TomorrowWorld 2015 – The Key To Happiness, Day 3

Photo taken by TomorrowWorld
Photo taken by TomorrowWorld

Yep, we all know the stories by now… not to mention that Kaskade put them on blast on his twitter this morning…

But come on… We can’t over look the fact that TomorrowWorld was a good time. Look, remember when you were jumping to the thump of your favorite DJ? When you and your friends were snapping your favorite song, or when you were meeting new people? Or what about the excitement you felt all throughout your TomorrowWorld adventure… There was a lot of good there.

This is your life, make every second legendary!
This is your life, make every second legendary!

Saturday night was horrible for many people. For thousands of people, but the entire weekend was incredible for all… really. TomorrowWorld has apologized & outlined its refund policy for everyone affected:

TomorrowWorld Apology Refund Policy raannt
Official TomorrowWorld Apology and Refund Policy

We were going to write about the injustice and the lack of organization and even highlight the craziness that was Saturday, 9/27, night; but then, we got the notes from our intern, Juan Carlos Paredes, and realized that TomorrowWorld isn’t about what they didn’t give us, it’s not about what we missed out on, or how the negative took over… It’s about happiness, it’s about togetherness, it’s about music, love… TomorrowWorld gave us the key to happiness and it is up to us to use it and make sure that we make it fit in every situation, good or bad.

Alex and our college intern Juan at TomorrowWorld 2015
Alex and Juan at TomorrowWorld 2015

Thank you Juan for reminding us what TomororwWorld really is about and Thank you TomorrowWorld for providing an experience we will never forget!

Want more TomorrowWorld? Check out our DJ interviews and Festival Reviews here

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