The Art of TIE

School is just a few weeks away – sick – so before you move into your dorm room, or fraternity house, or start buying your books for your senior year in high school or even a couple of suits for your fall internship; we want to give you some clues into The Art of TIE.  The concept is simple – ties are meant to be a focal point, an accessory, a way for you to show the world you have style – an opinion.  So when choosing these puppies keep in mind that this is to show case your personal style.  Play with color and textures.  Play with styles and width.  Most importantly, have fun and remember TO BE YOU.

Bow ties will show the world you have style, a playful one at best.  These classic ties have been around for ages and with their current twist they make for perfect accents in the dull corporate world of grey and black suits.  Bow ties also make for great party accessories.  They tell everyone you’re fun, playful, and not afraid to be yourself.  They are also the perfect form of masculine flirting.  Our own rule: make sure you know how to tie a bow tie! (No clip on bow ties please!)

The magic about the “regular” tie is that you can wear it with anything! Pair it with a polo and some chino shorts and you’ve got yourself a nice “off the boat” look which can be worn to class, a first date, a party or night out with friends.  The trick about these babies is the knot, of which their are two primary species; the Windsor Knot (the one that looks like an upside down pyramid), and the Four in Hand knot (the asymmetrical knot).  The Windsor Knot is perfect for all dress shirts, it’s more formal and you can wear it to work, an interview or your internship.  The Four in Hand knot is a bit more laid back, not as too formal and it works with any button down shirt.

Don’t know how to tie a tie? Check out our friends over at! They have videos and directions on how to tie any tie! Or just YouTube how to do it and follow their steps – we trust them, so you should too!  Remember to have fun with your ties, they tell the world you have an opinion.

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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