Chile Earthquake…Hawaii Tsunami Hits Hard on Internet…Could Twitter be a Hero?

The earthquake hitting Chile this morning was recorded at a 8.8. If it holds to this, it will be written in the record books as one of the greatest earthquakes of all time. And now…as we wait, watching the tv, twittering and using social networks, people are waiting to see what will happen when the tsunami, resulting from the earthquake, will hit Hawaii on Hilo Bay, shown below.

Newscasters are saying this is the first time that social networking has ever been used in this manner…helping one another…even twitter caution and ways to make it to safety. In a world critical of the internet, blogging and social networking, could it possibly be that the internet may come out as a hero in the wake of Mother Earth?

Obama has already stated that the US will send assistance and now we are waiting and watching. And just on the heals of the earthquake in Haiti, maybe all of us here, can be a little kinder, care a little more, enjoy life a little bit more and love one another…

We’ll See…

For more information and safety warnings, visit NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center

Or visit CBS news here.

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