Spotlight 2010…LOVE…

Love. Red. Ribbons. Lots of them. Smiles. Embrace. Voices carry. Dancers tango on an orange dusk wind across the stage. Children sing innocently just moments before a seven foot drag queen discos her Last Dance across the stage to Donna Summer. Front porch soliloquies so southern they make you want to throw in The Color Purple. At last the jazz heats up the stage a frying pan simmering rendition while strings collide melodically and prose weaves together our heartstrings, our hands held over the arms of our seats in the auditorium. Ribbons. Red. Lots of them. Love.

Spotlight 2010…A magical journey and cacophony of 18 of the best performers in Indianapolis all together tonight at Clowes Hall, raising over $300,000($4 Million in the last 15 years)for HIV/AIDS prevention and education. All proceeds benefiting the Indiana AIDS Fund.


We had our favorites, of course. The Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre and the Kenyetta Dance Company. Absolutely amazing. And Milicent Wright from IRT. No words can explain…especially Tasha Jones, whose words about Love…LOVE…inspire us even tonight.

What an amazing time we had, running into people from all of different worlds, in one place, for one reason. It was a little hard to understand, then, that to our dismay, the evening would take an interesting twist. As the Indianapolis Men’s Choir sang softly and tenderly from the stage, the two women in front of us would decide to begin calling their friends on their cell phones. For several minutes we tolerated this, coughing under our breath and slightly tapping their chairs, all decent signs, to please…be quiet. Even from rows behind and in front of us, the small chatter of uncomfortable coughing could be heard. Finally, we had had enough. “Shut up!” We said. The response, a twist of a weave, head flip, flip phone closed with one hand. “Did he just tell me to shut up? Oh, no! I’m grown!” And we were silent.


Until she said quietly, but audible enough to be heard for several rows, “Faggot”. Silence. Until the man next to her said, “You didn’t really just say that did you.” I mean…let’s be for real, we no longer corner the market on HIV and AIDS propaganda but quite a few seats were filled by the gay men-nation, not to mention lesbians, bisexual and several, several transgendered people. And then they laughed.

But maybe we’ve been silent long enough. So we complained. Trying to remain classy and not say what we would have really liked to have said. Class is the true sign of a “grown” person. And the poor, older, white haired woman seating people said, “Oh my, I’ve never dealt with anything like that before.” But the two women got progressively louder and louder, until they were asked to leave.

And love for the respect of the performers persevered. And somebody grown got told.

And after the show, the man in front of us said, “can you believe she said that?” and a woman behind us said, “you did the right thing.” And for years and years, so many of us sit by idly and don’t say anything and allow this kind of injustice. But not tonight. And not from now on. And maybe because rows of people, and performers donating their time and organizers and planners got together and said, “shut up” to HIV/AIDS, maybe…maybe…one person’s life will be saved…and that makes all the difference.

All because of love baby. All because of love.
Ain’t it great!

The Unauthorized Beats of World Reknown DJ Drew G…

Recently we were getting ready when we heard a mix of “Don’t Stop Believin” by the Glee cast. Instantly in love, we went on to research the DJ who spun up the mix only to find DJ Drew G’s sampling mixes of tons of great songs. True lovers of house music, we were inspired by his thick and thunderous beats, we had to find out more about the guy who is soft on the eyes, spins unruly mixes of our favorite songs, is known all over the world and was invited to DJ at the inauguration of President O’Bama…

1. How did you get into DJ’ing?
Djing was kind of a dare. A bigger dj (whom shall rename nameless told me I couldn’t do what he did) So I set out on a quest to do it…. and do it better.

2. What other career aspirations did you have that have contributed to your being a sensational DJ?
I grew up working in sales and marketing environments so I think that has played a huge part in this for me. I know how to market and sell myself to specific crowds and I know what those crowds want to hear from doing my research on them and paying attention to them while spinning.

