Cab Fare, Lipstick and Condoms…A Night Out with the Delectable Jackie Beat!

On the official Jackie Beat website she identifies herself as a “drag superstar” and that is by no means an understatement. More like drag super-funktafied-fabulosity-b-b-b-beat-mastress-dominatrastar! And we love every inch of her! We originally saw her in the documentary “Wigstock” as she and close friend, Alexis Arquette, traipsed along the streets of Manhattan before her performance in the park. After stalking her videos on YouTube and seeing her in a recent stand-up comedy show, we had to know more about this sensational character who seemed almost too fantastic to be real. Having started her career as a female impersonator years ago, Jackie has now graced her presence in several movies, including “Flawless” with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robert DeNiro and the documentary “Wigstock”, chronicling her participation in the annual, drag event in New York City hosted by the phenomenal Lady Bunny. Jackie has also had several television appearances including MTV’s “My Super Sweet 16” and was most recently a leading comedienne in the LOGO stand up comedy special “Dragtastic”. Along with several other creative projects, including being in the internationally famous band Dirty Sanchez, Jackie performs annually in a traveling Christmas show to sold-out crowds. Singer, writer, television and movie star…drag empress…Jackie can beat down our door any day!

1. Where was Jackie Beat born?
Hollywood of course. The man beneath Jackie was raised in Scottsdale, Arizona — a great place to grow up if you like Southwestern art, binge drinking and date rape.

2. What was early life like for Miss Jackie Beat?
Challenging. Let’s just say, “It Gets Better!”

3. Why the name “Jackie Beat’?
When I first started, I worked a Beatnik look: Black page boy wig, black leggings, black skirt, black turtleneck, black beret, etc. I essentially did stand-up comedy in the guise of Beat poetry. I thought the name “Jackie Beat” sounded very 1960’s. And I am not a big fan of those play-on-words names like Anita Cocktail. That sounds like a drag queen who might wait tables, it doesn’t sound like a star to me.

4. You are considered a drag star style icon. Where do you find inspiration for you style?
Well, I am a naturally creative and artistic person with a good eye. I don’t think style is something you can really learn. But most of my looks are rather ironic.

5. What are three things that make a successful female impersonator?
Personally, I would have to say a fully-developed character, a sense of humor, a good singing voice and PROFESSIONALISM. I picked four, because I’m an over-achiever!

6. Who are currently the three most entertaining drag queens in the US?
Myself, of course! And Sherry Vine and Lady Bunny.

7. What was your experience like being on MTV’s Made?
I was on “My Super Sweet 16” and it was great because I got paid VERY well by that filthy rich family!

8. We loved Wigstock. Does Wigstock still happen every year and are you still a part of this event?
No, sadly it does not happen anymore. But Lady Bunny does the occasional Wigstock-related special event.

9. Are you still friends with Alexis Arquette and if so, how is she doing?
Yes and she is doing great! She is one of the most creative people I know.

10. We interviewed Ongina Ryan, from RuPaul’s Drag Race, and we know she was the hostess of the LOGO feature Dragtastic of which you were part of? What is Ongina like in person?
Three feet tall, bald and annoying. She’s also Asian. Just kidding! She’s a delight.

11. If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed CD’s what or who would they be?
Soundtrack from HAIR, The Best of The Smiths and Ace Frehley’s solo album.

12. What is the best song and CD to have sex to?
Anything by early Prince — like “Head,” “Dirty Mind” or “Erotic City.”

13. What are three essentials a drag queen must have access to within 10 minutes or always carry in her purse?
Cab fare, lipstick and condoms.

14. What is the sexiest city in the world? Hotel? Club? Drag Queen? Movie Star? Porn Star? Place to Kiss?
Barcelona, Hotel Night in NYC, any club by Mario Diaz, me, Tom Hardy, Aybars and “on the mouth!”

15. the boys of raannt are getting married next August 25th in Vegas. If you were officiating our wedding, what advice would you give us in the ceremony?
Do things separately. The reason you were attracted to this person in the first place is because they had their own life and their own friends. That’s sexy. Totally losing yourself in or to a relationship is never a good thing.

16. Were you ever bullied? What advice would you give a 15 year old who was being bullied for being gay?
Yes and I would just say that these bullies never amount to anything, while the ones who are bullied go on to make the world a much more interesting and beautiful place.

17. If you lived in a tree house, where would it be and what would it look like inside?
I would live with the Keebler elves in their tree house — free cookies 24/7!

18. Do you believe in love and are you in love? When was the last time you were in love?
I feel bad for anyone who doesn’t believe in love. That’s like not believing in the sky! I am in love with life, my friends, my house and my dogs! Love comes in many forms — let it all in!

19. What’s next for the lovely and delicious Miss Jackie Beat?
My holiday tour in LA, SF, San Diego, Seattle, Portland and NYC.

20. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
Boxers are the sexiest.

We’re getting into our sexiest boxers now…just for you Jackie!!!

Eye’s Open…We’re Watching!

*All photographs by Austin Young and Peter Palladino with permission by Jackie Beat.

Redifining Glamour! LadyLash Studios and the Eau Spa at The Ritz Carlton

Bentley limousines, superstar models, spa suites at The Ritz Carlton’s Eau Spa, celebrity hairstylists, Swarovski crystal bow ties, soap opera and reality stars, film crews and photographers and an entire street closed down as we’re escorted in by burlesque girls dressed in black and red on roller skates! We’ve been to quite a few “red carpet events” since starting raannt several years ago, but nothing compares to the LadyLash Studios Red Carpet Anniversary party that we attended in West Palm Beach, Florida in September. Our good friends, Mikaela and Georgio Fernanadez, the husband and wife, superstar team heading LadyLash Studios, flew us down to South Florida, where they reign supreme in the glamour industry, to attend their red carpet anniversary party as their special guests. Needless to say, our experience was nothing less than an absolutely mesmerizing experience from the moment we stepped off the plane, were driven to The Ritz Carlton in West Palm Beach, and checked into the Eau Spa until less than 24 hours later when we waved goodbye and flew back to Indianapolis after attending one of the most amazing events of our lives.

Mikaela and Georgio, the owners of the makeup design company LadyLash Studios, and the Eau Spa by Cornelia, treated us to an entire day at the spa before heading over to the red carpet event. Upon arriving at the spa, we were checked in and explained the menu of services we would be receiving throughout the day. First we were each given a candle to make a wish on and place in an amazing fountain in the reception area of the spa. I think we both wished for a relaxing experience since we had boarded the plane at 7:30 in the morning and hadn’t received more than two hours of sleep the night before, excited about the upcoming day. Our wishes were granted as we stepped through the doors of the spa and led into the men’s changing area.

To call it a “locker room” would be completely unfair although it was adorned with six foot wooden lockers. The rest of the area was, quite literally, a Grecian bath. A huge, stone jacuzzi sat at the top of the stairs after walking past several showers closed off by frosted glass and counter tops filled with the best bath products.

We were led into an indulgent “resting area”, furnished with plush lounging chairs and whispy curtains looking out onto the “Self Centered Garden” located between the men’s and women’s changing areas. Infused tea and small cupcakes were set out to either relax or energize you, depending on your current needs. We were told to wait and we would be taken back to our cabana suite for our couples massage. After our two masseuses arrived, they led us back, in our white fluffy robes, to our suite and asked us several questions and defining for us our massage experience. They then turned the lights to a soft blue and asked us what kind of music we wanted to listen to during our massage. We opted for chill lounge music over classical music, and immediately, with the changing colors of the lights and the ambient beats of the music, we were transferred into another state. Our couples massage, side by side each other, was absolutely incredible lasting just over an hour. Afterwards, we were given several minutes to relax as we looked at the patio and took in the outside, free standing shower and bathtub and the amazing furnishings inside the suite. We then went into the gardens and sat for several minutes in the hanging chairs over the small pools, completely relaxed, drinking tea and just taking it all in.

Afterwards, completely relaxed, we went and checked in with Mikaela and Georgio, who were knee deep in preparing for the evening with camera crews filming every step of their make up artists, barbers, hairstylists and friends mulling around the room. They told us to just hang out and enjoy ourselves and meet up with them in a few hours to leave for the event. So we got dressed and walked down to the beach, talking about our plan to move to Southern Florida in a few years and where we would live. Afterwards, we went inside to The Stir Bar and split quesadillas. The bar and lobby which overlook the pool and the beach are incredible and we could have stayed there all night, just lounging and talking, finally able to get away and enjoy each other’s company from our crazy lives.

We stayed for awhile and then went back and got ready for the event. After getting dressed, we walked over to Mikaela and Georgio’s room and waited for them to get ready. While waiting in the hallway, we began talking to another one of their special guests, Marissa Hopson, Pantene’s First Reality Hair Star, and her mother. We talked for over 30 minutes and right away we were swapping stories and laughing. After everyone was ready, including LadyLash Superwoman Elisabetta Fantone, who is a well known model, actress and painter, we all followed Mikaela and Georgio out to the front of the Ritz, one large entourage in tow, and got in the escorted cars.

Pulling up to the LadyLash Red Carpet Event was an experience all of it’s own. Insanely dressed burlesque girls roller skated in front of our limo as it pulled up in front of the event. As the door of our car opened, photographers started flashing bulbs as we entered the red carpet and made our way into the event, followed by Marissa, Elisabetta and finally Mikaela and Georgio.

Several hours later, after taking tons of pictures and film footage, we ended up at Taste in West Palm Beach for their after party which lasted late into the night. Finally, in a jam packed car alongside their close friends Mike and Dorothy Minichiello, owner of Vintage Joye Fine Electronic Cigarettes(which are absolutely amazing and we’ve been using for over a month!), we drove back to the hotel through the warm September night.

Upon reaching the hotel, Marissa and her mother, who had agreed to take us to the airport(these women are absolutely amazing!!!), were waiting, finally casually dressed, or as best as Marissa can be casually dressed in an amazing sundress and stunning heels, in the lobby for us to go and grab some late night snacks. So it was only minutes later that we found ourselves, alongside Marissa, her mother and Marissa’s hilarious friend who became more and more humorous with each beer, at a small, dive bar on the outskirts of West Palm Beach, eating chicken fingers, cheeseburgers and fries talking about all the stuff we would talk about with any of our other friends at 3 in the morning.

