Reichen Lehmkuhl…The Straight Story!

On April 4th, 2011 nude webcam photographs of LOGO TV’s The A-List star Reichen Lehmkuhl were exposed all over the internet. Instantly, bloggers and social commentators were expressing their feelings about Reichen’s intimate photograph and reposting the image as if they now had a better understanding of him simply because they were privy to what he looked like when he wasn’t wearing his underwear. They didn’t. The reports were sophomoric and pathetic.

Sure, most people are excited to see a little nudity now and then, especially celebrity nudity, but have we become so detached that we can’t imagine how we might feel if we were in the same position. In the end, Reichen was the last one laughing res,ponding to the incident on by stating I don’t feel that this story represents anything different in me than what the majority of gay men have done at one point or another — as far as posting a private picture over Internet lines for private viewing. In my, now, nine years of being in the public eye, I’ve seen many less-flattering photos attributed to me, so that’s a plus. Moving on …

Exactly! Interestingly, none of these commentators went past defining him as an A-List or Amazing Race star. They didn’t detail his 9 years of service in the U.S. Air Force or that he had already penned an autobiography. They couldn’t even be as honest as to admit that Reichen is indeed extremely handsome and sexy, nonetheless gifted and talented. Maybe that’s the price you pay for putting yourself in the public eye; especially your private self.

But we wanted to know more about this guy than just what was happening under his briefs. We wanted to know what made him tick and why he belonged on “the A-List“. So we checked out the bio on his website; “A Graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, a former Captain in the Air Force after 9 years of service, a flight instructor, a published author, a public speaker, a television personality, an actor of television, stage, and film, a model, and a reality television icon; it’s quickly apparent thatonce Reichen sets a goal, it is only a matter of time before he reaches it.

Knowing more, we now felt inclined to find out intimate details which weren’t hidden in the shine of a webcam photograph. We wanted to find out exactly who he was and to once and for all, set the story straight…

1. Tell us about Reichen and how he found his way in and onto the A-List?
I was called on by the casting folks hired by the A-List Production and asked to do the show. Going into it, I really had no idea what it was going to be. They found out I was moving to New York because I had posted on my Facebook page that I had landed the lead in a play in New York and that I’d be leaving Los Angeles for a little while.

2. You’re from Norton, Massachusetts. Tell us about your life growing up and how being from a small town helps you live in NYC.
I was born in Cincinnati and, when I was 9, moved to Norton with my family. I think growing up in a small town keeps you grounded in a big city, but I’m not too fond of my childhood time in Norton. I grew up in a trailer park there. It was rough being made fun of all the time for being “that” kid.

3. Thanks to the A-List NY we’ve gotten to know more of you. What are three things we wouldn’t know about Reichen by looking at you?
A. I value loyalty in my friends and relationships. When that is broken, I run. B. I have served our country in the U.S. Air Force for 9 years of my life. C. I have a dream of being a dentist and owning my own practice.

4. Walk us through a typical day of taping for the A-List from scheduling to the moment you sit in front of your tv and watch it with the rest of the world.
It’s all very random. I usually get a call or text the day before telling me where the “set” will be, what time to show up, and roughly what I should wear. Much of what I shoot ends up on the cutting room floor. Tiny similarly-themed slices of my life and what I say on a daily basis are shown on the show. The other 99.9% of me is never shown.

5. Season two opened with the scandal of your nude photographs being exposed. How did you and your family react to these photographs?
They were upset that I was hurt by it all.

6. How supportive is your family with you being gay and being on a gay reality television show?
Amazingly supportive. My family is heavily involved in PFLAG(Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays).

7. Of all of the cast members, who will you remain friends with for the rest of your life? Who will you never talk to again after the show?
I don’t really know most of the cast members in an intimate way. We work together but I rarely hang out with them outside of the show for no other reason than we’re all just very busy in our “other” lives. I’ve tried to be nice to all of them. Probably always will.

8. Reality television has the reputation of being staged or scripted. How real are the situations and drama in the A-List New York?
The situations are real. It’s just what’s taken from them in editing that skews the way the viewer sees each situation differently from how it actually happens.

9. This season we’re introduced to Nyasha. How does the flair of this sassy straight gal affect the dynamics of a mainly gay cast?
Nyasha has been cool to have on the show. I’ve come to know her off camera and I like what I see. We’re getting closer as the days go on.

