Part angel, part bad-ass biker girl…lots of trouble mixed in with a heart of gold…how could you not love the amazingly beautiful Cassandra Cass. She was first highlighted in the documentary Trantasia and will be starring in the upcoming reality television show, Wild Things! It would seem as if this were only the beginning for this rising starlet!
1. How do you define yourself in society?
Hmmm…that’s a hard one. I really just look at myself as a person chasing her dreams. I really don’t like labels, they can be sooo confining…
2. How do you define your career?
I really look at myself as an entertainer. There are many forms, such as acting, modeling, designing and I really enjoy creating and being artistic.
3. How did you come up with your name?
My mothers name was SANDRA and my given name was CASEY. I’ve always loved Greek mythology and it just fit..My drag mother, when I was up and coming, was DENA CASS so CASSANDRA CASS just fit so well..
4. On Trantasia you seem to have a realism and a sense of humor that keeps you grounded. How important is having a sense of humor in the entertainment business?
OMG if couldn’t laugh at myself I would have given up a long time ago..There are so many ups and downs and sometimes you’re like “”WHY am I DOING THIS” but then when you see the finished product you’re like WOW I can’t believe I was a part of that!! What a dream come true.. 5. What was the greatest experience you had while shooting Trantasia and at the pageant?
TRULY the sisterhood. Overall everyone was really great to each other. We knew we were part of something bigger than US and there really was a POSITIVE ENERGY…
6. What was the most humorous or most embarrassing thing that happened?
SWIMSUIT COMPETITION…The shoes I was wearing had laces that twisted all the way up to the knee and my DRESSER was more concerned about her hair than properly tying them. When I was walked on the stage they came undone and twisted around my ankle’s, tripping me. I actually fell off the side of the stage. That certainly didn’t help my chances to get into the top ten!!!….
7. Do you think transgendered people were well represented by Trantasia?
Overall yes. We wear seen as SHOWGIRLS who where in charge and and chasing their dreams.. most of the time we are seen as hookers doped up and HOPELESS, which really pisses me off. It’s time the media gave us more POSITIVE REPRESENTATION!!….
8. What can we look forward to in the new television show “Wild Things”?
“WILD THINGS” is by the same people who made TRANTASIA. It follows ME, MARIA ROMAN and TIARA RUSSELL on a road trip and a mission.. Maria’s brother was very ill at the time so we traveled around to very small towns and worked WILD and CRAZY jobs to raise money for his medical care..OMG we worked as BULL RIDER’s, sold HOT DOGS to CLUELESS construction workers, partied in biker bars. We even trained to be boxers. It’s very The Simple Life but with BIGGER BOOBS, HAIR and BOOTY!!!!..and yes we had some BIG ASS FIGHTS…THE show is TRULY AMAZING..I can’t wait for everyone to see it here in the stats!! Ohhhh did I mention, we traveled around in a broke-down Winnebago! …TRULY funny stuff!!!.. 9. What are three movies that have greatly impacted you either personally or the image you create?
Pretty Woman, Barbwire and Grease….Yes I’m kinda a BAD GIRL…with a heart of GOLD!!!…
10. How will you know when you have “made it”?
STILL waiting ..not quite sure yet..ask me when the show comes out..
11. Do you get recognized and what is the overall response?
YES, really great, since TRANTASIA was SHOT I feel my look has improved so it’s kinda like looking at your high school pictures. But people are so great..I love it when people say You should’ve won!!..I’m like honey, it was not my time but I’m ready now for a REMATCH..
12. Who are three people in your field who you aspire to be more like and why?
HONESTLY I just wanna be the best me. That’s really what I aspire to..
13. Who are three mainstream celebrities you would like to have as best friends?
Madonna, Lady Gaga and Will Smith. They ROCK!!! 14. If you could have a 2 hour dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
My momma. I REALLY miss her…R.I.P
15. What is your ultimate career goal?
Just to keep on working and to been seen as the person I am, not just some “”TRANNY””. There’s talent here, I just wanna show it!!.
16. What are some misconceptions about transgendered people or drag queens?
Goodness, there’s a lot of them. I really don’t feed into that. I just hope people take it person by person and stop stereotyping!!
17. What do you think the biggest political or social issue facing transgendered people is today?
WE truly are faceless. Most transgenders don’t want people to know and I get that. There’s a lot of crap that comes with people knowing, but people need to have respect for others. It’s not ok to be mean and there is a lot of abuse that goes on and some people think its ok…I’ve always said if I meet Maury or Jerry Springer I would kick them in their balls..I feel their shows have REALLY set us back!!! 18. What is your relationship like with your family and do they accept your goals in life?
Not very good but I wish them well..
19. What is something we wouldn’t know by looking at you?
That I’m a great cook. It really relaxes me..just love it.
20. Who are your three favorite musicians of all time?
Madonna, Michael Jackson and BARNEY!!!
21. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
NOTHING at all..I’ve worked too hard to get this body!!! Why would I cover it up?..
Thanks Sexy! We can’t wait to see the show!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!!!
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*Pictures printed with permission of Cassandra Cass.
It’s been a crazy year. We’ve stayed in business and met tons of amazing people! We’ve won several awards, been listed on National websites, entertained celebrities, written for three other major websites, been on the radio, hosted a weekly gay night called FLESH, thrown two fashion shows and a charity event and we continue to try and raise our own bar to do more and more, bettering ourselves and the environment around us, especially the social environment.
It is officially raannt’s one year anniversary and we wanted to do something special this week to make it even more special! Recently, we were contacted by West A. Ferguson on Twitter, who told us he was a fan of raannt. He also told us he thought we had a pretty huge gay following, especially younger gays. We asked him who he would like to see us interview next and he replied, “Hmmmm…the boys of raannt”. And so we told him if he sent us 20 questions, we would write up an interview and let everyone see what’s behind all the hype! And so it goes… 1. What are three interestingly random things we would want to know about you guys. Alex: I’m bilingual, I’m in a hip hop dance team here in Indy, and I was born in Venezuela and moved here when I was 12. Peter: I’m been clean and sober for over 15 years. I’m an only child. I’m obsessed with Willie Nelson.
2. Is your current job, you dream job? Alex: Its not, I love the job that I have right now and I’m learning a lot… But the more and more I move forward with raannt the more I would love to work in PR or in the social event department of a magazine. Peter: My dream job constantly changes. Currently I’m a psychotherapist in private practice. (Read my work related blog at Thoughts From the Couch!) Honestly, my dream job would be to write novels and drink coffee daily.
3. If you’re not working where you want to, then what is your dream job. Alex: Public Relations would be great!! Or working for a Magazine Peter: Like I said, writing full time and having my work published. I’m currently shopping literary agents and publishers.
4. Just for kicks: Team Jennifer Aniston? or Team Angelina? We’re all ears with this ongoing celebrity feud. Alex: I personally love Jennifer Aniston! She’s sssooo pretty and She looks like a mean girl but isn’t, but we don’t really know if she really isn’t, which is what I like about her! Peter: Team Angelina. I’ve never understood the Jennifer Aniston obsession. I love everything about Angelina Jolie; especially her mystery. 5. What are three “nevers” of your life. for example: I will never wear hot pink. Lol Alex: I never say “I never” because I just never know! Peter: I will never jump from a plane unless it is my only way out and I will never swim with sharks unless I’m swimming for my life.
6. Some young gay/lesbian actors have this belief that coming out might slow down or put an end to their careers. Do you believe Rupert Everett was right in saying: “It’s not that advisable to be honest. It’s not very easy. And, honestly, I would not advise any actor necessarily, if he was really thinking of his career, to come out…”. Alex: I think it’s really up to them, being gay/lesbian shouldn’t defined their work and professional life, its personal and should stay that way. Peter: I don’t think we’re in a position to put our careers first, especially when our coming out might be a positive example for others, especially younger gay people. When I was younger I felt all alone because there really weren’t any gay role models. I guess I’ve never thought of myself in the closet, and I don’t really care. If someone else can’t accept me…it’s not my problem. It’s just not about me. But I don’t think I have to flaunt it in someone’s face either.
7. How do you feel about society’s reaction to those actors that choose to come out? Alex: I think they’re interesting, you can totally tell where these reactions are coming from; for example in major cities they report it and move one, but in the Midwest they linger with the idea or thought of someone they liked as being gay/lesbian… To each its own I guess. Peter: I think society, and we’re part of that, will criticize or over-analyze whatever celebrities do. I can’t understand what it’s like living their life, so I try not to judge. I do think that many actors have been embraced by society because it’s just not that big of a deal anymore to be gay. 8. On the subject of gay youth, can we please discuss Glee? haha Do you feel that the subject of disappointment and misunderstanding between Kurt and his father represents a theme that is mis/over-used within gay culture? Are there not good relationships between gay sons and their fathers? Alex: I personally don’t watch Glee; I feel like it’s the nerdy brother of Gossip Girl and 90210. All of these shows are filled with the same idea of young pretty sex and steam fun drama that we like to watch… But!!! I will say that in all 3 shows they have introduced gay issues and their stereotypes. Peter: I don’t watch Glee either, although I’m planning on buying the seasons and catching up because the show is just getting way too much hype for me to not witness. My father and I have a great relationship and honestly, my being gay has never been an issue. He is a surgeon, and as a man of science, he believes my being gay is genetic makeup.
