Jack Who?

Several months ago, we attended Paul Van Dyk at Talbott Street. If you missed it, or haven’t seen him in another city on his international tour…you missed an incredible performance.

What was even more impressive to us, was the spinning of local legend DJ Jackola, in the side room at Talbott Street during the Paul Van Dyk performance. We happened into the side room, trying to find some cool air, when we found what appeared to be twenty to thirty old school rave kids tearing it up on the dance floor to DJ Jackola.

His spin was HAPPY, soul-induced freedom signature flows of polished vibe! We became instant fans and were hoping to hear him at local venues where he could draw larger crowds. Well…
jack ola
Now we can! On Sunday, September 27th, DJ Jackola will be guest DJ’ing at The Vogue’s alternative dance night, Propaganda. Doors open at 9pm and admission is $3.

If you haven’t seen him, let us just say that $3 is a contribution to the beat driven gift DJ Jackola is bestowing upon Indianapolis.

Thanks buddy…we love ya!

We hope to see you there!
Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

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