10. Lets play Marry, Kill, Fuck (and explain your picks) with some of your cast members: Derek, Austin, TJ?
Well I would do any of those to any of my cast mates.

11. How do you define sexy?
Responsible, thoughtful of others, good manners, athletic, drive for success.

12. What do you believe is the sexiest city in the world? Sexiest hotel? Sexiest club? Sexiest gay celebrity?
Sexiest City: New Orleans. Sexiest Hotel: The London in West Hollywood. Sexiest gay celebrity: Ricky Martin.

13. Many interviews and articles paint your dislike of Austin, but in the last couple of episodes we see you being friendly and nice. What’s the real deal between you two?
I’m his friend overall. He just does alot of things to piss me off. The way he talks about his relationship annoys me, but he’s young and it’s fine.

14. What is a movie, book and CD(album) that really impacted your life?

Movie: Interview with a Vampire. Book: The Celestine Prophecy. CD: The Grateful Dead: American Beauty.

15. You have a couple of new projects in the works; a new book, a fragrance and even a skin care line. Tell us what inspired you to take on these projects?
Just a pure entrepreneurial spirit, and knowing that I can make money to donate some of it to help my community.

16. What do you look for in the perfect partner and relationship?
Someone who makes me feel like they really like me for me. That they care about me and not just what I can do for them.

17. How do you feel about marriage equality now that it has come to NYC?
I’m really happy that we have made another step toward equal rights for all citizens.

18. Will there be any more singing this season for you?
Yes in my home, but not on the show so I can be made to look like a disaster. I’ve written and sang and recorded songs all my life. It’s more for me and not for public ridicule.

19. If you were to write an autobiography, what would it be titled and why?
I wrote one. It was published in 2006 and it’s called, “Here’s What We’ll Say”. That’s what us cadets used to say to each other when we’d return to the U.S. Air Force Academy after being out at a gay place…so we could have our story straight and not be sent to prison for being gay.

20. What is sexiest on a man and you; boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
Sexiest is briefs on all guys.

Thanks Buddy!

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*Photographs Courtesy of Reichen Lehmkuhl.

WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken, with a link to our original interview, and used without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.

A Skater’s Wet Dream…

Getting an in school suspension was not part of your plan. You just thought you’d skip your last class of the day and go and watch her run the mile for gym, since you heard her complaining about it at lunch. You weren’t sure what was more embarrassing; your mother having to be called when you’re a senior or the fact that the dean busted you on the bleachers right as she ran past you. Either way it meant you’d be spending all weekend at home and the entire day Monday in the Biology lab serving your detention. Your friend Evan drives you home and as you turn the corner onto your street you see the cream color of your brother’s truck which must mean he’s decided to come and stay for a couple of days giving you even less privacy. You grumpily stumble out of the car and head up the walk just as your mom and brother are walking out for dinner. “Grounded!” Your mother says as she walks past you.

You head upstairs and throw your bag on the floor and fall onto the bed. Turning on the tv you notice your mom has set your skateboard on your desk. The new deck, a Sean Cliver for Girl Skateboards Blacklight Series “Buddha Superstar”, glows like sea monkey’s in the dark of the room. Just as you roll over in frustration your phone rings. “Boy, you have to GOT toget here now!” Evan whispers into the phone. He explains that she’s at the skate park. “And she’s alone. She didn’t come with him. I think they might have broken up or something.” You hold the phone in your hand thinking about how much you miss her. How her hair smelled when you sat next to her in her car. How she’d smile at you right before she’d kiss you. “Give me 15 minutes.” You say and hang up the phone.
Looking at yourself in the mirror you realize there is no way you’re going to get her back looking the way you do. In fact, since she broke up with you, because you got drunk instead of hanging out with her, you’ve kind of let yourself go. She always said how she liked the way you dressed because you didn’t give a fuck and just wore what made you feel good.

You quickly get undressed and throw on your Spenglish “Juan Two Three” tee (Spenglish, $45) that she loved. You pull up your tight Nudie “Thin Finn Faded Black Black” jeans (Nudie, $199) and check yourself out in the mirror. Not bad. Not too shabby at all. But it’s not enough. Running your fingers through your hair you realize it’s greasy and you haven’t washed it in a couple of days.