9. While growing up and coming of age, can you guys remember if it was hard to respect or believe in a religion? If your memory goes back that far Alex: Umm!! Yes my memory goes back that far!! And actually it was a little difficult for me to respect it and this is probably why I choose to not have any religious believes. Peter: I do not consider myself a religious person. I consider myself a spiritual person. And honestly, my issues with religion have less to do with being gay and more to do with my addiction and recovery. Honestly, I’ve never found anything in a church that is for me, but I do have a great respect for people that find that kind of faith. I think religion or spirituality is personal and should be left that way. It’s a personal relationship. I don’t think most people would understand my spiritual beliefs, based on love and learning, and quite frankly, it’s none of their business. 10. With your views on religion, do you believe that marriage is for everyone? ( I only ask because I would not want to assume that all the gay community feels the same way) Alex: I personally think that marriage shouldn’t be a religious benefit or right or anything, I actually think it shouldn’t be tied down to religion because its about loving the person you’re marring, not the religious you share or believe in. Peter: I do not believe marriage is for everyone, whether gay or straight. I do struggle with couples who engage in committed relationships but have an open relationship, but then again, I guess that’s none of my business either if it works for them.
11. Okay, I’m going to give into a stereotype and comment on your amazing skin Raannt boys! You guys must have pretty interesting skin regimes, considering you both have amazingly beautiful complexions. So how do you guys do it…you know should know that this information will help the skin condition of all your fans! Alex: Wow thanks!!! I actually had horrible skin when I was in High School and hated my face!! But I grew out of it, I do still get break outs here and there and still hate them, but its part of me and all I have to do is make fun of them and move on. Peter: Honestly, my friends from high school would laugh at this question because when I was a teenager, I never had any acne and they were jealous. I think mostly it’s genes, but my mother always taught me to wash my face with bar soap, which is typically not what is recommended, but it has always worked for me. Also, I drink tons of water. 12. Speaking stereotypes: {because I totally brought up these topics so that they wouldn’t correlate *sarcasm*} Do you think there are definite roles for each person within a gay/lesbian relationship? Like bride and groom/man or woman? Alex: I personally think that if I’m with a man it should be a man, just like me. I like guys who are guys and If I wanted a girly guy I might as well be with a girl. Peter: I’m with men because I am attracted to masculinity. That being said, what works for me, isn’t for everyone. In our relationship, we have no set roles, entirely.
13. @CortneyStiggers wants to know: What do you like about one another? Alex: I love how silly Peter is, he pretends our dogs have voices and are actual people and plays and talks to them… Silly but it makes me smile. Peter: I love Alex’s confidence. Also, he is not only my fiance, but my best friend. He is willing to tell me when I am wrong about something and to tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear. He challenges me to be a better person. 14. Another fan (@starsintheskies) asks: Individually, which do you prefer: words of affirmation, quality time together, physical touch, receiving gifts, or acts of service? Alex: I like a bit of them all… I’m personally not a romantic person so all the mushy mushy stuff isn’t for me but I try my hardest to do it for Peter. Peter: All of them, but romance and passion are really important for me. I think validation in a relationship is important and I definitely think quality time, no matter how it is spent, is vital. Although I love gifts, they don’t say much in a relationship. Physical touch…a must!
15. Which emotion is stronger: Anger or Love? Alex: I think they’re both pretty strong and there wouldn’t be one with out the other. Peter: Anger is a secondary emotion which we give power. Love can overcome anything. 16. Looking back in the past: What will you always remember about your childhood? Is there anything that you will always remember. Alex: I think I will always remember the big family gatherings and trips to the beach. Venezuela is where I grew up and we got to do a lot of fun stuff while I was there! Peter: What…I’m not still a child? Hmmm..I’ll always remember my teacher reading, “Help I’m a Prisoner in the Library” during a blizzard in 4th grade. I’ll always remember my mom and I dancing in the rain, and eating grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup on snow days. And sailing on Lake Michigan with my dad.
17. What family traditions have you brought into your own life? Alex: I don’t think I have any… well that I can think of. Peter: Interesting that he says that because I’ve learned a lot about Venezuelan Christmas traditions. It’s really important for me that we don’t go to bed angry and that we kiss each other good night. 18. With the anniversary of your blog, what impact do you hope to leave with your readers? Alex: I want them to keep wanting more! I feel like they more they want the more drive we will have to be able to give them that, and by doing so growing as a page and place for people to go to and have fun reads! Peter: At Pride Day this weekend we had a transsexual woman come up to us and thank us for our blog, saying we had given a voice to gay and trans people. Other people thanked us for giving gay people a mainstream voice. I guess I didn’t realize we were doing that, but it’s important that now that we have a voice, we use it correctly. I hope to leave readers knowing that we’re just two guys, accomplishing our dreams and trying to make the world a better place. Laugh a little bit and find love in the glitter…life just isn’t that serious. It’s over all too quick! 19. What are three platforms do each of you support? Alex: Eating Disorders in Youth, Aids Foundation, and anything that will keep kids dancing! Peter: Animal rights, especially for elderly dogs. Teen addiction and recovery. National equal rights to marriage.
20. Describe your life in a six word sentence. Mine (for example): Young sexy love never dies ugly Alex: Loyal Loving Crazy Sassy Sexy Dance Peter: Life is short. Live it up!. 21. Taken from the raannt box o’ interview questions: on each other…boxers, briefs, jockstraps,…or nothing at all {your readers are dying to know} Alex: I love sleeping in my boxers! And to go out cute sexy briefs!! Peter: I love old school boxers, especially with buttons but typically nothing at all…And Alex looks great in a jockstrap!
So there it is…we hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks to West Ferguson for the interview…and to all our sexies…
Last Sunday, we got to hang out all day with Kaya Jones, formerly of the Pussycat Dolls, at Rehab at Bella Vita! We didn’t really know what to expect but what we found was so much more. A little bit of a down home girl spun rock star, flipping through her phone and showing us pictures of stuff, while telling us about her life growing up and her life on the road. She Googled the cover of a Grace Jones album and explained to us why she loves Grace Jones’ creativity over Lady Gaga, even though she said she has much respect for Lady Gaga and loves a lot of her music. We talked a lot about the music and entertainment industry and gay rights. Kaya is a huge advocate of gay rights and wanting to get gay men and lesbians acquainted with her music. She even told us a few Hollywood secrets. But mostly, we just sat around like a bunch of old friends and swapped stories, with her performing four of her songs in between, even starting her show acapella. As she and her friend/road manager Una, equally sexy and charming, left for their flight, we made plans to take her out when she flew back in…hopeful, but understanding the busy life of performers and celebrities, not certain. But what a girl! She’s texted and tweeted us back and forth this week and while we were sitting by the pool tonight, she called us and we talked plans for the weekend, including her exciting performance at Talbott Street for gay pride in Indianapolis! Kaya told us about her songs she was recording and before long we were all laughing again, just like Sunday. And that’s who she is…an amazing musician with true heart and soul! We hope you love her as much as we do, because she’s going straight to the top!!! And watch out…because she is THE Hollywood Doll! 1. Give us a bit of background on Kaya Jones, How you came in to the industry, picked your name?
I first got into the industry by bombarding Eminem and Dr Dre’s tour bus. Proof from d12 put me in contact with R Kelly’s road mgr and R Kelly ended up signing me that year. I was 13.
I decided on Kaya because legally R Kelly owned the rights to my biological name for 3 yrs – the time frame of our recording deal. I chose to perform under the name Kaya because it was a Jamaican word which reverts back to the roots of my mother. Jones was given to me by Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols. He named me at S.I.R. rehearsal space in Hollywood. He thought it would be cool to put Jones at the end of an exotic name.
2. As a singer, model, and actor… What do you have more fun doing? And how are they different to you?
My heart will always lie with singing.. but singing is a form of acting. They’re different and yet somewhat the same. I love entertaining no matter what I’m doing.
3. While with the Pussycat Dolls, what as your favorite song you gals perform and why? Tainted Love was my favorite song while with Pussycat Dolls. Everyone was featured and it was the beginning of our careers. That for me was a very special time with the group.
4. A lot of people may remember you as a former PCD, PussyCat Doll, What is something you want your fans to remember you by? Other than being a former PCD?
PCD will forever be a part of my past and I’m proud of that. I look forward to making new fans with my solo journey and my new music. 5. We were lucky enough to hear your 2 newest songs, Hollywood Doll and Wallflower, what has been your inspiration for your coming album?
Dance Music. And dancehall have been a big inspiration. I can’t wait to make the whole world dance!
