Would You Rather? Friday The 13th or 666?

Are You Superstitious? Are you sure? Would you walk under a ladder if you didn’t have to? Do you hesitate every time a black cat walks in front of your path? Do you knock on wood? Ever? Do you believe in urban legends…enough to check the backseat of your car late at night to make sure a killer isn’t lurking, waiting to get you and slit your throat?

Are you really, really sure?

To many people, the date they get married is very, very important to them.  Vegas had a rush of weddings on 7-7-07.  There are tragic holidays, such as 9-11, that very few people will probably ever use again for weddings.  But what about Friday the 13th? Would you get married on Friday the 13th?

Would You Rather? Round 4

Would you rather have your wedding anniversary be Friday the 13th…or 6-6-06? (Comment below)

And to those lucky couples getting married today…we wish the very best of luck…under the circumstances!


Would You Rather: The Kardashians!

Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kris, Rob, Kendall, Kylie, Bruce, Lamar and Mason! Oh My! Do you love them or do you hate them.  Today, people either seem incredibly praising of the Kardashian clan…or incredibly critical, especially of Kim.  Our Twitter feed is filled daily about the Kardashians, mostly by the Kardashians themselves, but also by others making fun of the family.  Jokes about Kim Kardashian’s marriage flood the headlines and get reTweeted constantly.  “The only thing shorter than Kim Kardashian’s marriage is KONY 2012” Although that may be true, enough is enough.  They’re human beings after all and bullying is bullying.  Many might point out that they put themselves in the public eye so they deserve what they get.  Really? Really?

The reality is…people are jealous.  These bitches look incredible…all of the time! They have incredible lives and travel to incredible places.  And although they may seem superficial with their love of fashion, extravagance, etc…below the surface, they remind us of any other family.  No one is that deep all of the time!

Their mother Kris has turned a sex tape scandal and sisterly love into a hundred million dollar industry…all by just being themselves, living their lives and allowing us into their living rooms, literally.  Could you do it? Because, it is a job…a career…a life.  We love these bitches! LOVE THEM! And we think the world has been extremely unkind to them without walking around in their heels.

Would You Rather: Round 3

If you could trade lives with the Kardashians, having the money and luxury they have, at the expense of having your life on television for the entire world, would you?

Play along and comment below! You don’t have to sign in to comment!

Would You Rather? Tim Tebow or Tim Tebow?

Would You Rather: Round 2

Would you rather have Tim Tebow teach you about God on Sunday morning? OR  Moan “Oh God” with him on Saturday night?

You be the judge…leave us your comments below and we’ll let you know what we’d choose later today!

To play our other Would You Rather games check out our Would You Rather section!




Glee…After the Crash! Somebody That I Used to Know!


If the last episode of Glee hasn’t stopped you from texting while driving for the rest of your life...then Tweet this link out! Are you wondering if Quinn made it off the tracks alive? Did Rachel and Finn tie the knot minus a bridesmaid?  Don’t worry…we’re not here to spill the beans.   If you’re like us, you’d rather wait and be surprised.   We all love these kids so damn much we’re lucky if we can make it through an entire episode without balling our eyes out. (If, however, you are interested in ruining the anticipation of one of the greatest shows on television, Google “Glee Spoiler” and you’re sure to pull pages of interesting facts which will fill you in on the rest of the season.  And after that, why watch it at all.  Maybe from now on you could just spoil all of your shows and then you wouldn’t even have to set your DVR.  Needless to say, we star far away from the spoiler pages, obviously.)

So imagine our complete surprise when scanning YouTube we came across gorgeous Blaine, Darren Criss, crooning a cover to Goyte’s Somebody That I Used to Know…all 2 minutes and 44 seconds.  Instantly we realized we hadn’t seen this one yet.  We would have remembered this one for sure! And there it was…at the top of the screen glowing down on us like a couple of idiots.  Full Performance of “Somebody That I Used to Know” Airing 4/10.  Posted by who??? Glee on Fox.  Spoiled.  By the show itself.  Oh well.  If it was some half assed rendition of Justin Bieber’s Boyfriend maybe we would have been upset, but this was Grade A, ex-Warbler Blaine at his best. (With special guest star, out actor Matt Bromer, as Blaine’s brother.) Intrigued? Here you go!


Some will love it and some will hate it…but we loved it! And although we’re not those gay guys who wish every gorgeous straight guy must be a little bit gay, we just have to ask Darren one more time…are you sure? Of course you are…and we respect you for your absolute heterosexuality because you’ve done such an amazing job supporting gay youth and being the perfect example of what every gay teenager would want in a boyfriend.  Well…almost every gay teenager.  By the way…love the red pants!

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!


Would You Rather…Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj?