You look over at your clock and realize you’ve already wasted 5 minutes. You head into the bathroom and pull the clippers out from underneath the sink. Plugging them in you look in the mirror. “Fuck it.” Five minutes later the six inches of hair surrounds your bare feet. Some pieces on your head are still longer than others, but who cares. You’re not a barber and you kind of like how it looks edgy anyway. But something is still missing. You stand there for a second and then get an idea. Walking into the guest bedroom you stand over your brother’s luggage as if you’ve found your hidden Christmas presents and don’t know if you should open them and seal them back or not. Quickly you unzip the biggest bag and look until you find exactly what you’re looking for. His brand new Gucci Washed Ostrich Biker jacket(Gucci, $11300)

You slip the jacket on carefully realizing how much it means to your brother. Standing in front of the mirror you realize it looks absolutely perfect. You’re sure you’ll be back before your mom and brother get back anyway so you’ll just slip it back in the suitcase and you’ll never get caught. You quickly grab you board and run out the door.

While running over to the skate park you think back on the first day you actually got up enough nerve to talk to her after having watched her from far away for a long time. You remember how your friends were pissed because you chose to sit and laugh with her all afternoon instead of skating. “Bros before hos, dude.” Afterwards she asked you to teach her to skate. You kissed her instead. But she became a pretty good skater…for a girl. And for the six months you were together saved up your money to buy her a board. She broke up with you before you ever got a chance to give it to her and the board still sat on the shelf in your closet.

When you finally reach the skate park you immediately sitting by herself with her back up against a tree. You throw down your board and skate over to Evan. “She’s been by herself the whole time. I’m telling you man, I think they broke up. She looks really sad.” You look over at her but she doesn’t look back. You take a deep breath and skate over to her. “Hey” You say. She looks up. “Hey.” She says back. You sit down next to her just as it starts raining. “So.” You say. “So.” She says. “Not skating today?” She asks, barely looking up. “Naw.” You say. You scratch your newly shaved head and some hairs falls in front of your face. You laugh. “I’ve missed you.” She says. You don’t say anything. You never were good with words. “It’s why we broke up. I told him I couldn’t be with him anymore because I was still in love with you.” You close your eyes and scream at yourself in your head. Don’t Cry! Don’t be a little bitch and start crying! But she’s already beat you to the punch. You stand up and reach for her hand. “Let’s get outta here.” You say. She takes your hand and stands up. She’s still crying. You reach into your pocket and grab the Sugar Factory “Hello Kitty” couture pop (Sugar Factory, $25) you bought her while at your brother’s wedding in Vegas.

She looks up and you make a face. She laughs. “Come on you asshole.” She says, pulling you with her across the field towards her car. About halfway there you stop. She turns around, confused, her hair slicked back in the pouring rain. You take off your brother’s leather jacket and put it around her shoulders. Lightly grabbing her by the back of her neck you pull her towards you. “I’ve missed you too.” You say, right before you kiss her.

“Wait!” She says. You open your eyes and look at her mysterious smirk. “I want your new board too.” She says, biting the corner of her lip. You look down and feel the rain wash down over the back of your neck as you fix your eyes on the key of her 2012 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (Jeep, starts at $25545) thinking about all of the times the two of you made out in that car. Man, not the new board.

You think about all the nights you tried to say you were sorry but she wouldn’t talk to you. You think about all the times you walked past her house after school just to see if she was there. You think about all the times you had to watch her with him. Sometimes…life is in the risks. “Deal.” You say, smiling. She grabs you and kisses you hard.

And standing in the field, your lips meeting hers in the rainstorm, you realize how happy you are that you decided to break the rules and just say fuck it. Because even though your life is going to completely suck for the next few weeks, this moment is totally worth it. After all…this might have just been the greatest day of your life.

Be fearless. Be yourself. Be your own unexpected luxury!

an Italian Sunday in bed…

Sunday…3:43pm…still in bed, your hand rubbing the stubble on his cheek as he sleeps softly, the smell of his cologne, Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille, burning off of his skin. Smiling, you remember the night before…Fresh oysters, several bottles of red wine in some loud, little bar where your friends were shouting and dancing with the sensual beats of the DJ spinning Federico Aubele’s Postales.


