Black Jack Gum…Sexiest Item of the Day! Totally Unavailable!

black jack gum_raanntIf you haven’t read The Before Now and After Then by one half of our raannt team, Peter Monn, do so NOW! If you do, you’ll know why Black Jack gum is such an integral part to the story and why we have decided to make it the sexiest item of the day! It’s funny how such a small thing like gum can be so enticingly sexy!

Also, while researching Black Jack gum, we found that it is only made and offered about every 5 years and is totally unavailable anywhere on the internet.  So, unless you have a pack stuck in the back pocket of an old pair of jeans or at the bottom of your purse it doesn’t look like you’ll be chewing some any time soon!

Check back for our next pick of Sexiest Item of the Day!

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Oh…and of course read the book as well!

the before now and after then official cover_peter monn

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