Salma Hayek…Sexiest Woman of the Day! Salma Does a Sexy Table Dance!

salma hayek

You know how we love our Latinas…so be sure to stay tuned for our long list of these spicy women who will be on our Sexiest Woman of the Day List!  Several days ago we asked a good friend who he thought was the Sexiest Woman of All Time and he said Salma Hayek! We’re not sure we’d pick her for All Time…But she’d definitely be in our top 3…Not bad for 46! It proves some things do get better with age! We love her and her work all the way back to the early 90’s up to her recent role as Drug Dealer extraordinaire in Savages! Check her out below in From Dusk Til Dawn when she performed one of the sexiest table dances EVER!

Check back tomorrow for our pick for Sexiest Woman and Man of the Day!

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