You look down, past your smooth stomach and bare navel and realize…you never took off your new Balenciaga shoes…a late night gift he slipped onto your feet right before you left the house in the pouring rain. Laughing to yourself, you kick him gently with the heel of the purple shoe, waking him up.

He yawns gently as he turns, the sheet falling slowly to the floor revealing the tanned skin of his ass tightly bound in the Jam briefs you bought for him two days before and secretly slipped in his briefcase. Snapping the band of the underwear, your finger stops to rest on one of the small dimples on the low of his back. And then…you lean in against him as he pulls out the carry out menu for the Chinese restaurant down the street. You smirk, shaking your head like a little girl…”No Chinese.” You say….”I want pizza.”

A Sure Thing For Gold Diggers! Millionaire Dating Services!

How about a Dating Site designed specifically for young girls under 30 to meet mature, rich men over 40! Girls Meet Gentlemen became famous several years ago when Matador magazine brought attention to it being the first of it’s kind, but since then GMG has held it’s own in the dating field, securing lucrative relationships to both younger women and older men. The site is free for women and men only pay after choosing the premium membership.

And to all you gay boys out there, don’t worry. You too can the man of your dreams at Date a Gay Millionaire! This also has a free membership so none of you cheap ass gay boys, just like the young girls, will have to spend a cent towards their future entitlement!


Have fun…and
Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Simply Gucci…Cars and Boats

Last year, Gucci and Riva collaborated to upscale the original Riva luxury speedboat. The 2010 Aquariva was the result. Starting price: Approximately $750,000. Now, Gucci has taken it back to the road and teamed up with Fiat to create the Gucci Fiat 500C. Starting price: $19,500.


If you didn’t catch a glimpse of it at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York City this month, check out the website HERE.

Eyes Open, We’re Watching!

Josh Strickland…Holly Madison’s Boy Wonder!!!

We first enjoyed watching Josh Strickland on Holly Madison’s reality show Holly’s World on E! because he was so damn adorable. But then the episode aired introducing Josh to his birth mother and an entirely new appreciation for this young, talented man began. From deep within those tantalizing eyes tears flooded for a history he had yearned for all of his life. Even more endearing was his concern for his adoptive parents, who he truly considered his mom and dad. Not only was Josh the male lead in Holly Madison’s Las Vegas show Peepshow, as well as a cast member on her reality show Holly’s World, but he was also genuine, sincere and compassionate; traits not often found in our present state of reality show representation. Quite literally his humanitarian talents, combined with his growing singing career, having already been Tarzan on Broadway and on the 2nd season of American Idol, made him completely approachable yet mysteriously intriguing at the same time. In February his first single, Report to the Floor, was released and within one week found itself at the top of the iTunes dance chart. Definitely on the rise, we had to find out a little bit more about this boy wonder who could tearfully pull emotion from you one second while sensually stealing your heart the next.

1. Introduce us to Josh Strickland. Who are you behind all the glitz and glam?
I am me. I love just hanging out and having fun with friends and family.

2. You’re an actor, singer, Broadway star, Peepshow star. Do you have any other hidden talents?

I like to think I can dance.(Laughs)

3. Thanks to Holly’s World we have been able to connect with you and your story. How does it feel to watch those heart touching episodes and what is the message you’re wanting to send?
It was definitely hard to see but I really wanted to do this for myself and if someone connects, that’s awesome. I just wanted to share my story.

4. Is there anything you wish had been portrayed differently and how real is reality television?

It was tough at first but it got easier and fun.

5. Tell us two things about Holly that the world doesn’t already know?

She is the smartest and most giving person I have ever met.

6. If you could only listen to three CD’s for the rest of your life and they couldn’t be mixed, what would they be?

Adele 21, Mariah Carey Greatest Hits, Frank Sinatra Greatest Hits.

7. What are some things we don’t get to see that are typical when filming Holly’s World?

Me sleeping (laughs)and going to see movies.
8. Let’s play a game! Out of these three who would you Marry, Kill, Fuck?
Marry: Holly Madison
Kill: Hugh Hefner
Fuck: Carrot Top
Really? Well for one I wouldn’t kill any one so…Holly I would marry. Hef, well I think he would just die of natural causes and well I guess I would just have to mess around with Carrot Top. (laughs)

9. Of your co-stars in Holly’s World who are you closest with and why?

Holly. I think because I spend the most time with her, and we have a lot in common.