We couldn’t agree more with the infamous words of Sharon Stone while being questioned by police in the thriller Basic Instinct, “Games are fun”.  And since we agree, we’ve decided to turn on our own psychological charm and play a daily round of Would You Rather.  Just imagine…Its 3am and you’re sitting around your best friend’s living room…or bedroom, and you’re bored talking about being stood up by Mr. Wonderful or wondering what fast food is still open.  Why not a game of Would You Rather!  Only you don’t have to wait until 3am because we’re going to be playing a daily game…right here.  We encourage you to tune in, wise up and please play along.  Comments will only make the fun ripen and the party improve! Are you ready?…Here we go!

Round 1

Would you rather have Kim Kardashian’s ass or Nicki Minaj’s ass? Depending on how you look at this question may affect your answer.  Check back later in the day in the comment section for our response.

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Lana Del Rey…We’re Obsessed With Your Badass Self!

We might not have been the first people to hear of Lana Del Rey, obviously, but we saw kids Tweeting about her early last year and although we had no idea who she was, we realized she was going to be something big.  Instantly…we fell in love.  Her voice is the love child of old school Julee Cruise of Twin Peaks fame woven with Adele lyrics, while country cruisin’ in August on cheap beer and cigarettes.  Lana Del Rey is so incredibly badass we instantly wanted her as our best friend.

Imagine our complete disbelief when we were reading blogs earlier today and one actually referred to her as an “example of pro-pedophelia“???  Really? We won’t even give the blog credit by penning that horrific label in a world where Lana Del Rey realizes the honest raw vulnerability of teenagers and whispers it into her microphone.  Maybe, if we could all remember how delicious those high school summer days were we might not be as jaded as we are today in a world filled with political campaigns, financial propaganda and fear of an unstable future.

No…Lana Del Rey is a magician.  She has transported us back to the raw hope of late 70’s PBR and video games and made us realize, in the words of Janis Joplin, “It’s all just the same fucking day man!”

We love her.  Completely. And appreciate the vacation she has given us from our daily lives by finding the mystery and intrigue in our own simple days.  After all…we’re not here forever so we might as well appreciate the details.

Lana Del Rey is the details!


Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

Kelly Clarkson Covers Britney Spears LIVE in Concert at Nokia Theatre/Til The World Ends!













“She’s My Cardio Music and I Frickin Hate Cardio!” Kelly Clarkson quipped last night on stage after belting out one of Britney Spears most famous songs in the last year. Check out this amazing footage we pulled from YouTube of Kelly Clarkson covering Britney Spears’ Til The World Ends last night at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles.  Not only does she pull out an amazing rendition, but, as true to Kelly Clarkson’s unending talent, she plays to the crowd through her joking words.  Maybe not as great as Queen Spears herself, Kelly did pay her justice in a memorable performance.  Memorable of American Idol where covering songs is as common as karoake on a Tuesday night.  Nonetheless…we loved it!

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

RuPaul’s Drag Race…The Final Four! Raannt Rewind!














Was the purpose of Monday night’s episode to show exactly how untalented Kenya Michaels is besides being able to throw off her wig and dance circles, literally, around Latrice Royale?? If so, the show accomplished its mission.  Actually, we’ve been huge fans of Kenya since the beginning of the show.  How could you not be a fan? But she’s not exactly the type of queen who gets your heart pounding and goosebumps prickling by watching her perform.  No, she’s definitely more the type to go shopping with and have on your arm because it can’t be denied that she is absolutely gorgeous!  But what the hell was she doing in her Lip Sync For Your Life? Better ballet recitals have been performed at 3rd grade elementary schools.

The true winner of the night, besides saving herself in the bottom two, was Latrice Royale.  Through this entire season we’ve sat back and watched her continue to hang with the best of the girls.  Even though she’s been performing for twenty years, she wasn’t exactly our top pick for the NEXT Drag Superstar.  We feel like we’ve known several Latrice’s in our life and it seems like every drag community has at least one.  But maybe we were wrong.  In those final moments when she stood on stage in one place, perfectly lip syncing to Aretha Franklin You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman, it could not be denied that Latrice Royale is a force to be reckoned! It was almost embarrassing to watch Kenya dance and lip sync as Latrice performed impeccably, every bit of Aretha incarnate. Maybe, just maybe, we underestimated dear old Latrice…the beauty that she is!

So who will be the next Drag Superstar? While we love Latrice, our eye has always been on Sharon Needles.  Her creativity and originality is overwhelming while her humor and sensitivity is endearing.  Phi Phi O’Hara has proven she is quite a contender herself, winning several challenges.  And it can’t be denied that she did an incredible job on the Dads I’d Like to Frock challenge.  Chad Michaels is so undeniably classy and professional, but sometimes seems like she misses the mark.  Its difficult not to love her, especially when she would be such a good example and role model for the drag and gay community.  But maybe she would have been the best Last Drag Superstar being that she seems to be a drag superstar already.  Oh, wait…that was Willam.  (Who, by the way, we miss the hell out of seeing every week! Don’t worry, we’ve gotten our fill by her hilarious YouTube videos. By far the greatest scene this season was Latrice and DiDa’s appreciation for Willam’s Christian Louboutin’s!)