3. Who are your three favorite musicians of all time?
Eddie Van Halen, Nicholas Barker, Jimmy Page

4. Who do you currently love to spin and why?
I love Chuckie right now, his sound is so current different and fresh compared to what alot of producers are putting out.

5. You have a history in classical music, how does that affect your DJ’ing?
I can hear keys signatures and incorporate that on the fly…. unlike other djs I don’t need a program to tell me what keys to mix in.

6. How do you incorporate your playing guitar?
I used to plug my guitar into a separate mac and play chords along with songs. I has been ages tho since Ive done that and I don’t know if it would translate to the current musical climate and or confuse people on the floor.

7. You typically play at gay clubs and are playing quite a few Pride Day events. Are you gay and either way, how does this affect you in the business?
I actually play a good mix of gay and straight clubs and will support anyone and anything that is a good cause (ie pride) I enjoy playing good music for people that love to dance.

8. You have been called, “a hottie with a heart?” How does looking good or being sexy help or hinder you in your career?
Yes Ronnie Kroell had called me that. You know I don’t really consider myself good looking. That has been a problem Ive faced my entire life. So I don’t know how it would hinder my career. A lot of people say they are intimidated by me, but I really don’t believe that. Maybe if I was Brad Pitt or someone of that caliber but I’m not nearly as good looking as someone like him.

9. Is there a pop musician you would never spin and why?
I kinda hate Kylie. Her voice makes me wanna claw my eyes out lol. But if she had a big hit nowadays Id have to play it and cope.

10. Since you have been around many circuit parties and clubs, you probably have witnessed a lot of drug us and addiction. What are your feelings about this in the night life scene?
Being a recovering addict myself it can be hard at times. Although from what I can see use has gone down quite a bit. Either that or people are just hiding it better.

11. What is the greatest moment you have ever had DJ’ing?
I love playing this outdoor festival in VA every year at Kings Dominion but the crown jewel gig still is spinning at the Roxy in NYC.

12. What would you be doing if you had an entirely different career?
If I had thought about it growing up more I would of been a politician.

13. If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life and it couldn’t be mixed what would it be?
Ugh….. that’s a hard one. Probably the first Van Halen album.

14. Tell us something about you that we wouldn’t know by looking at you?
I’m really a midget in an overcoat.

15. We love the mix you did of the Glee cast “Don’t Stop Believin”, but have not been able to find it anywhere to buy. Where can people find your music?
The Glee mixes are all unauthorized and in fact FOX has had them removed from YouTube like a zillion times, which is sad. They don’t get how well their music translates to dance.

16. Who is one DJ you would cancel for so you could go hear perform?
Thomas Gold. I would run jump and scream to see him live and to meet him. Genius.

17. What is your feeling about go-go dancing and it’s new fame with DJ’s?
Dj’s gogo dance???? I don’t mind go go dancers. Just don’t put flaggers on the stage in front of me lol.

18. Who, besides yourself, will be the next great DJ?
Everyone is kinda playing the same shit lately and I havent appreciated a set in ages…. although Nita Aviance in NYC is really doing well for himself. Very different sound tho in comparison very unground.

19. While spinning do you ever think about other things, like what kind of pizza you’ll order when you get back to your room?
When my next Jager shots coming.

20. Sexiest City? Sexiest Club? Sexiest Hotel?
LA, Voyeur Philly, Helix DC

21. Boxers, Briefs, Jockstraps…or nothing at all?
Boxer briefs or nothing at all.

Thanks buddy…can’t wait to hear you soon in person!!!
For more information on DJ Drew G visit his website!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!!!