10. Your new single, Last Dance, just came out on iTunes. What is this song about?

About the end of the night and enjoying that last dance.

11. We just got married in Vegas in August. What are your recommendations for “must do” things in Vegas that most tourists don’t know about?
Well I would have to tell you to get Holly’s book “The Showgirl Next Door” because it has the BEST of the best.

12. What are three secrets about American Idol you wouldn’t know unless you were on the show?

Hmmm…I think it’s very producer driven. The songs are very limited to sing. It was the greatest experience.

13. Tell us about your role in Peepshow and what is your favorite part about it?
I am the male lead of the show. I sing pretty much throughout all the numbers and show Bo (Holly) through her sexual journey.

14. If you had your very own Vegas show, what would it be called and what would it be about?

I think it would just be a combination of a ton of songs past and present with a killer orchestra and dance.

15. How do you define sexy?
SEXY is confidence.

16. What is the sexiest city in the world? Sexiest hotel? Sexiest beach?
Sexiest city that I’ve visited is NYC. Sexiest Hotel is Gansevoort in NYC. Sexiest beach is pretty much any in Mexico but I want to go to Ibiza.

17. The It Gets Better Project is huge right now and you have a video on YouTube with Holly Madison. Why was it important for you to be part of this project and what message would you like to send out about bullying?
I was bullied as a kid and so it was important to be a part of something that sends a message to kids, that everyone may be different and everyone has their own opinions but to wish everyone nothing but the best, and positivity.

18. Are you in a relationship or single? How would you define your perfect half?
I’m taken. He makes me a better person and I love him with all of my heart and want us to marry someday.

19. What are three things we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

Self-conscious, Homebody, love electronics and cars.

20. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?

Hahahahaha. Briefs & jockstraps.

Thanks Buddy!
Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury.

For more information visit his website HERE!

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*Photographs courtesy of Joshua Strickland.

WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken, with a link to our original interview, and used without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.

Jackie Collins…Kicking Ass with Style!

Twenty-three years ago I became obsessed with Lucky Santangelo, and subsequently Jackie Collins, the internationally famous novelist who gave birth to the exotic, powerhouse, femme fatale who would fill the pages of at least seven bestselling novels. Sitting by the side of our pool, flipping through the first few pages of the novel Lucky, I was introduced to this amazing woman whose image would sinfully be burned into my memory. And although I broke out my original, dog-eared, water stained copy just for the occasion of this interview, as I flipped through the pages, the original description of Lucky came floating back to me as if she had never left my sight.

She was a strikingly beautiful woman of twenty-eight with an unruly mass of jet curls, black gypsy eyes, a wide sensual month, a deep suntan and a lean, looselimbed body. She wore soft, black, leather pants, a red, silk shirt casually unbuttoned to the limit, and a wide belt studded with silver. From her ears hung plain, silver hoops and on her right hand was a square-cut diamond of such size and brilliance that one would be forgiven for thinking it was not real. It was. No conventional beauty, she had a style and bearing all her own. Confidence wafted from her like the exotic scent she drenched herself with.

I wanted to be her. The fact that I was a 16 year old, young man didn’t matter; she exuded confidence, sexuality and power…everything I wanted to have and attain yet hid behind some frail image of a shy teenager not too sure of himself. Looking back I realize this is part of the mesmerizing hypnosis at the heart of Jackie Collins’ novels. Her characters are universally enticing; filled with all of the beauty, intrigue, sex, violence and vengeance anyone could desire.

In total she has written seven Lucky Santangelo novels and 27 novels in her complete collection of work. All have been on the New York Times Bestsellers list. Her books have sold over 400 million copies in 40 different countries. Her personal life reads like a strong, character line in one of her own novels, just as juicy and scintillating as the typewritten pages between the covers of her books.

This week she will release her latest Lucky Santangelo novel Goddess of Vengeance. Having spent the past weekend devouring this latest novel, not missing a word, I assure you…it is just a fine a read as I had twenty-three years ago first being introduced to Lucky Santangelo.

