i-D Magazine…Sexiest Item of the Day!

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For years, we’ve been obsessed with this magazine, which we first encountered at our friend’s house in high school.  His mother was quite artistic and bohemian, and scattered around her bedroom floor, in addition to old vintage Chanel jackets, “real” polaroid photographs, ashtrays filled to the brim with black, French cigarettes and a huge bottle of Joy perfume…were past issues of these delightful magazines.  Our friend’s mother was way ahead of her time; a sort of fashionista teenager who refused to grow up, with a perfect balance of an impeccable sense of style with complete originality and authenticity of self.  i-D magazine encompasses exactly that.  This is not simply a magazine, but a movement in style and individuality.  It is perfection!

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Visit the i-D magazine website and order a year’s subscription today! Trust us…you won’t be disappointed! (Oh…and get us a subscription too!)

Check back for our next pick of Sexiest Item of the Day!

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