The SEXY List

boommiike_snow_miike_snow_album1lipbalm_002lux flannellouis_vuitton-fw09-mens-scarf1leviMahinaLmandalaysbs0007Hotel RoomsTHEhotel_v_steblingcloud juiced1117sugar-daddy-postersPopTart-BrownSugarCinnamondry1larry clarkLarry Clark - David Roper from Tulsa Seriesparty2009_cloudy_with_a_chance_of_meatballs_wallpaper_001staunton-hill-coversexy halloween costumeskitson_la_big_tmp05men_style_logopeepshow-vegas-main2men_style_logojesus luzsvSOFIA VERGARAmonsterchelsea-handler

The SEXY List…
1. “Boom” by Anjulie
2. Mike Snow
3. Jack Black Lip Balm
4. Luxury Flannels
5. Louis Vuitton Men’s Wool Scarfs
6. Original Levi’s Denim Jackets
7. Louis Vuitton Mahina Purses
8. THE HOTEL at Mandalay Bay
9. Bling and Cloud Juice Bottled Water
10. Sugar Daddy Candy
11. Cinnamon Pop Tarts
12. “Dry” by Augusten Burroughs
13. “Tulsa” a book of photography by Larry Clark
14. “Party Monster”
15. “Cloudy With a Side of Meatballs”
16. “Staunton Hill”
17. Couture Halloween Costumes
18. Kitson LA
19. Men’s
20. Peepshow with Holly Madison in Vegas
21. Jesus Luz at Fashion Week
22. Sophia Vergera
23. Monster Quest on The History Channel
24. Chelsea Handler AND Chelsea Lately…of course!

Have a sexy week…
Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

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