The INDY Sexy List…The People…2010

1. a genuine mix of physical beauty, confidence, attraction, compassion, star quality, character and authenticity.

used in a sentence: “I made the sexy list!”

We are often criticized for picking people for our lists who are our friends or who we have strong feelings. While that may be true, there is a certain reason we are drawn to these people. Sexiness. In combining the 2010 list this year, we made a definite attempt to step outside of our social box and include people we truly felt fit the description of each category. Let it be known that there was not much discussion on any of the winners. Each person who slid into each category is literally at the top of their game and there was no need for discussion because they were absolute standouts. Some of these people are our close friends while others we hardly know. But one thing is absolutely certain…they deserve to be exactly where they landed! And make sure to carefully read the last three…they are above all else…the sexiest!

The INDY Sexy List…The People…2010

Sexiest Men’s Body: Jared Rutan
Sexiest Woman’s Body: Gracia Salazar
Sexiest Mother: Sky Block
Sexiest Father: Ryan Maxfield
Sexiest Engaged Couple: Bridget Reid and Chad Schieler
Sexiest Married Couple: Jenny and Bryan Cook
Sexiest Overall Couple: Melissa Elrod and Schmidt
Sexiest DJ: Gabby Love
Sexiest Bar Proprietor: Vivian Farris
Sexiest Attorney: Carol Townsend
Sexiest Police Officer: Mike Leepper
Sexiest Performer: Jennie Devoe
Sexiest Sense of Humor: Heather Dill
Sexiest Educator: Wendy Jo Meyer
Sexiest Men’s Style: Scott Evans
Sexiest Women’s Style: Erin Polley
Sexiest Voice/Accent: Astra Klegere
Sexiest Newcomer to Indianapolis: Mikey V.
Sexiest Executive Assistant: Abe Arregui
Sexiest Foreigner: Patricia Vitto
Sexiest Gay: Zac Lehman
Sexiest Radio/Television Personality: Rachel Bogle and Scotty Davis
Sexiest Fashion Designer: Nikki Blaine
Sexiest Flirt: Mark Bayles
Sexiest Print/Magazine Columnist: Leslie Bailey
Sexiest Social Reviewer/Gossip Columnists: Peter Monn and Alex Paredes…The boys of raannt

Sexiest Face to Watch in 2011: Courtney Stiehl

Sexiest Man in Indianapolis 2010: Chris Rutledge
Sexiest Woman in Indianapolis 2010: Mary Galouzis

See you in 2011!!!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Redifining Glamour! LadyLash Studios and the Eau Spa at The Ritz Carlton

Bentley limousines, superstar models, spa suites at The Ritz Carlton’s Eau Spa, celebrity hairstylists, Swarovski crystal bow ties, soap opera and reality stars, film crews and photographers and an entire street closed down as we’re escorted in by burlesque girls dressed in black and red on roller skates! We’ve been to quite a few “red carpet events” since starting raannt several years ago, but nothing compares to the LadyLash Studios Red Carpet Anniversary party that we attended in West Palm Beach, Florida in September. Our good friends, Mikaela and Georgio Fernanadez, the husband and wife, superstar team heading LadyLash Studios, flew us down to South Florida, where they reign supreme in the glamour industry, to attend their red carpet anniversary party as their special guests. Needless to say, our experience was nothing less than an absolutely mesmerizing experience from the moment we stepped off the plane, were driven to The Ritz Carlton in West Palm Beach, and checked into the Eau Spa until less than 24 hours later when we waved goodbye and flew back to Indianapolis after attending one of the most amazing events of our lives.

Mikaela and Georgio, the owners of the makeup design company LadyLash Studios, and the Eau Spa by Cornelia, treated us to an entire day at the spa before heading over to the red carpet event. Upon arriving at the spa, we were checked in and explained the menu of services we would be receiving throughout the day. First we were each given a candle to make a wish on and place in an amazing fountain in the reception area of the spa. I think we both wished for a relaxing experience since we had boarded the plane at 7:30 in the morning and hadn’t received more than two hours of sleep the night before, excited about the upcoming day. Our wishes were granted as we stepped through the doors of the spa and led into the men’s changing area.

To call it a “locker room” would be completely unfair although it was adorned with six foot wooden lockers. The rest of the area was, quite literally, a Grecian bath. A huge, stone jacuzzi sat at the top of the stairs after walking past several showers closed off by frosted glass and counter tops filled with the best bath products.

We were led into an indulgent “resting area”, furnished with plush lounging chairs and whispy curtains looking out onto the “Self Centered Garden” located between the men’s and women’s changing areas. Infused tea and small cupcakes were set out to either relax or energize you, depending on your current needs. We were told to wait and we would be taken back to our cabana suite for our couples massage. After our two masseuses arrived, they led us back, in our white fluffy robes, to our suite and asked us several questions and defining for us our massage experience. They then turned the lights to a soft blue and asked us what kind of music we wanted to listen to during our massage. We opted for chill lounge music over classical music, and immediately, with the changing colors of the lights and the ambient beats of the music, we were transferred into another state. Our couples massage, side by side each other, was absolutely incredible lasting just over an hour. Afterwards, we were given several minutes to relax as we looked at the patio and took in the outside, free standing shower and bathtub and the amazing furnishings inside the suite. We then went into the gardens and sat for several minutes in the hanging chairs over the small pools, completely relaxed, drinking tea and just taking it all in.

Afterwards, completely relaxed, we went and checked in with Mikaela and Georgio, who were knee deep in preparing for the evening with camera crews filming every step of their make up artists, barbers, hairstylists and friends mulling around the room. They told us to just hang out and enjoy ourselves and meet up with them in a few hours to leave for the event. So we got dressed and walked down to the beach, talking about our plan to move to Southern Florida in a few years and where we would live. Afterwards, we went inside to The Stir Bar and split quesadillas. The bar and lobby which overlook the pool and the beach are incredible and we could have stayed there all night, just lounging and talking, finally able to get away and enjoy each other’s company from our crazy lives.

We stayed for awhile and then went back and got ready for the event. After getting dressed, we walked over to Mikaela and Georgio’s room and waited for them to get ready. While waiting in the hallway, we began talking to another one of their special guests, Marissa Hopson, Pantene’s First Reality Hair Star, and her mother. We talked for over 30 minutes and right away we were swapping stories and laughing. After everyone was ready, including LadyLash Superwoman Elisabetta Fantone, who is a well known model, actress and painter, we all followed Mikaela and Georgio out to the front of the Ritz, one large entourage in tow, and got in the escorted cars.

