Vincent Anzalone’s 100 Days of Summer…An Interview!

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After having finished watching Bravo’s short series 100 Days of Summer, we realized we wanted to interview a few of the cast mates and find out a little bit more about the folks who made us yearn for Chicago in the summer.  Vincent Anzalone was easily one of our first picks.  Good-looking, charming and mildly arrogant, we wanted to find out find out what makes him so damn attractive.  Check out what he told us below. 

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1. Introduce yourself in five words or less.

“It’s five words or fewer”

2. What’s the one thing people should know you for?

I have my finger on the pulse of the best hotels, restaurants and nightlife of Chicago.

3. What marks the 1st official day of summer in Chicago?

The first day over 70 degrees any time after May 1…but be prepared for another cold spell (or 5) before summer sticks.

4. What makes summer in Chicago different than any other city?

The shared misery and disgust with winter brings people together. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and our shared enemy is winter, which means this upcoming summer could be one of the best ever.

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5. Use one word to describe each cast-mate:

Ray Austinjocular

Tara Clack energetic

Phillips Demming rational

Jay Michaelpersnickety

Pascale Wellinpetulant

6. How do you define sexy?

To be sexy, something or someone must have confidence and patience. Sexy knows where it’s going and it will get there on its own time.

7. What is Chicago’s sexiest club? Restaurant? Place to live? Hotel? Secret?

Sexiest club/lounge right now is Celeste.

Restaurant? Bavette’s…especially downstairs.

To live? Waldorf Astoria and The Gold Coast.

Hotel? Public Hotel for everybody but Peninsula or Four Seasons if you can afford it.

Secret? Fulton Market Kitchen is about to open and it will have the best private dining room in Chicago.

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8. What’s next for you?

Most of my focus right now is on my 10 weeks old baby boy Luca Alan Anzalone. My fiancé Jessica does the heavy lifting when it comes to caring for him but I revel in my time spent with him.

9. What are your three simple luxuries?

a. The few moments Jessica and I get to spend alone.

b. Morning espresso from my Nespresso machine…as good as any espresso in Chicago!

c. The BEST thing in my life is the simplest: a smile on my baby boy Luca’s face. Melts me every day, every time.

Thanks buddy!

And make sure to watch Bravo’s 100 Days of Summer on Tuesday 2/25 for a lost footage episode!

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