the SEXY list…

the SEXY list…
1. Gold Jewelry
2. The Ashera…the world’s most expensive cat
3. Brittany Mason’s Billboards in Las Vegas Airport
4. Candis Cayne
5. Hott Butts with Dimples
6. Gay Porn Star Chris Porter
7. Cassandra Cass of Trantasia and Wild Things
8. Dope Couture Clothing Line…
9. Race Car Driver Danica Patrick
10. Eat, Pray, Love…the movie with Julia Robets
11. Stereo Love
12. Elin Woods
13. Happy Town…the television show
14. White Lilies for Mother’s Day
15. “If This Isn’t Love” by Jennifer Hudson
16. The hard beats of Venezuela by Mark Van Dale
17. Gorgeous Maria Roman of Trantasia and Wild Things
18. Mike Ruiz, the silver foxx photographer extraordinaire…
19. Midnight Sun…the new book by Stephenie Meyer
20. the NEW Nightmare on Elm Street 2010
21. Gold and White Nike’s
22. Porn Star Rob Romoni…
23. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
24. Tyra Sanchez…the winner of Rupaul’s Drag Race II
25. The Vertu Boucheron Python Cell Phone
26. The Vertu Solid Gold Cell Phone
27. The Winner by David Baldacci
28. Velvet D’Amour…the first plus sized model to ever walk couture runway
29. Flesh Mondays with the boys of raannt at Landsharks!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Rekindle the Night Gala to Save the Children in Haiti!

Several months ago we got a call from our good friend Scarlett Thorne to help her promote an event she was organizing with her friend Mia Evans. This Saturday, the event, Rekindle the Night, will be held at Midtown Bar and Grill in Broadripple to help raise money for children in Haiti. We are extremely honored to have been asked to help forward along this message and can’t wait to be a part of this Saturday’s festivities. Mia sent us a quote on why this charity event was so important for her to organize!

“Like many other wonderful things born from tragedy, the Charity Gala was a product of necessity. I lost the love of my life, a hardship many can relate to especially those currently facing the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes that hit Haiti . It became quite clear that I needed to put my efforts, energy, heart and compassion into something much larger than myself. I’m fortunate in that I’m surrounded by a circle of friends and family who are not only selfless, but extremely inspirational, and it was this inspiration that yielded the Charity Gala. Save the Children Organization is committed to doing whatever is necessary to provide a better living to those affected the most by the Haiti quakes, the children. Our community has shown just how powerful a message can be and has come together to not only meet but exceed our goal of $10,000 in donations. I am so proud of everyone who has participated and look forward to seeing all the kind, giving hearts that will be attending the Gala to make a better life for some children who are in desperate need of our help. “

Below are the details from their Facebook page:

On April 17th we will be hosting a Red Carpet Charity Gala at Mid Town Bar and Grill for Save the Children Organization with a goal to raise $10,000 for the Haiti Relief Children.

At 5 p.m. on January 12, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter Scale struck the impoverished island nation of Haiti. It was centered 15 miles from the capital of Port-Au Prince. The earthquake is believed to be the country’s worst in 200 years.

All children in the affected area have experienced a great shock and are likely to be very stressed and in need of emotional support now and for many months to come. Save the Children has significant expertise and experience in caring for the emotional needs of children in emergency situations.

Your support is critical – Save the Children will be working nonstop for children in Haiti for many months and is seeking private support for our relief and recovery efforts.


– SILENT AUCTION/RAFFLE – concert tickets, Indy 500 tickets, jewelry, wine tasting parties, perfume, gift cards, dinners, MUCH MUCH MORE!!!

For more details concerning the organization please visit

Tickets are $35 at the door!
For more information contact Mia Evans at

And if you can’t make an appearance, we’re sure they would appreciate any contribution!!!

Hope to see you all there!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Drag Discrimination Drama, Mama…at Miss Gay IU 2010!

iu drag pageant.jpg

Several years ago, a friend called me and asked me to come down to Bloomington for the Miss Gay IU Pageant. Being that I love pageants of any kind, I buckled in and headed down south, not quite expecting to find what awaited me. At the time I was probably in my early 30’s and hadn’t heard much about this pageant, so I was completely surprised when we walked into the auditorium on the IU campus and found the place absolutely packed, college kids interacting with each other, some gay, some very straight, but everyone just having a good time.