Pulling up to the LadyLash Red Carpet Event was an experience all of it’s own. Insanely dressed burlesque girls roller skated in front of our limo as it pulled up in front of the event. As the door of our car opened, photographers started flashing bulbs as we entered the red carpet and made our way into the event, followed by Marissa, Elisabetta and finally Mikaela and Georgio.

Several hours later, after taking tons of pictures and film footage, we ended up at Taste in West Palm Beach for their after party which lasted late into the night. Finally, in a jam packed car alongside their close friends Mike and Dorothy Minichiello, owner of Vintage Joye Fine Electronic Cigarettes(which are absolutely amazing and we’ve been using for over a month!), we drove back to the hotel through the warm September night.

Upon reaching the hotel, Marissa and her mother, who had agreed to take us to the airport(these women are absolutely amazing!!!), were waiting, finally casually dressed, or as best as Marissa can be casually dressed in an amazing sundress and stunning heels, in the lobby for us to go and grab some late night snacks. So it was only minutes later that we found ourselves, alongside Marissa, her mother and Marissa’s hilarious friend who became more and more humorous with each beer, at a small, dive bar on the outskirts of West Palm Beach, eating chicken fingers, cheeseburgers and fries talking about all the stuff we would talk about with any of our other friends at 3 in the morning.

When we finished eating, Marissa and her mother drove us to the airport and we walked inside, absolutely exhausted but elated from the outrageous day, and found that it was too early to check in. So we threw our bags on the floor and camped out until our plane left several hours later, with us in the very back row, dead asleep with bags of M&M’s and Swedish Fish candy in our hands.

We have to say, although we love Kim Kardashian, we really don’t know how she does it…”dashing” from one exotic location to the next, with only a few hours a sleep, checking into amazing hotels and being treated like a queen for a day…after day…after day. It is all quite amazing, and we’d do it again in a heart beat…hint, hint…and of course we LOVE to cause a stir on the red carpet and bring incredible attention, after all, that’s what we’re best at…but all of this in just 24 hours is a little overwhelming.

Like one strange dream that we drifted in and out of all day long. A strangely, beautiful and euphoric dream filled with little, white frosted cupcakes, a back room after party filled with vapor cigarettes and laughter, racing through the glitzy streets of Southern Florida late at night, late night bar food with a new supermodel friend and her endearing mother…and a couple that made it all of the glamour happen!

And to see the amazing quick film of the entire event by C&I Studios go to the LadyLash Red Carpet Event link…and make sure you look for our cameo appearance!!!

Eyes open, we’re watching

Gay Cupcakes…the SEXY list!

When we started raannt, we decided to dedicate a SEXY list every month to things we thought were sexy, intriguing, mysterious, luxurious, gorgeous, priceless and thought provoking. They are must have things! This last week when all of this business about the students at IUPUI being denied service by the JUST COOKIES bakery occurred, we decided to dedicate a list in support of ALL gay youth, not just the college students at IUPUI. In the same manner we do everything else, we poked some fun at the issue and posed the following question to friends, celebrities, colleagues and just about anybody we could contact. “GAY CUPCAKES ARE SEXY BECAUSE?…” Many people didn’t understand why we asked this specific question, so let us explain. It didn’t really matter what we asked we just wanted to show, in a light hearted way, that tons of people out there supported these kids and wanted them to realize they were not alone and that many, many people felt they were beautiful, talented…and priceless, much like what we had printed on our previous SEXY lists. But than a horrible event occurred. Within one week, five gay teenagers committed suicide. We could no longer look at the situation with a light hearted manner. In a conversation between several people we know, one of which remains extremely bigoted, the issue came up that any business had the right to refuse service to anyone. While this depends upon where the establishment resides, the Indianapolis based bakery being on government property, the issue was being lost in the details. You see, for anyone who is gay and has suffered any kind of injustice or has been with someone who is gay and depressed or suicidal, which we have, you know it doesn’t start with the gun, the knife, the rope or the pill. No, it starts long before that with the harassment, the name calling, the cold shouldering, the denial, the fear and yes, the refusal of people to deal with us as human beings. So you see, it’s not really just about a couple of students who walked into a bakery and attempted to order some cookies for a diversity group. What occurred is just part of a long line leading up to events which eventually become out of control for some people. It starts with the cupcake! So in support of the gay kids at IUPUI who stood up for their rights as human beings, and for the thousands of others we will never know who battle this injustice every day, we give you this SEXY list, to show you that, yes…people really do care. And for the five kids who lost their lives this week, may you be remembered with beauty and amazement and may your choices be lessens to others that life, as sexy as it is at times, is oh so very precious!

the SEXY list…
1. Brittany Mason-Miss Indiana USA 2008 and International Model…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they make us all feel like a supermodel!”

2. Steven Daigle-Big Brother 10 and Porn Star…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because the recipe used to make them is a secret we should all be willing to share.”

3. Kevin Gerdes-Actor/Extra on Glee, Grey’s Anatomy and Outsourced…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because every life matters! No one is greater than another. LGBT people deserve the right to feel things. Gay cupcakes are sexy because sharing LOVE in any way allows ALL youth a chance to feel just that loved!”

4. Pryncess Cupcake…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are sparkly, tasty and always ready to party!”

5. Jonathan Jaxson-Blogger/TV Personality…”Gay cupcakes are good because they are able to be filled with lots of filling and made with love.”

6. Shane Mason-TLC’s King of the Crown…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because: 1. Anything GAY is sexy!! 2. Anything gay is extra sweet!! and 3. Who doesn’t like frosting on….ANYTHING!!”

7. Vassy-Pop Artist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they have sprinkles on them. Yummy all the way!”

8. Daniela Frezza-Writer/Blogger/Social Media Marketer/Production Specialist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they come in all rainbow colors. They don’t discriminate.”

9. DJ Chi Chi LaRue-Porn Director/DJ…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re not the same old straight dry cake!”

10. Allison Arngrim-Nellie Olson on Little House on the Prairie/Actress/Author…”Cupcakes are neither gay nor straight. Nor male nor female. Nor black nor white. Nor Jew nor gentile. Cupcakes are for ALL of us! And of course one should support gay youth! And gay old people! Hell, I’ll bake them all cupcakes!”