6. The Hollywood Doll video is super sexy!! Tell us a bit about the video, what’s the story line? Who’s the snobby celeb supposed to be? And how did it feel to star on your very own solo music video?
The song Hollywood Doll is dedicated to haters. I think everyone can relate to having haters in their life or career. It felt great to be in my own video- the first step in the solo journey.
7. You get to travel all the time! What has been the sexiest city you’ve been to?
Miami Sexiest club? Rehab @ The Palms in Indy! Hotel? Chateau Marmont, LA Place you’ve perform? MGM Grand, Las Vegas 8. Tell us about your experience in Iraq and why you felt like it was important for you to go out there?
It was eye-opening and life-changing. I do not agree with this war, however I fully support our men and women serving our country. It was important for me to go to show them my support and to put a smile on their face even if only for an hour. I’m forever grateful in all that they do for our country.
9. I like to think that music is just like fashion, it comes back around; what is a music era that you would like to hear again?
10. We know you’re a big fan of Miss Madonna, who are some other artist you look up to and why?
I love Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, Nina Simone, RuPaul and Grace Jones. Including Madonna, they are all pioneers in their genres and some helped mold eras of music.
11. Often we see celebrities take a turn into “crazy town”, they get into drugs, or weird believes… How do you keep yourself sane and grounded?
I keep myself grounded with solid friends and family. I too have gone through hardships in my life, including drugs. What has kept me sane and pulled me out of the darkest of days is my relationship with God.
12. Keeping in touch with love ones must be hard while traveling so much… What’s the one you always do when you get to be with the ones you love?
Hug them and tell them I love them! 13. We’re super excited that we get to show you Indy on Friday night!! What is something that you don’t get to do often that you would like to do?
Dance and enjoy a night out with new friends!
14. Pride is this weekend and you’ll be a part of it, and we wouldn’t be more excited about it!! How does it feel to have such a big gay fan base?
AMAZING! Because a lot of the fans have followed me from PCD to now, my solo efforts and I’m grateful for that! As Samantha from Sex in the City once said, “ First come the gays, then come the girls, then come the industry. The gays ALWAYS know whats gonna happen next!”
15. Taking part on the Pride movement… What does pride mean to you? And how do you relate to it?
Pride to me, means equality and rights to freedom of who you are, without judgment. Everybody deserves to be free and everyone deserves to be loved. 16. You mention that one of your family members is gay… What would you like to tell those who reject or push away their family members due to their sexual orientation?
They are missing out on time with their loved ones. Life is too short to push away your family. God did not judge you for being the way you are so what rights do we have as people to judge others?
17. We’ve seen you as a brunette and as a blonde… which one has more fun?
BLONDES!! 18. What do you think is the sexiest body part on a guy?
Hands! You know what they say..” big hands? Means… big HANDS!” lol Girls? Bootie! (You?) My smile!
19. Keeping an eye on Kaya Jones, what’s in store for this sexy bombshell? And what are some projects you have your eye on (if you can talk about them?
I’m working with some amazing writers and producers. I was just in NYC, recording with Deputy, one of RocNation’s producers so the focus right now is music. However, I am currently reading scripts as well as developing a clothing and makeup line!
20. What do you think it’s sexy on a guy…? Boxers, Briefs, Jockstraps, or nothing at all?
Boxer Briefs or nothing at all!
Kaya will be in Indianapolis on Saturday night performing at Talbott Street for Indy Gay Pride.
Thanks lover! Can’t wait to see you!!
Eyes Open, We’re watching!
John Stallings. He jumps from planes. He just returned from modeling for four months in China and previously shot campaigns for Pepsi, Ipod and has worked with Valentino. He was also on 14 episodes of the reality show The Janis Dickinson Modeling Agency and in the film Eating Out 3! He just recently started his own fashion line KOKO LIAR. He admits he eats way too much macaroni and cheese and cheeseburgers…and for this we love him! Because below all the muscles and amazing cheekbones…he’s a really amazing guy and quite frankly…the next BIG thing!
1. Tell us a bit about John C. Stallings… the model, the person, the friend?
To be honest, I’m a quiet person in the beginning, assessing situations and completely observant, but can let loose like no other. I care deeply about those that I love in my life and would love to have the power to take all the negative away from them if I could. I am a dancer, you know in my underwear, in the kitchen, on the streets, at the club and love music. I think living by my motto, “Keep On Keeping On – LIFE IS A RUNWAY” you have to have a daily theme song to keep you going – today it is “Make It Mine” by Jason Mraz. As a professional model I’m very comfortable in front of the camera. I treat this as a passion, so I show up on time with an positive attitude that wants others to keep booking me! I get the job done and then have a drink! I believe in rewarding yourself, everyone should reward themselves when you do a great job! 2. Where are you originally from? And how has your up bringing help you in the competitive world of fashion and modeling?
I am originally from North Carolina. Born in Raleigh and then lived in a small town until 6 years old when I moved out to Sandy, Utah. My parents have always taught respect and love towards yourself and others around you and that helps in this competitive world of fashion and modeling because there are so many times you can lose yourself in the business. The criticisms you get and the many rejections can really tear someone a part, but I stay strong and have hope and that’s what keeps me going. I cannot forget where I began and am constantly are thinking of those that have helped shaped me as a person and model and a lot of it comes from the way I was raised. Thanks Mom & Dad!
3. What is you’re favorite thing about living in Vegas/LA?
Vegas is a city that never sleeps – many exciting things always happen around every corner. It’s a city that is great for commercial work, plus $1.49 breakfast. I can get pretty much anything and everything I desire, but to me, it’s only fun for a weekend and if you do it “right” you can really create those long lasting memories here. LA is just 4 hours away, so I’m used to the drive alone, blasting music with my Starbucks and windows down. LA is the stereotypical “dream” people would love to pursue, and there are some that make it and some that don’t, but with beaches a half hour away, canyons to hike in and beautiful scenery whenever there isn’t smog, it can be a wonderful city to enjoy and make a home in. I’m still in the process of that move right now!
4. What’s the thing that you love the most about modeling? Is this what got you started or did you fall in love with this part once you were in modeling?
The traveling is the best part about modeling for me. I knew you had those opportunities before I got into modeling and I’ve been blessed with the ability to put everything down and take a flight somewhere I never thought I would go and be able to work at the same time. I never thought living out of your suitcase or being thrown in a model apartment with 10 other models (male/female) would ever be that exciting as I like to have my own space, but it’s taught me to relax and enjoy life. I’d like to think I’m fluent in reading Korean now, I speak a little Japanese, Italian, Chinese and Spanish too.
5. How old were you when you started modeling? Was it hard for you to get into it? And How long have you been in the industry for?
I was scouted in a High School event when I was 18 years old, but I also wanted to complete my college degree, so full-time modeling came after I graduated in NYC. It’s always very exciting, it’s a job that you have to stay on top of. Staying physically fit, learning more about each country’s way of running the business and testing with photographers as your look can constantly change. I’ve been fortunate enough to stay in the industry for over 6 years, but I still feel that there are more years to put into this; male models can last much longer than our female counterparts.
6. This far in your modeling career, what is something you’ve done you wouldn’t want to do again? Or can not wait to do it again?
Jumping out of an airplane! If that opportunity came around again I would not be too keen to accept again. When you’re plummeting towards the Earth at 120mph and they tell your stomach will stop turning in 20 seconds, well they’re wrong! There are plenty of non-glamourous aspects that come along with this industry. The climates from freezing cold and wearing swimwear to Mongolian overcoats in the heat of Summer, but you stick to it and find fun in whatever you’re doing. You have to watch out for the dark-side of this industry, the casting couches that are present but never talked about (ways to get ahead that put you in awkward and uncomfortable positions) but those are your choices you make and deal with constantly. I love doing runway shows as “…Life Is A Runway” for me – it’s the best being able to step forward.
7. Give us a behind the scenes for a photo shoot? Runway show? Casting? And what goes on after the show/shoot/casting is over?
You arrive, introduce yourself to anyone and everyone (it’s important to recognize you’re all in it together!), typically there is a little wait time, jump into hair and make-up while watching the stylist steam the clothes out, the photographer is still tweaking the lighting while their assistant is running around with extra film in their hands, you’re chatting it up with the hair/make-up team on what they’ve been up to and what’s next for them, then more wait time. It all depends on the team. If they have all worked together before, it can run really smoothly and everyone is on the same page, otherwise you get a bit of chaos and try not to take it all to heart. The photographer may want you to move your own way, which is my favorite, or they’ll show you some kind of story board of what direction they are going for and you emulate the concept. The client (designer or advertising exec., etc.) is there usually positioned in the back so they can watch and put in their two cents in whenever possible to get exactly what they want.
