Eric Decker & Jessie James Become Professional Diaper Changers! An Interview!

Eric & Jessie:Game On - Season 2

They’re back! The All-American Power Couple is back and ready to tackle the masses!  Last season Eric Decker and wife Jessie James left us as newlyweds onscreen and pregnant off-screen.  This season we catch up and see what has happened since.  From baby names to career schedules, Eric and Jessie prove that loving one another is their number one priority! We’re obsessed with this couple and how much the love each other!   Check out what these two had to say to us about the new season and what we all should expect from the show!

 Eric & Jessie: Game On - Season: 2

What’s one word that best describes you?

Eric: Charismatic

Jessie: Happy

Describe one another using five words or less.

Eric: Jess is loving, beautiful, funny, strong and passionate

Jessie: Eric is thoughtful, sensitive, sexy, tough and charming

How will this season of Eric & Jessie: Game On be different from the first season?

Eric: Lots of baby preparation and our careers.

Jessie: We are having a baby so it focuses a lot on the preparation for that!

How has marriage changed your relationship?

Eric: Made us stronger and united us in our faith

Jessie: Its made us even closer and more on a  spiritual level

 Eric & Jessie:Game On - Season 2

What is something you do for each other the other one doesn’t realize you do?

Eric: She calms me down when I’m frustrated or stressed in ways i don’t realize until after the fact.

Jessie: We are pretty aware of the sweet things we do for one another…he runs me baths, and gives me neck massages and makes me breakfast

How do you define sexy?

Eric: Her

Jessie: Him

What is the sexiest thing about your marriage?

Eric: Our passion for one another and I love that she is all mine.

Jessie: I can kiss him any time I want!

How do you want the world to remember Eric and Jessie?

Eric: Two young adults that love one another unconditionally and are chasing their dreams. Also, to give others hope that they can find love and live out their dreams too.

Jessie: A fun loving normal couple who wants to set an example for love and happiness.

 Eric & Jessie: Game On - Season 2

What’s next for Eric & Jessie?

Eric: Headed to the NY Jets, becoming a father and professional diaper changer.

Jessie: New adventure in NYC/NJ, becoming a mother to our sweet baby girl and continuing my love for music!

What are your three simple luxuries?

Eric: My Ray Ban aviators, massage, steak and potato dinner with a glass of red wine.

Jessie: My car, bubble baths, and a blue moon with an orange!

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