11. Erick Ramos-Designer/Photographer/Philanthropist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because the icing is so much sweeter!”

12. Vince Ferelli-Porn Star…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are inspirational to an older generation of GLBTG people to be proud of who they are with the freedom to express it. An older generation couldn’t express themselves by ever saying they were gay, let alone ordering tons of gay cupcakes…I’ll be paying that place a visit the next time I’m in Indy.”

13. Jeremy Bilding-Porn Star…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are rainbows and unicorns”

14. Marissa Hopson-Pantene’s 1st Reality Star…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are just as good, sweet and perfect as straight cupcakes.”

15. Dustin Worrell…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because nothing is more SEXY than being yourself… Cupcakes have feelings… Ask the talking Muffin.”

16. Paul Tracy…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because the flying cupcake rocks!”(The store that actually fulfilled the order.”

17. Olivia Littell-Personal Assistant to the boys of raannt…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because at the end of every rainbow there’s a pot of gold!”

18. Jacqueline Elliott… “Gay cupcakes are sexy because they love enough though I’m not gay.”

19. Shelley Cayetano…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are always fashionable!”

20. Alex Paredes-raannt co-owner/promotor/philanthropist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and flavors; just like the people that eat them.”

21. Peter Monn-raannt co-owner/writer/psychotherapist/philanthropist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they motivate and initiate change in the world! And, once your tongue hits the frosting…ohhh, it’s all over after that!”

22. Elizabeth Renneisen…”Gay cupcakes are sexy!”

23. Zach Baughman…”Gay cupcakes are sexy.”

24. Jen Green Moss…Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are PROUD to be a cupcake, PROUD to be different and PROUD to show the world their true rainbow colors to the world. Oh I forgot one thing….gay cupcakes are sexy because they stand for what they believe in, and between you and me I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t have a gay cupcake in my life at any given time.”

25. Sue Mattiello…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are filled with love. Gay cupcakes are sexy cuz their covered in frosting and they fit in your hand. Gay cupcakes are sexy because they come in every color!”

26. J Corey Davis…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because without them, we’d just have plain, uninspiring bland blah cupcakes. Gay youth… if you are having suicidal thoughts, please remember this from someone who was in your position, it WILL get better!”

27. Tina Moralez…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because when it comes down to it its always the SAME ingredients that make them delicious.”

28. Regina Bunting…”Gays are fabulous and cupcakes are delish so put them together and you’ll for sure get “SEXY”!!!”

29. George Equality Vail…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they look like fun and I’m sure they taste great too.”

30. Mike Teel…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re GAY and they’re CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!! love cupcakes!!”

31. Stefanie Davis-Wife of Scotty Davis of The Scotty Show on RadioNOW…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they have “PRIDE” and represent unconditional love & understanding!!”

32. Vivian Farris-Talbott Street…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re good business….cookies too.”

33. Lara Long…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because you can actually taste the rainbow…”

34. Ryan Riggs…”Gay cupcakes are Sexy because you can dress them up with sprinkles…or make your
own unique cupcake the latest trend!”

35. Juan Luna…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are colorful and they make me happy.”

36. Michell…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because… who doesn’t love a sweet treat for dessert?”

37. Scott Barnes-Photographer/Blogger…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because rainbows are pretty and make people happy. And what kind of a bore doesn’t like rainbows?”

38. Melissa Arseniuk…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re always dressed far better than all the others…”

39. Rachel Bogle-Co-host of The Scotty Show on RadioNOW…”Gay Cupcakes are sexy because they are sweet, taste EQUALLY delicious to everyone, and they make you look damn hot when you are licking their icing off.”

40. Phil Reese…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they won’t blow the cover on our secret snacking affair.”

41. Xania Woodman-Writer/Reviewer…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because Las Vegas says so. The $750 Decadence D’Or cupcake (photo above) is the veritable Liberace of cupcakes. This sweet sister blends Palmira Single Estate Chocolate (made from the rare Venezuelan Porcelana Criollo bean) with a “caviar” of Tahitian gold vanilla, also known to be one of the most labor-intensive agricultural products on earth. But as we all know, beauty takes time. The cupcake is topped with Louis XIII Remy Martin Cognac and edible gold flakes before finally being crowned with a hand-blown sugar fleur-de-lis. Executive Pastry Chef Long Nguyen’s decadent dessert is fit for a king. Or, for that matter, a queen.”

42. Michael Snedegar-TAO Entertainment Group – Gay cupcakes are sexy because they melt in your mouth not in your hands!

43. Kaya Jones-Pop Star/Former Pussycat Doll…”Gay Cupcakes are sexy. Cupcakes are sexy. Gay. Straight. It doesn’t matter. We are human beings and have the right to ask for that in all areas. I cannot believe we live in a world that is treating gays the way African American’s were treated. How far have we really come?… We are human beings and deserve rights. Freedom rights. Love. Partnership. Equality. If a simple order of something so sweet can turn into hate, where are we headed?. Love yourself, love others, treat people with kindness. For what is hate worth. Gandhi “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”.”

44. Mathew Southern…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because you have to lick the top before you can eat the bottom”

45. Ted Fleischaker-Owner/Editor of The Word…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because… you can eat six and not gain a pound so you still look sexy on the dance floor!”

46. Mikaela Fernandez-Co-owner Ladylash Studios…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are sweet, bright & colorful! Take the frosting away and find they just as wonderful on the inside too….

47. Misty Al-Eryani…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re blessed by Rainbow Brite..and she grew up to be one hot tart!!!!”

48. Zoe Renee Huse-Personal Stylist/Trendsetter…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are Creamy Delicious and Covered in Rainbow Sprinkles.”

49. JT…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because if you lick it just right you’ll get all the cream in your mouth. I think cupcakes are sexy because I’m sexy and I eat cupcakes. So by the transitive property ( A=B, B=C, A=C) cupcakes are sexy. Do the math.”

50. Leslie Kugelman…”Gay Cupcakes are sexy because not only are they delicious, more than likely they will match my outfit.”

51. Asia LaBouch-Female Impersonator/Indiana’s Largest Indoor Attraction…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they have that extra burst of color, sparkle and pazzazz just like my wardrobe!”

52. Vicki St. James-Female Illusionist/Entertainer…”GOD made rainbows too !!!”

53. Cari Hahn…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are the best dressed cupcakes I have ever seen! Believe me as a mother of twins I have seen a lot of cupcakes, but gay cupcakes rock!”