We sat through most of the pageant and when leaving I ran into some people that I knew. We talked about what a great opportunity the pageant was for younger gay people to experience unity within a culture in a way we had never been able to experience in the late 80’s and early 90’s. And probably, this new gay generation would be much healthier and much more sane as a result of similar experiences.

And then several weeks ago, Joshua Sutton, the president of OUT, the GLBT Student Union at IU, which produces Miss Gay IU, contacted Alex and I to get involved on some level to promote the pageant. We of course jumped at the chance.

And I wish the story ended there…but the real tragedy is in a note that Joshua put out on Facebook, explaining the IU administration’s frustration at the pageant and their lack of understanding the rules to include transgendered people. Just so I don’t get anything wrong, I’ve included the note for all to read.

Hello friends!

This is an issue that arises every year, and one that I expect and know will always be around being in an academic environment. Miss Gay IU, the first collegiate drag competition, and arguably one of the highest attended pageants in the nation, has proven to be more then successful in its 20+ years of existence.

It has been brought up to me, as it is every year, that we contradict our discrimination clause with Miss Gay IU, which is that “…all contestants must have been born male, however OUT will not discriminate based on current gender identity or expression (i.e, hormone use, cosmetic surgery, or fully transitioned male-to-female individuals). This is often due to ignorance with the female/male impersonation pageantry world. Let me be clear that this is by no means a hasty argument! After working with this pageant for three years and clearing the obstacles of some pretty rude people, I feel more empowered then ever to defend and educate on the integrity of Miss Gay IU and what it means to be a drag queen, or king related to grass roots and evolution of the art from those before us!

Some administrators, faculty and staff on campus feel it is a waste of time, money and efforts. Has MGIU lost it’s educational value? Possibly in the traditional classroom/teacher situation, but by putting this contest on – our members and community learn networking skills, event planning, and ways to be handled in the public eye. We learn news way every year to fight discrimination, resistance, and hatred.

If it wasn’t a loved event by all, then why do people still attend? Why do hundreds of alumni travel back to Bloomington for an evening, and why do they meet up with old friends at old restaurants and businesses – leaving a slight impact on Bloomington’s local businesses… while arguably stimulating our downtown economy slightly for an evening.

If people didn’t support the event, why is it that so many area businesses and surrounding ones provide financial support to the event? Miss Gay IU is funded by IUSA at only a fraction of what the total cost of the event can, could and will be. For those who say they’re forced to pay for it because some of their Student Activity Fees go to the IUSA, come one – spread that figure over thousands of tuition paying students, that’s pennies to you (I know, it adds up!). And I could argue the same thing when certain religious events are supported by organization on campus that receive their pool of money from tuition student activity fees, but I don’t! I embrace a well rounded and diverse education, rather I agree with it or not, and take pride in knowing that I may have financially supported a cause that is important to someone else that could quite possibly be my worst enemy, or polar opposite.

Many people in our community think drag is a disgrace, and that’s fine – you don’t have to come. Is drag and Miss Gay IU caddy? Yes. Witty? Yes. Intended for a mature audience? Yes. Alcohol free? Yes!

This is for the students first and foremost, many who are not old enough to experience the night club scene, and a night to come out and be a little crazy and see drag in one of the most prestigious venues in the nation. We are college students, professionals, adults! We’re entitled to have fun as well.

We do our best to keep the show as clean as possible, but our entertainers and formers who come and work for free are well seasoned night club entertainers most of the time. (Not to mention we try to raise money for another charity at the same time, often leaving OUT with very little or NO profit from the show to put back into our organization.) These night clubs where drag started to take its place in society got our culture noticed, and holds some of the vital the grassroots to our road of equality. (Stonewall riots, anyone?)

