Andrew Rayel + Fashionado + Us = TomorrowWorld Team Work!

Photo taken by TomorrowWorld
Photo taken by TomorrowWorld

Last year we had the pleasure to make some life long friendships at TomorrowWorld… and this year, not only did we get to reunite with them and play on the TomorrowWorld grounds, but we also got to work together! Share our connections and collaborate in projects that showcase our strengths! On the first day of TomorrowWorld we collaborated with our friends at for an interview with a personla friend of raannt: Andrew Rayel. They have an incredible one-on-one video interview with some killer recaps of his set and a raannt exclusive! Check them out by clicking on the pic bellow and show them some raannt love!

Fashionado Interviews Andrew Rayel at TomorrowWorld
Fashionado Interviews Andrew Rayel at TomorrowWorld

Want more TomorrowWorld? Check out our DJ interviews and Festival Reviews here

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