54. Jared Curry-DJ…”Gay rainbow cupcakes are sexy because they are delicious, delovely, delectable, and divine!”

55. Katelin Reeves…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because you really can taste the rainbow!”

56. Slater Hogan-DJ…”Double Rainbow Gay cupcakes are sexy because…woaaahhh, OMG! There’s a double rainbow in my front yard. What does it mean?”

57. Eric Kemp…”OMG, it’s a triple sexy cupcake rainbow!!!!”

58. Christy Pastore-Owner/Editor of Fashion Wrap-Up Magazine…”Gay Cupcakes are not just sexy they are super sexy I mean they look fabulous wearing multiple colors not all cupcakes can be that fashionable!”

59. Mckinzie Roth-Host of Crowd Surfing on Comcast and Celebrity Fix on Indy’s Music Channel…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re colorful, flavorful and fabulous!!!”

60. Scotty Davis-Host of The Scotty Show and the creator of The Scotty Shows First Annual Cupcake Party at RadioNOW…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re fun & always make me smile, just like all of my gay friends! p.s. and they “know” they look better than all the other cupcakes!”

61. Sky Block-Earth Mother…”GAY RAINBOW CUPCAKES ARE SEXY BECAUSE…somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true! The rainbow cupcake represents all of us no matter our sexual orientation, color of skin, gender or age! We all have dreams and those that the rainbow cupcake represents are brave enough to follow there hearts and make their dreams come true! I love you sexy rainbow cupcake! I ban any establishment that will not produce them. This is only the case because those people aren’t brave enough to stand up for who they truly are and what they represent. I LOVE YOU RAANNT BOYS!!!!!! FOREVER AND ALWAYS!!!!!!-Signed the Earth Mother, Sky Block”

62. Carol Townsend…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are a delicious, colorful and creamy representation of pride, acceptance, and the freedom to have Hot Sex with whomever you choose!” – Signed, “The Law” Carol Townsend.

63. Ian Duncan-Retired Porn Star/Owner of Videoboys…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because even straight boys will swallow them.” How’s that? 😛 Why in the world would they have been refused service at a bakery? That sounds just crazy. But of course I’d want to send them some encouragement, so I’m happy to help”

64. Courtni Hall-Miss Indiana USA 2009…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are love in cute, beautiful packages, they know no prejudice and they are the life and favorites of the party and of course best dressed!!”

65. Melissa Elrod…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because…..
you don’t have to be gay or straight to eat them, you just have to be able to taste its deliciousness. And gay cupcakes don’t give a law to lovers…love is unto itself a higher law (Boethius). “It doesn’t matter what you do in the bedroom as long as you don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses”….or the people eating cupcakes!
Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are….
(the first letter of the adj spell out rainbow…gay cupcakes and describes people at the same time!!!)”

66. Michelle Laidlaw…”Gay cupcakes are sexy – ignorance is not. Gay cupcakes are sexy because they march to the beat of their own frosting. Gay cupcakes are sexy, but so are straight ones. That’s the funny thing – you can’t tell the difference in a blind taste test.”

67. Bryan Schmidt…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they smell better, taste better and most importantly look better! I learned that just by watching Top Chef Desserts!”

68. Jonny Lewis…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re vibrant and full of life, and they stand for way more then just being a good treat.”

69. Lisa Lipscomb-Robinson…” Gay cupcakes are sexy because: they are muffins in ‘drag’…and who doesn’t love a muffin…or ‘drag’ for that matter!?!”

70. Tonya Eadler-Best Friend Any Gay Man Could Have…”I think gay cupcakes are sexy cause everyone loves cupcakes. Look at these cupcakes as one of your children being denied a cup cake at school because he had red hair! Hate breed hates!”

71. Lauren Auld…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because lets face it, everything is sexy with a little icing on top!”

72. Greg Cinotto…”Gay cupcakes are sexy cause they might turn me gay…even just for a moment.” ROCK ON Boys of raannt!!! Peace and love.”

73. Donna Kordes…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because a rainbow show’s such a variety of color, not just chocolate or vanilla. That is what we are a variety of people trying to get along.”

74. Dorothy Minichiello-Owner Vintage Joye Fine Electronic Cigarettes…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because of the person holding them who has a belief in themselves that they are A great & mighty Spiritual Being with Dignity, Direction & Purpose. Self-love – THAT’S SEXY!!”

75. Jennifer Mattos…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because…. they are full of color, their not afraid to express themselves, sometimes unavailable and irresistible, and sooooo damn sexy that it’s making my mouth water!”

76. Erin Elizabeth-Owner of Raw Foods…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because you made them baby!”

77. Thadeus Holland…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are light, colorful and sweet. Just like the human soul.”

78. Jessica Hicks Warrix…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because: they come in all different colors of the rainbow!!!!!!!!!”

79. Matt Hahn…”Everyone loves rainbow cupcakes because they remind us of how sweet & wonderful our gay friends are!!!!”

80. Jeff Yochum…”They refused to sell me cupcakes because I am already too fat!!!”

81. Lisa Lozinak…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because icing is good, whosever nipple is on.”

82. Lis Crosby-Best For Last…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they always have sprinkles!”

We received many more and are racing to make it to the First Annual Cupcake Party so we can’t post them all, and they keep coming in! Thank you everyone for contributing and we hope that everyone can go through today, at least one day, feeling as carefree…as a sprinkled covered, frosting lovin, sugar to the core cupcake!

Eyes open…We’re watching!

Don’t Be Jealous of Our Gay Cupcake!

Last week, students from an Indiana University-Purdue University diversity group were denied service when attempting to order rainbow colored cupcakes from the JUST COOKIES store in Indianapolis owned by David and Lilly Stockdon. What has occurred since started out as a whisper and has since become quite a media frenzy. And maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal to most were it not for the fact that four young gay people took their own lives this week as a result of being bullied.

In the last few months, since raannt’s popularity has grown, now being on the radio, the planning of, hiring employees, discussing the possibility of a reality show, writing for several publications and our being flown around the country to attend red carpet events, we have begun receiving daily emails and messages from young gay and lesbian people reaching out, telling us that they appreciate what we are doing because we are letting them feel that there is a place for them, even in a conservative town such as Indianapolis. They say that when they hear us on the radio, dubbed as “the gayest couple in Indianapolis”, they laugh, but also feel as if we are making huge strides towards normalizing gay people in the everyday world.