With that said, I want to share my response to the contestant clause, for all to see – as I know many people will never quite get it, nor understand. The original comment was by no means rude or nasty and meant no harm – but I know there are others out there who do mean harm – so it just sparked me to get a head start on the issue. Myself and OUT truly appreciate all of the support that is provided.

“We are one of the FEW pageants that allows the gender being impersonated (female in this case) to be impersonated by those who are transitioning males to females.

It’s like any clause in any pageant, real girl, or drag queen, setting a groundwork of what qualifies you as a contestant..

Transgender individuals often transition because they want to become the other gender, they feel trapped in the wrong body, and in a sense they “portray” that gender the rest of their lives, through their look, way of life, acceptance and support of others, etc.

Often pageantry systems will say that an individual who has transitioned, or is transitioning, has an unfair advantage to others who may be biologically male in this case.

It use to be that no cosmetic work, hormonal use, or “female” gender identity of a male contestant would be qualified to enter Miss Gay IU, as this still holds true for many of the bigger pageantry systems across the world. For example, Miss Gay America (, one of the largest pageantry systems in our country with countless preliminary contests DOES NOT allow anyone more then a full biological boy to compete, and for this reason, many our greatest entertainers out there can not compete, because many of them are transitioning, or have. No disrespect to the MGA system, but this just shows you the different stipulations that exist, that some may still see as discrimination. When on the other end of the spectrum, a newer and more proactive female impersonation system has taken on the same view of contestants that OUT has had on Miss Gay IU for about 10 years, and that is the Miss All American Goddess system (, where they do not discriminate on a contestants current gender identity who was born a male – So it really just depends on what these promoters are looking for.

It’s the same concept as Hoosier Daddy – all contestants must have been born female, but those transitioning into the male gender are welcome to compete. If we allowed any and all to compete in either competition, there would be no distinction between the two – and no need to call it a female impersonation, or male impersonation contest. It would just be a contest.. and we certainly don’t see males who have transitioned to females competing in the real Miss America (maybe one day!)

While there are more proactive forms of drag emerging, such as “fag drag” which is considered biological females dressing in elaborate drag and performing, there is still that integrity to be kept and said for drags beginning. As a student organization that does not contradict discrimination, I hope this clarifies most peoples urge to call this out as discrimination. By definition of discrimination, you could say that the way the clause is stated that it is discrimination toward anyone not born male, but those with an understanding of the pageantry politics would understand. When in fact, we are embracing our transgender members of the female gender to enter in this specific case. It’s an integrity of the grass roots and evolution to drag, to the male and female impersonation world in our culture and community. We embrace transgender individuals who often can not compete in other systems to come compete in Miss Gay IU, and Hoosier Daddy!

I encourage anyone who wants to start another contest with new rules and regulations to do so, there is always a need and want for something fresh and out of the ordinary! Miss Gay IU is celebrating 20 years of fairness and success as the first college drag pageant, and helping lead the way to some proactive minds and changes that were very much needed at IU and in Bloomington many years ago.

Feel free to contact myself if you have anymore questions or concerns! I am always open to chat about this, and I appreciate you voicing your concern!


Thank you all! :)”

As you can see, he’s not just some “fag” who throws pageants as probably many people in our society see us from time to time, but an articulate, educated and well-spoken young man who is just trying to improve things a little bit. How honorable, to know, even as little as we do, someone who is positively trying to change things for the next generation…I wish he had been around when I was 18 and maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t have felt so alone.

And as you know, we’re not political, so we’re not going to ask you to vote down IU or anything like that…we’re just going to ask every single one of you to show up at the pageant in mass and show those fuckers that you can’t “drag” us down with you!

Show up and make a difference April 30th, 2010 at 7pm at IU Auditorium.

For more information visit the Miss Gay Indiana University 2010 website!

And of course…to read more of us, the boys of raannt, visit The Bilerico Project or IndyScene!

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

Swimsuit Contest Tonight at FLESH!!!