# That’s a typical photoshoot and runway show together, but runway there is no photographer on “set” as there are many photographers waiting in the photography pit just outside at the edge of the runway and there’s much more wait time. Plus, at a runway show, more chaos. The designer(s) is/are running around being pre-interviewed or making sure first looks are perfect, whatever you’re intended to wear in the beginning can be changed two minutes prior to walking out, seams popping, and things being pinned. When those pins poke you in your skin, you’ll be surprised at how fast a model can walk…ouch! Shoes not fitting and amusing bitch fights from other models that feel competition towards each other, but I chose to stay focused. The casting director will tell you about the choreography (if there is any) and you’ll rehearse that before the press, celebrities and other guests arrive to sit in their seats. Then the music hits and you line up in the order they need you in and you WALK! It’s like 15 minutes of the best time of your life, like riding a roller coaster and once you’re done, you want to get right back on it and do it again!
# As for castings, well that’s the longest wait time of all. You’re usually in a building or room with a shitload of other models signing in and getting a number that corresponds to where you signed in. You wait, and wait, and wait and oh you wait. Then, depending on the job their booking for, let’s just say a typical NY modeling casting, you’ll walk in with a casting director sitting behind a table with their assistant(s) staring at you and you hand them your portfolio. MODELS, PLEASE TALK TO THESE PEOPLE, they are the ones that have the most influence on hiring you for the job. So, you make conversation while they flip oh-so-fast through your portfolio barely looking at it anyway and if they are interested, they’ll snap a polaroid of you standing next to a white wall. Gone are the days of the amazing polaroid camera, so they’ll take “digitals” of you. Sometimes that’s all they need. Other times they’ll ask you to take your shirt off and even down to your underwear. Some casting directors love to have that power to tell a model to strip, because we do it without hesitation, hmmm. If you don’t get a polaroid taken, more times than none you aren’t right for the job and they’ll tell you “Thank You” with a pseudo grin and have the next model come in as you leave. Time is money, so once you’re in the casting room, it goes quickly, so MAKE IT COUNT!
Once you’ve completed your job or runway show, there is usually a sigh of relief, some champagne is popped and everyone begins to pack up with big smiles on their faces. Sometimes you’re invited to any after-party or dinner party that the client may have, but if there is silence once your through, then just wave and get out of there…you did your job, so get out! ha 8. Who are some big names you’ve worked for and with?
My first big job in NYC while going to school was for Pepsi. It was a blast and I nailed it. More well-known clients I’ve had the pleasure of working for over the years are Valentino, Viktor & Rolf, Marc Jacobs, Puma, iPod, Evisu Jeans and many amazing fashion magazines, oh and Jason Scarlotti from 2(x)ist, I must mention him as he has a wonderful line.
9. You just recently got back from China… What is one of the things you learn while out there? In modeling, living, culture?
That when you are booked for a catalog job, they ask you to “open your ass and smell a little bitch” – oh shit, wait, what? Oh, they meant, “Open our eyes and smile a little bit” – the language barrier was difficult, but also hilarious as you can read. It’s a country where a lot of brands are manufactured and copied and has great shopping, but this culture has a consistent mindset that it’s hard for them to think outside the box. They work very hard for little money and survive the best way they know how. I’m a high fashion guy, very edgy and crazy and sometimes they just want the mature looking man for a suit, so I may not travel back anytime soon, but those are the risks you take and the experiences that shape you to gain more knowledge of being a better model for your future.
10. So tell us a bit about Guangzhou, China: What the town is like, the people, the food, the culture?
Well, Guangzhou is a city that promotes some of the best food options, but I didn’t get to experience much of that. To give them a little benefit they are preparing for the Asian Games this year in December, so there was constant construction, trash, dirt, noise, people squatting in the road and exposed baby butt cracks. In their culture they let their babies relieve themselves wherever and whenever possible and sometimes you just don’t want to see that. Also a piss and shit smell permeates the city most of the time you walk outside. ha The mosquitos must have felt that I was their personal bloodbank as well, jesus the mosquitos.
# I always befriend employees at a local Starbucks (my home away from home) and they were the ones that kept a smile on their face each and everyday which I appreciated, since they only receive like $1.47/hour. Just like any country you visit, there are great and not so great adventures you have. You have to make it happen as an individual and not let the hardships get to you so easily – stay positive and positive will find its way back to you.
11. As an openly gay person, how difficult was it to be in Guangzhou, China? Did people treat you differently?
I AM an openly gay person, but I also don’t wear it on my sleeve and make it an issue. Unless I’m sleeping with you, it’s none of your business. If you ask, I tell, but that doesn’t shape who someone is whatsoever. I asked some of the locals what their country’s views are on homosexuality and the response was that even though its ok to be gay, no one talks about it. I didn’t visit any gay establishments, because there were none that you knew of. I guess it’s still underground there. Time will tell of any further progression. 12. What’s one of the things you’ll miss the most about China?
The country itself has many beautiful places to visit – Shanghai has The Bund and beautiful architecture and Beijing has the Great Wall. I would say I miss being one of the tallest people as on average 5’8″ is the norm, but also the inexpensive shopping that you can do there. I don’t like to barter on prices, but that’s what they do out there, so I miss not being able to walk into a retail store here in America and not get a lower price- haha. “What about $10? NO? Ok, right, I’m not in China anymore.”
13. You’re friends with one of out dear friends, Brittany Mason, who you also go to share your china experience with and we hear you two have come up with a rap about the beautiful Guangzhou, China… Could you tell us how this came about and maybe give us a sneak peak on that :-D?!
That was such a great thing that happened to the both of us. Brittany is an amazing girl with so much talent and we both kept each other positive even out of the negative experiences throughout the China contract by constantly thinking of more and more things to rap about in the city of Guangzhou. The first verse starts off by us rapping, “We were walking down the street in the dirty Guangzhou, saw a China man and he said “Hello”,” which literally happened and for some reason (I’ll be the one to take credit for starting this song) we just started singing and thinking of lyrics. Anyone that has visited and modeled in Guangzhou, China could definitely relate to this song and laugh their asses off to a size 0. It’s a hit, but we still haven’t edited it together with a beat or music video to post on YouTube. lol We have a whole choreographed dance move that goes along with the chorus too – by the way Brittany and I are still looking for back-up dancers, how do you two look in leotards. You can view the complete lyrics on my facebook page and perhaps one day a YouTube link as well.
14. Going to China and back, we’re sure you’ve seen lots of incredible places around the world! What do you think is the sexiest place to live in? sexiest club you’ve been to? And model you’ve worked with?
I think the sexiest place to live in is where there is self-confidence around, an intellect of sorts with many things to do, museums (nude bodies of art), amusements parks, bars, coffee shops, great shopping, but there are many cities that offer this and I really cannot pinpoint just one, but I had a hell of a time in Indiana. For a specific club to be sexy to me, there needs to be a vibe. One with a great DJ playing great music that gets everyone up and dancing, a great bar with great bartenders that make amazing drinks, and one where sexuality is all over the place – oh and taking jello shots off unmentionables. I think you two will have to share a club experience with me first and then we’ll see if it’s sexy or not! First round’s on me.
As for a sexy model I’ve worked with, to this date, I think Marissa Miller from Victoria’s Secret has been the one. She’s doing so well for herself now and when we did the photoshoot together, she was laying in my lap and I couldn’t touch her – photographer’s wishes, so you follow the rules. ha 15. Are you in a relationship? And has traveling for work make the relationship difficult?
I am, in fact, in a relationship now. And I love the fact that I have a private life. I’m brand new to these feelings and it is amazing because with traveling for work in so many different countries, it DOES make it very difficult to meet someone and have them understand what you’re involved in. I’ve been alone most of my life in regards to a boyfriend, but it takes someone really special to support you in your passion and following your dreams and also wanting to know all about them and their life. I truly have that special man now and it feels great. Don’t get me wrong, there are still struggles because there is still a distance we have together, but you make it work. You don’t throw in the cum towel and toss it away, you know what’s important and you do what you can with what you have until that one day you’re together again. You also have to keep the communication open, talk about everything. We are constantly on the phone or texting or using Skype (such a great service and my keys are still so sticky). We definitely make it work and we know we’re both very important to each other.
16. Is being gay and out beneficial for the modeling industry? Does it make it easier to get job or deal with jobs? Or does it make a difference at all?
No, it’s not beneficial – it comes down to the total look of the model and how well you photograph. I believe that whatever industry you’re in, it’s no ones business to know your personal business. Your sexuality doesn’t mean anything when completing a job. 17. Tell us about keeping your body in shape and in good health? What kind of work out you have, diet plan, skin care, and of course good ways to cheat on the diet?
