Talbott Street…Roll of the Dice

048So…Is it Lucky 7 or End of a Winning Streak? Hmmm…We’re not sure. But after our engagement party, we went out to Talbott Street last night, looking for a good time, especially since it was their 7 year, anniversary party and we felt it was a sure thing that the place would be packed…uhhhh, not the case. For the record, we did have a great time, but only for two reasons. First, because all of our closest friends were together in one place. And second, special guest DJ Twisted Dee was absolutely amazing and played it up most of the end of the night. At the beginning of the night, well…never mind. But she was great and we danced pretty much the entire time she spun. Right on sister! We loved ya. We were told by a bartender at Talbott that DJ Dee is extremely well known in Florida and that an Indy local dj is going to be spending some time with her in Florida, learning a few tricks. We think this is a very good idea and can’t wait to hear a new spin on an old song! Mentorship is always a great thing!
But in all honesty…Talbott was pretty empty most of the evening, which has somewhat been the case the last several times we’ve been there, which makes us a little worried. Everywhere we go anymore, people stop us and give us their feelings about certain clubs in Indy and what they want us to write. So, let us just fill you in on what we heard last night at Talbott, because honestly, it was everywhere we turned. “The drag show is lame and the same every week. They shouldn’t have fired Alana. No matter what the business problems were, she at least knew how to keep a big crowd entertained.” And, “D.J. Deane needs to retire. Either decide if you’re going to tend bar or D.J., but it looks bad for Talbott to have her do both.” And, “this place has been empty all night and it’s always empty anymore. We’d rather go to Broadripple, and that’ saying something.” And, “they had this guest drag queen two weeks ago that was great and if she was here every week I’d come, but it’s boring and I don’t think I’ll come to the show anymore.”
Now…mind you, WE have been extremely supportive of Talbott Street and continued to say we had a good time, but please give us a leg to stand on.
Here…let us give a few suggestions…Hire someone to turn the show around. We really do like Vicki and Asia and think they’re great, but the show doesn’t have much cohesiveness. Think The Connection. Talbott has the room and the stage to do this and back in the day, this was the case on a little stage at the Metro, and Wednesday nights were packed. Promote the hell out of your events. We’d be MORE than willing to help you with this since our readership has quadrupled in the last month, but we’ve never been asked. Be creative…Think outside of the box. Think Studio 54 and make Talbott amazing again. We know you have it in you.
We would like to say that MOST of the staff is more welcoming than ever…unless they feel that our comments are personal and then we just go to a different bartender. We would like to throw out a huge kudos to Shai who is always friendly and who we personally witnessed taking care of a patron who was passed out on a couch. She explained to us the personal attention they give to patrons who are in trouble, calling a cab or holding someone’s drink while they go to the bathroom. We would like to just add how impressed we are, especially since we have witnessed other club’s doormen or bouncers laying drunk patrons outside the front door of their club. Good going lady and thank you for always being so friendly and quick!!! You’re amazing!!! Also, we were impressed that $2 of our admission went to the Indiana AIDS Fund AIDS Walk!
We would like to just put one rumor out there that we have heard over and over and over again lately. And that is that Talbott Street is either closing or going under new ownership??? We’re just putting it out there since that’s what we’ve heard. Maybe someone would like to fill us in on the truth…Love one another!
Eyes Open…we’re watching!

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