Tonight at Landsharks in Broadripple is FLESH…from 9-3 with amazing music all night long from FLESH’s resident DJ FLESH, drink specials and boy and girl go go dancers for whatever you’re interested…maybe both! And NO Cover…

And if Spring Break just ended for you or is just started, enjoy it for a few hours tonight at FLESH…come out in your favorite swimsuit and hang out…at Midnight, we’ll give out a prize of a Jagermeister basket worth $500 to the one person we believe has the BEST bathing suit look..they’re aren’t any rules just come out in your bathing suit and enjoy the night!!! ANYONE can enter…we don’t discriminate!!!

See you there!!!
Eyes Open…We’re Watching

Indy’s Social Clout!!!

For the past year, we have been honored to have been able to float through the night at parties or club openings, hang out by the boats all day at Bella Vita in the summer and meet all kinds of amazing people…but we continue to be asked one question on a regular basis?

Who is it important to know in Indianapolis?

Well, we guess it depends on how you define “important”, being that we have no desire to be the next CEO of Lilly, not that we’re qualified, or to be a chef at The Columbia Club. Oh, all of those careers would probably be quite interesting, but we’re talking about the behind the scenes, Hollywood/Vegas Party vibe right here in Indianapolis. Alot of people THINK they run the show, but that’s not quite the case. If you watch carefully, as we have over the past year, you will realize that the same people run in the same circles and they make things happen in this city. And consequentially, we’re now able to call many of these people our dear friends…but others we hardly know…Needless to say…if you want to get anywhere in this town socially…The following is who you NEED to know…and whether you agree or not doesn’t really matter…because it’s the truth! So Indy…If you were a play…this would be your cast!!!

1. The Hostess…Donna Deer Gorgeous and approachable, she and her husband Richard Deer are literally at almost every party with their entourage of friends…and also host some of the best parties in the city! We love them because they’re fun and don’t seem to care what other people think…if it’s glitzy…it’s probably the Deers!
2. The King…Richard Deer Entrepreneur and liver of life…we don’t really know these two…although we wish we did, but we see them everywhere and believe they add true color to the social scene of Indy!
3. The Prince of the City…J.R. PeareOwner and operator of IndyScene…he’s the guy everyone whispers about when he walks in the room…
4. The Mentor…Harvey LevinThe guy that makes it happen…
5. The Queen…Vicki St. JamesWorking three nights a week as a headlining performer at Talbott Street, she brings grace and style to the stage…
6. The Foreign Heiresses…Yana Botsman and Luz Reyes Amazing dolls with Amazing Style…and a little mysterious!
7. The Owner…Darren Block Part owner of Landsharks in Broadripple and husband to Sky Block who literally knows everyone in Indianapolis…
8. The Art Collector…Michael StrapulosOwner of Talbott Street who likes to collect…beautiful things!
9. The Style Guy…Andrew of Ballcaps and NecktiesLocal Blogger of Ballcaps and Neckties with eye on style!
10. Miss Beauty and Brains…Melissa ElrodDefinitely the one to watch…student by day and celebutante at night…she and boyfriend Bryan Schmidt have helped us meet half of the people on this list…and for that, we love them!
11. The Talker…Bryan SchmidtPromoter and planner…always with a new idea! Networking genius!
12. The Mayor…Bianka KrauschOnly in Indy half of the year, she and boyfriend/fiance Chad Folk, have one of the most amazing houses in Indianapolis which they use for entertaining and charity events…
13. The Entrepreneur…Chad FolkComputer guru and all around nice guy
14. The Ingenue…Bailee ZimmermanMiss Teen Indiana 2009 and on her way out of Indy to pursue modeling/acting…she will one day be the supermodel who visits her hometown of Indianapolis!!!
15. The Most Popular…Jeana CordrayEnough Said…she knows everyone…she’s everywhere!
16. The Law…Carol TownsendAs Deputy Prosecutor for Marion County…This girl probably has the best style in all of Indy…Seriously!
17. The Pied Piper…Joe MeltonThe drummer who beats to the rhythm of the DJ…he has an incredible following all over town!
18. The Earth Mother…Sky BlockWife of Darren Block, owner of Landsharks, mother of Heaven, huge supporter of gay rights and originator of “Dance Classes”, this Diva has become a true best friend…with interests from spirituality to fashion, she is at all times stylish, thoughtful, kind and clever!
19. The Model…Olga AlkhutovaA must in every local fashion show!
20. The Dancer…Mya Azuaje…Go Go Dancer extraordinaire and friend to all DJ’s!!!
21. Little Miss Sunshine…Ali Chapman…Rarely do we EVER meet someone who doesn’t know Ali…
22. The Narrators…Peter Monn and Alex Paredes…The Boys of raanntEnough Said…