Our bet is still on Sharon Needles…but we might put a few dollars on Latrice as well.  Her story is compelling and her game is…sickening!

Be Yourself.  Be Unafraid.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

For more information on the RuPaul’s Drag Race girls…Read our interview of this season’s contestants!

What Is STOP KONY 2012??? Who is Joseph Kony??? What Should WE Do???


In the last 24 hours the internet has been affected by a very serious virus...STOP KONY 2012.  Not necessarily a bad virus…but it is spreading just as quickly and just as powerfully.  To be honest, we didn’t really have any idea what it was until we started to see Twitter and Facebook fill up with status updates and tweets linking the video with information about STOP KONY 2012.  (The purpose of this article is tohelp you easily understand and to explain exactly what you can do.  Please visit the Invisible Children website as well for further information!)  But who exactly IS Joseph Kony? What is the organization Invisible Children and how does all of this affect us?  Maybe it doesn’t.  Maybe in a world between Gossip Girl and NFL picks, admission to colleges and announcements of pregnancies, deaths of family and friends and firings of jobs, evictions of apartments and cheating boyfriends…maybe we’ve forgotten there is more world going on out there than just what’s in our own backyard.  That…is the human condition.  That…is what we, the boys of raannt, have been attempting to show by living our motto Be Yourself, Be Fearless, Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury.  But how can we live a life of even simple luxury if down the road, across the sea or anywhere in the world, innocence is being cremated daily.  It is time we all get involved to the capacity we can…by using our heads and our hands.

1. EDUCATE YOURSELF (All of the information highlighted is linked to further information to help educate you quicker.) Who is Joseph Kony and what is STOP KONY 2012? Joseph Kony, pictured below, is the leader of the L.R.A., the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda. 
















The campaign STOP KONY 2012 is an effort to make him the MOST famous war criminal in history; to stop the violence for the children of Uganda. What is Invisible Children? Please go to their website and sign their pledge! Their mission as stated on their website: “Joseph Kony is one of the world’s worst war criminals and I support the international effort to arrest him, disarm the lRa and bring the child soldiers home. Watch and Share(the video) If the world knows who Joseph Kony is, it will unite to stop him. It starts here. KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.”



3. SHARE THE VIDEO. Hit the screen and icons will pop up on the right side.  Hit SHARE and COPY URL.  Then paste this link on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, TUMBLR…wherever and as often as possible. Like the Invisible Children Fan Page on Facebook!

4. DO NOT STOP! Talk to your friends until you bore them.  Ask people if they’ve seen the video.  Continue to share it everywhere.


Freedom…should not be a luxury.  Life…should not be a luxury.  Be Yourself.  Be Fearless…Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury.


Miss Jean Louise, Stand Up…Ms. Whitney is Passing…

Whitney Houston died today.  The Voice of a Generation.  The Voice of an Era.  The Voice, for many, of liberation, love and freedom.  For me, she was my vocal comrade through my twenties, dancing in clubs, crying over lost loves and dancing in the living room as if I were a character in Waiting to Exhale. 

In her later years she was known for being crack addicted and crazy, rumors I had heard for years through friends who had known her on tour and claimed that Whitney was “ghetto” and Bobby Brown was actually the sane member of their unity.  Whatever the case, for me, I will always see Whitney standing on a stage, head held high, sweating her ass off as she power ballads at the top of her lungs, every bit the ultimate role model of class and aristocracy.  Whitney was the American Dream.  Whitney made it possible for many of us to sleep at night, laugh at our own mistakes and find refuge in a spiritual world unafraid of what others might think.  She didn’t give a shit.  After all…she was Whitney Houston, The Voice.

No matter what your feelings are about Whitney Houston, it is undeniable that she changed our world for the positive, allowing us to be a more loving place, a more understanding place and more compassionate place.  As a person in recovery, I am proud to say, although sad, her addiction in the spotlight humanized the face of the addict and alcoholic and allowed, I hope, some people to find hope and recovery from addiction.

Probably the greatest moment in To Kill A Mockingbird is when attorney and father, Atticus Finch, leaves the courtroom.  As Scout sits under crowds of onlookers standing behind her, Rev. Sykes scolds her, “Miss Jean Louise. Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father’s passing.”  It is the ultimate form of respect.

We are ever grateful for her words, her voice and the life she shared with us.

Today we stand up, Ms. Whitney is passing…

Be Yourself. Be Fearless. Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!


*Photo from WhitneyHouston.com


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