Keeping your body in shape and in good health is crucial in this business because of the schedule you’re around. The traveling and the constant down-time you have on jobs can really take its toll on your body and mind. I like listening to music and creating a space for myself of staying calm. Destressing is key and whatever form you can find that is right for you needs to be in your daily regimen whether it be reading, meditation, working out, keeping in touch with your friends and family (too bad Facebook in China is forbidden). I like to follow the work out magazines plans of staying fit, so I’ll cut those articles out and take them with me wherever I go. When I’m at the gym I focus on a four-day split. Chest and triceps one day, shoulders and biceps another, back and triceps for the third day and legs on the last. Altogether working in abdominals each day. Then you take 3 days off. That works for me, because I don’t want to get too big. There are certain markets that don’t book guys with a chest larger than a 40R, luckily I’m a healthy 38R and I’ll keep it at that. To keep the weight on, I do enjoy protein shakes (you know, from the glass) and a daily multi-vitamin. Everyone knows to eat their daily doses of the correct proportions of fruits and vegetables, but don’t ask me what those are because honestly I’m really bad at that, but I’m learning more and more from others. I am surprised at how many different ways you can use a cucumber other than my mother’s recipes. I feel like I eat cheeseburgers and macaroni and cheese way too many times a week, but hey, I do what I want! As for skin care, I enjoy having some color through a tan, so I’ll be out in the sun with my shirt off with some SPF30. I really enjoy H2O+ skin care products which is an all natural vitamin and mineral line, so I’ll use a nightly care cream. Other than that, I’m pretty basic. Each person’s body is different and reacts differently to certain products. I’m blessed without having any allergies towards products, but I think if you can’t eat it, you shouldn’t use it on your skin. Ok, I’m hungry and now looking at my H2O+ bottle, hmmm should I drink it? Just kidding.
18. You’ve started your own line, KOKO LIAR, tell us about KOKO LIAR and what inspire you to start your own line? How did you come up its name? Were can people view and purchase your line?
I’ve always had in the back of my mind to have my own personal fragrance one day. I love smells, the sense of smell is so powerful to me as it conjures up many nostalgic memories, it can put you in a place. One day I’ll work on that but for now I started hand-knitting scarves and started a couple years ago when I was introduced to knitting by another model friend of mine when we would do 5 fashion shows a day in Las Vegas. There was a lot of downtime between shows, so I learned how to knit and it’s all uphill from there. I wanted to have a label to attach to the scarves so I began to think and that was around the time my Granddaddy had passed away. In each and every letter that he would write to me, at the end he would tell me “Keep on keeping on, john boy john.” He was a special person in my life and I wanted to carry something meaningful around with me about him, so I’ve had that phrase be the first part of “KOKO LIAR” (Keep On Keeping On) and then I added “Life Is A Runway” (LIAR) which to me, life IS a runway. Life is a show filled with music, lights, cameras, fashion and crazy chaotic moments that stir up adrenaline that keeps us wanting more. So, “KOKO LIAR” came about and that is also my motto in life. I can always be reminded when I see the acronym as it’s tattooed on my right and left wrists. Right now you can visit my website at and purchase a hand-knit scarf from me. I use new materials now too, so it’s slightly different than what the pictures represent, but still personal and scented with my current favorite fragrance. Not my own yet, but again, one day! 19. What’s next for you? What are some projects you have in the works that you can talk about? Where should the boys of raannt and our readers expect you next?
Well…I’m gonna make the move to Los Angeles pretty soon as I’m in Las Vegas right now. I need to be more available for more opportunities and that’s what LA has to offer. I have been speaking to someone about another movie project after I did Eating Out: All You Can Eat, so be on the lookout for me on the big screen again in the near future. All I can really say about all this is “Keep On Keeping On – LIFE IS A RUNWAY”!
20. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps, or nothing at all?
I never wear boxers, never did as a kid either, too bunchy. Yes, I have worn a jockstrap before, but seriously I’m not playing sports all day and they scratch my cheeks, so I’m definitely a brief wearer or NOTHING AT ALL of course. Especially in bed – the only thing that’s on is the sound machine. Interesting you didn’t mention a thong…but that’s the dominating side of me.
Her song “History” was featured on The Hills. This year she’ll be playing at LA Pride and Long Beach Pride as well as headlining at the Milwaukee Pride Fest. Her debut album “My Affection” was nominated for best R/B album in Australia. As well as being known for her humanitarian work, she is also known for her music being featured in several other television shows and movies including Grey’sAnatomy and Ugly Betty. And this is just the beginning for the artist simply known as Vassy as she begins to take over the United States!
1. As a new artist, please tell us who Vassy is?
I’m an Australian girl from the Tropics of Greek heritage..
2. Is Vassy your stage name? And if so, how did you come up with it?
Its VASSY its short for VASILLIKI my name passed on from my grandmother
3. You’re from Australia. What brought you to the USA and what are some things you miss from your hometown?
I miss my mum and my fam and the beach and the food I came here to pursue my dreams
4. Where in the USA have you not been to yet and would really want to go?
Oh my there are many place I would love to perform. I have mainly seen LA and New York and a bit of Miami …..I want to perform all over the gorgeous country
5. If you had to pick, what genre would your music would fall?
Dance/Pop/Soul/Electro (is that too many lol)
6. It is always very impressing when artists can do it all! Sing, write, perform… What are your favorite parts of each? And if we missed one, what is it and why is it your favorite?
Yes I write, sing, dance and play piano..i love all of them….when I’m in the studio I like to get lost and escape in another world where I write and just get caught up with that moment….And if I’m writing for someone else or a project like a movie then its more of a challenge to get into their head or character to write something that will fit for them. Then I love to sing, that is truly my favorite thins in the whole world. It transcends me to another level…..i become one with another energy, sounds crazy huh? I also love to be on stage and dance ..its fun and I get into character and can express myself in other ways…
7. With this new sound, how do you compare it to your first album My Affection and what are some things you consider part of your signature sound?
My Affection was more pop jazzy soul, this new sound is more dance pop soul…..its more for the clubs i guess plus my voice has changed and evolved over the years…..also I have experienced more things in my life that I write about in my songs. My Affection was when I was in love. This new sound is me pissed off and passionate about life,…lol haha i just mean having experienced a broken heart and so on, in order to get over it I put him in a song and make it “HISTORY” 8. When working on your new album, what were some of the things you struggled with? And what were some of the things you really wanted your album to stand for?
I am still in the process of working on it so naturally with time it will evolve and change…..In this project I really want to support human rights, speak of positive things even if its a song about hurt but empowering other women/girls and gay guys or all people for that matter to be strong and move one and be in control of their lives….But as a woman I want to help other women and well gay boys just love my songs so that makes me very happy inside :-)) I also speak of natural things that happen in life, trust, betrayal, desire, escape, frustrations and so on, missing loved ones, death of lovedones and just having a good time. A nice Balance of things
9. When it comes to writing songs, for you or in general, what are some things you do to prepare your self? And what are some things you must have when your songwriting?
Nothing I just show up in the studio and take it from there…im really spontaneous on that sense i dont really prepare…maybe i should?
10. When putting a show together, what are some steps you take to make sure your performance is up to your standers?
Thank goodness I have a very talented choreographer and a cast of talented hot dancers that all help to make me shine. We collaborate and come up with cool ideas from moves, to being more performance based, to visuals to how the songs are mixed…..depending on the venue and demographic I can change it up to fit the style of the crowd or energy of that club. Honestly allot of my ideas develop while I am jogging on the treadmill……
11. In the music industry, who are some of your current musical role models? And if you could, what advice would you ask them? There are many some who are known and others who arnt not as know who all have great advise and a role models. I like women like PINK, Annie Lennox, Mary J, people who are humanitarians…..I love U2 and what they have done to help the world, people like Michael Jackson for obvious reasons…..Alicia, Elton John and so on… many…
12. Some may say your sound is like a combination of Adele and Lady Gaga, if you had to compare you style/sound, who would it be and why?
I think its fair to say I do sound like both of them, there are elements of them….I have been told many things, I get Billie Holliday allot, Amy Winehouse, Eartha Kitt, I have even had Gil Scott Heron….lol
13. Other than your music, what are some other artistic out lets you enjoy doing?
Working out, dance, acting, voice overs……writing songs for other artists…i used to paint allot
14. A lot of artists tend to cross over onto the acting world, would you, eventually, want to do that? And if so, what kind of movies would you be interested in appearing?
Yes. I like true stories but really am open to exploring and having fun if the opportunities come my way
15. As your music and fan base grows and grows, how would you know you made it to the top?
Well i think you always set a new challenge so even if you selling millions of downloads and touring the world there is always the next thing you want to achieve, you keep setting the bar higher and higher……I will know I made it to the top once I am in power to influence change and make positive influence on the masses. I am a humanitarian at heart and really have many things I want to help, so the bigger my fan base and the more people love me and respect me as an artists will listen to me when i speak of things to increase awareness of several issues affecting many people today
16. Who are some artist you would like to work with? Perform with? Write for?
I want to write with Ferg from Black Eyed Peas, she is so gorgeous i love her. U2 i would love to work on anything with BONO he is a friggin legend.. Id like to write for Beyonce and i would like to play with Gaga…lol
17. Are you prepared for all the gossip and rumors that come with being on the spotlight?
Yes and no, i am a private person so try to keep a low profile but people will still talk no matter what….what can you do? Its just part of it I guess just stay focused and have a strong foundation and I am lucky cos I have the best family and the most beautiful mum in the world who adores me and i am blessed i have that
18. Being form the other side of the world, we can guess you’ve seen a lot of sexy places and as a performer you’ve performed at a lot of sexy venues, What do you consider the sexiest place you’ve been to and the sexiest place you’ve performed at?