When we finished eating, Marissa and her mother drove us to the airport and we walked inside, absolutely exhausted but elated from the outrageous day, and found that it was too early to check in. So we threw our bags on the floor and camped out until our plane left several hours later, with us in the very back row, dead asleep with bags of M&M’s and Swedish Fish candy in our hands.

We have to say, although we love Kim Kardashian, we really don’t know how she does it…”dashing” from one exotic location to the next, with only a few hours a sleep, checking into amazing hotels and being treated like a queen for a day…after day…after day. It is all quite amazing, and we’d do it again in a heart beat…hint, hint…and of course we LOVE to cause a stir on the red carpet and bring incredible attention, after all, that’s what we’re best at…but all of this in just 24 hours is a little overwhelming.

Like one strange dream that we drifted in and out of all day long. A strangely, beautiful and euphoric dream filled with little, white frosted cupcakes, a back room after party filled with vapor cigarettes and laughter, racing through the glitzy streets of Southern Florida late at night, late night bar food with a new supermodel friend and her endearing mother…and a couple that made it all of the glamour happen!

And to see the amazing quick film of the entire event by C&I Studios go to the LadyLash Red Carpet Event link…and make sure you look for our cameo appearance!!!

Eyes open, we’re watching

Storytelling with Acclaimed Film Director Jeremy Stanford of Trantasia and Wild Things!

We had never even heard of him before we saw the documentary Trantasia but once watching the film which captured the behind scenes footage of ‘World’s Most Beautiful Transsexual Pageant’ as well as telling the stories of six of it’s participants, we had to know more about the man sitting in the director’s chair. What we found was a humble, non-assuming genius of sorts who did not focus on being “gay” or capitalizing on “gay culture”, even though he could have since he was beginning to corner the market on transsexual documentary filmmaking, especially with the premiere of his new reality series Wild Things, following three of the contestants from Trantasia, cross country, in a series similar to Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie in The Simple Life. And although we wanted to find an arrogant, gusto driven director leading the path of gay culture instead we found…a simple man. And we are all the better for it!

1. How did you come up with the idea for Trantasia?
The idea for TRANTASIA came from a good friend Ted Smith who was working in Las Vegas and met the producer of the ‘World’s Most Beautiful Transsexual Pageant’ a couple of weeks before the event. Ted thought it might make a cool doc and called me up. We headed to Vegas with 4 camera crews and shot the pageant over a long weekend. After we had met the girls in person and looked at all the footage we realized we had something. I then traveled around the country to visit and interview six of the girls and their families. These hometown profiles became the heart of the documentary.

2. How did you pick the women who were featured in Trantasia?

We called as many of the contestants as possible before the pageant to interview them and get a sense of their stories and personalities. We also wanted to make sure we were following the top pageant contenders. Before arriving in Vegas we decided to focus on about 12 girls. As the filming progressed we changed this list as some new girls grabbed our attention and others proved to be not as compelling. Some girls recognized the opportunity, embraced the documentary and were open and honest for the camera. Other girls were more focused on the pageant and less willing to share their stories.

3. On a recent interview we did with Maria Roman, many comments were made criticizing Trantasia and saying that it was an unfair representation of the Transgendered community because it only focused on beautiful transsexuals. Any comment?

I understand that criticism, but we did not set out to “represent the community” so I think that is an unfair standard by which to judge the film. Our goal was simply to document a beauty pageant and to entertain the film audience. By their very nature, pageants attract a certain type of person and contestants are not representative of everyone or any community. As a filmmaker I was looking to profile girls with great stories and not just the “most beautiful” contestants.

4. There were also comments made about Tiara Russell stating that she wanted to be married as a man, not ID’ing as a true transsexual. Is this true and what are your comments about her participation in the documentary?

Meeting all the girls I quickly realized they all had their own unique and valid reasons for making (or not making) the personal life choices they had made. This particular pageant was open to both self-identifying pre-operative and post-operative transgender women. I know there are some in the community who feel the need to judge, and who believe that pre-operative trans women are somehow “less than” others who have completed the transition. I think those who are truly secure and comfortable with themselves embrace diversity within their own community.

Tiara stated in TRANTASIA that she was not certain she wanted to die as a woman. She expressed that uncertainty in terms of respect for her family’s desires and also a conflict with her religious beliefs. I appreciated her honesty and found her story complex and fascinating.

5. You directed a reality series, Wild Things, featuring Maria Roman, Cassandra Cass and Tiara Russell from Trantasia. How did you come up with this idea and how was the experience?
TRANTASIA first aired on Showtime and the film did really well for them. They were open to a new series which captured the same humor and heart as the documentary. After several unsuccessful pitches by our producing team, I actually came up with the concept for WILD THINGS by working backwards – figuring out what elements people would most want to watch and then refining the series concept to include those beats. When Maria Roman, one of the contestants in TRANTASIA, shared with me the news about her brother’s life-threatening battle with kidney disease, I asked if we could help. The girls’ road trip in WILD THINGS became a fundraising mission and we hit the road.

The shooting experience was rewarding, but unusually difficult. We had an extremely limited budget and a very small crew so I had to wear many hats. In addition, the girls were under the stress of production and they fought a lot… great for the audience, but tough on everyone.

6. Where did your interest in Transsexualism begin?

I would not say I started with any specific interest. As a filmmaker my job is to tell stories and these girls had intriguing stories.

7. What was your career background before filming Trantasia?
I graduated from USC Film School and started working with the legendary filmmaker Roger Corman. Before TRANTASIA I had directed 6 feature films, 2 television series for Twentieth Television and also many live non-profit events and benefits.

8. What are you currently working on and what is your next project?
Right now we are all busy promoting WILD THINGS which premieres on Showtime. I am also reading scripts and looking for my next project.

9. Are you gay and if so what do you think your responsibility is to the gay community as a gay filmmaker?

I am married to a great guy (and amazing chef) Paul McCullough.

I do not consider myself a “gay filmmaker.” In TRANTASIA (and also in WILD THINGS) I believe we treated the girls with respect and told their stories honestly. That does not mean shying away from the negative or controversial.

10. What would you recommend to someone who wanted to get into the film industry?

The digital revolution has led to the great democratization of the film industry. Now anyone can shoot and edit his or her own projects. That doesn’t mean everyone is a good storyteller, but it does mean the opportunity is available to so many more people today. I would advise anyone who is interested to study the films and storytelling techniques of great directors and then just go make your own movies. Editing your own footage is also an incredible learning process for a director. Above all you must have your own point of view.

11. How did you pick the six individuals you featured in Trantasia?
They picked me.

12. What would you like people to take away from Trantasia?
I would hope people’s hearts and minds were changed a little by meeting the girls and learning their stories.

13. Who are three writers, directors or artists that you draw inspiration?

Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Scorsese

14. The boys of raannt would love a reality series. What would you recommend to us to get our own reality series considering we already have an idea to pitch?
It is an extremely tough and competitive market and really hard to break through the clutter. I would recommend borrowing a camera, start shooting and create your own audience on YouTube. If it is good, people will notice.

15. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
Depends on the occasion…

Thanks buddy!
If you haven’t seen Wild Things, make sure to check it out every Thursday night at Midnight on Showtime!
And check out the Internationally acclaimed documentary that started it all Trantasia!

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Gay Cupcakes…the SEXY list!

When we started raannt, we decided to dedicate a SEXY list every month to things we thought were sexy, intriguing, mysterious, luxurious, gorgeous, priceless and thought provoking. They are must have things! This last week when all of this business about the students at IUPUI being denied service by the JUST COOKIES bakery occurred, we decided to dedicate a list in support of ALL gay youth, not just the college students at IUPUI. In the same manner we do everything else, we poked some fun at the issue and posed the following question to friends, celebrities, colleagues and just about anybody we could contact. “GAY CUPCAKES ARE SEXY BECAUSE?…” Many people didn’t understand why we asked this specific question, so let us explain. It didn’t really matter what we asked we just wanted to show, in a light hearted way, that tons of people out there supported these kids and wanted them to realize they were not alone and that many, many people felt they were beautiful, talented…and priceless, much like what we had printed on our previous SEXY lists. But than a horrible event occurred. Within one week, five gay teenagers committed suicide. We could no longer look at the situation with a light hearted manner. In a conversation between several people we know, one of which remains extremely bigoted, the issue came up that any business had the right to refuse service to anyone. While this depends upon where the establishment resides, the Indianapolis based bakery being on government property, the issue was being lost in the details. You see, for anyone who is gay and has suffered any kind of injustice or has been with someone who is gay and depressed or suicidal, which we have, you know it doesn’t start with the gun, the knife, the rope or the pill. No, it starts long before that with the harassment, the name calling, the cold shouldering, the denial, the fear and yes, the refusal of people to deal with us as human beings. So you see, it’s not really just about a couple of students who walked into a bakery and attempted to order some cookies for a diversity group. What occurred is just part of a long line leading up to events which eventually become out of control for some people. It starts with the cupcake! So in support of the gay kids at IUPUI who stood up for their rights as human beings, and for the thousands of others we will never know who battle this injustice every day, we give you this SEXY list, to show you that, yes…people really do care. And for the five kids who lost their lives this week, may you be remembered with beauty and amazement and may your choices be lessens to others that life, as sexy as it is at times, is oh so very precious!

the SEXY list…
1. Brittany Mason-Miss Indiana USA 2008 and International Model…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they make us all feel like a supermodel!”

2. Steven Daigle-Big Brother 10 and Porn Star…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because the recipe used to make them is a secret we should all be willing to share.”

3. Kevin Gerdes-Actor/Extra on Glee, Grey’s Anatomy and Outsourced…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because every life matters! No one is greater than another. LGBT people deserve the right to feel things. Gay cupcakes are sexy because sharing LOVE in any way allows ALL youth a chance to feel just that loved!”

