HBO’s Looking…Sexiest New TV Show!

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We weren’t really sure what to expect with HBO’s new series Looking, which follows the lives of a group of gay friends in San Francisco.  Would it be cliched? Would it be pure sex?  Would it be this generation’s Queer as Folk?  What we found pleasantly surprised us.

The group of friends, mostly drawn together by lead character Patrick, display the varying different aspects of gay life in today’s times, from monogamous relationships, to threesomes, dating sites, first dates, the irony of Facebook stalking, career choices and chance encounters.  Looking is wise, smart and endearing.  We fell in love with these guys in the first few minutes and at the end of the first episode, were begging for more.

We love the look and feel of the show, from the sexy style of these guys in their late 20’s to early 40’s, their artsy yet shabby apartments and their rugged exteriors, all to the backdrop of a very real San Francisco, filled with dirty streets and late night train rides.

And if you’re wondering about how HBO will authentically be dealing with sex in Looking…watch the first episode to find out.  Needless to say, the address the issues of commitment and love, while taking raw and vulnerable risks in one fell swoop.  One thing is for certain, the show will not be making one statement about gay life in today’s times, but instead, show that life and experience is different for every gay man.

Thank you HBO for a wonderful new show!

Looking is on HBO Sunday’s at 10:30pm

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