Hmmmm sexy, well I would say the Sydney Opera House and one time I was touring in new Caledonia and they had a stage right on the beach so I sang with an ocean front view, it was PARADISE…..ahhhh
19. If you do make it out to INDY for some of our Pride festivities, would you give the boys of raannt a shout out and let us take you out for sexy night out in Indy?
OMG like book me a flight nooooooow and I’m there :-)))
20. On a guy, what do you like best, boxers, briefs, jockstraps, or nothing at all?
BRIEFS baby! I like to see a nice tight curved ass lol In fact I will send you a photo of a perfect example…
Thanks bunches you sexy, little tart!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!
Indy in May is only about one thing…Race Day Weekend! And as much as people love the race and the parade, don’t we all really just care about the parties, whether house parties or celebrity bashes?!! This year, the hottest ticket in town, for only $100 including entertainment, food and alcohol, is the Fantasy 500 Party at the Hilbert Theater. The boys of raannt went last year and had probably one of the best times we had in 2009!
This year it looks to be even better starting with a free concert on the circle starting at 7pm and the party starting at 9pm. 20 go-go dancers will be dressed in IZOD fashions and dancing the entire night, while several celebrities, including Mark Walberg, Mario Lopez and a host of other celebrities, both local and national.
We’ll be showing up with Indy’s own(and our closest and mostest)Brittany Mason, supermodel straight back from China and Miss Indiana USA 2008!
So get your tickets fast as their almost sold out. We’ve been hearing that people don’t want to spend $100 but this year, everyone is a VIP, and all alcohol and food is including, which is probably cheaper than most people’s weekends out in Indy, so get in gear folks…it’s race weekend!
For more information contact Bryan at or 317-658-0085.
And if you see us out as to get your picture with us as we’ll be posting all kinds of pictures from this weekend!
Hey Folks…always trying to support a great charity, the boys of raannt are involved with the Quash Charity Scavenger Hunt to raise money for Alzheimer’s Disease.
The actual scavenger hunt will take place in June, but tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25th, a Dine Out to Support the Too Hot To QUASH team, including one of us, Alex, will take place at BOTH Scotty’s Brewhouses in Indianapolis from 5-10pm.
If you can’t make it out to Scotty’s, but would still like to donate money, you can do that HERE!
And to learn more about the QUASH Charity Event go HERE!
WE ABSOLUTELY ADORE Velvet D’Amour!!! So when she agreed to do an interview for us, describing her vision of Indianapolis as dotted with 50’s diners and delicious boys who don’t know how delicious they are, we couldn’t wait to find out more from this eloquent beauty, trendsetter, fashion icon, supermodel, photographer galore and storyteller magnifique! Her words absolutely flow endlessly like ripe pear juice down your neck making you want more of her succulent, warm words as they drip from her voluptuous lips. Yes indeed, Velvet D’Amour is a woman to be reckoned and respected, and yet, she leaves you with much more knowledge than you ever expected and still enough mystery to keep wanting more. This interview was so much more than we ever, ever hoped it would be and expected. We can only hope, as our special, delightful treat that you enjoy it as much as we did! 1. You are from the United States but now reside in Paris. Where in the United States were you born and how has where you grew up impacted you today?
I was born n raised in Rochester, NY and escaped to Manhattan as soon as possible. I was fortunate to live in a bucolic suburb where I passed my time pretending I was Pocahontas, when not dancing to HOT STUFF in my short shorts. But it is a very conservative city and I was never a very conservative gal. My parents were older when they had me, and I was the youngest of 5 kids. I would peruse their old photographs from the 40s and wonder how shoulder pads could ever have gone out of style?! I‘d watch STYLE WITH ELSA KLENCH, and I distinctly recall my Mom telling me my, “tastes would mature”, when she loved Ralph Lauren, and I LOVED Jean Paul Gaultier. My Aunts niece actually worked for Ralph and when my Mom and I would head to Clifton, NJ to visit her sisters, we got to go shopping in NYC, even visits Ralph’s headquarters, (not that that swayed me from my love of JPG and Thierry Muglar and Claude Montana). I was always drawn to the more edgy side of fashion. When I would show up at my high school after a trip to the city, everyone who was anyone was wearing preppy everything, and I would don lace or Lycra pants and floor length red satin jackets. I never rebelled through drugs or alcohol, it was always through fashion, leaving home in one outfit, only to change in the smoky girls bathroom stall upon arrival. I took college drawing classes when I was a senior in High School and had a show of my work which included contour drawings of nude models I had drawn there, and they were immediately banned by the Principal! I loved that Rochester was the town of George Eastman of Kodak, and my love of photography is certainly well placed. I managed to look older in my teens, so I would fake id my way into THE LIBERTY , Rochester’s hot gay club, my fag hag ways sealed at the tender age of 17,lol When I was at the club instead of being mocked for my individuality I was appreciated by my fellow edgy outcasts. It was 1984/85 and the AIDS epidemic was killing all my new mates, so this instilled in me a real sense of anger at the injustice that society leveled at people who were seen as different. Losing people during the glory days of my youth impacted me greatly, as the people I lost were such powerful ,magnetic individuals who seemed to live each moment with passionate abandon. I chose to honor their passing by making a pact with myself that I would revel in each moment and live with the same juicy, glorious fervor they did. And I have definitely done so! I’d say the overall feeling of Rochester, while it will always be ‘home’, was one of conservative judgment, and as such, like so many smaller town individualists, I found my way to Manhattan, Florence, London, Paris…
2. How did you come up with the stage name “Velvet D’Amour”?
I volunteered at an AIDS/HIV charity here in Paris for 10 years (before it closed due to lack of funding). One of the tasks was manning the safe sex hotline and we had to make practice calls while learning the ropes, and when I was doing this, the other volunteers deemed that my voice was well suited for phone sex work and started calling me ‘Velvet’, it stuck! The ‘d’Amour’ I added later, as Velvet wasn’t sufficiently drag queen enough for me. I came close to being ‘Crystal Palace’, as I saw a bus in London sporting that and thought, oh my what a lovely lil ditty! I christened my best mate, ‘Flying Buttress’ teehee. So if you need a drag name, come to Mamma! 3. How were you first discovered and how did you begin modeling? Photography?
I was discovered by Sylvie Fabregon at Contrebande models in Paris. They opened France’s first plus size model agency and I wanted to support it by testing the models since I knew most fashion photographers refused to shoot plus girls. I sent my work along with a pic of myself, as I figured I would have better luck getting to shoot the gals if I showed I too was a plus size woman. When Sylvie saw my pics she asked if I wanted to sign on to two different divisions of the agency, PLUS and WANTED, which was the ‘hors norm’ or crazyass looking folk sector. I couldn’t believe it, as I had always dreamed of getting signed back when IMG models showed interest in me at 21 years old. I never got signed then, because I couldn’t lose enough weight, I got down to 117lbs at 5’8 but in the late 80s that was still considered heifer status. So it was highly ironic that I was getting signed at age 38 and near 300 lbs! I considered it a personal victory for all the struggles that I went through to accept my body and the rollercoaster ride which yoyo dieting led it on. My photography was also linked to this struggle as I used it as a tool of both acceptance and rebellion. I would emulate photos I saw of mainstream models and get my friends to shoot me in the same poses, etc. I also shot numerous different body types and tried to bring the same sense of modern fashion to the staid arena of plus size so called ‘fashion’. 4. You have made comments regarding the US conception that skinny women are beautiful. What are your feelings about body size in relation to beauty?
I am not sure which comments you are referencing but the vast majority of public see beauty in ‘skinny’ simply because they are more effected by medias insidious influence then they like to believe. For me I feel that diversity is most beautiful, most realistic and most healthy. I love the idea of an emaciated looking chick next to a supersize model, or a model in her 80’s and specially-abled models and models of diverse ethnicity. I take no issue whatsoever with a size zero model because my best friend happens to be size 0 and she is constantly harassed for purported bulimia when in fact she is perfectly healthy but in fact comes from a long line of very thin ancestors. There are and always will be people who do not fit ‘the norm’ or what is perceived as ‘the norm’. I am an activist for expanding medias minuscule notion of beauty which they perpetuate in wild abandon whilst touting ‘good health’, when in fact it is a mind fuck, pardon my French, but this ideology of ‘perfection’ which permeates our society only serves to create a public which ends up hating themselves because 99.99999% of us will never come close to the capitalist driven ideal. For me, Beauty is about each individual honoring the innate splendor which they possess. Each of us is different, and that difference is something which deserves to be celebrated! It comes down to choice, you can choose to believe the hype, and feel like utter shit each time you peer at a magazine in the dentist office which shows you virtually the same model on each page you pass, each billboard you drive by, each TV commercial they show, or you can take a walk in a museum and see that each society will always have their icon of beauty, and it is up to the individual to say that it’s their time to shine, whether modern society recognizes their beauty or not!
