Kiss It…Eyes Open…We’re Everywhere!!!

What a long road it’s been in such an amazingly, short period of time! We’ve had such a great journey, and now, with the onset of our fan page, our numbers growing daily, being mentioned on The Smiley Morning Show and receiving tons of free publicity everywhere else in town and on the web, we just want to thank everyone that has helped us! Especially as we begin to tie together the loose ends of our new website to launch soon. So thank you EVERYONE! We believe that what we have all done together has already improved the social atmosphere of Indy! We have tons of exciting projects in the works, so please… keep your eyes open…and keep watching!
Charity is an amazing thing and since the beginning of our blog, and now in the planning of our promotions, we have made it a goal to continue to bring awareness to local charities and to help support local businesses, either by endorsing them or challenging them to improve. This Thursday, October 1st, Talbott Street will host Drag Race; a fundraiser for Theatre on the Square, which as been open since 1988, making it a leading venue in the arts community. Local art and theater is an integral vein in our cultural community and one that sometimes goes overlooked in relation to other charities. Tickets are $5 in advance. $7 at the door, and $25 VIP access. Doors open at 8pm and the show begins at 8:30pm.
As heard on the radio this week, Dave Smiley and the rest of the crew from The Smiley Morning Show, as well as the men of INDYPROV and other local names, will be contestants in the “drag race”, which will have different acts competing to raise money for Theatre on the Square. When asked about drag as a means of benefiting a charity, local female impersonation legend, Vicki St. James, a headliner of Talbott Street, stated, “A benefit without entertainment of any kind is just a boring way to collect funds. Drag is a part of gay culture. It definitely gets attention. When trying to raise funds for a charity, one wants everyone’s attention. It is hard to ignore a six foot man in a dress! The ultimate goal is to fill the coffers on the charity so it can serve it’s need. Drag is a form of entertainment. It is light hearted fun!”
Well said Vicki, we totally agree. Unfortunately, Vicki will not be working the event, but Asia LaBouche, Vicki’s fellow headliner at Talbott, will be present. Both can be seen Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights at Talbott Street. For more information visit Talbott Street here!

We hope to see you there!

Eyes Open…WE’RE Watching!

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