Lea Michele…Sexiest Woman of the Day! Sexy Video Compilation!

Lea Michele Sexy_raannt

Damn we love her! Not only are we huge Glee fans, but we are also diehard Lea Michele uber-fans.  Since we’re still reeling from the recent loss of Cory Monteith, we thought we would send out some love to our girl and spotlight her as our Sexiest Woman of the Day!!! Not only is she super talented, she is also able to transform herself from innocent schoolgirl to red lipped vixen.  We love all of her looks and are so proud of her for holding herself up through these tough times…the true sign of a Sexy Woman! Hang in there gal…we love you!

Check out this super sexy video compilation we found of her below!

Check back for tomorrow’s pick for Sexiest Woman of the Day!

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