4. Pryncess Cupcake…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are sparkly, tasty and always ready to party!”

5. Jonathan Jaxson-Blogger/TV Personality…”Gay cupcakes are good because they are able to be filled with lots of filling and made with love.”

6. Shane Mason-TLC’s King of the Crown…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because: 1. Anything GAY is sexy!! 2. Anything gay is extra sweet!! and 3. Who doesn’t like frosting on….ANYTHING!!”

7. Vassy-Pop Artist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they have sprinkles on them. Yummy all the way!”

8. Daniela Frezza-Writer/Blogger/Social Media Marketer/Production Specialist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they come in all rainbow colors. They don’t discriminate.”

9. DJ Chi Chi LaRue-Porn Director/DJ…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re not the same old straight dry cake!”

10. Allison Arngrim-Nellie Olson on Little House on the Prairie/Actress/Author…”Cupcakes are neither gay nor straight. Nor male nor female. Nor black nor white. Nor Jew nor gentile. Cupcakes are for ALL of us! And of course one should support gay youth! And gay old people! Hell, I’ll bake them all cupcakes!”

11. Erick Ramos-Designer/Photographer/Philanthropist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because the icing is so much sweeter!”

12. Vince Ferelli-Porn Star…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are inspirational to an older generation of GLBTG people to be proud of who they are with the freedom to express it. An older generation couldn’t express themselves by ever saying they were gay, let alone ordering tons of gay cupcakes…I’ll be paying that place a visit the next time I’m in Indy.”

13. Jeremy Bilding-Porn Star…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are rainbows and unicorns”

14. Marissa Hopson-Pantene’s 1st Reality Star…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are just as good, sweet and perfect as straight cupcakes.”

15. Dustin Worrell…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because nothing is more SEXY than being yourself… Cupcakes have feelings… Ask the talking Muffin.”

16. Paul Tracy…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because the flying cupcake rocks!”(The store that actually fulfilled the order.”

17. Olivia Littell-Personal Assistant to the boys of raannt…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because at the end of every rainbow there’s a pot of gold!”

18. Jacqueline Elliott… “Gay cupcakes are sexy because they love enough though I’m not gay.”

19. Shelley Cayetano…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are always fashionable!”

20. Alex Paredes-raannt co-owner/promotor/philanthropist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and flavors; just like the people that eat them.”

21. Peter Monn-raannt co-owner/writer/psychotherapist/philanthropist…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they motivate and initiate change in the world! And, once your tongue hits the frosting…ohhh, it’s all over after that!”

22. Elizabeth Renneisen…”Gay cupcakes are sexy!”

23. Zach Baughman…”Gay cupcakes are sexy.”

24. Jen Green Moss…Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are PROUD to be a cupcake, PROUD to be different and PROUD to show the world their true rainbow colors to the world. Oh I forgot one thing….gay cupcakes are sexy because they stand for what they believe in, and between you and me I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t have a gay cupcake in my life at any given time.”

25. Sue Mattiello…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are filled with love. Gay cupcakes are sexy cuz their covered in frosting and they fit in your hand. Gay cupcakes are sexy because they come in every color!”

26. J Corey Davis…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because without them, we’d just have plain, uninspiring bland blah cupcakes. Gay youth… if you are having suicidal thoughts, please remember this from someone who was in your position, it WILL get better!”

27. Tina Moralez…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because when it comes down to it its always the SAME ingredients that make them delicious.”

28. Regina Bunting…”Gays are fabulous and cupcakes are delish so put them together and you’ll for sure get “SEXY”!!!”

29. George Equality Vail…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they look like fun and I’m sure they taste great too.”

30. Mike Teel…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re GAY and they’re CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!! love cupcakes!!”

31. Stefanie Davis-Wife of Scotty Davis of The Scotty Show on RadioNOW…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they have “PRIDE” and represent unconditional love & understanding!!”

32. Vivian Farris-Talbott Street…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re good business….cookies too.”

33. Lara Long…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because you can actually taste the rainbow…”

34. Ryan Riggs…”Gay cupcakes are Sexy because you can dress them up with sprinkles…or make your
own unique cupcake the latest trend!”

35. Juan Luna…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are colorful and they make me happy.”

36. Michell…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because… who doesn’t love a sweet treat for dessert?”

37. Scott Barnes-Photographer/Blogger…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because rainbows are pretty and make people happy. And what kind of a bore doesn’t like rainbows?”

38. Melissa Arseniuk…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re always dressed far better than all the others…”

39. Rachel Bogle-Co-host of The Scotty Show on RadioNOW…”Gay Cupcakes are sexy because they are sweet, taste EQUALLY delicious to everyone, and they make you look damn hot when you are licking their icing off.”

40. Phil Reese…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they won’t blow the cover on our secret snacking affair.”

41. Xania Woodman-Writer/Reviewer…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because Las Vegas says so. The $750 Decadence D’Or cupcake (photo above) is the veritable Liberace of cupcakes. This sweet sister blends Palmira Single Estate Chocolate (made from the rare Venezuelan Porcelana Criollo bean) with a “caviar” of Tahitian gold vanilla, also known to be one of the most labor-intensive agricultural products on earth. But as we all know, beauty takes time. The cupcake is topped with Louis XIII Remy Martin Cognac and edible gold flakes before finally being crowned with a hand-blown sugar fleur-de-lis. Executive Pastry Chef Long Nguyen’s decadent dessert is fit for a king. Or, for that matter, a queen.”

42. Michael Snedegar-TAO Entertainment Group – Gay cupcakes are sexy because they melt in your mouth not in your hands!

43. Kaya Jones-Pop Star/Former Pussycat Doll…”Gay Cupcakes are sexy. Cupcakes are sexy. Gay. Straight. It doesn’t matter. We are human beings and have the right to ask for that in all areas. I cannot believe we live in a world that is treating gays the way African American’s were treated. How far have we really come?… We are human beings and deserve rights. Freedom rights. Love. Partnership. Equality. If a simple order of something so sweet can turn into hate, where are we headed?. Love yourself, love others, treat people with kindness. For what is hate worth. Gandhi “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”.”

44. Mathew Southern…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because you have to lick the top before you can eat the bottom”

45. Ted Fleischaker-Owner/Editor of The Word…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because… you can eat six and not gain a pound so you still look sexy on the dance floor!”

46. Mikaela Fernandez-Co-owner Ladylash Studios…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are sweet, bright & colorful! Take the frosting away and find they just as wonderful on the inside too….

47. Misty Al-Eryani…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re blessed by Rainbow Brite..and she grew up to be one hot tart!!!!”

48. Zoe Renee Huse-Personal Stylist/Trendsetter…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are Creamy Delicious and Covered in Rainbow Sprinkles.”

49. JT…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because if you lick it just right you’ll get all the cream in your mouth. I think cupcakes are sexy because I’m sexy and I eat cupcakes. So by the transitive property ( A=B, B=C, A=C) cupcakes are sexy. Do the math.”

50. Leslie Kugelman…”Gay Cupcakes are sexy because not only are they delicious, more than likely they will match my outfit.”

51. Asia LaBouch-Female Impersonator/Indiana’s Largest Indoor Attraction…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they have that extra burst of color, sparkle and pazzazz just like my wardrobe!”

52. Vicki St. James-Female Illusionist/Entertainer…”GOD made rainbows too !!!”

53. Cari Hahn…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are the best dressed cupcakes I have ever seen! Believe me as a mother of twins I have seen a lot of cupcakes, but gay cupcakes rock!”

54. Jared Curry-DJ…”Gay rainbow cupcakes are sexy because they are delicious, delovely, delectable, and divine!”

55. Katelin Reeves…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because you really can taste the rainbow!”

56. Slater Hogan-DJ…”Double Rainbow Gay cupcakes are sexy because…woaaahhh, OMG! There’s a double rainbow in my front yard. What does it mean?”

57. Eric Kemp…”OMG, it’s a triple sexy cupcake rainbow!!!!”

58. Christy Pastore-Owner/Editor of Fashion Wrap-Up Magazine…”Gay Cupcakes are not just sexy they are super sexy I mean they look fabulous wearing multiple colors not all cupcakes can be that fashionable!”

59. Mckinzie Roth-Host of Crowd Surfing on Comcast and Celebrity Fix on Indy’s Music Channel…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re colorful, flavorful and fabulous!!!”

60. Scotty Davis-Host of The Scotty Show and the creator of The Scotty Shows First Annual Cupcake Party at RadioNOW…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re fun & always make me smile, just like all of my gay friends! p.s. and they “know” they look better than all the other cupcakes!”

61. Sky Block-Earth Mother…”GAY RAINBOW CUPCAKES ARE SEXY BECAUSE…somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true! The rainbow cupcake represents all of us no matter our sexual orientation, color of skin, gender or age! We all have dreams and those that the rainbow cupcake represents are brave enough to follow there hearts and make their dreams come true! I love you sexy rainbow cupcake! I ban any establishment that will not produce them. This is only the case because those people aren’t brave enough to stand up for who they truly are and what they represent. I LOVE YOU RAANNT BOYS!!!!!! FOREVER AND ALWAYS!!!!!!-Signed the Earth Mother, Sky Block”

62. Carol Townsend…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are a delicious, colorful and creamy representation of pride, acceptance, and the freedom to have Hot Sex with whomever you choose!” – Signed, “The Law” Carol Townsend.

63. Ian Duncan-Retired Porn Star/Owner of Videoboys…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because even straight boys will swallow them.” How’s that? 😛 Why in the world would they have been refused service at a bakery? That sounds just crazy. But of course I’d want to send them some encouragement, so I’m happy to help”

64. Courtni Hall-Miss Indiana USA 2009…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are love in cute, beautiful packages, they know no prejudice and they are the life and favorites of the party and of course best dressed!!”