NOTE: We removed someone, at his request although he originally gave us his approval, because he wasn’t comfortable with the reception he was receiving. We don’t want to hurt anyone, so we will remove him…but just for the record, true social clout wouldn’t care. All the best buddy!!! We hope your true friends really realize what a contribution you are to this city…

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!!!

We’re Everywhere!!!

This week our new social review and gossip column will premier on the new and improved IndyScene!

In the last year since we’ve started our blog we’ve had the opportunity to attend events, fashion shows, pageants, club openings, parties and many other functions as well as interview celebrities both local and nationally.

We’ve also won several awards, within our first six months of publishing, and continue to be nominated for other blog and social review awards!

Besides all of this, we are also the gossip columnists for The Bilerico Project-Indiana, write provoking observations on Thoughts From the Couch and have been mentioned on The Huffington Post, LOGO’s, and several other national blogs and syndicated columns!

So we’d just like to give a shout out to everyone who has been so awesome in helping us get this far and take us seriously…even with our humor in consideration. With sincerity, we mean every last word of sarcasm and cynical observation!!!

We’ll continue to bring you opinions and gossip and hope to keep our eye on the prize!!!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!!!

Talbott Street is Closing?!!!

“Word” on the street for the last year has been that Talbott Street is closing it’s doors any day. We’ve heard every rumor from money problems to drug problems to all kinds of garbage. Needless to say, we’re not ones to believe rumors easily so we asked several of the employees and their consistent response has been, “If Talbott is closing they haven’t said anything to us about it.” In the past, we’ve even trashed some of the staff, having been treated, what we believed was less than respectful as patrons, but that has changed, and you have to give it to a staff who truly, truly acts like a team…that’s hard to find in ANY organization these days, not just a club.

So with all of these rumors floating around, we found it interesting that Talbott issued a “statement”, so to speak, on Facebook the other day, which we’re including here for anyone that didn’t read it. Since we don’t know who wrote this we have to give props for using Maya Angelou’s inaugural poem for President Clinton…

A Message From Talbott Street “VIVA LA DIVA”-
Maya Angelou, a revered American poet, said ” You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies. You may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I’ll rise.” It is very unfortunate and sad that there are those who delight themselves by persecuting others… with malicious rumor. Jealous people poison their own banquet, then eat it. Such is the case by attempting to cast ill fate on Talbott Street. Our Talbott Street family is stronger than ever; and, much to the dismay of some jealous few, we have no intention of terminating our entertainment business. The threats of our closing are FALSE and want to express to all communities our sincerest gratitude for making us the successful and respected venue we have grown to be be.
Long live Talbott Street!

We think…a wonderfully, written sentiment…and thank you Talbott, for at least clearing that up for us! We don’t know about the rest of the town, but as social bloggers who go out on a regular basis and review talent, not only for us now, but for The Bilerico Project, IndyScene and several other online publications, we have to say we’ve been extremely impressed with you lately! DJ Deane and Joe Melton were absolutely amazing…DJ Logan Matthews was so good last time we couldn’t believe it! Always good but WAY off the charts. The place has been bumping and the entertainment has been incredible. The staff has been friendly and professional as hell and the bar is still going right up until the lights come on! The way a club should be!!!