5. Who are three women, dead or alive, who you consider true beauties and why?
I consider Mae West a true beauty. We have so many parallels too! We are both brassy women who love our curves and use them our benefit. I too eloped at a young age, she got her motion picture contract at 38 which is when I signed with Contreband (and got the lead in the Cannes/Tribeca nominated film AVIDA), she too fell in love with a younger man who was a bodybuilder. She is sassy, as am I! Overall, Mae West had quite a strong sense of self, coupled with a killer sense of humor, and that makes her a legendary beauty in my book.
As terribly unoriginal as it is, Marilyn Monroe for all the obvious reasons. A combination of well harnessed sexuality, a generous dollop of innate curiosity , coupled with a vulnerable fragility serve to make a delicious dichotomy which is very powerful, and very feminine all at once.
More modern beauties would include Kim Kardashian and Beth Ditto. I love Kim’s succulent beauty and I adore Beth’s revelry! If I owned American Vogue, Ellen Von Unwerth would be shooting them as we speak, preferably luxuriating on a recreation of Babe Paley’s Kiluna farm in vintage Mugler!!!
6. Three men, dead or alive, who you consider beautiful and why?
My love would be the most beautiful! He is French, of Tunisian descent and a very stunning bodybuilder. He is as sexy as he is sweet, and that is not always easy to come by, so I consider myself a very lucky girl to bask in both his inner and outer beauty.
I quite like Louis XIV for his outrageous decadence, and his dedication to the arts. Sadly the arts tend to be sidelined in our day and age.
I never much go for actor- modely types, but I suppose if John Malcovich, Joaquin Phoenix, and a young Nacho Vidal were to have a 3some, then I’d find their lovechild rather succulent. 7. What would be advice you would give teenage girls today regarding beauty, health and body size?
I would encourage teenage girls to be active, have fun with it, go dancing, swimming, create a roller disco party or have a dance marathon to raise money for their favorite charity, plan their own fashion shows with whatever they’ve got and be inclusive when considering who will model, try and avoid the judgment that often comes with the insecurity of adolescence. Really the sky is the limit when it comes to the potential of today’s youth and I definitely believe in the strength of the new generation. It’s important that they grasp how the popularity of one body type or size, will change with each era so they have the choice to become bitter and twisted should they not fit the tendency or they can choose to be revolutionary about it and love and respect what they have got and make the very most out of their own individual style. There will never be another You. Remember that kiddo!
8. Who are your three favorite designers of all time?
That’s so difficult! Just 3??? Well, I adore Thierry Mugler, JP Gaultier and I die for Mr. Pearl’s corsets. It’s an excruciatingly pleasant death.
9. What was the last book you read and what are you reading currently, if anything?
The last book I read was The Poets Guide to Life, The Wisdom of Rilke obviously by Rainier Maria Rilke. I do love me some Rilke! I’m currently reading BONK by Mary Roach. I had to read her book STIFF when I played the role of Avida, and she actually managed to make death hysterically funny, so just starting BONK now, bring on the tears, this chick makes you laugh till you cry. 10. Today, you seem to be more focused on your photography, which is amazing. How does being behind the camera differ from being in front of the camera?
Thank you so much! I’m so pleased you like it and I am in the midst of getting my photo website made, which is LONG overdue. I’m probably the only person in the free world without my own personal website, but I have had such crap luck with these so called web design people, that I took it to mean life doesn’t mean for me to have one. So the fact that I am actually getting a photo one up, is quite wonderful for me! I’m very excited to have one place which allows me to share my vision.
Great question! I think that for me I am much stronger in each of the two fields by working both in front and behind the lens. Being behind the camera gives me control, versus offering myself up to whomever I model for. It allows me to speak, and to share beauty which has a tendency to be overlooked. It gives me the power of making dreams reality. It affords me the potential of making someone see how very beautiful they are. I suppose some of my strength lies in taking what may be seen as average, if not ‘unattractive’, and bringing out the beauty that is there. Whether society sees that or not, is up for debate, but my experience is that the people who model for me inevitably see it, and the extent to which this seemingly subtle dance of photographer and model impacts their personal vision of themselves is exceedingly moving to me. It is a way of making a positive impact to both the individual as well as to combat how limited the current beauty dictate happens to be. I also shoot more mainstream models and I have a great love of fashion photography so it is liberating to partake in this world, which has tended to be more dominated by males, but now we have the goddess Ellen Von Unwerth and people like Bettina Rheims etc. So I quite like being a woman in a ‘man’s world’.
11. What is the sexiest city in the world? Sexiest hotel? Sexiest club?
The sexiest city is whichever one I happen to be in at the moment. Sexiest hotel would be a tie between the Taj Lake Palace in Udaipur, and Huvafen Fushi in the Maldives, and the Duvet club in NYC was kinda sexy.
12. Who are three celebrities or famous people you haven’t met yet but would love to meet?
I would have loved to meet Alexander McQueen, I was just devastated to hear the news, a genuine tragedy. I want to meet Ellen Von Unwerth over and over again,lol, but I guess she doesn’t count as I have already met her and of course the divine Dita Von Teese, she I could also meet again. But for not having yet met, I guess Vivienne Westwood and Steven Meisel are up there in my book, and I quite like Jill Scott. I like meeting people in general, they don’t have to be famous for me to be intrigued, its fun to discover new people. 13. What are your three favorite movies of all time?
Oddly enough, I am not very movie orientated, though I do have a penchant for popcorn and purple velvet chairs if that counts. I recall adoring Auntie Mame as I wanted each and every outfit she wore,
I caught Max and Mary and really adored it. I even ordered one for my Momma’s 86th birthday. Should be out in dvd this summer.
I absolutely love Betty Blue
Check these out! And of course being in AVIDA, makes it up there for me,lol. My preference is always to make versus watch.
14. What advice would you give someone regarding accomplishing their dreams?
I recall my Momma getting us kids (we were 5 kids in our family), some books, one was MANIFEST YOUR DESTINY and the other was FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY, not sure I read them all the way through, but I do believe that those are two primary componants to accomplishment. Many people are held back by fear of how people will judge them, and that is something that you can bypass, (oddly enough, the more you do so, the more respect people seem to have for you). And be aware that you create your own life story, it’s not because everyone has a 9 to 5 job, and shops at the mall, that you need to do so, you can live how aire you please. I have certainly had to take risks, and I suppose I live more precariously in some respects, then the folks whom I was brought up with in suburbia, but I wouldn’t change my life, the more daring I have been the better the results I have had- Go out on a limb. It’s important you listen carefully to what your soul desires, then you end up making your dreams come true, more out of passion, then painstakingly setting up some roadmap to success, it should be FUN. We have magic within us, but it is up to us to turn off the distractions, and close out the perfectionist ideals, in order to let what aire you have within you, make its appearance. So in short; You control your destiny, you will have to take risks, and it will be exhilarating to do so, manifest your destiny, feel the fear and do it anyway, and be not afraid of the judgement of others. Lastly, the more you give the more you get. It doesn’t take much to make someone else smile, a kind word or a fresh baked pie for a unsuspecting neighbor, bringing some bubbles to blow at the next office meeting, or shoveling the driveway for an elderly neighbor, no dream is complete without Love. Our world is now filled with such gratuitous violence that the more each individual makes a difference at sharing the Love the better off we are as a whole. Im sounding scarily new age at this point so I shall stop here, heehee. 15. You have commented that you love Korean food. What are some of your other loves?
Thunderstorms, being fireside when there is a snowstorm, the smell of burning leaves and freshly mowed lawns, American diners, Buffalo chicken wings and donuts, Country fairs, old homes (whose soul has yet to be ripped out), 70’s cars, 70’s a lot things actually, Funk, R+B, dancing, dancing and dancing in the moonlight, the skin of a roasted marshmellow, riding in the back of a truck with friends (admitedly this never happens in Paris,lol), the Eiffel tower when it sparkles, hot men who don’t know that they are hot, hot men that do know that their hot, men in general LOL, Louie Theroux dvd’s whilst snuggled under a fluffy duvet, traveling the world, snorkeling in clear seas, fresh picked flowers in an old pitcher, flea markets and garage sales, reading in candle lit bubblebaths, taking photos, having dinner with friends, getting a new corset, shopping on, wow I could so go on, what fun questions you ask, my pretty!
16. Do you consider yourself “plus sized” or are you offended by that term?
I tend to use the word fat as it is being reclaimed, much in the way ‘fag’ was, but plus size, voluptuous, whatever, in the end I am never defined by any word.
17. You have said you adore tree houses. If you lived in a tree house, where would it be and what would it look like inside?
Ideally it would be in a Willowtree as they are my favorite. It would be in Seychelles, not that I saw any willow trees in the Seychelles but cest la vie. It would look like a thatched roof cottage and be covered in crawling, fragrant, pink English roses. Inside would look very quaint and grandmothery, shabby chic as they say. I would have made the dishes myself, the stain glass windows too, quilted the quilts, and all that. And most objects would be vintage, and walls filled with art, no two by the same artist. And you Indianapolis boys would be inside having tea and cake! 18. If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed, what would they be?