65. Melissa Elrod…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because…..
you don’t have to be gay or straight to eat them, you just have to be able to taste its deliciousness. And gay cupcakes don’t give a law to lovers…love is unto itself a higher law (Boethius). “It doesn’t matter what you do in the bedroom as long as you don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses”….or the people eating cupcakes!
Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are….
(the first letter of the adj spell out rainbow…gay cupcakes and describes people at the same time!!!)”

66. Michelle Laidlaw…”Gay cupcakes are sexy – ignorance is not. Gay cupcakes are sexy because they march to the beat of their own frosting. Gay cupcakes are sexy, but so are straight ones. That’s the funny thing – you can’t tell the difference in a blind taste test.”

67. Bryan Schmidt…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they smell better, taste better and most importantly look better! I learned that just by watching Top Chef Desserts!”

68. Jonny Lewis…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they’re vibrant and full of life, and they stand for way more then just being a good treat.”

69. Lisa Lipscomb-Robinson…” Gay cupcakes are sexy because: they are muffins in ‘drag’…and who doesn’t love a muffin…or ‘drag’ for that matter!?!”

70. Tonya Eadler-Best Friend Any Gay Man Could Have…”I think gay cupcakes are sexy cause everyone loves cupcakes. Look at these cupcakes as one of your children being denied a cup cake at school because he had red hair! Hate breed hates!”

71. Lauren Auld…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because lets face it, everything is sexy with a little icing on top!”

72. Greg Cinotto…”Gay cupcakes are sexy cause they might turn me gay…even just for a moment.” ROCK ON Boys of raannt!!! Peace and love.”

73. Donna Kordes…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because a rainbow show’s such a variety of color, not just chocolate or vanilla. That is what we are a variety of people trying to get along.”

74. Dorothy Minichiello-Owner Vintage Joye Fine Electronic Cigarettes…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because of the person holding them who has a belief in themselves that they are A great & mighty Spiritual Being with Dignity, Direction & Purpose. Self-love – THAT’S SEXY!!”

75. Jennifer Mattos…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because…. they are full of color, their not afraid to express themselves, sometimes unavailable and irresistible, and sooooo damn sexy that it’s making my mouth water!”

76. Erin Elizabeth-Owner of Raw Foods…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because you made them baby!”

77. Thadeus Holland…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they are light, colorful and sweet. Just like the human soul.”

78. Jessica Hicks Warrix…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because: they come in all different colors of the rainbow!!!!!!!!!”

79. Matt Hahn…”Everyone loves rainbow cupcakes because they remind us of how sweet & wonderful our gay friends are!!!!”

80. Jeff Yochum…”They refused to sell me cupcakes because I am already too fat!!!”

81. Lisa Lozinak…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because icing is good, whosever nipple is on.”

82. Lis Crosby-Best For Last…”Gay cupcakes are sexy because they always have sprinkles!”

We received many more and are racing to make it to the First Annual Cupcake Party so we can’t post them all, and they keep coming in! Thank you everyone for contributing and we hope that everyone can go through today, at least one day, feeling as carefree…as a sprinkled covered, frosting lovin, sugar to the core cupcake!

Eyes open…We’re watching!

Don’t Be Jealous of Our Gay Cupcake!

Last week, students from an Indiana University-Purdue University diversity group were denied service when attempting to order rainbow colored cupcakes from the JUST COOKIES store in Indianapolis owned by David and Lilly Stockdon. What has occurred since started out as a whisper and has since become quite a media frenzy. And maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal to most were it not for the fact that four young gay people took their own lives this week as a result of being bullied.

In the last few months, since raannt’s popularity has grown, now being on the radio, the planning of, hiring employees, discussing the possibility of a reality show, writing for several publications and our being flown around the country to attend red carpet events, we have begun receiving daily emails and messages from young gay and lesbian people reaching out, telling us that they appreciate what we are doing because we are letting them feel that there is a place for them, even in a conservative town such as Indianapolis. They say that when they hear us on the radio, dubbed as “the gayest couple in Indianapolis”, they laugh, but also feel as if we are making huge strides towards normalizing gay people in the everyday world.

We never intended it to be that way. Really, this all started out as a joke. We were just going to write some reviews and get into all of the events we wanted to go to, but over time, people took what we had to say seriously. Now, bars, restaurants and event planners ask us what changes they should make and watch us when we’re out, wondering what we’re going to write. Celebrities invite us to their events and send us notes of encouragement. And we’re constantly asked questions about our engagement to be married this year, our relationship, how we’re treated in society as a gay couple and what changes we would make to help gay people feel more included. We are not political, yet we have been pushed into the role of activists. And up to this point we have always stated that we are not activists.

But not anymore. Now, we accept the role happily. And when this whole cupcake business happened we stood in our front yard, watching our three dogs running around, completely unaware of the ugliness in the world, and we realized, we had to do something. As a happily, engaged, gay couple, blessed with the ability to have awesome gay and straight friends, family support from both of our families, incredible careers and the ability to travel around the world, we had to be role models for gay youth and door openers for anyone who doesn’t have a voice.

On August 28th, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech in which he spoke of a day when “all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning, My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty…let freedom ring.” He did not speak of all of God’s children, EXCEPT gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and questioning children. But he did say we would join hands and sing, “Free at last, free at last. God almighty, we are free at last.” Just don’t ask for rainbow colored cupcakes.

On November 16th, 1943, Bobbie Sconce was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Totally unaware in her lifetime, she would become the foundation for civil activism. 47 years later, on my 18th birthday, I came out to her, my mother. She had always been a bleeding, heart liberal, so I expected that she would embrace this news with open arms and tell me that she would love me no matter what, but the response I received was completely different. Her eyes filled with tears and she began crying. “Mom, it’s going to be ok.” I said. “I’m worried about your safety.” she replied. And I thought about this for a second before responding. “I’ll be fine. I’m not stupid. I’ll practice safe sex. I won’t get anything.” She stood up and looked at me sternly. “Do you think I’m an idiot. That’s not what I’m talking about.” She said, clearing her eyes with her hand. “I’m worried about how society will treat you.” And there it was.

I never understood what she meant. Realistically, I had been dealing with it for so long that I had become somewhat immune. In elementary school the other kids would point to their homogenized milk and laugh calling me a homo like the milk. In junior high kids made fun of my voice or my clothes. In high school, almost daily I got hate notes in my locker and fag written on my car. I was pushed in the hallways and threatened in classes. I was called names such as faggot and cum-bucket. On our last day of class in our senior wills, someone even willed my ass to the football team. Awwww…what a porn film THAT would have made. And I guess my skin just grew tougher. But words still hurt. And this is a constant conversation we have in our home because we get asked this often in interviews. Alex feels that words are just words and they only have the power we give them. Over time, I’ve begun believing that too. But this isn’t just about college kids or teenagers. Just last week when we were in Walmart, the old man selling Colt’s memorabilia pointed to us and snickered to a group of women, “don’t ask, don’t tell.” And they all laughed. Yeah, real funny asshole. Gay and lesbian soldiers fighting for your right to sell some ridiculous jersey in a shitty Walmart. That’s freedom!

Years later, when my mother found out that kids had made fun of me in school, she wanted to know names because she wanted to call their parents and let them know what kind of children they had raised. I think I was 25 at the time.

But that’s what parents do. They protect their children. But are these kids being protected from feeling like they’re outsiders and “obscene” just because they wanted some damn cupcakes. It’s so ridiculous we don’t even get it. The hard fact is that everywhere we go, people treat us with open arms. We want a world that is not gay or straight…but just people. There should not be any “gay community”, we should just be community. I don’t want to have to drink out of a water fountain tagged “gay”.

We don’t even feel like a “gay” couple, even though we are proud of being gay. My mother passed away, which is sad, because she would have loved to see the attention we get and be a part of all of this. Trust me Mr. and Mrs. Stockdon, be happy Bobbie Monn is not alive today, because she would have marched her fine ass down to the city market and educated you awhile on the word “obscene”. She could throw a good sit in. She could also throw a good love-in. And that is what she taught me on how to approach adversity in the world. When I would talk about someone hurting my feelings by calling me names she would quote Betty Shabazz, Malcolm X’s wife, when asked what she does when she walks down the street and is called racial slurs. “I hold my head up high because I refuse to become a victim of their oppression.”

I don’t want another kid to kill themself just because of who he or she loves or is attracted. I don’t want one more kid to feel alone, desperate or isolated. That’s why we love Lady Gaga and Glee. They make us feel alive and part of something greater. They make us feel powerful for being different. And the truth is, we are. People ask us all the time why we interview so many porn stars. Well, the truth is, the interviews are easy to get. But, they are also extremely interesting to us as well as the over 4000 daily viewers who read them obviously, because they’re not afraid to let it all hang out. Let it all hang out. Be yourselves. Don’t hide.

Don’t be lame…be sexy!

Which brings us to our point….In response to this ridiculous turn of events, on Friday, October 1st 2010 at 8am, the crew at The Scotty Show on RadioNOW 100.9 in Indianapolis will be hosting The First Annual Cupcake Party in honor of the IUPUI GLBT group who attempted to get cupcakes. There will be cupcakes and the kids DID get the cupcakes through an open minded, much appreciated bakery, The Flying Cupcake!!!! We wanted to do something a little extra special for the kids so we have launched requests for responses for our next sexy list.


Every response that we get will be posted on our upcoming sexy list and should be in by Thursday, September 30th at 11:59pm. Either email us at or put it on our fan page on Facebook at raannt! But please do it to help these kids out and hopefully to bring enough awareness to stop further suicides. (If you’ve thought about suicide or are suicidal please contact The Trevor Project) If you’re gay and you’re reading this, you’re a survivor. Have fun with it, enjoy life and make the most of it. Live a SEXY life!!!!

Almost exactly a year ago, the North Central High School drama department here in Indianapolis produced the play “The Laramie Project” about the murder of the gay, college student Matthew Sheppard. The idiots over at The Westboro Church, associated with anti-gay leader Fred Phelps, were said to demonstrate against the play. We decided we would head over, and in the character of the good ole boys of raannt, offer to take Mr. Phelps out to sushi and martinis while in Indianapolis. We expected to see hundreds of demonstrators but instead we found a family of three, eye to eye, with about a hundred gay activists on the other side of the street, standing in the rain. Needless to say, he didn’t take us up on our offer. But we would have gone. We would have loved to have seen if he would have ordered the California Roll or just raw eel.

