This week, the boys of raannt go behind the scenes and play 20 questions with your choice, Courtni Hall Miss Indiana USA 2009!
1. What name would you like to be used on our interview? Courtni Shabana Hall
2. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Definitely a night owl! I usually don’t go to bed until morning hours.
3. Of the three…Miss California(who spoke out against gay marriage), Miss South Carolina(who spoke incorrectly), and Miss USA at the Miss Universe pageant(who fell on stage), who do you think will gain more fame from their mishap and why? Former Miss California USA, Carrie. I believe she has had the most news coverage and overall recognition because of her statements. I do commend her for stating her opinion, because as we know that is one of the greatest freedoms we have here in America. The reason everyone reacted in that way and why she has gained so much fame is because she made it appear as a national opinion. She has gained so much fame she has written a book! Ultimately, people will forget about a nervous answer from Miss South Carolina Teen USA and someone slipping on stage at Miss Universe. However, no one will forget the uproar that derived from her answer.
4. Las Vegas nights in August or fireside nights in Aspen? I would love an August night in Vegas. Since I am 23 and just made a trip there for 3 weeks at Miss USA I’d love to go back and experience it without the bodyguards.
5. Long or short showers? Long showers without question. I was the one in the family that always ran out the hot water!
6. Typically how long does it take you to get ready? Thanks to Miss USA I can now get ready in 1/2 hour. If I have to wash my hair it’s usually an hour and a half because it’s naturally curly and takes some time to blow out.
7. Last book you read and a book you are currently reading, if any? The last book I read was “Words that Work: It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear” by Frank Luntz. I read this for preparation for Miss USA. I am currently reading the “Left Behind” series I am on Nicolae at the moment.
8. A movie that profoundly impacted your life? Slumdog Millionaire. This movie somewhat emulates what my life could’ve been if I had grown up in India. I was abandoned at birth at only 2 lbs. 2 oz. in Calcutta. This was one of the only windows I could see through into life in India. Minus becoming a millionaire off of a show of course. Fortunately, I was adopted and have had the joys and opportunities living here in America.
9. What is something about you that we wouldn’t know by looking at you? That I love to eat! I am a smaller with a more petite frame and not quite a 100 pounds. But I can out eat most people. I love Big Macs, Thanksgiving dinner, and Chocolate Marshmallow Ice Cream. My favorite food of all time is Chocolate Chip Cookies and I try to have some on hand in case I ever get a craving! One time my neighbor and I had a wing eating competition at BDubs and he won. He was also 240 pounds! The goal was 50 wings, which he ate, and I ate 31. We were both hurting after, but it was a fun story.

10. Who is a celebrity role model to you and why? love Ellen! She is such a funny, charismatic woman. I love her because she always reaches out to people to help. She is so genuine and I would love to meet her. I have modeled my year of service as Miss Indiana USA after her generosity and compassion she’s showed to the guests on her show.
11. What would people find surprising about you? I am learning to be a pilot. Jared, my boyfriend, is teaching me. We have started learning slow fight, descents, and coordinated turns. He went to college to have a career as a pilot and he’s an excellent instructor. I love flying. We you are piloting you’re own aircraft it gives you a sense of limitless boundaries and a new perspective on the world. You aren’t restricted by roads and it decreases travel time. I can’t wait to take my first solo-flight!
12. When you were 10 what did you want to be when you grew up? When I was 10 I wanted to be Miss USA and a famous singer or actress. I actually practiced my signature to see how it would look. I am proud to say I have accomplished the first step to become Miss USA by representing Indiana on national television. That’s one of two. Now I’d like to become an entertainment TV host on E! or the Food Network.
13. What is a magazine you always read? I love Cosmopolitan! I love all of the shopping finds, make-up tips, and especially the interviews with the successful, sexy women in the entertainment industry. I love learning about them because it shows a side of them you don’t see on film or when they sing.
14. Most romantic restaurant in Indy? The Eagle’s Nest. Of course it could’ve been who I was with and the occasion. It was Valentine’s Day and I was surprised with going to the Eagle’s Nest by my boyfriend, Jared. I was the only person who didn’t know. After riding the elevator to the top, and eating while watching a beautiful sunset over the Indy skyline he surprised me with a gorgeous Journey diamond necklace! It was the most perfect, romantic night and I couldn’t think of a better place to go.
15. Most romantic city in the world? Not just because I represent this state, but I truly love Indianapolis and think it is very romantic. I have traveled to many different cities all over the U.S. I believe any city can be romantic. It’s what you make of it. I’ve been to Paris, France and it’s very romantic but I don’t want to choose some place that is described by so many as that. But within Indy Jared and I have walked the Canal on the 4th of July while watching fireworks, we have eaten dinner on a rotating roof, we flown (he’s a pilot) over the city during and just after sunset, and we’ve taken the time to explore museums, theaters, and so many more activities this city has to offer. What makes it romantic is because it’s only us and it’s where we call home.
16. If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life and it couldn’t be a mixed CD what would it be? I love John Mayer’s “Heavier Things” CD. I love so many of the songs! It’s such a relaxing and carefree sound. I love “Daughters,” “Come Back to Bed,” and “Clarity” to name a few.
17. If you could change one law, what would you change? One law that’s has changed for Indiana but I’d like to see changed on a national basis is allowing single parents to adopt. Although most of the laws inflicted are from the host country itself it still makes it possible for them to have a family as long as they can provide for the child
18. What are three tv shows you consistently watch? NCIS is a show I’ve watched since the second season. I am in love with all the characters, particularly Mark Harmon who plays Gibbs. I also watch So You Think You Can Dance. I missed Season 5 so I am enjoying keeping up every week this season since I don’t have to wait till July to watch it.
19. What are three beauty tips/secrets you have learned that you would give as advice? It’s always a smart move to think about taking care of your skin now so it looks best as you age. Always wash your face in the morning and before you go to bed. This will remove all dirt, oil, and make-up that has been on your face all day. It’s also good to wash your pillow cases every week. This will ensure when you sleep you aren’t putting more sweat, oil and other impurities that can cause breakouts. Lastly apply a moisturizer with antioxidants and sunscreen before leaving for the day or before putting on your make-up. This will protect your skin from harmful UV rays that can age and cause discoloration, but also quenches dry, thirsty skin. I use Jan Marini skin care that has the cleanser, acne solution and antioxidant moisturizer in the kit. It has been great for my skin.
20. If you could achieve one major goal before you die, it would be…? One major goal I set for myself has already accomplished of going to Miss USA and being in the top 51 of all the contestants that competed for their state titles. Another major goal is to influence and touch the hearts of at least one family to decide adoption is the way to make their family grow. If I can persuade them with my story, then I have reduced the number of orphans worldwide from 143 million to 142, 999. Baby steps to making the number a zero someday.
Thanks Courtni!!! Can’t wait to see you at Miss Indiana USA!
Don’t forget to vote for the next interview…all votes are anonymous…even to us!!!
Eyes Open…We’re watching!