We never intended it to be that way. Really, this all started out as a joke. We were just going to write some reviews and get into all of the events we wanted to go to, but over time, people took what we had to say seriously. Now, bars, restaurants and event planners ask us what changes they should make and watch us when we’re out, wondering what we’re going to write. Celebrities invite us to their events and send us notes of encouragement. And we’re constantly asked questions about our engagement to be married this year, our relationship, how we’re treated in society as a gay couple and what changes we would make to help gay people feel more included. We are not political, yet we have been pushed into the role of activists. And up to this point we have always stated that we are not activists.

But not anymore. Now, we accept the role happily. And when this whole cupcake business happened we stood in our front yard, watching our three dogs running around, completely unaware of the ugliness in the world, and we realized, we had to do something. As a happily, engaged, gay couple, blessed with the ability to have awesome gay and straight friends, family support from both of our families, incredible careers and the ability to travel around the world, we had to be role models for gay youth and door openers for anyone who doesn’t have a voice.

On August 28th, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech in which he spoke of a day when “all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning, My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty…let freedom ring.” He did not speak of all of God’s children, EXCEPT gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and questioning children. But he did say we would join hands and sing, “Free at last, free at last. God almighty, we are free at last.” Just don’t ask for rainbow colored cupcakes.

On November 16th, 1943, Bobbie Sconce was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Totally unaware in her lifetime, she would become the foundation for civil activism. 47 years later, on my 18th birthday, I came out to her, my mother. She had always been a bleeding, heart liberal, so I expected that she would embrace this news with open arms and tell me that she would love me no matter what, but the response I received was completely different. Her eyes filled with tears and she began crying. “Mom, it’s going to be ok.” I said. “I’m worried about your safety.” she replied. And I thought about this for a second before responding. “I’ll be fine. I’m not stupid. I’ll practice safe sex. I won’t get anything.” She stood up and looked at me sternly. “Do you think I’m an idiot. That’s not what I’m talking about.” She said, clearing her eyes with her hand. “I’m worried about how society will treat you.” And there it was.

I never understood what she meant. Realistically, I had been dealing with it for so long that I had become somewhat immune. In elementary school the other kids would point to their homogenized milk and laugh calling me a homo like the milk. In junior high kids made fun of my voice or my clothes. In high school, almost daily I got hate notes in my locker and fag written on my car. I was pushed in the hallways and threatened in classes. I was called names such as faggot and cum-bucket. On our last day of class in our senior wills, someone even willed my ass to the football team. Awwww…what a porn film THAT would have made. And I guess my skin just grew tougher. But words still hurt. And this is a constant conversation we have in our home because we get asked this often in interviews. Alex feels that words are just words and they only have the power we give them. Over time, I’ve begun believing that too. But this isn’t just about college kids or teenagers. Just last week when we were in Walmart, the old man selling Colt’s memorabilia pointed to us and snickered to a group of women, “don’t ask, don’t tell.” And they all laughed. Yeah, real funny asshole. Gay and lesbian soldiers fighting for your right to sell some ridiculous jersey in a shitty Walmart. That’s freedom!

Years later, when my mother found out that kids had made fun of me in school, she wanted to know names because she wanted to call their parents and let them know what kind of children they had raised. I think I was 25 at the time.

But that’s what parents do. They protect their children. But are these kids being protected from feeling like they’re outsiders and “obscene” just because they wanted some damn cupcakes. It’s so ridiculous we don’t even get it. The hard fact is that everywhere we go, people treat us with open arms. We want a world that is not gay or straight…but just people. There should not be any “gay community”, we should just be community. I don’t want to have to drink out of a water fountain tagged “gay”.

We don’t even feel like a “gay” couple, even though we are proud of being gay. My mother passed away, which is sad, because she would have loved to see the attention we get and be a part of all of this. Trust me Mr. and Mrs. Stockdon, be happy Bobbie Monn is not alive today, because she would have marched her fine ass down to the city market and educated you awhile on the word “obscene”. She could throw a good sit in. She could also throw a good love-in. And that is what she taught me on how to approach adversity in the world. When I would talk about someone hurting my feelings by calling me names she would quote Betty Shabazz, Malcolm X’s wife, when asked what she does when she walks down the street and is called racial slurs. “I hold my head up high because I refuse to become a victim of their oppression.”

I don’t want another kid to kill themself just because of who he or she loves or is attracted. I don’t want one more kid to feel alone, desperate or isolated. That’s why we love Lady Gaga and Glee. They make us feel alive and part of something greater. They make us feel powerful for being different. And the truth is, we are. People ask us all the time why we interview so many porn stars. Well, the truth is, the interviews are easy to get. But, they are also extremely interesting to us as well as the over 4000 daily viewers who read them obviously, because they’re not afraid to let it all hang out. Let it all hang out. Be yourselves. Don’t hide.

Don’t be lame…be sexy!

Which brings us to our point….In response to this ridiculous turn of events, on Friday, October 1st 2010 at 8am, the crew at The Scotty Show on RadioNOW 100.9 in Indianapolis will be hosting The First Annual Cupcake Party in honor of the IUPUI GLBT group who attempted to get cupcakes. There will be cupcakes and the kids DID get the cupcakes through an open minded, much appreciated bakery, The Flying Cupcake!!!! We wanted to do something a little extra special for the kids so we have launched requests for responses for our next sexy list.


Every response that we get will be posted on our upcoming sexy list and should be in by Thursday, September 30th at 11:59pm. Either email us at or put it on our fan page on Facebook at raannt! But please do it to help these kids out and hopefully to bring enough awareness to stop further suicides. (If you’ve thought about suicide or are suicidal please contact The Trevor Project) If you’re gay and you’re reading this, you’re a survivor. Have fun with it, enjoy life and make the most of it. Live a SEXY life!!!!

Almost exactly a year ago, the North Central High School drama department here in Indianapolis produced the play “The Laramie Project” about the murder of the gay, college student Matthew Sheppard. The idiots over at The Westboro Church, associated with anti-gay leader Fred Phelps, were said to demonstrate against the play. We decided we would head over, and in the character of the good ole boys of raannt, offer to take Mr. Phelps out to sushi and martinis while in Indianapolis. We expected to see hundreds of demonstrators but instead we found a family of three, eye to eye, with about a hundred gay activists on the other side of the street, standing in the rain. Needless to say, he didn’t take us up on our offer. But we would have gone. We would have loved to have seen if he would have ordered the California Roll or just raw eel.

