We Know You Missed Us…

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It’s stupid to even assume otherwise, right? Haha…Well, we’ve been extremely busy, so we apologize for not updating more often. And just a quick recap to let you know what you’ll be reading this week…The White Party at Talbott…The Moto GP Party…Brittany Mason’s return to Indy(and all of her exciting gossip)…Several new places to eat and a few new local establishments we really like…
What is interesting is that we have been gaining a lot of local and national attention about our engagement and our “coupling” so to speak, so we have also been working on our new blog…The Road to Hell…which will count down the days to our wedding and bring much needed awareness and attention to GBLT centered issues. Nonetheless, we’ve still been having lots of fun…maybe too much fun, which is why we haven’t written as much lately. So we are making a commitment, dear fans, to write more regularly and keep you up to date and this week, we will fill you in on what’s been going on this summer. Hope you had an amazing labor day and end to your summer!!

Eyes Open…We’re Watching!

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