Best of Mariah Carey, Best of Jill Scott and Best of FunkDisco (and it would have to include TO BE REAL, JAMAICA FUNK and HOT STUFF/BAD GIRLS)
19. Tell us something we wouldn’t know by looking at you?
Hmmm, that I just got back from living on a nature reserve in Zululand in South Africa for 9 weeks away from any technology, no TV, radio, cell phone, etc.. French folks would know as I was on a popular reality tv show each and every night, called THE CELEBRITY FARM (with folks like Bridget Neilson and Baywatch heartthrob David Charvet). I was pleased to have lasted 9 of the 10 weeks. Learned how to milk cows, got bit by a huge python, have a baby crocodile named after me at ZULU CROC, cared for baby Cheetahs, lynx, warthog, lamb, crocodiles, giraffe, pigs, nyala, bush pigs, bunnies, snakes, ostrich, lions, etc. It was astounding. I am proud to have earned my charity over $72,000! I highly recommend South Africa! 20. What is next for Velvet D’Amour?
I am just fresh off the red carpet at Cannes, so still flying high! Now I am putting together my photography website, super excited for that to come out. I am also working on an expo of my photography here in Paris. I have 3 film projects ready for my perusal in NYC with the award winning Joe Spaid, hope to get to them this summer. I will be working on a cd of original music with the astounding Phil Broikos, also this summer as they are both New York based. I have started to create my own music videos which feature people who generally would not be in the spotlight, atypical muses if you will. I will be shooting a fashion spread with the astounding stylist Olivier Mulin, where I have chosen to feature a wheelchair bound model. I am in talks with an American TV producer so we shall see what that brings. But my main aim is to continue to challenge modern medias limited beauty ideal so that more people can feel beautiful. I will continue to revel in every minute I am fortunate enough to have. Carpe Diem!!!
21. On guys, what is sexiest…Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
MMmmmm Jockstraps!
Love ya Velvet!!! See you in the treehouse…And we expect a visit to Indianapolis soon so we can stay up late drinking bad coffee in poorly lit diners and show you just how delicious the boys here really are!!!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!
(Dearest Velvet asked us to include photo credits and here is what she sent us…charming itself! God…we love her!)
4 ?
10 Some actor from SEX IN THE CITY, lol
We just wanted to say thank you to Unzipped who posted, again, another one of our porn star interviews, this time the Vince Ferelli interview…
But more than just cross posting, we wanted to say thanks for the nice comments…“And, wait, the interviewers from raannt are cute? I thought bloggers were supposed to be fat and ugly?”
We found her totally by accident. A friend had posted her infamous translation of Rihanna’s “Rude Boy” video from YouTube on his Facebook page, like many others, and a star was born. It didn’t hurt that Perez Hilton found her as well, fell in love with her and thus the rest was history. For the last two months, we’ve pulled out our phones constantly to show our friends her videos on YouTube. We knew instantly, with her clicking tongue and her reference to Alcoholics Anonymous as “Triple A Meetings”, she was a comedic sight to be reckoned and revered, knowing no boundaries as she creates absolutely hilarious characters and undercuts celebrities so right on that you know she’s in trouble if she meets the likes of Rhianna, Ke$ha or Sandra Bullock. Or maybe they are the ones in trouble…she seems to be able to hold her own.
But what we love about her most, is that she isn’t just someone we want to watch videos of on YouTube…we want to call her up at 5 on a Saturday and say, “Hey Girl, what time we picking you up and which wig are you wearing. New hair Mama?” She’s the friend you want next to you to make your day go faster. We can easily imagine our weekends filled with car loads of laughter…(This is an invite Glozella Baby!)
Whatever her future holds(probably quite a bit since some of her videos have garnished over 4 Million views!!!)we wanted to find out more about her ride to fame so far…and what exactly, is hidden underneath all of those amazing wigs!!! But before we find out…enjoy one of her most hilarious videos and see all of her videos on YouTube at GloZell’s Reality Show Life!
1. You have been termed the “Queen of YouTube” with over 600 videos. How did you get started on YouTube?
I have 853 Videos honey. I was uploading my videos through Goggle and it was so slow on my computer so I started up loading on You Tube in order to post on my blog ( and one day. I noticed that I had comments on You Tube. And it kept growing and growing. My blog was named after Jay Leno because I was attending the Tonight Show with Jay Leno everyday. I did that for a little over 2 years oh that’s where you got the 600 from. I went to over 600 live freezing taping of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
2. You identify yourself as a stand-up comedienne? Who are three of your role models in the field of comedy?
I do.. well I pretend to be an Stand-up. I tell stories of what really happened to me and people crack up. I don’t feel like I tell jokes. I loVe Carol Burnett, Phyllis Diller, Betty White (wait I better mention some black people)Whoopi, Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, (okay I’m going back) Robin Williams, Lucille Ball, Tom Conway, Jay Leno, Dave Chapplle, EDDIE MURPHY, The Wayans from In Living Color, Saturday Night Live Cast…. the list goes on and on.
3. We think your funniest video is the Rhianna “Rude Boy” video. Where do you get your inspiration for your videos?
I have a friend (Leslie) who analyzes everything. And she was talking about THE THONG SONG and how passionate the singer was about thongs. Inside I was cracking up. 10 plus years later. I hear these Songs…by Ke$ha then Rude Boy after we know Rhianna was with a Chris Brown. The Rudest boy she ever had. ( As far as we know)
4. Recently, Perez Hilton posted you on his website. What did it feel like to be validated by the consummate social reviewer Perez?
AMAZING… like being told you are going to LIVE!!!! He justified my talent to the world. I have millions of hits because of him. 5. What is too funny to laugh about?
6. Has your humor ever gotten you through difficult situations in your life? How would you recommend to others to utilize their humor in their own lives?
OH YES… anything that has passion behind it… someone that you cant stand, that horrible job/boss, family, relationships, any difficult situation can be made funny because its so real and believable. Anything you have gone though someone else has also.
7. When will YOU know you’ve made it?
When I’m on T.V. I loVe that ole’ box.
8. What are the three funniest movies of all time?
I always wanted to do a remake of Richard Pryor’s movie THE TOY. Friday, Borat, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Neapolitan Dynamite, Boomerang, Waiting for Guffman, Ace Ventura Pet Detective…the list goes on. (Sorry you said three)
9. Who are three celebrities you haven’t met but would love to meet?
(I met Michael Jackson that would be my first 10 slots) (I will be meeting Perez Hilton tomorrow) Hmmmm Oprah, Howard Stern, Carrol Burnett ( Some list huh? LOL)
10. What three celebrities are almost too easy to make fun of?
The young starlets… they are very creative in getting attention. So it’s endless commentary. Ha ha ha.
11. Have you ever received hate mail regarding your videos?
WHAT? YES… my character Kelonda not you Momma… death threats.
12. We are sure someday you will have your own television show. If you did what would you call it?
Thank you very much. “The GloZell Show” 13. We love that in your videos there is always a wig in the background. How many wigs do you own and which is your favorite? Do your wigs give you different personality traits when you where them?
Ha ha ha … you really do watch my videos. I have about 20 wigs. The most famous the Tracy Kool-aide hair wig. That’s from the over 4 Million hit video “My Push up bra will help me get my man back” Yes they all have a different personality and names.
14. If you weren’t in the arts industry, what would you be doing?
Crying in a corner somewhere! I would be a Music Teacher. I have a Bachelors of Fine Arts from the University of Florida. (excuse me, it’s a must) GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15. GloZell for President in 2012…What are the three platforms you support?
Freedom of speech, Freedom of Love whom ever you want, Freedom of we can agree to disagree and one more. All you can eat Buffets everywhere.
16. You say on your videos, “I don’t judge it”. What is one thing you do judge?
People who want to hate and be mean just for the sake of being mean and nasty. I don’t mind anyone having a different opinion. Plus people hate the opinion of a made up character? I’m like hey… it’s listed under COMEDY.
17. Our dream would be to have a GloZell video about the boys of raannt. If you were to do one about us, what would you talk about?
I would talk about how hot you are, and I’m sure you will give me some hints as to what you want covered…LoL.
18. Have you met Kesha and if not, what would you say to her if you did?
You know… I KNOW that day is coming… I just feel it. I would say… girl you know your lyrics is Jacked up… and she will say no Jack Daniels ha ha ha.
19. What about Rhianna?
She would probably take me down before I could say anything. They all know I’m right though!
20. What are your three personal favorite videos you have done?
Ke$ha Tik Tok Lyric Translation, Rhianna Rude Boy Lyric Translation, My Push up Bra will help me get my man back.
21. On men…boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
OK GloZell…We’re waiting for OUR SEXY Video…haha!!!…Love ya Gal!, Peace and Blessings…Peace and Blessings!!!