In the same vain, we’d like to send a small message out to Mr. and Mrs. Stockdon, who have so graciously spurred this historical event, bringing much needed attention to gay youth…listen careful David and Lilly…this one’s for you!


Don’t forget to email us at
Gay Cupcakes Are Sexy Because…

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

the SEXY list…Celebrities Tweet in Favor of Prop 8 Ruling!

This afternoon, California Chief Justice Vaughn Walker ruled against Prop 8, stating that a same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional and violates the equal rights of gay and lesbian couples. While the entire country immediately took sides, it was interesting to us to watch the jury unfold on Twitter…especially the celebrity tweets in support of overturning Prop 8 and giving gay and lesbian couples equal rights to marriage. As one of these couples who is counting down the last 12 months until our own wedding, we thought we would say a small thank you to the celebrities who brought positive attention to this landmark event by posting some of their tweets…

the SEXY list…Celebrities Tweet in Favor of Prop 8 Ruling!

1. @britneyspears “So happy! Today is a great day for love and equality. Congrats California! #Equality -Britney”
2. @Slash(Guitarist from Guns and Roses) “Was it really necessary to cause so much anxiety before realizing Prop 8 was unconstitutional?”
3. @ladygaga “REJOICE and CELEBRATE gay communities and straight all over the world. Our voices are being heard! Loud! SCREAM LOUD AMERICANOS!”
4. @PerezHilton “It’s official!!!! #Prop8 overturned!!!!!! Equality rules!!!!!!!!!!!!” and “@LadyGaGa Huge day for us!!!! Fuck #Prop8! Equality rules!!!!” and “What’s next???? #Equality ACROSS America!” and “I just can’t stop thinking about #Prop8 and what a huge victory this is for America!” and “Gay marriage is not about politics. It’s about real people – and families!”
5. @katyperry “FINALLY! Amazing! cnnbrk: California Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional by federal judge; Same-sex marriage ban”
6. @SophiaBush “One day we will see that denying rights to some based on “definitions” is ridiculous, elitist, and sad. Love is LOVE. “All men are created=”
7. @DeepakChopra “Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe and transcends all boundaries. #NOH8”
8. @LanceBass “Congrats on the overturning of Prop 8!!!!”
9. @jimmyfallon “@PerezHilton it’s the best news. Should’ve happened before.”
10. @ricky_martin “YEAHHHHH!!!!! #PROP8UNCONSTITUTIONAL MOVING FORWARD!!!!!!!! RT please”
11. @KChenoweth(Kristin Chenoweth) “Prop 8 overturned in California! Praise God!”
12. @adamlambert “Prop 8 Overturned! I’m glad California has restored the right for ALL of its citizens to marry whoever they please! Equal rights are very Glam!”
13. @MrsSOsbourne “So happy Prop 8 was overturned!”
14. @LoBosworth “the gays are golden! so many celebrations in LA tonite!:)”
15. @ParisHilton “What a huge historical day for equal rights in this country! They finally overturned Prop 8! There shouldn’t be a law on true love. :)”
16. @Pink “Its a good day!RT @cnnbrk: California Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional by federal judge; Same-sex marriage ban”
17. @TheMandyMoore “celebrating today’s victory in the overturn of prop 8!! a step in the right direction for sure….. :)”
18. @KimKardashian “Prop 8 was struck down! This news is amazing!!!! Its about time! Congrats to everyone!”
19. @kathygriffin “Thrilled that #prop8 has been ruled unconstitutional! Certain to be appealed, so stay strong & vocal! #noh8”
20. @jason_mraz “Judge rules Prop 8 is unconstitutional! Decision allows Gay Marriage in California!”
21. @bouska (Adam Bouska, fashion photographer, who changed the world with his NOH8 photos of celebrities and everyday people led the forefront of the merge of pop culture of politics!) “Judge Walker rules #Prop8 unconstitutional!”

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Fantasy 500 Party!!!

Indy in May is only about one thing…Race Day Weekend! And as much as people love the race and the parade, don’t we all really just care about the parties, whether house parties or celebrity bashes?!! This year, the hottest ticket in town, for only $100 including entertainment, food and alcohol, is the Fantasy 500 Party at the Hilbert Theater. The boys of raannt went last year and had probably one of the best times we had in 2009!

This year it looks to be even better starting with a free concert on the circle starting at 7pm and the party starting at 9pm. 20 go-go dancers will be dressed in IZOD fashions and dancing the entire night, while several celebrities, including Mark Walberg, Mario Lopez and a host of other celebrities, both local and national.

We’ll be showing up with Indy’s own(and our closest and mostest)Brittany Mason, supermodel straight back from China and Miss Indiana USA 2008!

So get your tickets fast as their almost sold out. We’ve been hearing that people don’t want to spend $100 but this year, everyone is a VIP, and all alcohol and food is including, which is probably cheaper than most people’s weekends out in Indy, so get in gear folks…it’s race weekend!

For more information contact Bryan at or 317-658-0085.

And if you see us out as to get your picture with us as we’ll be posting all kinds of pictures from this weekend!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

To Quash or Not to Quash!!!

Hey Folks…always trying to support a great charity, the boys of raannt are involved with the Quash Charity Scavenger Hunt to raise money for Alzheimer’s Disease.

The actual scavenger hunt will take place in June, but tomorrow, Tuesday, May 25th, a Dine Out to Support the Too Hot To QUASH team, including one of us, Alex, will take place at BOTH Scotty’s Brewhouses in Indianapolis from 5-10pm.

If you can’t make it out to Scotty’s, but would still like to donate money, you can do that HERE!

And to learn more about the QUASH Charity Event go HERE!

Hope to see you out…Eyes Open, We’re Watching!!!

Drag Discrimination Drama, Mama…at Miss Gay IU 2010!

iu drag pageant.jpg

Several years ago, a friend called me and asked me to come down to Bloomington for the Miss Gay IU Pageant. Being that I love pageants of any kind, I buckled in and headed down south, not quite expecting to find what awaited me. At the time I was probably in my early 30’s and hadn’t heard much about this pageant, so I was completely surprised when we walked into the auditorium on the IU campus and found the place absolutely packed, college kids interacting with each other, some gay, some very straight, but everyone just having a good time.