In the same vain, we’d like to send a small message out to Mr. and Mrs. Stockdon, who have so graciously spurred this historical event, bringing much needed attention to gay youth…listen careful David and Lilly…this one’s for you!


Don’t forget to email us at
Gay Cupcakes Are Sexy Because…

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

the SEXY list…Celebrities Tweet in Favor of Prop 8 Ruling!

This afternoon, California Chief Justice Vaughn Walker ruled against Prop 8, stating that a same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional and violates the equal rights of gay and lesbian couples. While the entire country immediately took sides, it was interesting to us to watch the jury unfold on Twitter…especially the celebrity tweets in support of overturning Prop 8 and giving gay and lesbian couples equal rights to marriage. As one of these couples who is counting down the last 12 months until our own wedding, we thought we would say a small thank you to the celebrities who brought positive attention to this landmark event by posting some of their tweets…

the SEXY list…Celebrities Tweet in Favor of Prop 8 Ruling!

1. @britneyspears “So happy! Today is a great day for love and equality. Congrats California! #Equality -Britney”
2. @Slash(Guitarist from Guns and Roses) “Was it really necessary to cause so much anxiety before realizing Prop 8 was unconstitutional?”
3. @ladygaga “REJOICE and CELEBRATE gay communities and straight all over the world. Our voices are being heard! Loud! SCREAM LOUD AMERICANOS!”
4. @PerezHilton “It’s official!!!! #Prop8 overturned!!!!!! Equality rules!!!!!!!!!!!!” and “@LadyGaGa Huge day for us!!!! Fuck #Prop8! Equality rules!!!!” and “What’s next???? #Equality ACROSS America!” and “I just can’t stop thinking about #Prop8 and what a huge victory this is for America!” and “Gay marriage is not about politics. It’s about real people – and families!”
5. @katyperry “FINALLY! Amazing! cnnbrk: California Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional by federal judge; Same-sex marriage ban”
6. @SophiaBush “One day we will see that denying rights to some based on “definitions” is ridiculous, elitist, and sad. Love is LOVE. “All men are created=”
7. @DeepakChopra “Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe and transcends all boundaries. #NOH8”
8. @LanceBass “Congrats on the overturning of Prop 8!!!!”
9. @jimmyfallon “@PerezHilton it’s the best news. Should’ve happened before.”
10. @ricky_martin “YEAHHHHH!!!!! #PROP8UNCONSTITUTIONAL MOVING FORWARD!!!!!!!! RT please”
11. @KChenoweth(Kristin Chenoweth) “Prop 8 overturned in California! Praise God!”
12. @adamlambert “Prop 8 Overturned! I’m glad California has restored the right for ALL of its citizens to marry whoever they please! Equal rights are very Glam!”
13. @MrsSOsbourne “So happy Prop 8 was overturned!”
14. @LoBosworth “the gays are golden! so many celebrations in LA tonite!:)”
15. @ParisHilton “What a huge historical day for equal rights in this country! They finally overturned Prop 8! There shouldn’t be a law on true love. :)”
16. @Pink “Its a good day!RT @cnnbrk: California Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional by federal judge; Same-sex marriage ban”
17. @TheMandyMoore “celebrating today’s victory in the overturn of prop 8!! a step in the right direction for sure….. :)”
18. @KimKardashian “Prop 8 was struck down! This news is amazing!!!! Its about time! Congrats to everyone!”
19. @kathygriffin “Thrilled that #prop8 has been ruled unconstitutional! Certain to be appealed, so stay strong & vocal! #noh8”
20. @jason_mraz “Judge rules Prop 8 is unconstitutional! Decision allows Gay Marriage in California!”
21. @bouska (Adam Bouska, fashion photographer, who changed the world with his NOH8 photos of celebrities and everyday people led the forefront of the merge of pop culture of politics!) “Judge Walker rules #Prop8 unconstitutional!”

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Kelly Cutrone Rides Her Brand New Bicycle!

Several years ago when Kelly Cutrone walked into her west coast office of People’s Revolution on the MTV reality series The Hills, we fell in love. Immediately we recognized true genius woven together with an impeccable style sense and a sharp tongue exemplified by what was obviously passion. Needless to say, it was somewhat surreal to find ourselves huddled over our IPhone on the huge, mahogany dining table which serves as the raannt offices, waiting for her assistant Andrew Mukamal, to connect us for our interview. A few minutes later, we heard her come onto the phone. We had expected, maybe from her industrial candor or her presence on her many reality shows, a tough woman who would want to get right down to business, but she chatted with us for a few minutes, wishing Alex a happy birthday and telling us about her busy day. Her professional resume, including at the top being the founder and director of People’s Revolution; a public relations and marketing firm, is overwhelming and intimidating. Her pop-culture resume includes stints on MTV’s The Hills, The City and her own reality show Kell On Earth. And in February she published her book If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You. It was only when we began actually interviewing her that we saw a true intellectual, kindred soul and artist merge together through the answers she gave to our questions.

In an interview you said that your target audience was “village girls and gay boys”. Why these two groups and how do you relate to them? “Well, that’s who I am, you know. So I don’t really think I pick them. I am a village girl. And as far as the gay boys go I work in the fashion business so it would be inevitable that they would be the core group of people that I would relate to because I’ve spent the last 13 years of my life, every day, with that group of people. So it’s sort of what I know. And it’s really who I speak to, you know. And oddly enough, as it turns out, nobody is speaking directly to these groups really, you collectively together. Musicians do it but they do it with their songs. And there are certain characters on TV but those characters are actors playing roles, you know. And one thing that we really thought with the book was, oh my God there’s nobody talking to these kids. And why do I have to go the empowerment and self help section on the top shelf next to Anthony Robbins to buy your book? It wasn’t intentional. That’s who I employ and that’s who I work with and that’s who I wanted to talk to in my book. I mean, it’s hard when you’re young.”

And the interview continued, as Kelly walked down the streets of New York, buying food and talking to people briefly as she passed them while we sat in our living room in Indianapolis, intrigued.

In your book you describe the magic inside of yourself. What exactly is this magic inside of each of us?It’s the part of you that’s the dreamer. It’s the part of you that has an idea and gets really excited. It’s the part of you that kisses someone and feels in love. It’s the part of you that wakes up and feels refreshed to do something for the first time and feel renewed, you know what I mean? Like, for me, I went to buy my daughter a bike, right. And I was in this bike store that was like a total, old school New York bike store and I was like, do you mind if I take this bike for a spin? And the guy was like, no problem, and all of a sudden I realized I want to buy a bike because it makes me feel happy inside. And I’m always looking for things will make me feel happy, so for me, riding the bike was like tapping into the magical part of myself. I get to ride my bike around New York City. I get to yell at people who are in my way. I get to do everything. I get to do cardio. I get to scream at people. I get to look at the city and at all these people and that is really fun and magical to me. What’s really not the magical part of ourselves is the part that’s like, uh, I’m really fucking sad or life sucks and life is really boring. You have to find the part that’s still really fun.”

When we asked her if she describes her book, If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You, as a self-help book, she said she doesn’t. “It’s really like a pop-culture book with a little bit of Bewitched. It’s kind of a manual in a weird way, if you’re looking for that, otherwise it’s just a book, because I think it reflects back to what people want or what people need.” She explains that there is a lot in the book, from spiritual guidance, to how to set up a business to what it means to be feminine. “It all depends on what the reader is looking for.” As for us, we found a great read. At some points hilarious, at others informative and inspiring. “Is it a self-help book? You know I don’t really know. The publishing departments don’t really serve the audience well and the departments aren’t really stocked right, so readers don’t even want to go in there. If you go into the spiritual section, you’re going to be lucky if you find Biography of a Yogi, that was written in like 1850 or something. And then you’ll find a few Eckhart Tolle books and Louise Hay. I mean, what 20 fucking year old wants to read Louise Hay? Or Anthony Robbins? Or like, The Power of Now?(at which point, she has us literally laughing our asses off). They don’t want to read that shit. I mean it’s way to heavy and trippy, you know.”

Motherhood is…
Mind blowing. There’s all different kinds of motherhood, you know. For me, being Ava’s mom, is the most fantastic experience I’ve ever had in my life. There’s nothing more fantastic than loving Ava and learning from Ava and teaching Ava, you know. I had a baby because I felt like I had a lot to give and a lot to learn.”

What do you look for in someone when hiring them to be part of your team?
A skill set. A basic, common sense skill set, you know, which is really hard to find. So if it’s an entry level position, someone who knows how to take a message. Essentially I look for someone who has their own sense of style and is an individual. Someone who is not a player. I tend to go for the freaks, to be honest. Usually someone who is very well spoken, very creative, has a very strong skill set, is an independent thinker. You know my office is run way more different than people think it is on the outside. People’s Revolution is a very free-thinking, collaborative place. And if you’re a self-motivator, you’ll do very well there. If you someone who needs to be micromanaged you will not do well there. Because, (a), I’m not fun to be micromanaged by and (b) I hate to micromanage so if you put me in a position where I have to manage people day in and day out, they don’t like it and I don’t like it and those people just don’t do well there.”

Is your all black rule only for fashion shows or does it apply to all PR duties?
You know, that’s not a rule, actually. It only applies to fashion shows and it only applies to assistants and interns. And the reason for that is that someone’s idea of what is fashionable at 19 and what one of my client’s think is fashionable may not necessarily be the same thing. I mean, I think we all know, we’ve all been there, looking back when we were 19 that we were totally jamming. We weren’t totally jamming. (She laughs, while ordering some peanut butter cups.) A lot of kids can’t afford it. We have some kids that come from really poor families and we have some kids that come from really rich families, you know. We have kids that come from immigrant parents and single parents and they really don’t have a lot of money. And black makes it very easy for everyone to look the part. It kind of levels the playing field, and I can ID my employees when we go somewhere. It’s kind of a physical uniform.”

