The SEXIEST…Britney or Gaga???

Today was the release of Lady Gaga’s new single “Born this Way” which will be on her new album of the same name released later this year on May 23rd. This comes almost a month to the day after Britney Spears released her new single “Hold it Against Me” which will be part of her new album “Femme Fatale” being released on March 29th of this year.

Yesterday, Britney tweeted a Twitter “press conference”, answering questions for her fans. When asked what she thought about Lady Gaga and Global warming Britney replied, “Does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Lady Gaga. I think she’s a really interesting artist.” Hmmm…..we wonder exactly what she means by that or do still waters really run that deep.

On our end Alex is on Team Britney while Peter is battling for Team Gaga! Here are their new songs from Vevo on YouTube. Listen and you be the judge!



Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

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