It felt entirely surreal to be editing the final touches of our interview with the woman who has exuded sensuality through the years and has penned herself into a history built on diamonds and intrigue. Yet as untouchable as she seemed, through her interview I found that she is much like Lucky Santagelo herself…mysterious yet present, glamorous yet personable, creative, artistic and seductive. An undeniably loveable and unforgettable character! Ms. Jackie Collins…

1. What are three things about Jackie Collins we wouldn’t know by looking at you?
I am a T.V. addict. A chocoholic. And I love putting together great music tracks.

2. You have a new book coming out soon. Tease us a little bit by giving us a glimpse into this new book.
Lucky is back in ‘Goddess of Vengeance’. Along with her sexy son, Bobby, and her wild teenage daughter Max. Then along comes a deadly enemy prepared to take everything from her. Family. Life. And Love.

3. Who are three authors you are addicted to reading?
Chelsea Handler. Mario Puzo. Elmore Leonard.

4. You have said that Lucky Santangelo is probably your most loved character. What do you think it is about her that is so loveable and where did you find her?
Lucky is the woman every woman aspires to be. She is beautiful, wild, smart, vulnerable on occasion, strong and sexy. She says and does everything women would love to be able to do and say. She is invincible!

5. What advice would you give to a young, aspiring writer who wants to be published and famous some day?

Keep on writing! Follow your dream and never stop. Then latch onto a reputable agent and believe in yourself.

6. How do you define sexy?
It’s all in the mind – not in the mini skirt or the top cut down to Cuba! You exude sex appeal if you truly feel it.

7. What do you believe is the sexiest city in the world?
Capri. Sexiest hotel? The Plaza Athenee in Paris. Sexiest club? Tramp in London. Sexiest designer? Valentino.

8. Do you have any secret celebrity crushes on anyone who, if you were going to write a fictional novel about your life, you would like to write in as a love interest?

Most of the guys I have already written about. Gino Santangelo. Jack Python. Kris Phoenix. Fancy them all!

9. You and your sister Joan are both extremely famous in your own right. When the cameras are gone and the doors are shut, are you two just regular sisters? What is something about your relationship that would surprise your fans?

That we get along really well, although we are totally different! Joan likes to do, I like to observe.

10. What is your favorite women’s perfume?
Angel by Thierry Mugler Men’s cologne? Natural Sweat. Cocktail? Lychee martini. Coffee? Irish. Type of Car? Ferrari. Magazine? Candy.

11. What are five specific items you can’t travel without?

Canon camera, iPhone, iPad, black boots, running shoes.

12. We tweeted you jokingly about writing an entire novel based around a group of powerful, gay men. If you were going to write this novel, dream up a central character and tell us what he would be like.
Devastatingly handsome. Powerful. Rich. Sexy. Well hung. With a great sense of humor and a one true love.

13. You have said you are a TiVo addict. What television shows do you TiVo?
Entourage. Hung. True Blood. Weeds. Vampire Diaries. The Big C. And quite a few crap reality shows which I call car crash T.V.!

14. We were recently married in Las Vegas and it is one of our favorite cities in the world. You have focused some of your stories in Las Vegas. What are three things you believe you absolutely must experience in Vegas? How about Los Angeles and New York?
Spa, and see all the shows. L.A. Venice. Palm Springs. Melrose. New York. Everything!!

15. Who is your favorite character you have brought to life? Who is your sexiest character? Who is your most dangerous character? Who is a character you have thought about going back and writing more books about?
Lucky. Lucky. Lucky!!

16. What is the secret to aging and still being sexy as hell?

Quote from Mark Twain. “Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.”

17. What are five luxuries you can’t live without?

Long hot baths. Great music on a fantastic sound system. Driving my Jaguar. Milk chocolate orange sticks from Teuscher chocolates. Soft pillows and cashmere blankets.

18. In an interview for myLifetime You defined your novel “Drop Dead Beautiful” as “sexy, sleek and strong, just like Lucky Santangelo.” If someone wanted to become sexy, sleek and strong, what advice would you give them?
Be confident and know how to kick ass with style! And walk tall.