We sat through most of the pageant and when leaving I ran into some people that I knew. We talked about what a great opportunity the pageant was for younger gay people to experience unity within a culture in a way we had never been able to experience in the late 80’s and early 90’s. And probably, this new gay generation would be much healthier and much more sane as a result of similar experiences.

And then several weeks ago, Joshua Sutton, the president of OUT, the GLBT Student Union at IU, which produces Miss Gay IU, contacted Alex and I to get involved on some level to promote the pageant. We of course jumped at the chance.

And I wish the story ended there…but the real tragedy is in a note that Joshua put out on Facebook, explaining the IU administration’s frustration at the pageant and their lack of understanding the rules to include transgendered people. Just so I don’t get anything wrong, I’ve included the note for all to read.

Hello friends!

This is an issue that arises every year, and one that I expect and know will always be around being in an academic environment. Miss Gay IU, the first collegiate drag competition, and arguably one of the highest attended pageants in the nation, has proven to be more then successful in its 20+ years of existence.

It has been brought up to me, as it is every year, that we contradict our discrimination clause with Miss Gay IU, which is that “…all contestants must have been born male, however OUT will not discriminate based on current gender identity or expression (i.e, hormone use, cosmetic surgery, or fully transitioned male-to-female individuals). This is often due to ignorance with the female/male impersonation pageantry world. Let me be clear that this is by no means a hasty argument! After working with this pageant for three years and clearing the obstacles of some pretty rude people, I feel more empowered then ever to defend and educate on the integrity of Miss Gay IU and what it means to be a drag queen, or king related to grass roots and evolution of the art from those before us!

Some administrators, faculty and staff on campus feel it is a waste of time, money and efforts. Has MGIU lost it’s educational value? Possibly in the traditional classroom/teacher situation, but by putting this contest on – our members and community learn networking skills, event planning, and ways to be handled in the public eye. We learn news way every year to fight discrimination, resistance, and hatred.

If it wasn’t a loved event by all, then why do people still attend? Why do hundreds of alumni travel back to Bloomington for an evening, and why do they meet up with old friends at old restaurants and businesses – leaving a slight impact on Bloomington’s local businesses… while arguably stimulating our downtown economy slightly for an evening.

If people didn’t support the event, why is it that so many area businesses and surrounding ones provide financial support to the event? Miss Gay IU is funded by IUSA at only a fraction of what the total cost of the event can, could and will be. For those who say they’re forced to pay for it because some of their Student Activity Fees go to the IUSA, come one – spread that figure over thousands of tuition paying students, that’s pennies to you (I know, it adds up!). And I could argue the same thing when certain religious events are supported by organization on campus that receive their pool of money from tuition student activity fees, but I don’t! I embrace a well rounded and diverse education, rather I agree with it or not, and take pride in knowing that I may have financially supported a cause that is important to someone else that could quite possibly be my worst enemy, or polar opposite.

Many people in our community think drag is a disgrace, and that’s fine – you don’t have to come. Is drag and Miss Gay IU caddy? Yes. Witty? Yes. Intended for a mature audience? Yes. Alcohol free? Yes!

This is for the students first and foremost, many who are not old enough to experience the night club scene, and a night to come out and be a little crazy and see drag in one of the most prestigious venues in the nation. We are college students, professionals, adults! We’re entitled to have fun as well.

We do our best to keep the show as clean as possible, but our entertainers and formers who come and work for free are well seasoned night club entertainers most of the time. (Not to mention we try to raise money for another charity at the same time, often leaving OUT with very little or NO profit from the show to put back into our organization.) These night clubs where drag started to take its place in society got our culture noticed, and holds some of the vital the grassroots to our road of equality. (Stonewall riots, anyone?)

With that said, I want to share my response to the contestant clause, for all to see – as I know many people will never quite get it, nor understand. The original comment was by no means rude or nasty and meant no harm – but I know there are others out there who do mean harm – so it just sparked me to get a head start on the issue. Myself and OUT truly appreciate all of the support that is provided.

“We are one of the FEW pageants that allows the gender being impersonated (female in this case) to be impersonated by those who are transitioning males to females.

It’s like any clause in any pageant, real girl, or drag queen, setting a groundwork of what qualifies you as a contestant..

Transgender individuals often transition because they want to become the other gender, they feel trapped in the wrong body, and in a sense they “portray” that gender the rest of their lives, through their look, way of life, acceptance and support of others, etc.

Often pageantry systems will say that an individual who has transitioned, or is transitioning, has an unfair advantage to others who may be biologically male in this case.

It use to be that no cosmetic work, hormonal use, or “female” gender identity of a male contestant would be qualified to enter Miss Gay IU, as this still holds true for many of the bigger pageantry systems across the world. For example, Miss Gay America (, one of the largest pageantry systems in our country with countless preliminary contests DOES NOT allow anyone more then a full biological boy to compete, and for this reason, many our greatest entertainers out there can not compete, because many of them are transitioning, or have. No disrespect to the MGA system, but this just shows you the different stipulations that exist, that some may still see as discrimination. When on the other end of the spectrum, a newer and more proactive female impersonation system has taken on the same view of contestants that OUT has had on Miss Gay IU for about 10 years, and that is the Miss All American Goddess system (, where they do not discriminate on a contestants current gender identity who was born a male – So it really just depends on what these promoters are looking for.

It’s the same concept as Hoosier Daddy – all contestants must have been born female, but those transitioning into the male gender are welcome to compete. If we allowed any and all to compete in either competition, there would be no distinction between the two – and no need to call it a female impersonation, or male impersonation contest. It would just be a contest.. and we certainly don’t see males who have transitioned to females competing in the real Miss America (maybe one day!)

While there are more proactive forms of drag emerging, such as “fag drag” which is considered biological females dressing in elaborate drag and performing, there is still that integrity to be kept and said for drags beginning. As a student organization that does not contradict discrimination, I hope this clarifies most peoples urge to call this out as discrimination. By definition of discrimination, you could say that the way the clause is stated that it is discrimination toward anyone not born male, but those with an understanding of the pageantry politics would understand. When in fact, we are embracing our transgender members of the female gender to enter in this specific case. It’s an integrity of the grass roots and evolution to drag, to the male and female impersonation world in our culture and community. We embrace transgender individuals who often can not compete in other systems to come compete in Miss Gay IU, and Hoosier Daddy!

