackie Beat born?
Hollywood of course. The man beneath Jackie was raised in Scottsdale, Arizona — a great place to grow up if you like Southwestern art, binge drinking and date rape.

2. What was early life like for Miss Jackie Beat?
Challenging. Let’s just say, “It Gets Better!”

3. Why the name “Jackie Beat’?
When I first started, I worked a Beatnik look: Black page boy wig, black leggings, black skirt, black turtleneck, black beret, etc. I essentially did stand-up comedy in the guise of Beat poetry. I thought the name “Jackie Beat” sounded very 1960’s. And I am not a big fan of those play-on-words names like Anita Cocktail. That sounds like a drag queen who might wait tables, it doesn’t sound like a star to me.

4. You are considered a drag star style icon. Where do you find inspiration for you style?
Well, I am a naturally creative and artistic person with a good eye. I don’t think style is something you can really learn. But most of my looks are rather ironic.

5. What are three things that make a successful female impersonator?
Personally, I would have to say a fully-developed character, a sense of humor, a good singing voice and PROFESSIONALISM. I picked four, because I’m an over-achiever!

6. Who are currently the three most entertaining drag queens in the US?
Myself, of course! And Sherry Vine and Lady Bunny.

7. What was your experience like being on MTV’s Made?
I was on “My Super Sweet 16” and it was great because I got paid VERY well by that filthy rich family!

8. We loved Wigstock. Does Wigstock still happen every year and are you still a part of this event?
No, sadly it does not happen anymore. But Lady Bunny does the occasional Wigstock-related special event.

9. Are you still friends with Alexis Arquette and if so, how is she doing?
Yes and she is doing great! She is one of the most creative people I know.

10. We interviewed Ongina Ryan, from RuPaul’s Drag Race, and we know she was the hostess of the LOGO feature Dragtastic of which you were part of? What is Ongina like in person?
Three feet tall, bald and annoying. She’s also Asian. Just kidding! She’s a delight.

11. If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed CD’s what or who would they be?
Soundtrack from HAIR, The Best of The Smiths and Ace Frehley’s solo album.

12. What is the best song and CD to have sex to?
Anything by early Prince — like “Head,” “Dirty Mind” or “Erotic City.”

13. What are three essentials a drag queen must have access to within 10 minutes or always carry in her purse?
Cab fare, lipstick and condoms.

14. What is the sexiest city in the world? Hotel? Club? Drag Queen? Movie Star? Porn Star? Place to Kiss?
Barcelona, Hotel Night in NYC, any club by Mario Diaz, me, Tom Hardy, Aybars and “on the mouth!”

15. the boys of raannt are getting married next August 25th in Vegas. If you were officiating our wedding, what advice would you give us in the ceremony?
Do things separately. The reason you were attracted to this person in the first place is because they had their own life and their own friends. That’s sexy. Totally losing yourself in or to a relationship is never a good thing.

16. Were you ever bullied? What advice would you give a 15 year old who was being bullied for being gay?
Yes and I would just say that these bullies never amount to anything, while the ones who are bullied go on to make the world a much more interesting and beautiful place.

17. If you lived in a tree house, where would it be and what would it look like inside?
I would live with the Keebler elves in their tree house — free cookies 24/7!

18. Do you believe in love and are you in love? When was the last time you were in love?
I feel bad for anyone who doesn’t believe in love. That’s like not believing in the sky! I am in love with life, my friends, my house and my dogs! Love comes in many forms — let it all in!

19. What’s next for the lovely and delicious Miss Jackie Beat?
My holiday tour in LA, SF, San Diego, Seattle, Portland and NYC.

20. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
Boxers are the sexiest.

We’re getting into our sexiest boxers now…just for you Jackie!!!

Eye’s Open…We’re Watching!

*All photographs by Austin Young and Peter Palladino with permission by Jackie Beat.

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