What would you do if a close friend stole an idea of yours to better themselves?Um, let them.” she laughs. “If they really needed it because they had no skills and no ideas, which is the only reason why they would to begin with.” she continues laughing. “I’m not that attached to ideas because I get them all the time. I’d probably be like, do you really think that was right. I don’t know, I guess it depends on the friend. If it’s a close friend I guess I’d be like, yeah, I hope you’re happy. I hope that worked for you.”

What would be your theme song for your life?
The theme song for my life? Oh my God. Um, I have to come back to that one. I have to think about that one, because I’m a music freak so I can’t just answer that lightly.

You are referred to a lot as a “bitch”. Do you think if you were a man in your same industry you would be seen the same way?
Definitely not. But if I was a man in the industry I wouldn’t be having the fun that I’m having. I mean, come on. It’s just different industries. But we’re the life bringers and a lot of women on the planet are still treated like shit. They’re raped and beaten and abused. And that’s sad. Because we’re the life bringers. We bring the life to Earth. Mother Earth. It’s like what I said earlier. There’s all different kinds of motherhood. And to attack women is to attack our world. It’s just been going on forever and it needs to stop. And women fucking let it happen all the time, you know. It’s just pathetic. I mean, if you’re a woman, why would you bring your children to a church where they’re not even allowed to speak? How can you bring your daughter that discusses the birth of Christ but they’re not even allowed to speak? People don’t find that strange. I mean, think about it. And how can you go there as a gay man, knowing that like 80% of all the priests or preachers are gay but they don’t condone homosexuality. What the fuck is that? It’s sounds like they’re more like hypocrites but people have accepted this and it’s part of their daily life. Women have got to put a stop to it.”

How real is reality television? Well my show is all too real if you ask me. I think I’m the only person to make a real reality show. And I knew what was going on and I was like calling people going, are you fucking serious? Am I the only person in reality television to make a real show? I mean, what is this? Like I literally would leave my office and be like, I’m going to get my dry cleaning, and there would be like four guys following me while I got my dry cleaning. And I would be like, oh, please dear God do not follow me down the street. It’s the most uncool thing in the world to be followed around with a bunch of cameras. I mean who cares about the dry cleaning. I mean, let’s go ice skating in my home town or something fun. The crew wouldn’t even talk to us. They did this thing called ‘fourth walling’ which they do on shows like Survivor where the cameras aren’t allowed to interact with the cast because they don’t want to tamper with the situation that’s actually happening. But nobody makes a reality show with a fourth wall because you’re basically all living together, but our crew fourth walled. So there were no retakes. We didn’t redo anything. Our show was so real that I had to literally pull our crew off of our designers because our crew were all like straight guys and they didn’t understand the fashion industry at all and when I would call the executive producers and start screaming going like, what the fuck is going on these guys are bum rushing Jeremy Stalling after a fashion show and instead of being respectful they’d be like, ‘did you like your show?’ ‘are you happy to work with Kelly Cutrone?’ And I’d be like, are you fucking being serious? And they’d have on like Abercrombie shorts and this girl would have big, gold hooped earrings asking people to sign releases, and I’d be like, you can’t do that. And you need to be wearing black. What are you doing? And they’d be like, ‘well we did Project Runway’. Oh, God! You know, this is ridiculous. Straight guys that didn’t know anything about fashion that just wanted to get their interviews. It was kind of hysterical. What I want to do is the making of a reality show. Like a scripted show about the making of a reality show.”

We love that you said, let’s go skating in my home town or something. If you had your vision for what that show would have been like, what would it be?Da da da dum.” followed by thunderous laughter. “Apocalypse? Cryptic? Foreshadowing? Maybe that’s coming next?”

New York Fashion Week…love it or hate it?
Love it. You know, come on. I’m not going to be doing a ton of shows because there’s a lot of other parts of our business. We only do shows for our contractual clients anyway. I think we’re going to do the first show, of the first day at Lincoln Park at 9am on September 9th. That’s what I’ve been on the phone about all day today. It’ll be fun to have one of our clients be the first person to be up in Lincoln Center.”

Would you ever write a children’s book with your daughter?
Yeah, I actually would. You mean like Madonna? I actually have a very cool idea for a children’s book but I won’t be doing it anytime soon. I want to write a book for older women who are divorced or widowed or have never lived alone. These women who have done all of this amazing stuff for all of these other people, like their kids and their husbands and no one is looking after them and they don’t know how to take care of themselves. They don’t know how to be alone. It’s really sad.”

What is something that scares you?
Government. And radical people scare me. It’s really, really scary living in New York City now. I think it’s really the most dangerous city in the world. And most people live here by choice and it’s really expensive to live here. And I think this city is going to get blown up again. I really do. And the reason I do is that I was having lunch last week and this girl came up to me and she said, I’m a huge fan of yours and she was in the military and she said that all people like at West Point and all people in the military have survivalist backpacks because if it happens they think the damage will be so great.”

Well, Kelly, we have a room here in Indianapolis just waiting for you if New York gets too scary. “Oh, thank you, but the thing that’s really funny is that I asked if LA was dangerous too and they said no, because LA has no landmarks, so I can go out there too.”

Sexiest city in the world? Sexiest Club? Sexiest hotel?
Sexiest city in the world? Paris, France. Sexiest club in the world? The bar at the hotel Le Meurice. Sexiest hotel in the world? Best hotel or best hotel to have sex in?” Either. “I’d have to say the penthouse or the Clark Gable/Carol Lombard suite at The Hollywood Roosevelt is where I conceived my daughter.”

Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
In bed nothing at all. During the day, boxers.

Did you think of the answer to the theme song for your life? Oh, God. I’d like to say Brand New Key by Melanie. I don’t know why. Because I ride my bike everywhere instead of taking a car.” She starts singing, “I drove my bicycle past your window last night.” She laughs, asking someone in the background what would be the theme song for her life and they answer Born to be Wild. “Oh wait. Bad Reputation by Joan Jett! There you go!” She starts laughing, talking again to whomever she’s with. “I was so afraid you were going to say,” and then she begins singing, “If I could turn back time.” and laughs again. She’s quite humorous, this one.

Your book is about living your dreams and taking risks to get them to come true…what are some risks you never thought you would take?Opening People’s Revolution. Also stopping doing drugs was a huge risk I took which actually helped me out a lot.”

What do you do with all of the gifts you’re given by designers?
I give them away. I think I probably give away about 90% of everything I get.”

Who are three people, dead or alive, that inspire you?My mother, my daughter and Amma, the Holy one.

Anything else you want us to include in the interview.
That I’m sending you made love from New York City and I love your support! And if New York City blows up, clean the apartment, I’m coming over.


Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

the SEXY list…the summer edition

the SEXY list…the summer edition
1. Heather Delicious
2. Sugar Factory Lollipops
3. Guerlain Insolence
4. Louboutin Wedges
5. Sonny Clark
6. Joe’s Jeans
7. Rosaries and swimsuits
8. Baby Oil as tanning oil
9. Freak by Estelle
10. Porn star Ian Duncan
11. Ke$ha
12. Chick by Nicky Hilton
13. Being invited to be on the Chelsea Lately Round Table
14. Sex in the City II
15. Katie Price
16. Daniel Craig
17. The Crazies
18. Porn Star Matthew Rush
19. Country Music star Brad Paisley
20. Sandra Bullock
21. Adult Lemonade Stands
22. Lesbian Wedding Dresses
23. Sexy Lifeguards
24. Shakira Live
25. Sarah Jessica Parker
26. Taylor Laughtner…Legal Eye Candy
27. Porn Star Sensation/Zak Efron Look Alike Brent Corrigan
28. Model Bar Refaeli
29. Stief Larsson books for summer reading
30. Gold Watches
31. Night Swims
32. Nobu 57
33. Model Marissa Miller
34. Vintage Concert Tees
35. Rooftop Pools
36. Porn Star/DJ Pierre Fitch
37. Trueblood Season III
38. Laying Out
39. Lesbian Romance
40. Bohemian Style
41. Black and Mild Cigars
42. Starbucks Iced Americano’s
43. Sexy butts with tan lines
44. “I MADE THE SEXY LIST” Tee Shirts by the boys of raannt available at

Eyes Open, We’re watching!

Maria Roman…The Sexy Ambassador of the Transgendered World!

We fell in love with her the moment she came onto the screen in Trantasia. There was just something about her smile, her honesty, her absolute sensuality that lit up every corner of the film. And now she is starring in a new film, Remember Me in Red as well as her own reality television show Wild Things. After listening to her discuss more about herself in the film, we fell in love with her even more. Because not only is she a pretty face…an amazingly gorgeous face, and a curvaceous body…she’s your wife, your mother, your sister, your friend. She’s all woman!

1. When and where did the transformation of Maria Roman begin?
I began living my life as a woman at the age of 19 in good old Reno Nevada. Well honey let me tell ya it was not peaches and crème. Since I was a little boy I always knew something was different about me. I must admit that as a little boy, I prayed for years that I could be like my brother and his friends. However, everyday I was reminded of how weird and different I was. Taunting and name-calling were a constant echo that will harm any child’s spirit. Of course as I knew no better as a child. I was guided by my instincts which always got me in trouble because there was behavior that was not acceptable for boys. After years of struggling with a deep disconnect from my true sense of self and the body I had been born with, I had no choice but to begin living life in a manner that was true to my self and to all around me. So the journey, and I mean journey, to self discovery and womanhood began. I must admit I continue to evolve so I don’t think that process will ever be complete. However, after years of struggling with issues, many of which my community today continue to face, ranging from sex work for survival, homelessness, discrimination, hopelessness…I truly have arrived. It’s interesting how we create this image of the type of woman we envision our self being and the lengths we will go to achieve it.

I continue to make wrong choices from time to time and on many occasions I scrape my knees really bad. But I get up, dust my weave, adjust my dress and begin smiling because after all I have been blessed with another day and the opportunity to start all over again. And that is a beautiful reason to smile….