I encourage anyone who wants to start another contest with new rules and regulations to do so, there is always a need and want for something fresh and out of the ordinary! Miss Gay IU is celebrating 20 years of fairness and success as the first college drag pageant, and helping lead the way to some proactive minds and changes that were very much needed at IU and in Bloomington many years ago.

Feel free to contact myself if you have anymore questions or concerns! I am always open to chat about this, and I appreciate you voicing your concern!


Thank you all! :)”

As you can see, he’s not just some “fag” who throws pageants as probably many people in our society see us from time to time, but an articulate, educated and well-spoken young man who is just trying to improve things a little bit. How honorable, to know, even as little as we do, someone who is positively trying to change things for the next generation…I wish he had been around when I was 18 and maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t have felt so alone.

And as you know, we’re not political, so we’re not going to ask you to vote down IU or anything like that…we’re just going to ask every single one of you to show up at the pageant in mass and show those fuckers that you can’t “drag” us down with you!

Show up and make a difference April 30th, 2010 at 7pm at IU Auditorium.

For more information visit the Miss Gay Indiana University 2010 website!

And of course…to read more of us, the boys of raannt, visit The Bilerico Project or IndyScene!

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

Indy’s Social Clout!!!

For the past year, we have been honored to have been able to float through the night at parties or club openings, hang out by the boats all day at Bella Vita in the summer and meet all kinds of amazing people…but we continue to be asked one question on a regular basis?

Who is it important to know in Indianapolis?

Well, we guess it depends on how you define “important”, being that we have no desire to be the next CEO of Lilly, not that we’re qualified, or to be a chef at The Columbia Club. Oh, all of those careers would probably be quite interesting, but we’re talking about the behind the scenes, Hollywood/Vegas Party vibe right here in Indianapolis. Alot of people THINK they run the show, but that’s not quite the case. If you watch carefully, as we have over the past year, you will realize that the same people run in the same circles and they make things happen in this city. And consequentially, we’re now able to call many of these people our dear friends…but others we hardly know…Needless to say…if you want to get anywhere in this town socially…The following is who you NEED to know…and whether you agree or not doesn’t really matter…because it’s the truth! So Indy…If you were a play…this would be your cast!!!

1. The Hostess…Donna Deer Gorgeous and approachable, she and her husband Richard Deer are literally at almost every party with their entourage of friends…and also host some of the best parties in the city! We love them because they’re fun and don’t seem to care what other people think…if it’s glitzy…it’s probably the Deers!
2. The King…Richard Deer Entrepreneur and liver of life…we don’t really know these two…although we wish we did, but we see them everywhere and believe they add true color to the social scene of Indy!
3. The Prince of the City…J.R. PeareOwner and operator of IndyScene…he’s the guy everyone whispers about when he walks in the room…
4. The Mentor…Harvey LevinThe guy that makes it happen…
5. The Queen…Vicki St. JamesWorking three nights a week as a headlining performer at Talbott Street, she brings grace and style to the stage…
6. The Foreign Heiresses…Yana Botsman and Luz Reyes Amazing dolls with Amazing Style…and a little mysterious!
7. The Owner…Darren Block Part owner of Landsharks in Broadripple and husband to Sky Block who literally knows everyone in Indianapolis…
8. The Art Collector…Michael StrapulosOwner of Talbott Street who likes to collect…beautiful things!
9. The Style Guy…Andrew of Ballcaps and NecktiesLocal Blogger of Ballcaps and Neckties with eye on style!
10. Miss Beauty and Brains…Melissa ElrodDefinitely the one to watch…student by day and celebutante at night…she and boyfriend Bryan Schmidt have helped us meet half of the people on this list…and for that, we love them!
11. The Talker…Bryan SchmidtPromoter and planner…always with a new idea! Networking genius!
12. The Mayor…Bianka KrauschOnly in Indy half of the year, she and boyfriend/fiance Chad Folk, have one of the most amazing houses in Indianapolis which they use for entertaining and charity events…
13. The Entrepreneur…Chad FolkComputer guru and all around nice guy
14. The Ingenue…Bailee ZimmermanMiss Teen Indiana 2009 and on her way out of Indy to pursue modeling/acting…she will one day be the supermodel who visits her hometown of Indianapolis!!!
15. The Most Popular…Jeana CordrayEnough Said…she knows everyone…she’s everywhere!
16. The Law…Carol TownsendAs Deputy Prosecutor for Marion County…This girl probably has the best style in all of Indy…Seriously!
17. The Pied Piper…Joe MeltonThe drummer who beats to the rhythm of the DJ…he has an incredible following all over town!
18. The Earth Mother…Sky BlockWife of Darren Block, owner of Landsharks, mother of Heaven, huge supporter of gay rights and originator of “Dance Classes”, this Diva has become a true best friend…with interests from spirituality to fashion, she is at all times stylish, thoughtful, kind and clever!
19. The Model…Olga AlkhutovaA must in every local fashion show!
20. The Dancer…Mya Azuaje…Go Go Dancer extraordinaire and friend to all DJ’s!!!
21. Little Miss Sunshine…Ali Chapman…Rarely do we EVER meet someone who doesn’t know Ali…
22. The Narrators…Peter Monn and Alex Paredes…The Boys of raanntEnough Said…

NOTE: We removed someone, at his request although he originally gave us his approval, because he wasn’t comfortable with the reception he was receiving. We don’t want to hurt anyone, so we will remove him…but just for the record, true social clout wouldn’t care. All the best buddy!!! We hope your true friends really realize what a contribution you are to this city…

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!!!

We’re Everywhere!!!

This week our new social review and gossip column will premier on the new and improved IndyScene!

In the last year since we’ve started our blog we’ve had the opportunity to attend events, fashion shows, pageants, club openings, parties and many other functions as well as interview celebrities both local and nationally.

We’ve also won several awards, within our first six months of publishing, and continue to be nominated for other blog and social review awards!

Besides all of this, we are also the gossip columnists for The Bilerico Project-Indiana, write provoking observations on Thoughts From the Couch and have been mentioned on The Huffington Post, LOGO’s, and several other national blogs and syndicated columns!

So we’d just like to give a shout out to everyone who has been so awesome in helping us get this far and take us seriously…even with our humor in consideration. With sincerity, we mean every last word of sarcasm and cynical observation!!!

We’ll continue to bring you opinions and gossip and hope to keep our eye on the prize!!!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!!!