So why all the rumors and “haters”…can’t we all just have fun…isn’t that the point in going out to begin with? In all actuality, we spend more time in “straight” bars and almost have a better time because there is less of all of this crap…after all…it’s just a bar…and what would everyone do if it closed anyway??? Go to the 501 or Zonies? All these bars have their place but let’s be for real.

And Vivian, in case you’re reading…as we hope you are!!!(By the way…Vivian Farris, managing partner of Talbott, we believe that’s your title, we apologize if we’re wrong…is the ONLY one who has approached us and asked us our opinion…and whether she cares or thinks we’re a joke…she still approached us…and she is ALWAYS friendly and genuine to us!!!)here’s a little news for you Viv…below the Facebook statement Talbott posted is a comment…here…we will repost is…

Madison Gosspicat
“I’d say sue the assholes with the big mouths and lack of brains, but if they got nothing then why waste your money?”

Interesting that if you don’t know who “Madison Gossipcat” is…they list their about me on Facebook as…”We are the gossipcat girls and everybody know about us if they read The Word!” and their website as…””. So obviously, this is Ted from The Word, Indy’s local gay newspaper…Ok Ted, this is not an attack on you…but we would have loved to have worked writing the gossip column for The Word, as you asked us and even for free, if you would have allowed us to go out and write what WE wanted to write…but you told us we had to be appropriate with your sponsors, which we understand…but you have a staff member who told us, at the bar at Landsharks during our very first FLESH in January, that during a meeting at Talbott Street, where he was present, they discussed the bar closing and that he was searching out an alternate venue for promoting his events(which, apparently…hmmmm…hasn’t happened)…this is almost verbatim what he told us
AS WELL as telling us that we could quote what he told us on raannt…

We, for two, are ecstatic that Talbott Street is staying open…and as our dear friend Andrew from Ballcaps and Neckties recently said when we told him we were ending up at Talbott…”Of course…you have to pay homage!”…Damn straight…and Greg’s on Fridays and Landsharks on Mondays…the rest we fill in the gap!

So, pull in the reigns, be supportive of Talbott Street, leave the drama at home and shut the fuck up!!! Quite frankly we’re tired of it and just want to dance, laugh and have a good time…keep up the good work Talbott and Ted…call us if you’re still interested! (And just a word to the wise, since you happened to bring our good friend up in your most recent gossip column…maybe consider actually letting someone write real reviews of bars and events, no matter if it hurts your sponsorship…we can’t damage the soul of a bar…but the soul of a person…WOW…that’s something else entirely…Peace!)

Love one another…dance, smile, screw and have a blast!!!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

DJ Jared Curry at The Connection in Louisville!

The boys of raannt are hitting the road tonight with our good friends and couple extraordinaire Ryan and Matt for a night down south!

Local Indy DJ Jared Curry will be making his Louisville premier tonight at The Connection’s “Spring Fling”…If you haven’t been down there it’s definitely a MUST as one of the best gay bars in the Midwest, with a huge dance floor, loungy areas, an enormous drag theater with some of the best NATIONAL entertainment in their show “La Boy Le Femme with regular entertainers Vanessa DeMornay, Terri Vanessa Coleman, world renown queen and hilarious emcee Hurricane Summers, Fantasha and Cezanne, a former Miss Continental who can be seen in the major motion picture/documentary “Trantasia” premiering this month on LOGO and available everywhere!!!

Come on down and support Jared, who can be regularly be heard locally at Talbott Street!

Good Luck Buddy…

So…as much as we would have liked to attend The Midwest Fashion Week the boys of raannt often need a night away…Find out more and see pictures of tonight at The Connection on raannt and IndyScene!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!