19. The following questions are for Lucky Santangelo:
-Biggest Regret?
Not meeting Lennie earlier
-Proudest Moment? Opening the Magiriano hotel in Vegas
-Best Sex Partner? Lennie Golden
-Husband I loved the most? Lennie Golden
-If I could live my life over I wouldwish that my gay brother, Dario, had lived.

20. What is sexiest on a man; boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?

Great abs. A solid beach tan. And nothing at all except a killer smile!

Honorably we thank you, Jackie! We feel incredibly…Lucky!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless.  Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury!

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*Photographs Courtesy of Jackie Collins.

WARNING: We allow 100 words or less of content per interview to be taken, with a link to our original interview, and used without our authorization. Content larger than 100 words or copying our entire interview without our authorization to be used in ANY manner will result in our taking legal action per copyright infringement.

Playboy Golf Scramble Indianapolis Searches for Next Playboy Golf Girl

If you didn’t already know, Indianapolis has become quite the hub for Playboy enthusiasts and Playboy models. This weekend we will embark with the Playboy Golf Scramble Indianapolis, revamped for Indianapolis by Tawny and Jason Jenkins and Melissa and Jason Barth, who have done an amazing job organizing an outrageous event!

Thursday night from 8-10pm, Subterra will host the official Playboy Golf VIP party, a private party for sponsors and players of the 2011 Playboy Golf Scramble. We will be there, of course, interviewing two very special guests of this year’s scramble, Playboy Playmate May 2009 Crystal McCahill and Playboy Playmate January 2010 Jamie Edmonson. The official Playboy “hottest” photographer, Mandykae Blair will also be present photographing the event. If you’re still interested in registering a team contact Tawny Jenkins at 317-345-0415.

On Friday, August 19th, the Playboy Scramble Indianapolis will tee off at the Southern Dunes Golf Course on the Southside. Registration begins at 9:30am and a shotgun start will kick off the scramble at 11am. Foursomes are $1400 and individuals are $350. Winners will get to go to the Playboy Mansion in California!

And this…is where it gets interesting! Every hole has a different sponsor. Belvedere, Grand Marnier, Miller Light, Boomerang Bay, Jagermeister, Tom Wood Jaguar…and many more sponsors are representing at most holes with cocktails as well as numerous DJ’s, prizes and of course the Playboy Golf girls who will all be competing for a chance to go to the Playboy Mansion as well!

Each golfer will be given a gift bag worth approximately $250 including a jacket, shirt, hat, golf balls, towel, lunch and the awards ceremony immediately following. Tom Wood will be giving away a Jaguar. Indy’s top 5 DJ’s, DJ Gabby Love, Slater Hogan, Orion, Indiana Jones and Stewbot, will be playing throughout the event. The golfers will be voting on who will win as the Indianapolis Playboy Golf Girl and there will be a chance to meet and get autographs with the Playmates. Immediately after the scramble an awards dinner will be held at 8pm at Southern Dunes with an after-party at Tiki Bob’s on Meridian!

And here’s how the awards will be given at the ceremony:

*Out of 40 Playboy Golf contestants, the top 4 girls get invited to come out to the Playboy Mansion and compete for the Playboy Golf Girl of the Year as well as help conduct the Playboy Golf Finals in Southern California.

*The top 3 Golf Teams in the GROSS division will get an invitation to come out to LA and compete in the Playboy Golf Finals and attend the parties. They don’t get a paid trip but they get to be officially invited.

*The top 3 Golf Teams in the NET division will get an invitation to come out to LA and compete in the Playboy Golf finals and attend the parties as well. They don’t get a paid trip but they get officially invited.

And if you’re golfers…we hope you know the difference between NET and GROSS because we don’t. We like cash!

It’s not too late! Register now and be part of this amazing event, not to mention all of the prizes, free giveaways, liquor, sponsors and a chance to go to the mansion! And to the winner…Tell Hef we said hey buddy!

For more information, please contact Tawny Jenkins at 317-345-0415 or email her at (By the way, this is the same Tawny that helped plan our bachelor party which was hands down one of the best parties we have EVER attended! Seriously.) And for all of you guys that keep asking us how we know so many amazingly, gorgeous gals…well we attend events like these!

And make sure to stay tuned to raannt for our celebrity interviews. Coming up next: Josh Strickland of Holly Madison’s reality show Holly’s World!

