The INDY Sexy List…The People…2010

1. a genuine mix of physical beauty, confidence, attraction, compassion, star quality, character and authenticity.

used in a sentence: “I made the sexy list!”

We are often criticized for picking people for our lists who are our friends or who we have strong feelings. While that may be true, there is a certain reason we are drawn to these people. Sexiness. In combining the 2010 list this year, we made a definite attempt to step outside of our social box and include people we truly felt fit the description of each category. Let it be known that there was not much discussion on any of the winners. Each person who slid into each category is literally at the top of their game and there was no need for discussion because they were absolute standouts. Some of these people are our close friends while others we hardly know. But one thing is absolutely certain…they deserve to be exactly where they landed! And make sure to carefully read the last three…they are above all else…the sexiest!

The INDY Sexy List…The People…2010

Sexiest Men’s Body: Jared Rutan
Sexiest Woman’s Body: Gracia Salazar
Sexiest Mother: Sky Block
Sexiest Father: Ryan Maxfield
Sexiest Engaged Couple: Bridget Reid and Chad Schieler
Sexiest Married Couple: Jenny and Bryan Cook
Sexiest Overall Couple: Melissa Elrod and Schmidt
Sexiest DJ: Gabby Love
Sexiest Bar Proprietor: Vivian Farris
Sexiest Attorney: Carol Townsend
Sexiest Police Officer: Mike Leepper
Sexiest Performer: Jennie Devoe
Sexiest Sense of Humor: Heather Dill
Sexiest Educator: Wendy Jo Meyer
Sexiest Men’s Style: Scott Evans
Sexiest Women’s Style: Erin Polley
Sexiest Voice/Accent: Astra Klegere
Sexiest Newcomer to Indianapolis: Mikey V.
Sexiest Executive Assistant: Abe Arregui
Sexiest Foreigner: Patricia Vitto
Sexiest Gay: Zac Lehman
Sexiest Radio/Television Personality: Rachel Bogle and Scotty Davis
Sexiest Fashion Designer: Nikki Blaine
Sexiest Flirt: Mark Bayles
Sexiest Print/Magazine Columnist: Leslie Bailey
Sexiest Social Reviewer/Gossip Columnists: Peter Monn and Alex Paredes…The boys of raannt

Sexiest Face to Watch in 2011: Courtney Stiehl

Sexiest Man in Indianapolis 2010: Chris Rutledge
Sexiest Woman in Indianapolis 2010: Mary Galouzis

See you in 2011!!!
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

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