Aysia from Bad Girls Club Chicago Tells All! An Interview

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Aaahhh yes! The Bad Girls Club Chicago on Oxygen has been keeping us entertained for the last few weeks. Now we get an exclusive insight at the minds of these girls! We got the chance to chat with Aysia about her experience, her likes and about the other girls… Check out what this spicy kitty has to say and don’t forget to catch her and the other Bad-Girls every Tuesday 8/7c on Oxygen!

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Introduce yourself in five words or less.
Fun, Entertaining, Spontaneous, complex, adventurous

What makes you a good member of the Bad Girls Club?
I’m a party girl, love to go out and have fun. I don’t back down to anyone. I’m independent, self-driven, and very skilled in everything I do. I’m all about progression recognizing the problem and fixing it including myself.

Define a Bad Girl.
A bad girl is someone that believes they’re bad and won’t let anyone else tell them otherwise. A bad girl has a confidence to her that can’t be taken away. A bad girl is also someone who works hard at everything they do and wants to improve not only themselves but others. Independent, hard-working, inspirational, and driven!

What makes the Bad Girls Club – Chicago season better than seasons past?
Chicago is the best season hands down because each girl is identifying their issues and attacking them. Each girl is in the house to improve on themselves. Each girl has a similar background or similar upbringing that they just want to be able to speak about and move forward in bettering our lives.

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How do you define sexy?
Sexy is confidence! Not much else to it. If you know you’re sexy nobody else can tell you otherwise.

What’s the sexiest club? City? Hotel? Place to kiss?
The sexiest club I haven’t found yet lol The sexiest city would have to be LA. The sexiest hotel the W. The sexiest place to kiss is in the rain DUHHHH

Describe each Bad Girl Chicago with just one word
Alex – goofy
Jada- Strong
Britt – Hateful
Blu- Intriguing
Loren- ratchet
Redd- insecure

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What’s the baddest thing you’ve done?
The baddest thing I’ve done was probably the time in college when I found out my friend was hanging out with a guy I was talking to so I told the whole campus that she had HPV.

What do you want people to remember you by?
I want people to remember me for my passion. My passion for life, my family, love and my passion to inspire others.

What are your three simple luxuries?
Time with Family, Sports & Outdoors, Booze

Bad Girls Club

Tune into Bad Girls Club Chicago on Oxygen Tuesdays 8/7c


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*Images courtesy of Oxygen

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