An Intimate Engagement…

We’ve had a busy, busy schedule this weekend, but we wanted to put a HUGE thank you out to our friend Gracia and our bevy of beauties who threw us a small, intimate engagement dinner at Bella Vita on Saturday night. Not only did we get to have dinner with 12 of our closest, but we were able to celebrate our wedding engagement and begin the countdown to our wedding next August. Thanks all who came out and helped us celebrate…
and especially Silver Carpet Alum and Indy elite hair stylist at Salon 01, Stephanie White who danced it up with us after the dinner on the patio at Bella Vita to their live band. (Really, try to get out there before it gets cold and enjoy the last days, or nights, of summer! The patio is still open and it’s a pretty amazing setting for being in the heart of the northside of Indy.) And the bar INSIDE Bella Vita is one of the coolest bars to just sit around and have a drink. The atmosphere is extremely relaxed and loungey, and we noticed some pretty amazing looking people, just hanging out, socializing. Reminds us a little bit of old, hotel bars in Chicago…

Also…look for our new blog, The Road to Hell documenting the year leading to our wedding…
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

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