Erica Andrews…Global Beauty!!!

You would have to see her to believe her. She is simply…amazing. Gorgeous, contained, calm and professional. One part Miss Universe, one part 1940’s screen gem and one part, well…unbelievable! One of the most incredible entertainers of our time. We’ve watched her from afar for so long and recently we got a chance to get up close and personal with the one and only Erica Andrews!

1. How was Erica Andrews born?
Erica became Erica Andrews when Tandi Andrews made her daughter.

2. What has been your greatest accomplishment to date?
In my personal life, my family’s support. In my professional life, a consistent career in doing what I love most; pageants, drag and being an entertainer.

3. Who are three celebrities that inspire you?
There are lots in so many ways but the first three that come to mind are Cher, Penelope Cruz AND Ellen Degeneres.

4. What are all of the titles you have won and which one meant the most?
All of them. (National Entertainer of the Year, Universal Show Queen, Miss International Queen in Thailand, Miss Continental and Miss USofA…to name a few!)

5. During your interview for National Entertainer of the Year, which was priceless, you mentioned eloquently, the importance of professionalism.
How important is professionalism in the entertainment industry and what advice would you give people just starting?
Being professional in any business is key. In some businesses you have the opportunity to slack, but not in this business. You snooze you lose! There is always a girl waiting to get in your pumps, so stay focused and don’t slack!!! Be on time!!

6. What inspired your winning talent for National Entertainer of the Year?
Joan Crawford has always been a star that has amazed me by her dedication and her blunt approach, so I mixed some of Faye’s work in Mommie Dearest with a little drama from another fav(Shirley Bassey) AND Waa Laa!!

7. Do you consider yourself a “drag queen” and if so at what point did this change?
I consider myself an entertainer.

8. Who are the three greatest female illusionists of all time?
Tandi Andrews, Naomi Sims And Michael Andrews, Just to name a few.

9. Who are the three greatest current female illusionists?
Please don’t ask me that…

10. What is something we wouldn’t know by looking at you?
I play volleyball and I garden.

11. If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, and it couldn’t be mixed, what would it be?
Louis Armstrong-What a Wonderful World.

12. You win $300 Million in the lottery tomorrow and have to donate half to a charity. Which charity and why?
Homeless children in America. I ran away from home and struggled. I was never homeless but I got to see what it could have been. I feel that we need to take care of our own problems in our own country first.

13. We think you might be one of the most beautiful women to have ever graced this Earth. What is beneath the beauty that most people don’t see?
Thank you. I’m humble and very respectful. When I’m home I like to relax, no make-up, heels or fancy clothes. I just like to be as simple as possible.

14. Tell us about your family’s support or lack thereof regarding your being transgendered?
My sister has always been my best friend. She always supports me and loves me unconditionally. My mother was never that shocked by my decision to be happy, she just needed to learn about it. My brothers are closer to me now more than ever. It’s all good.

15. What do you think the biggest political or social issue related to transgendered people is today?
They don’t know where to put us!

16. What is the sexiest city in the world? Sexiest club? Sexiest hotel? Sexiest beach?
Paris! TAO BAR in New York. And I find the W Hotel exotic! Cancun beaches for sure!

17. If you had $200,000 to spend on only one designer, who would you choose?
Valentino Garavani.

18. What are your top five favorite movies of all time?
Breakfast at Tiffany’s, All About Eve, Mommie Dearest, Pretty Woman AND Amores Perros(or any movie by Pedro Almodovar).

19. What are any three musicians, movies or actresses that inspire the illusion of Erica Andrews?
Raquel Welch, Sofia Loren, Uruala Andress and more recently Ninel Conde and Sofia Vergara.

20. What differences would your fans find interesting about the differences about Erica on stage and Erica at home?
Day and Night!

21. You have been in several movies, Ticked Off Trannies with Knives and Trantasia. Tell us about those experiences.
TOTWKwas so much fun because I knew all of the girls and I could relate to my character(Emma Grashen). In TRANTASIA I got to meet some of the most beautiful transsexual ladies and I got to share a little of my day to day life on film. It was a great experience!

22. Are you in a relationship and if not, what would it take for someone to be your Prince Charming?
I’m waiting to get butterflies in my belly…that’s how I’ll know!

23. Since we ask everyone…boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
I don’t discriminate!

Thanks Erica…All our best in the future…
Like always…
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

(All pictures with permission of Erica Andrews and most by Kristofer Reynold’s Photography per Erica Andrews)

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