And get your reading glasses on as the boys of raannt enter the world of literature by interviewing International Bestselling authors Jackie Collins, Ellen Hopkins and Charlaine Harris(whose books inspired Trueblood!).


Eyes open, we’re watching!

Ryan Nickulas: Glamourizing Social(ite) Equality with the Star of LOGO TV’s The A-List!

It doesn’t take long to get to know Ryan Nickulas. Sharp witted and direct, he’ll answer what you want to know and exactly how he wants you to hear it. Although it would seem that his direct answers to his place on “The A-List”, whether on television or in real life, should be a sign of arrogance it’s exactly the opposite. He knows his place and he’s earned it. He doesn’t pretend to be someone he’s not, which is refreshing in a time of label bureaucracy and a return to staunch phonyism. Ryan is as genuine and sincere as they come. And with him, it comes on strong. Truly…a loveable guy. As Season 2 of LOGO TV’s The A-List New York begins, he continues to remain a strong role model of gay, or straight, society. He is legally married to his partner, planning a family and building an an amazing career as a hair stylist and owner of Ryan Darius Salon. He has been featured in several national magazines as well as on The Wendy Williams Show and Rachel Ray. Possessing what he identifies as the five keys to the Camelot of Social(ite) Equality; Glamour, Power, Money, Respect and a Rolodex…it appears as if the world is at his fingertips!

1. Introduce us to Ryan Nickulas. Who are you and why should we know you?
I’m a husband, business owner, who loves Pugs and fierce Designer Murses (man purse) for more info … Google me.

2. Before the A-List New York you were best known for being a hair stylist. Tell us about your career before the A-List?
My style is classic beautiful hair. I have been featured in national magazines, on television, and worked with many celebrities. My favorite aspects of my career are the every day clients! I love my girls.

3. With the huge success of the A-List, how has your career as a stylist changed, positively and negatively?

Change is only positive!

4. Have you lost clients due to your presence on The A-List?

No Mam!
5. At the end of season one you left us with the news of you and your husband getting ready to adopt. What has occurred since you started the journey of parenthood?
Adopting????? No- we are going through the process of surrogacy. You will soon know everything.

6. We had the chance to interview your good friend and co-worker and cast-member TJ Kelly. For TJ, as well as the other cast members, give us one word that first comes to mind when you think of them.
TJ is funny, Derek is Tan, Austin is crazy, Reichen is Reichen, Rodiney is Happy, Mike is Auntie, and Nyasha is SPLADOW!

7. If you were going to endorse five specific items you use on an almost daily basis, what would they be?
When I get paid … I’ll endorse them

8. New York just passed the legalization of same sex marriages. Will you be legally getting married and what message do you want to send to the rest of America?
I am legally married in MA in 2007. NY it’s about time! To the rest of America Catch up!!

9. You and Desmond have pretty busy schedules. How do you guys find time to make your careers and relationship successful?
When you love someone and love what you do, it effortlessly works!

10. What is the sexiest city in the world?

11. What is the sexiest hotel in the world?
Four Seasons – George V in Paris

12. What is the sexiest club in the world?
Clubs are not sexy.

13. What is the sexy restaurant in the world?

The Red Inn in Ptown(Provincetown, MA)

14. What is the sexiest beach in the world?

Any beach in Ptown.

15. What is the sexiest place to kiss?

On any side walk! PDA is sexy!

16. Who are your top three, sexiest gay celebrities?

Will Smith, John Legend, Rick Fox

17. What are the top 5 qualities a good socialite must have?
Money,Power,Respect, Glamour, And a Rolodex.

18. Season 2 will be introducing us to a new cast member, Nyasha. What should we expect from her and does she qualify as a “Fag-Hag”? What do you think of that term?
No FAG hag honey. Our NyNy will serve you everything you want and more! She is what the show needed!

19. What defines the difference between the A-List and the D-List?

Jealousy and Envy

20. If you could have three specific wishes for your life in the next five years, what would you wish for?
Healthy babie(s), continued loving marriage and a limitless career.

21. Boxers, briefs, jockstraps…or nothing at all?
All the above! There is a time and place for everything.

Thanks Ryan!

Be Yourself.  Be Fearless. Be Your Own Unexpected Luxury.

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*Photographs courtesy of Ryan Nickulas.

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