2. What was your experience like in Trantasia?
Trantasia was a once in a lifetime experience that came to me from left field. At that time I was the Program Manager at Transgender Unidos for Bienestar Human Services; one of the largest and most comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention programs targeting the Latina transgendered community in Los Angeles county. While working at a local transgender club, handing out safe sex kits, I was approached by Shana Steel herself, who asked if I would be interested in competing in the worlds most beautiful transsexual pageant in Las Vegas Nevada. I mean, hell the title of the pageant alone was over the top and this icon asked if I would enter. Well I was so flattered I said “really you think I should compete”? I truly felt it was an opportunity to speak about my work on HIV/AIDS and promote the program. Never did I dream that it would become one of the most life changing events in my life.

Well there was not much time to prepare. In two weeks time it would take place. In no time I gathered my best friend Bamby and we did a little remix of a Gloria Estefan song. I went downtown and got some orange fabric, a couple of rhinestones appliqués , through it all together and two weeks later I was in the Riviera casino competing against the most talented performers from all over the United States. I mean these women meant business! The hair and the gowns were amazing. To be honest, I was joking around the whole time having a cocktail and a few cigarettes. Hell I figured, “what are my chances”? I mean, when Mimi Marks was upside-down “I said hell no she didn’t”. Just fabulous! Honey, when I made top 8 I almost peed in my orange jersey dress! I could not believe it. That moment redirected my life in a different direction that I had never envisioned. It gave me a new platform to continue to advocate for women like me. All the women that competed were all amazing. We all had fun and it was a beautiful experience. There was no cattiness. I met some wonderful friends that today are very close to me and dear to my heart.

3. Tell us about your role in Remember Me in Red and how you prepared for that role?
Well, I was contacted by the director, the fabulous Herctor Ceballos. He said he had a script he wanted me to read. He said I would be perfect for the role of Alma Flora. I read the script and I knew I had to be Alma Flora. It was like it had been specifically written for me. I went to several auditions and finally was confirmed as the actress to play Alma. I play the role of a transgender activist who, after her death, her family comes from Mexico and despite the community resistance disregard Alma Aloras life and attempt to bury her as a man. Any trace of the woman she was is erased in an instant. It was so challenging for me to be dressed as a man and to be in a coffin. I had to peel away everything about myself to become her. Aside from being nude in the movie, which was not that challenging really, it is my first acting role and I am very prod that I was able to transform my self to be Alma Flora after death. The film is currently premiering in many national film festivals and has won several audience favorite awards.

4. You have a reality show, Wild Things, coming out in the fall. How was that experience?
As I mentioned before Trantasia was the catalyst for so many beautiful experiences. I was fortunate to meet the wonderful Jeremy Stanford, the director of the documentary Trantasia and the reality TV series Wild Things. He, as well as Chris and Ted Smith, producers of both projects, has taken me on one of the most beautiful, and at times, challenging experiences of my life. Jeremy has always made it a priority to highlight the beauty, uniqueness and personality of each one of us while ensuring we are depicted in a way that is truthful yet respectful. Through his artistry in combining humor and drama he makes sure that the audience gets a sense of who we truly are as women and as human being. Since Trantasia we have remained very close friends and have had many hit and misses developing a show. However the fish out of water journey to change perceptions while showing the humanity of love for someone in need has been the winner. I must say all three of us, the Wild Girls, have grown as women since the filming of Wild Things. We are so different yet the same. Cassandra and I had our challenges and honey when I say challenges I mean “CHALLENGES”! However we have become closer. And Tiara, well she is my dog “ you know like my homie ” (Randy Jackson lingo) love them both! Filming 12 hours a day in 120 degrees under the sun, smelling cow shit, wearing polyester security guard uniforms in high hells with all that darn hair and trying to be cute and funny…its not easy honey. This was gorilla type shit doing our makeup on the mirror of our fabulous Winnebago. So I give it to us and the crew cause the lord knows we were bitchy. Jeremy will tell you its not easy traveling with three tranny’s in a compact car. Oh he’s got some stories! In a nutshell, it was fabulous!

5. Is your family supportive of you being a transgendered woman?
I must admit at the beginning of my transition we had challenges. I went from being a popular, football jock with a beautiful cheerleader girlfriend in high school to a 6 foot awkward looking woman for years. So there was some resistance. My belief is that my family was afraid that I would not be successful as a woman, however today my brother is my biggest cheerleader. He walked me down the aisle when I was married and my mother threw me the best reception any bride could ask for. My mother is my best friend and I can talk to her about anything without judgment. People have fallen in love with my brother Joe. How could you not? He is one of the kindest human beings and I am so blessed to have him as a big brother. I truly thank god every day for so many beautiful blessings, especially a loving family that loves me just as I am.

6. In the documentary Trantasia, you share that you are married. Are you still married and how are your relationships affected by you being transgendered?
Relationships change as much as we change as individuals. The love is always there. I was fortunate to have met someone who took me and loved me with all my flaws. “God knows there are many”. I am not easy to love as I bring a lot of baggage along with a hot temper and much passion. I have experienced love in a beautiful form. I am not the person he married anymore and our relationship has changed but the love is there and will always be there. We still live together. We are a family. He will always be one of the most beautiful experiences of of my life. I will leave it at that.

7. What do you think is the biggest political issue facing transgendered people in the United States?
The small representation of transgendered individuals involved in the process of creating or amending current laws affects us tremendously in the political arena. One great example is how, not too long ago, we were excluded from the original version of ENDA “the employment non discrimination act” by so-called LGBT organizations. In all honesty discrimination against Transgendered individuals, Gays and Lesbians will not stop because of a law, however it will give us a recourse to fight back.

The priority must be to ensure the protection under the law of our right to provide for ourselves the basic needs of any human being; food, shelter and medical care.

This brings me to another topic. Sex work. Many trans and non trans individuals are disgusted by the usual depiction of hopeless tranny sex workers in the media, stating that this is shameful and not an accurate depiction of trans women. But the reality is that the tranny sex worker really does represent a huge segment of trans women all over the world, many whom are women of color. Some will argue that this is by choice, however that statement does not reflect the lack of variety in choices, especially for transgendered youth. Many sell their bodies for just enough to eat and might not have a place to rest their head.

In all honesty, it is disappointing to witness this lack of empathy from own community. We are one community; from the beautiful to the unattractive, passable to the trucker driver looking girl. And, of course, lets not forget the glamorized but also stereotypical twirling girl making it rain dollar bills, while lip singing to our popular songs.

We need to stop looking towards each other as those people and get involved to ensure that educational access and resources are available for all trans women so that we can move towards a future with women with higher education, degrees and skills levels that will translate to successful carriers. This also needs to be supported by laws that protect us against discrimination in the work place because of sexual orientation or gender identity.

8. Do you believe Latina transgendered people are treated different than white or African-American transgendered people?
Culture and where we come from always plays a role in how we are perceived and sometimes treated. I believe that the issues that affect the transgendered community crosses ethnicities and truly doesn’t differentiate because of race or ethnicity. However, language barriers can be a huge disadvantage for many recent immigrants from Latin America. This will also be an added factor to issues dealing with treatment and discrimination of Latina Transgendered people.

I do see a difference among women of color and white women when it comes to decisions regarding time of transition. Women of color tend to transition at a very young age with out many resources, while many white women transition later in life once they have established themselves financially as men. I am yet to come to an understanding of why this is so prevalent but I can only assume that culture and environment are major influences in this decision process.

9. Can you tell us about your work in the HIV community?
I began doing HIV/AIDS prevention work because I had seen how the virus had devastated my community and friends. The community was being infected and affected by the virus, however there was a lack of representation of women who were transgendered. Funding has always been a huge concern and one of the main issues when it comes to HIV prevention and the lack of programs that were in existence for transgendered women. A study in early 2000 reflected a 22% rate of infection among transgendered women in Los Angeles County. This was alarming. As a community we had to make sure that we were at the table when funding decisions were being made. I am fortunate to be part of a generation that is not just sitting back but getting involved in ensuring that our health and well being are part of the discussion. I care about my community. I care about their health. The reality is that HIV/AIDS continues to devastate lives and its preventable, so the fight continues.

10. If you could send any message out to our younger gay community regarding STD’s and HIV, what would you say?
I can’t emphasize enough that HIV/AIDS is preventable. There are resources and tools in place to assist us in making informed decisions and take care of our sexual health. Utilize them. Attend support groups. Be informed about your bodies and how important it is to use protection when engaging in any type of sexual activity. It only takes one time. Do not use your instincts as a guide to gauge who is safe or not. You cant tell if someone has HIV because of how they dress or how they look. Get tested and always use a condom. Its your life. Protect it!

11. What message would you send out to our younger transgendered or questioning community regarding transgender transformation?
I would say that you hold the key to what kind of man or woman you want to be. The beauty of our lives is that we define our selves by a true sense of self. Even though the journey will not be easy, the reward of living life as your true self is endless. Many women and men have fought tooth and nail to ensure that we, as a community, are recognized and that change happens that will include equality and acceptance for transgendered individuals. Be proud. Get involved. There are so many resources and programs in place. Utilize them. And congratulations for being true to your self!

12. How important do you believe therapy is in the process of gender discovery?
I must admit even though I could use some therapy I never followed the Harry Benjamin Standards of care which were established as a resource for transitioning and really emphasize the need for therapy among other steps that are helpful in transitioning.
I come from a generation when we had no internet and Juanita the neighbor, usually a transgendered women in her 40, was giving hormones shots for 5 bucks next store (perlutal). And your therapy was the transgendered that had pump silicone parties at her house while she told you what your body would look like after 5 sessions.
The resources are there and individuals considering transition should use them and take advantage of them. (For more information on therapy during or after the process of transitioning, contact Peter Monn at Thoughts From the Couch to find contact information)

13. Who do you think are the three most influential or beautiful transgendered women alive today?
Valerie Spencer, an African American woman that gives me chills when she speaks is a true leader in the transgendered movement. She is a woman proud to be transgendered. Her beauty radiates from within. She is one of the women I look up to and aspire to be like, a true blazer for all of us trans women and men. Candis Cane. This woman does it all. She sings, acts and does it all while looking ravishing. Her role in Dirty Sexy Money still has people talking. Her one woman show at the Abbey in Los Angeles is without a doubt an act not to miss. I believe we will be seeing much bigger things from Miss Cane. I just love her.

