Taylor Lautner…Sexiest Man of the Day! Gay or Straight? And Sexy Video!

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Taylor Lautner is probably one of the sexiest men on the planet and we believe this young buck will only get sexier with time. Although at only 21, he has perfect abs and an impossibly irresistible smile, this guy seems to be classy enough to stay out of the tabloids…for the most part.

taylor lautner gay true or not_raannt

But when this faked magazine cover of Taylor coming out in People magazine hit the internet in 2011, it went viral.  Not that we wouldn’t LOVE to have Taylor batting for our side, but we’ll love him no matter what! He’s today’s James Dean! If you can’t quite get enough of him, check out this sexy video below!

What do you think? Leave your comments in the section below!

And check back tomorrow for our pick of Sexiest Man and Woman of the Day!

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