Rupaul. I know many will disagree with me because of a small detail. Rupaul is a Drag Queen, but hell, I am one too, most of the time. I think when it comes to main stream media she has been one of the most influential gender variant individuals I have seen. Her reinvention with her successful Logo series Rupaul’s Drag Race is fabulous! And regardless whether she identifies as trans or not, mainstream America will look at her and at me and categorize us the same. Furthermore I just love her so there. She is fabulous!

14. How difficult do you think it is for transgendered women who are not physically attractive and struggle looking what we would consider typically feminine?
Well honey let me tell you with beauty comes power! I have been the unattractive fat girl that was always told, “oh you have such a pretty face” to what I am today (somewhat cuter), haha! Beauty is something we all seek. We are influenced by the media and everything around us. The more attractive and feminine I have become the easier my day to day life has become. However I have spent thousands of dollars to look this cheap, haha! Not a luxury many have. I look at myself and, not to say I am Gods gift to the world, but I can appreciate the blessing I have been given to be able to mold my self from an unhappy young man to the type of woman I always wanted to be…slutty! Haha! Just kidding people. But we as individualls need to define what is beautiful to us. And regardless of how beautiful you are on your exterior, it might sound cliché, but inner beauty is something that cannot be purchased. I am a firm believer that if you cant grow it honey, then sew it…“yeah its weave”! Haha!

15. Since one half of the boys of raannt are Latino, Alex is from Venezuela, can you give a strong message out to our gay and transgendered Latino community in Spanish?
Si se puede. I think we are a strong community with a beautiful diversity and colorful culture to be proud of! Take care of your health and make sure that as a Latino you’re involved in ensuring that the issues that affect your community don’t fall through the cracks. y que los quiero mucho y les mando un beso higante xoxoxox….

16. What are five things you always carry with you in your purse?
Well I should be honest right, here we go… makeup specially eye lash glue, a knife. Haha, just kidding. Perfume. Wallet. Gum “bad breath such turn off”. And lube…Don’t ask, you never know! Haha!

17. What do you think it means to be a woman?
Well as transgendered woman we have to redefine what womanhood is for us. For years as a young transgendered woman I thought that the day I got my breast implants I would be a woman. Well after surgery there was no epiphany. I was treated the same, I felt the same, just with bigger boobs…that I must say are fabulous! Haha. I then realized that my womanhood was not only physical, it always came from within. To be a woman and all it encompasses; self assured, complex, intriguing and full of mystique and allure…takes years. Womanhood is something both genetically born females and transgendered woman develop into. I wasn’t born female but today I can assure you I have grown into my womanhood.

18. What is the biggest incident of cruelty or discrimination you have ever faced?
I must say that a few years back, while in Miami at a popular club space, I was the victim of a brutal attack fueled by hate towards what I represented. After my assault, I was further victimized by the officials that were supposed to protect me. I was incarcerated and molested and paraded naked in front of many of the officers in the detention center. It reminded me of how we are all targets of hate. I never thought something like that could happen to me, however we must not be silent. I contacted Amnesty International and every organization I knew. You can still find information about the incident by just typing my name. One of the saddest days of my life. I will never forget that feeling of hopelessness and anger. Today that experience continues to be my fuel to give myself and women like me a voice because we are here and we are not going anywhere honey!

19. What would you say to a gay or transgendered youth who is thinking about running away because their family is not supportive of their life?
I was homeless at the age of 18. I remember being in a strange town sleeping under a park bench and the fear I felt. Those are experiences that have left an imprint on my life because of that one decision. Things turned out ok for me but it’s not the case for many youth that leave at such a young age. Seek help. There are resources and support groups that both you and your family can utilize Running away is not always the answer and it sometimes takes us on paths we never thought possible Exhaust every other option before putting yourself at risk without shelter or resources to take care of yourself.

20. If you could only listen to three CD’s or musicians for the rest of your life, and they couldn’t be mixed, what or who would they be?
Lady Gaga, Madonna, Sade…so gay of me huh?

21. You have lost a lot of weight since Trantasia. What inspired this weight loss and how did you do it?
Seen my big ass as on a huge screen at the Out Fest Film Festival wearing a bright yellow swimsuit was a moment I made the decision. “Oh I have to do something about that ass”. So I began trying to lose weight. It’s been years of struggling with weight and about two months before shooting began for the TV series Wild Things my director, Jeremy Stanford said to me, “Well you know Cassandra Cass is training like an athlete”, and laughed so hard. Haha. I said, “Oh hell no!” I had already lost some weight, but I cranked up the process. I wanted to make sure that I did not look out of sync with the other two skinny bitches, haha! In reality, I have made the decision to eat better. It’s not easy, but I feel better at this size. I follow a low carb diet and did work out for a few months. However, I have slowed down on the work outs.

22. What are your comments about hormone therapy?
Hormones are the fountain of youth and beauty. Use them with caution but they are the only thing that will help you in going from a frog to a princess, along with some cosmetic adjustment if needed. But honey, in some cases, drastic looks need drastic measures and to soften a rock throw some estrogen at it and it will do the trick. I am living proof of the power of estrogen. Seeking medical advice and supervision is my strong suggestion.

23. Because we always ask…boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
Boxers are my favorite. They are sexy. Especially the snug kind…if you know
what I mean…

We definitely know what you mean!!!
We love you Maria…
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

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Erica Andrews…Global Beauty!!!

You would have to see her to believe her. She is simply…amazing. Gorgeous, contained, calm and professional. One part Miss Universe, one part 1940’s screen gem and one part, well…unbelievable! One of the most incredible entertainers of our time. We’ve watched her from afar for so long and recently we got a chance to get up close and personal with the one and only Erica Andrews!

1. How was Erica Andrews born?
Erica became Erica Andrews when Tandi Andrews made her daughter.

2. What has been your greatest accomplishment to date?
In my personal life, my family’s support. In my professional life, a consistent career in doing what I love most; pageants, drag and being an entertainer.

3. Who are three celebrities that inspire you?
There are lots in so many ways but the first three that come to mind are Cher, Penelope Cruz AND Ellen Degeneres.

4. What are all of the titles you have won and which one meant the most?
All of them. (National Entertainer of the Year, Universal Show Queen, Miss International Queen in Thailand, Miss Continental and Miss USofA…to name a few!)

5. During your interview for National Entertainer of the Year, which was priceless, you mentioned eloquently, the importance of professionalism.
How important is professionalism in the entertainment industry and what advice would you give people just starting?
Being professional in any business is key. In some businesses you have the opportunity to slack, but not in this business. You snooze you lose! There is always a girl waiting to get in your pumps, so stay focused and don’t slack!!! Be on time!!

6. What inspired your winning talent for National Entertainer of the Year?
Joan Crawford has always been a star that has amazed me by her dedication and her blunt approach, so I mixed some of Faye’s work in Mommie Dearest with a little drama from another fav(Shirley Bassey) AND Waa Laa!!

7. Do you consider yourself a “drag queen” and if so at what point did this change?
I consider myself an entertainer.

8. Who are the three greatest female illusionists of all time?
Tandi Andrews, Naomi Sims And Michael Andrews, Just to name a few.

9. Who are the three greatest current female illusionists?
Please don’t ask me that…

10. What is something we wouldn’t know by looking at you?
I play volleyball and I garden.

11. If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, and it couldn’t be mixed, what would it be?
Louis Armstrong-What a Wonderful World.

12. You win $300 Million in the lottery tomorrow and have to donate half to a charity. Which charity and why?
Homeless children in America. I ran away from home and struggled. I was never homeless but I got to see what it could have been. I feel that we need to take care of our own problems in our own country first.

13. We think you might be one of the most beautiful women to have ever graced this Earth. What is beneath the beauty that most people don’t see?
Thank you. I’m humble and very respectful. When I’m home I like to relax, no make-up, heels or fancy clothes. I just like to be as simple as possible.

14. Tell us about your family’s support or lack thereof regarding your being transgendered?
My sister has always been my best friend. She always supports me and loves me unconditionally. My mother was never that shocked by my decision to be happy, she just needed to learn about it. My brothers are closer to me now more than ever. It’s all good.

15. What do you think the biggest political or social issue related to transgendered people is today?
They don’t know where to put us!

16. What is the sexiest city in the world? Sexiest club? Sexiest hotel? Sexiest beach?
Paris! TAO BAR in New York. And I find the W Hotel exotic! Cancun beaches for sure!

17. If you had $200,000 to spend on only one designer, who would you choose?
Valentino Garavani.

18. What are your top five favorite movies of all time?
Breakfast at Tiffany’s, All About Eve, Mommie Dearest, Pretty Woman AND Amores Perros(or any movie by Pedro Almodovar).

19. What are any three musicians, movies or actresses that inspire the illusion of Erica Andrews?
Raquel Welch, Sofia Loren, Uruala Andress and more recently Ninel Conde and Sofia Vergara.

20. What differences would your fans find interesting about the differences about Erica on stage and Erica at home?
Day and Night!

21. You have been in several movies, Ticked Off Trannies with Knives and Trantasia. Tell us about those experiences.
TOTWKwas so much fun because I knew all of the girls and I could relate to my character(Emma Grashen). In TRANTASIA I got to meet some of the most beautiful transsexual ladies and I got to share a little of my day to day life on film. It was a great experience!

22. Are you in a relationship and if not, what would it take for someone to be your Prince Charming?
I’m waiting to get butterflies in my belly…that’s how I’ll know!

23. Since we ask everyone…boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
I don’t discriminate!

Thanks Erica…All our best in the future…
Like always…
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

(All pictures with permission of Erica Andrews and most by Kristofer Reynold’s Photography per Erica Andrews)